Описание тега submatrix

A submatrix is a matrix formed by selecting a subset of the rows and columns of one larger matrix. Questions tagged [submatrix] deal with implementation issues regading accessing the relevant rows/columns of the larger matrix, relevant memory issues, etc.

A submatrix is a matrix formed by selecting a subset of the rows and columns of one larger matrix.

For example, let A be a matrix of size n-by-m

A = [ a00 a01 ...
      a10 a11 ...
      .       .
      .        .
      .         .
      an1 an2 ... anm ]

Then one can form a 2-by-3 sub-matrix by selecting rows 2 and 5, and columns 1,4 and 6.
The resulting sub-matrix is then

S = [ a21 a24 a26
      a51 a54 a56 ]

Questions tagged [submatrix] deal with implementation issues regading accessing the relevant rows/columns of the larger matrix, relevant memory issues, etc.