Описание тега staruml

StarUML is a free open-source Unified Modeling Language (UML) and Model Driven Architecture (MDA) tool. StarUML can be used to design software models and create their associated UML artifacts. StarUML has support for code generation from UML diagrams and also for creating UML diagrams from source code.

StarUML is a free, open source UML / MDA tool. It can be used for creating software models and UML diagrams. It also has support for code generation in several languages (C++, C#, Java) from UML models as well as "Reverse Engineering" support to take source code and create UML models and diagrams.

For more information on the UML, check out the UML Tag Wiki. The program can be downloaded from SourceForge, which also contains the User Documentation.

Questions related to use of the StarUML tool should include this tag, while general questions about software modeling and UML diagram usage should be tagged under "UML".