Описание тега sorl-thumbnail
Thumbnails for Django
Documentation: http://sorl-thumbnail.rtfd.org/
Code: https://github.com/mariocesar/sorl-thumbnail
User support: https://stackru.com/questions/tagged/sorl-thumbnail
Bugs and new features: https://github.com/mariocesar/sorl-thumbnail/issues
Features at a glance
- Support for Django 1.11, 2.2 and 3.0 following the Django supported versions policy
- Python 3 support
- Storage support
- Pluggable Engine support for Pillow, ImageMagick, PIL, Wand, pgmagick, and vipsthumbnail
- Pluggable Key Value Store support (cached db, redis, and dynamodb by AWS)
- Pluggable Backend support
- Admin integration with possibility to delete
- Dummy generation (placeholders)
- Flexible, simple syntax, generates no html
- ImageField for model that deletes thumbnails
- CSS style cropping options
- Back smart cropping, and remove borders from the images when cropping
- Margin calculation for vertical positioning
- Alternative resolutions versions of a thumbnail