Описание тега select

Select is a common keyword used to query data. 'select()' is also a programming function for triggering code based on file handle or other system activity. Do not use this tag for questions related to: HTML <select> tag (use [html-select]); language integrated query such as LINQ or similar, etc. The act of manipulating a string to perform some task. Some common examples are: removing whitespace, lower or upper casing all letters, finding a particular substring, etc. Most language frameworks provide a suite of string manipulation functions. Corona is a software development kit created by Walter Luh, co-founder of Ansca Mobile (Now known as Corona Labs Inc). It allows software programmers to build mobile applications for the iPhone, iPad, and Android devices and Kindle Fire. Corona lets developers use integrated Lua, layered on top of C++/OpenGL, to build graphically rich applications that are also lightweight in size and quick in development time. The SDK does not charge per-app royalty or impose any branding requirement, apart from a payment of $99 per year to remove a splash screen, and has a subscription-based purchase model that allows new features to be rolled out immediately to users. For example $199 per year for an Admob plugin. Corona is moving to an open source model. Major features The SDK exposes features such as audio and graphics, cryptography, networking, as well as device information such as accelerometer information, GPS, and user input. Why use Corona? Easy to learn Publish to major platforms Windows and macOS support Build apps for Apple TV and Android TV too! Real-time testing Built in-monetization Latest SDK Build Build 2020.3577 Documentations SDK APIs Native APIs Plugins Guides Tutorial References Share Your Code Vast compilation of shared code from the Corona SDK Community Forums Community forums Supporting Platforms iOS tvOS macOS Android (including Android TV) Kindle Windows x86 HTML5 Popular IDEs Visual Studio Code Atom Sublime text Corona Project Manager ZeroBrane Studio IndeED Corona is a mobile development framework for creating high-performance, multimedia-rich applications, games, eBooks etc. for Windows, macOS, Apple (iPhone, iPad,...), Android devices and HTML5. ICC is Intel's C++ compiler, actually a group of C/C++ compilers that are available for Windows, Linux, and MacOS. tipfy is a small but powerful framework made specifically for Google App Engine. It is a lot like webapp but offers a bunch of features and goodies that webapp misses: i18n, sessions, own authentication, flash messages and more. Everything in a modular, lightweight way, tuned for App Engine. You use only what you need, when you need. tipfy is a small but powerful framework made specifically for Google App Engine. Multi-stage programming languages internalize the notions of runtime program generation and execution. What's jOOQ? jOOQ stands for JOOQ Object Oriented Querying. It combines these essential features: Code Generation: jOOQ generates a simple Java representation of your database schema. Every table, view, stored procedure, enum, and UDT is a class. Active records: jOOQ implements an easy-to-use active record pattern. It is not an OR-mapper, but provides a 1:1 mapping between tables/views and classes, between columns and members. Typesafe SQL: jOOQ allows for writing compile-time typesafe querying using its built-in DSL. SQL standard: jOOQ supports all standard SQL language features including the more complex UNIONs, nested SELECTs, joins, and aliasing. Vendor-specific feature support: jOOQ encourages the use of vendor-specific extensions such as stored procedures, UDTs, ARRAYs, and many more. How does jOOQ help you? Your database always comes FIRST! That's where the real schema is, not in Java code or some XML mapping file with syntax you're not familiar with. You keep your code DRY. You won't suffer from the Object-Relational impedance mismatch. You won't have syntax errors in your query. You won't forget to bind variables correctly. No SQL injection, either. You don't need to know your database schema by heart when you develop. The schema is generated in Java. You can use auto-completion in your IDE! You don't need to create value objects for your data. Use the generated artifacts instead. You have automatic type mapping between SQL data types and Java types. You change something in the database? Your Java code won't compile. You don't need to wait until runtime to notice. You can forget about JDBC (especially useful when dealing with UDTs, ARRAYs and stored procedures). You can port your SQL to a new database. jOOQ will generate SQL that works on any database. When to use jOOQ jOOQ is not an OR-mapper. jOOQ is low-level relational persistence abstraction. In principle, you could even write an OR-mapper on top of jOOQ. If you're aware of this, you can benefit most from jOOQ... When you love your RDBMS of choice, including all its vendor-specific features. When you love control over your code. When you love the relational data model (read this interesting article). When you love SQL. When you love stored procedures. See the examples for yourself. You'll be convinced in no time!:-) When not to use jOOQ On the other hand, many people like the ease of use of Hibernate or other products, when it comes to simply persisting any domain model in any database. You should not use jOOQ... When you don't care about your database (or "persistence" as it is called). When you don't really need SQL. When you want to map your object-oriented domain model to a database and not vice versa. When you need to write DDL statements. jOOQ only supports DML statements. What databases are supported Every RDMBS out there has its own little specialties. We consider those specialties as much as possible, while trying to standardise the behaviour in jOOQ. In order to increase the quality of jOOQ, we run unit tests for syntax and variable binding verification, as well as integration tests for any of these databases: Access Aurora for MySQL Aurora for PostgreSQL Azure SQL Database Azure SQL Data Warehouse CUBRID DB2 Derby Firebird H2 HSQLDB Informix Ingres MariaDB MySQL Oracle PostgreSQL Redshift SQLite SQL Server Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise Sybase SQL Anywhere Teradata Vertica Similar products When you consider jOOQ for your project, you might also have considered any of these similar products: Querydsl: Focusing on the DSL and abstracting "backend integrations", such as SQL, JPA, collections, etc. The "complete LINQ of Java". JaQu: Writing SQL statements using actual Java expressions And with database tools, such as ActiveJDBC: A simple mapping tool implementing ActiveRecords in a Ruby-like way And with OR-mapping tools, such as Hibernate: The mother of all inspiration to Java persistence JPA: The Java EE standard License jOOQ is dual-licensed under the Apache Software License 2.0 and commercially licensed. jOOQ stands for JOOQ Object Oriented Querying. jOOQ effectively combines complex SQL, typesafety, source code generation, active records, stored procedures, advanced data types, and Java in a fluent, intuitive DSL. The AutoCompleteExtender is part of the AJAX Control Toolkit for ASP.NET Demo presentation here AutoComplete is an ASP.NET AJAX extender that can be attached to any TextBox control, and will associate that control with a popup panel to display words that begin with the prefix typed into the TextBox. The AutoCompleteExtender is part of the AJAX Control Toolkit for ASP.net The CollapsiblePanelExtender is part of the AJAX Control Toolkit for ASP.net The official Sample is here And the official tutorial is here The CollapsiblePanel is a very flexible extender that allows you to easily add collapsible sections to your web page. This extender targets any ASP.NET Panel control. The page developer specifies which control(s) on the page should be the open/close controller for the panel, or the panel can be set to automatically expand and/or collapse when the mouse cursor moves in or out of it, respectively. The CollapsiblePanelExtender is part of the AJAX Control Toolkit for ASP.net The PopupExtender is part of the AJAX Control Toolkit for ASP.net PopupControl is an ASP.NET AJAX extender that can be attached to any control in order to open a popup window that displays additional content. This popup window will probably be interactive and will probably be within an ASP.NET AJAX UpdatePanel, so it will be able to perform complex server-based processing (including postbacks) without affecting the rest of the page. The popup window can contain any content, including ASP.NET server controls, HTML elements, etc. Once the work of the popup window is done, a simple server-side call dismisses it and triggers any relevant script on the client to run and update the page dynamically. Demo page The PopupExtender is part of the AJAX Control Toolkit for ASP.net The AnimationExtender is part of the AJAX Control Toolkit for ASP.net The official Sample is here And the official tutorial is here The AnimationExtender is a simple extender that allows you to utilize the powerful animation framework with existing pages in an easy, declarative fashion. It plays animations whenever a specific event like OnLoad, OnClick, OnMouseOver, or OnMouseOut is raised by the target control The AnimationExtender is part of the AJAX Control Toolkit for ASP.net appengine-magic is a library written by Constantine Vetoshev to allow easy development in clojure on the Google App Engine A REPL (Read-Eval-Print Loop) is an interactive interpreter to a programming language. It originated with LISP systems, but many other languages (Python, Ruby, Haskell, Tcl, etc.) use REPL's to manage interactive sessions. They allow for simple experimentation with a language by bypassing the compile stage of the "code -> compile -> execute" cycle. There are 4 components to a REPL (named in LISP notation): A function, which reads input from the keyboard An function, which evaluates code passed to it A function, which formats and displays results A function, which runs the three previous commands until termination A REPL (Read-Eval-Print Loop) is the most common model for an interactive interpreter - it Reads input, Evaluates it, Prints it, and Loops back to the beginning. Synonym of web-scraping: Let's [scrape] these tags off the bottom of our shoe Synonym of [web-scraping] EGit is an eclipse plugin for the git version control system built on top of jgit, the Java implementation of Git. EGit Website JGit Website Egit Icons Egit Userguide Egit Installation For questions about the EGit Eclipse plugin for the Git version control system. in jquery is an iterator function which can iterate over both arrays and objects. Arrays are iterated by their numeric index. Objects are iterated by named properties. An example of usage will look like this: this will produce two messages: Official documentation is availible here..each in JQuery is an iterator function which can iterate over both arrays and objects. In most computer programming languages, a while loop is a control flow statement that allows code to be executed repeatedly based on a given boolean condition. The while loop can be thought of as a repeating if statement. The while construct consists of a block of code and a condition. The condition is evaluated, and if the condition is true, the code within the block is executed. This repeats until the condition becomes false. Because the while loop checks the condition before the block is executed, the control structure is often also known as a pre-test loop. Compare this with the do-while loop, which tests the condition after the loop has executed. The syntax for the while loop for many computer languages is as follows: (excerpted from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/While_loop, with minor changes) There are several types of different while loops in modern computing. One of these loops is called a sentinel loop. This loop will run until a "sentinel" value is hit. An example follows in pseudo code (this example is a simple accumulator): See also: loops, foreach, for-loop, and do-while. A while loop is a control structure used in many programming languages to continuously execute a set of instructions as long as a particular condition is met. Link to wolfram: The set of terms of first-order logic (also known as first-order predicate calculus) is defined by the following rules: A variable is a term. If f is an n-place function symbol (with n>=0) and t_1,..., t_n are terms, then f(t_1,...,t_n) is a term. First-order logic is a formal logical system used in mathematics, philosophy, linguistics, and computer science..htpasswd is a flat-file used to store usernames and passwords for basic authentication on Apache HTTP Servers. The name of the file is given in the.htaccess configuration, and can be anything, but ".htpasswd" is the canonical name. The file name starts with a dot, because most Unix-like operating systems consider any file that begins with dot to be hidden. This file is often maintained with the shell command which can add, delete, and update users, and will properly encode the passwords for use (so they are easily checked, but cannot be reversed back to the original password). The file consists of rows. Each row corresponds to a username and hashed password pair, separated with the colon. For example: The hashed password is typically "UNIX crypt" style, encrypted in either MD5 or SHA1 as common alternatives. Additional users can be added by using the shell command or by appending new lines to the file. For example: Resources available on the Apache HTTP server can be restricted to users listed in the files created by htpasswd. See also htpasswd Shell command Apache HTTP Server.htaccess Configuration file Rewrite engine.htpasswd is a flat-file used to store usernames and password for basic authentication of Apache HTTP Server. A JFrame is a component and top-level container of the JFC/Swing framework. A JFrame is a Frame element in Java Swing but is slightly incompatible with Frame. It is normally the outermost component, has a Frame and a title, and is usually filled with menu and JPanel(s) which contain(s) further components. JFrame is heavyweight, since it's based on creating a "heavyweight" AWT window. Lightweight components can replace internal widgets with java-based implementation that doesn't require the use of JNI (Java Native Interface), but windows are the special case. JFrame does let you do custom rendering, via it's heavy window. Also, if you're using other lightweight stuff, all of them will be added to the. Using JFrame makes the rendering more efficient overall than mixing light and heavy components. JFrame itself is a top-level container and contains a JRootPane as its only child. The content pane provided by the root pane should, as a rule, contain all the non-menu components displayed by the JFrame. This is different from the AWT Frame case. JFrame contains several layers. The main layer where all Swing components are added is the content pane: As a convenience, the add method and its variants, remove and setLayout have been overridden to forward to the contentPane as necessary. This means you can write and the will be added to the contentPane. If you are adding components just to the JFrame itself, you are actually adding them to the content pane (same about removal, etc). On the top of it, there is glass pane component (it is not a container). It is painted on the top of all components in the content pane. It is invisible by default you need to call to show it: The size and location of JFrame are specified in screen coordinates. Reference: Class JFrame A JFrame is a component and top-level container of the JFC/Swing framework. Some programming languages, like D and C++ since with the C++11 standard, support templates that take a variable number of parameters. Variadic templates are useful in a number of situations, for example, defining type-safe heterogeneous containers such as tuples and expanded metaprogramming library facilities. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Variadic_templates Variadic templates are templates that take a variable number of parameters. This tag is deprecated! Please use a more specific tag instead (such as delete-file, directory, sql-delete, http-delete, delete-operator or memory-management). For more information, see What have we [deleted]?. DO NOT USE: Too broad and ambiguous. An error that is generated during the compilation phase, often due to problems with invalid syntax and/or types. Compare to [runtime-error]. Part of the Zend Framework, Zend Search Lucene allows the creation and searching of full text indexes in PHP. This goes above and beyond the full text search offered by MySQL. Although Zend Search Lucene is part of the Zend Framework, it can also be used as a standalone library in other projects or with alternative frameworks such as Symfony. Zend Search Lucene is a PHP library for creating and searching full text indexes using the Lucene index format. Mathematical Markup Language (MathML) is an application of XML for describing mathematical notations and capturing both its structure and content. MathML deals not only with the presentation but also the meaning of formula components. Because the meaning of the equation is preserved separate from the presentation, how the content is communicated can be left up to the user. "Presentation MathML" focuses on the display of an equation. "Content MathML" focuses on the semantic meaning of the expression. Inline MathML is also supported in HTML5 files in the upcoming versions of WebKit (Safari, Chrome), Gecko (Firefox) and Presto (Opera). Useful references: Wiki page An application of XML for describing mathematical notation and mathematical content An electronic book (also e-book, ebook, digital book) is a text and image-based publication in digital form produced on, published by, and readable on computers or other digital devices.Sometimes the equivalent of a conventional printed book, e-books can also be born digital. The Oxford Dictionary of English defines the e-book as "an electronic version of a printed book,"but e-books can and do exist without any printed equivalent. E-books are usually read on dedicated hardware devices known as e-Readers or e-book devices. Personal computers and some cell phones can also be used to read e-books. If you are using this tag your question is probably off topic. This tag is specifically for questions relating to the IBM WebSphere Application Server. Also see the websphere-liberty tag for questions specific to the Liberty Profile. Developer download links WebSphere Application Server 8.5 WebSphere Application Server 8.0 Knowledge Center / InfoCenter links WebSphere Application Server Liberty WebSphere Application Server 9.0 WebSphere Application Server 8.5 (Liberty Profile) WebSphere Application Server 8.0 WebSphere Application Server 7.0 WebSphere Application Server 6.1 WebSphere Application Server (older releases) Forum links WebSphere Application Server WebSphere Application Server Liberty Profile WASdev Community Fix list and fix pack downloads Recommended fixes for WebSphere Application Server WebSphere Application Server 8.5 WebSphere Application Server 8.0 WebSphere Application Server 7.0 WebSphere Application Server 6.1 Free Websphere Books (IBM Redbooks) Getting started with WebSphere Community Edition (PDF) WebSphere Application Server for Developers V7 WebSphere Application Server Liberty Profile Guide for Developers WebSphere Application Server V8.5 Administration and Configuration Guide for the Full Profile WebSphere Application Server V8.5 Administration and Configuration Guide for Liberty Profile WebSphere Application Server V8: Administration and Configuration Guide Other WebSphere RFE Community IBM WebSphere Application Server, a software application server, is the flagship product within IBM's WebSphere brand. WebSphere Application Server is built using open standards such as Java EE, XML, and Web Services. Processing is an open source programming language based on Java and environment for people who want to create images, animations, and interactions. There is also an JavaScript implementation of Processing using the same syntax as the Java version. Simulated annealing (SA) is a generic probabilistic metaheuristic for the global optimization problem of locating a good approximation to the global optimum of a given function in a large search space. It is often used when the search space is discrete (e.g., all tours that visit a given set of cities). For certain problems, simulated annealing may be more efficient than exhaustive enumeration — provided that the goal is merely to find an acceptably good solution in a fixed amount of time, rather than the best possible solution. The name and inspiration come from annealing in metallurgy, a technique involving heating and controlled cooling of a material to increase the size of its crystals and reduce their defects, both are attributes of the material that depend on its thermodynamic free energy. Heating and cooling the material affects both the temperature and the thermodynamic free energy. While the same amount of cooling brings the same amount of decrease in temperature it will bring a bigger or smaller decrease in the thermodynamic free energy depending on the rate that it occurs, with a slower rate producing a bigger decrease. This notion of slow cooling is implemented in the Simulated Annealing algorithm as a slow decrease in the probability of accepting worse solutions as it explores the solution space. Accepting worse solutions is a fundamental property of metaheuristics because it allows for a more extensive search for the optimal solution. The method was independently described by Scott Kirkpatrick, C. Daniel Gelatt and Mario P. Vecchi in 1983, and by Vlado Černý in 1985. The method is an adaptation of the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm, a Monte Carlo method to generate sample states of a thermodynamic system, invented by M.N. Rosenbluth and published in a paper by N. Metropolis et al. in 1953. Source: Wikipedia (Simulated annealing) Simulated annealing (SA) is a generic probabilistic metaheuristic for the global optimization problem of locating a good approximation to the global optimum of a given function in a large search space. PCRE is an initialism for Perl Compatible Regular Expressions. It is both name of a regex flavor and the library that implements it and makes it available for use by other programs (e.g. apache, php). Despite being designed with compatibility in mind, pcre are not 100% compatible with perl regular expressions (perlre). PCRE passes many of Perl’s regression tests, though. Comparison can be found in community-authored article on Wikipedia, as suggested by PCRE homepage. Since POSIX regex deprecation in PHP 5.3, PCRE is PHP’s only supported regex engine. References Apache uses PCRE Perl Compatible Regular Expressions(PCRE) was initially developed as a regex engine for PERL, but grew into a library that many other languages (like PHP and Apache) use for their regex. Use with the [regex] tag and any appropriate language tags. Script.aculo.us is a set of JavaScript libraries built on top of the Prototype framework. Script.aculo.us offers an animation framework, drag & drop, Ajax control, DOM utilities and unit testing. It's being superseded by scripty2, which at the time of this writing is still in beta test. Useful links Official website Github repository Related tags protoypejs ajax scripty2 Script.aculo.us is a set of JavaScript libraries built on top of the Prototype framework dpHibernate is an open source custom Flex Library and a custom BlazeDS Hibernate adapter that work together to give you support for lazy loading of hibernate objects from inside your flex applications. dpHibernate offers the following features: Lazy Loading of Hibernate entities Efficient client-side fetch strategies Lightweight client-side entity persistence framework Java Annotations for fine grained control over lazy loading behaviour (,,) Visit the website for full details. dpHibernate is a custom Flex Library and a custom BlazeDS Hibernate adapter that work together to give you support for lazy loading of hibernate objects from inside your flex applications. Mule is a lightweight Java-based enterprise service bus (ESB) and integration platform that allows developers to connect applications together quickly and easily, enabling them to exchange data. Mule enables easy integration of existing systems, regardless of the different technologies that the applications use, including JMS, Web Services, JDBC, HTTP, and more. The key advantage of an ESB is that it allows different applications to communicate with each other by acting as a transit system for carrying data between applications within your enterprise or across the Internet. In addition it supports API driven development by offering full support and integration of RAML modelling language. Mule main capabilities includes: Service creation and hosting — expose and host reusable services, using Mule as a lightweight service container Service mediation — shield services from message formats and protocols, separate business logic from messaging, and enable location-independent service calls Message routing — route, filter, aggregate, and re-sequence messages based on content and rules Data transformation — exchange data across varying formats and transport protocols Mule is a lightweight Java-based enterprise service bus (ESB) and integration platform that allows developers to connect applications together quickly and easily, enabling them to exchange data. Mule enables easy integration of existing systems, regardless of the different technologies that the applications use, including JMS, Web Services, JDBC, HTTP, and more. An enterprise service bus (ESB) is software infrastructure that enables service-oriented architecture (SOA) by acting as an intermediary layer of middleware through which a set of reusable business services are made widely available. An ESB is a message oriented middleware (MOM) plus additional services, one of which could be a Message Broker. So an ESB can include a Message Broker as one of it's components. A Bus consists of more than one processes, otherwise I wouldn't call it a 'bus'. The nature of a bus is that there are multiple components serving different tasks, each one communicating over a MOM and adhering to some form of 'common data format'. A bus would consist of: applications sending data to the MOM, database adapters, Message Brokers, MOM bridges, etc. The Enterprise Service Bus provides one of the keys to helping you achieve the goals of a service oriented architecture. It provides a flexible connectivity infrastructure for integrating applications and services, enabling composite applications to be built as a loose coupling of independent services. It is at the heart of your service oriented architecture, reducing the number, size, and complexity of interfaces and connections that must be defined and maintained. There are four primary functions provided by an enterprise service bus: Its first responsibility is the ROUTING of messages. Rather than the service requestor calling directly to the service provider, the requestor sends the request to the ESB, and the ESB then is responsible for making the call on the service provider. Secondly, it is responsible for CONVERTING transport protocols. If the service requestor called directly to the service provider, they would need to use the same transport protocol. The ESB enables the service requestor to use one transport protocol while the service provider uses another. Thirdly, it is responsible for TRANSFORMING message formats. By eliminating the direct call from the service requestor to the service provider the ESB is capable of modifying the message so that the interfaces used by the requestor and provider do not have to be identical. Lastly, the ESB is capable of HANDLING business events from disparate sources. Therefore, the same service provider responsible for performing some particular business function can be indirectly invoked from a variety of application contexts. Resources: What is an ESB and what is it good for? * Difference between a Message Broker and an ESB * ESB entry in Wikipedia What Is an ESB, and Do You Really Need One? Just what is an ESB, anyway? Commercial and Open Source ESB ***** stackru questions Some ESB tags in StackOverFlow: alsb osb mule oracle-service-bus websphere-esb ibm-datapower An enterprise service bus (ESB) is a software architecture construct which provides fundamental services for complex architectures via an event-driven and standards-based messaging engine (the bus). Developers typically implement an ESB using technologies found in a category of middleware infrastructure products, usually based on recognized standards. Definition: The Java Message Service (JMS) API is a Java message-oriented middleware (MOM) API for sending messages between two or more clients. JMS is a part of the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition, and is defined by a specification developed under the Java Community Process as JSR 914.1 It is a messaging standard that allows application components based on the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition (Java EE) to create, send, receive, and read messages. It allows the communication between different components of a distributed application to be loosely coupled, reliable, and asynchronous.2 References: Wikipedia's JMS entry Oracle's JMS overview Resources: Oracle's JMS tutorial JMS Vendors JBoss Messaging Weblogic JMS IBM WebSphere MQ Active MQ Amazon SQS The Java Message Service (JMS) API is a Java Message Oriented Middleware (MOM) API for sending messages between two or more clients. JMS is a part of the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition, and is defined by a specification developed under the Java Community Process. Parsec is an industrial strength, monadic parser combinator library for Haskell. Parsec lets you construct parsers by combining higher-order Combinators to create larger expressions. Combinator parsers are written and used within the same programming language as the rest of the program. The parsers are first-class citizens of the language, unlike Happy parsers, which must be generated via a preprocessor. More information about Parsec, including usage examples, can be found on the Parsec website. Parsec is an industrial-strength, monadic parser combinator library for Haskell. The functions getUserIpAddr() and getRealIpAddr() are not reliable! The only reliable IP is from Otherwise anyone could fake his IP address by sending the CLIENT_IP header for example. This Firefox Addon can help you send custom headers. Sending the CLIENT_IP=x.x.x.x header to a server running any of the functions on this page, would mean that clients can choose any IP they want... OpenLDAP is an open source implementation of the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol. The suite includes: slapd - stand-alone LDAP daemon (server) libraries implementing the LDAP protocol, and utilities, tools, and sample clients. Resources: OpenLDAP home page Wikipedia page about OpenLDAP OpenLDAP is an open source implementation of the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP). The Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI) is a Java API for a directory service that allows Java software clients to discover and look up data and objects via a name. Like all Java APIs that interface with host systems, JNDI is independent of the underlying implementation. Additionally, it specifies a service provider interface (SPI) that allows directory service implementations to be plugged into the framework. It may make use of a server, a flat file, or a database; the choice is up to the vendor. For additional info check: Oracle's JNDI Page Wikipedia's JNDI Page The Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI) is a Java API for a directory service that allows Java software clients to discover and look up data and objects via a name. Scrum is facilitated by a ScrumMaster, also written as Scrum Master, who is accountable for removing impediments to the ability of the team to deliver the sprint goal/deliverables. The ScrumMaster is not the team leader but acts as a buffer between the team and any distracting influences. The ScrumMaster ensures that the Scrum process is used as intended. The ScrumMaster is the enforcer of rules. A key part of the ScrumMaster’s role is to protect the team and keep them focused on the tasks at hand. The role has also been referred to as servant-leader to reinforce these dual perspectives. PLEASE DO NOT USE THIS TAG. Methodology and project management questions should be asked on either Project Management SE or Software Engineering SE. Open source software is software distributed under an open source license. Such a license specifically allows anyone to copy, modify, extend and redistribute the source code without paying royalties or fees to the original authors. Many open source licenses require that the source code is released for software that includes (modified) portions of the original open source software. Only use this tag if your question relates to these issues in some way; it shouldn't be simply "this question is for an open source project." There are dozens of open source licenses, the most well known of which is the GNU General Public License, or GPL. To determine whether a particular license should be considered an Open Source License, the Open Source Initiative has created an Open Source Definition. Open source software often, but not always, evolves through community cooperation. These communities are composed of individual programmers as well as (large) companies. Open source software is considered to be free software, as anyone is free to do almost anything with it. However, open source does not imply that the software is free as in free beer. Companies and individuals are allowed to charge for the software. The code is not open source if it is only provided for reviewing, without the right to modify it and share the modified versions also for commercial use. QUESTIONS ABOUT LICENSING ARE OFF-TOPIC. You may ask questions about open source licensing on https://opensource.stackexchange.com. This tag is for asking about writing programs that interact with open source software. Computer science (also called computing science, and often abbreviated CS) is the study of the theoretical foundations of information and computation and of practical techniques for their implementation and application in computer systems. Computer scientists invent algorithmic processes that create, describe, and transform information and formulate suitable abstractions to model complex systems. As a discipline, computer science spans a range of topics from theoretical studies of algorithms and the limits of computation to the practical issues of implementing computing systems in hardware and software. While some computer science questions are on-topic for stackru, many of the more theoretical questions or questions that do not apply to programming are off-topic. You can ask these types of questions on the Computer Science Stack Exchange. Computer science (CS) is the science behind programming. It is the study of the theoretical foundations of information and computation and of practical techniques for their implementation and application in computer systems. could refer to a style value in CSS for the property, a selector in jQuery, a possible value for the attribute of to an or an attribute. For files, use hidden-files. See: CSS/Properties/visibility Selector HTML attribute HTML5 Attribute Hidden could refer to a style value in CSS for the visibility property, a selector in jQuery, a possible value for the type attribute of an input or to an `HTML5` attribute. NOTE - Licensing is no longer a valid topic for stackru. If you have licensing questions, please ask them on OpenSource.SE (which has its own LGPL tag). Legal questions may be asked on Law.SE The [GNU Lesser General Public License][1] (formerly the GNU Library General Public License) or LGPL is a free software license published by the Free Software Foundation (FSF). It was designed as a compromise between the strong-copyleft GNU General Public License or GPL and permissive licenses such as the BSD licenses and the MIT License. The LGPL is primarily used for software libraries, although it is also used by some stand-alone applications, most notably Mozilla and OpenOffice.org and sometimes media as well. DO NOT USE! LICENSING / LEGAL ADVICE IS OFF TOPIC -- LGPL questions should be asked on opensource.stackexchange.com - The GNU Lesser General Public License is a weak copyleft free software license and is the second most popular open source license. It is generally designed for and used by software libraries. DO NOT USE, LICENSING / LEGAL ADVICE IS OFF TOPIC. The MIT License is a free software license originating at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). It is a permissive license, meaning that it permits reuse within proprietary software on the condition that the license is distributed with that software. The license is also GPL-compatible, meaning that the GPL permits combination and redistribution with software that uses the MIT License. **DO NOT USE, LICENSING / LEGAL ADVICE IS OFF TOPIC.** The MIT License is a free software license originating at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Ms-PL means Microsoft Public License. This is the least restrictive of the Microsoft licenses and allows for distribution of compiled code for either commercial or non-commercial purposes under any license that complies with the Ms-PL. Redistribution of the source code itself is permitted only under the Ms-PL. According to the Free Software Foundation, it is a free software license. However, it is not compatible with the GNU GPL. **DO NOT USE, LICENSING / LEGAL ADVICE IS OFF TOPIC.** Questions related to the MS-PL (Microsoft Public License) BSD licenses are a family of permissive free software licenses. The original license was used for the Berkeley Software Distribution (BSD), a Unix-like operating system after which it is named. The licenses have fewer restrictions on distribution compared to other free software licenses such as the GNU General Public License or even the default restrictions provided by copyright, putting works licensed under them relatively closer to the public domain. Resources: Wikipedia's page about BSD licences **DO NOT USE, LICENSING / LEGAL ADVICE IS OFF TOPIC.** BSD licenses are a family of permissive free software licenses. The original license was used for the Berkeley Software Distribution (BSD), a Unix-like operating system after which it is named. Green Hills Software is a company which makes tools and operating systems for embedded platforms. Their flagship products include: the Multi compiler/debugger suite the Integrity real-time OS the µ-velOSity real-time microkernel hardware debugging probes Green Hills Software is a company which makes tools and operating systems for embedded platforms. The Debian Project The Debian Project is a project aimed at providing a complete, all-purpose operating system with free open source software. The term 'Debian' is used for the Linux distribution rather then the project. In its most common form the operating system uses a Linux kernel and is packed with GNU tools (officially naming it "Debian GNU/Linux"). The name Debian comes from the names Debra and Ian Murdock (founder and his wife) (1). Debian is known for its strict adherence to free software (2), its dependency resolving package manager (DPKG, APT), its stability (there are however releases available with more bleeding-edge software) and ability to run on lots of types of hardware. It has many derivatives (2) including the the very popular Ubuntu (ubuntu). What should and should not be asked here Since Debian generally uses the Linux kernel and software also available for other Linux distributions there is a lot of common ground between these topics. The -tag should be used for questions about Creating packages in the deb format Development on Debian using operating system API's or Debian specific features For other questions there are more relevant tags, either more general or more specific: Developing on a Debian PC (use a tag for the programming languages or tools you're using instead) Using the command line (use shell or, preferably, the actual used shell like bash or sh) Configuration and administration questions should be asked on Serverfault Questions about using Debian or some of its tools fit better on Superuser or Unix & Linux Learn more The Debian Reference (main documentation) The Debian FAQ The Installation Guide Index of releases The next release of Debian is codenamed buster — no release date has been set Debian 9 (stretch) — current stable release Debian 8 (jessie) — obsolete stable release Debian 7 (wheezy) — obsolete stable release Debian 6.0 (squeeze) — obsolete stable release Debian GNU/Linux 5.0 (lenny) — obsolete stable release Debian GNU/Linux 4.0 (etch) — obsolete stable release Debian GNU/Linux 3.1 (sarge) — obsolete stable release Debian GNU/Linux 3.0 (woody) — obsolete stable release Debian GNU/Linux 2.2 (potato) — obsolete stable release Debian GNU/Linux 2.1 (slink) — obsolete stable release Debian GNU/Linux 2.0 (hamm) — obsolete stable release Note: Questions MUST be programming related. Use this tag only if your question relates to development on Debian using operating system API's or Debian-specific features, or to creating packages in the deb format. Many projects support interaction with a relational database. Creating a new connection for each user can be time consuming (often requiring multiple seconds of clock time), in order to perform a database transaction that might take milliseconds. Opening a connection per user can be unfeasible in a publicly-hosted Internet application where the number of simultaneous users can be very large. Accordingly, developers often wish to share a "pool" of open connections between all of the application's current users. The number of users actually performing a request at any given time is usually a very small percentage of the total number of active users, and during request processing is the only time that a database connection is required. The application itself logs into the DBMS, and handles any user account issues internally. Apache-commons-dbcp coordinates the efforts required to create and maintain an efficient, feature-rich Database Connection Pool package under the ASF. Apache-commons-dbcp provides an efficient implementation of the Database Connection Pool under the Apache license. Description Connection pools are used to enhance the performance of executing commands on a database or other server. Opening and maintaining a connection for each user especially requests made to a dynamic database-driven website application, is costly and wastes resources. In connection pooling, after a connection is created, it is placed in the pool and it is used over again so that a new connection does not have to be established. If all the connections are being used, a new connection is made and is added to the pool. Connection pooling also cuts down on the amount of time a user must wait to establish a connection to the resource. Connection Pool libraries Java HikariCP It is considered as one of the best libraries for connection pooling. Play 2.4 Framework uses HikariCP by default. Website, GitHub. BoneCP It beats older connection pools such as C3P0 and DBCP but should now be considered deprecated in favour of HikariCP. Website, GitHub Apache Commons DBCP Website. C3P0 Website, GitHub In software engineering, a connection pool is a cache of connections maintained so that the connections can be reused when future requests to the resource are required. The first C standard was released 1989 nationally in USA, by their national standard institute ANSI. This release is called C89 or ANSI-C. One year later, the American standard was accepted internationally and published by ISO (ISO 9899:1990). This release is called C90. Technically, it is the same standard as C89/ANSI-C, though formally, C90 replaced C89/ANSI-C, making them obsolete. Always use the c tag for all your C questions, then complement it with the c89 tag for questions that are specific to this version of the standard. This tag is for questions regarding the international standard ISO 9899:1990, also known as "C89", "C90" or "ANSI C", with amendments and technical corrigenda (as opposed to K&R C, C99, C11 or later C standard revisions). Apache Hadoop Wiki HDFS HDFS is the primary distributed storage used by Hadoop applications. A HDFS cluster primarily consists of a NameNode that manages the file system metadata and DataNodes that store the actual data. Clients contact NameNode for file metadata or file modifications and perform actual file I/O directly with the DataNodes. The following are some of the salient features that could be of interest to many users. Hadoop, including HDFS, is well suited for distributed storage and distributed processing using commodity hardware. It is fault tolerant, scalable, and extremely simple to expand. MapReduce, well known for its simplicity and applicability for large set of distributed applications, is an integral part of Hadoop. HDFS is highly configurable with a default configuration well suited for many installations. Most of the time, configuration needs to be tuned only for very large clusters. Hadoop is written in Java and is supported on all major platforms. Hadoop supports shell-like commands to interact with HDFS directly. The NameNode and Datanodes have built in web servers that makes it easy to check current status of the cluster. New features and improvements are regularly implemented in HDFS. The following is a subset of useful features in HDFS: File permissions and authentication. Rack awareness: to take a node's physical location into account while scheduling tasks and allocating storage. Safemode: an administrative mode for maintenance. fsck: a utility to diagnose health of the file system, to find missing files or blocks. Rebalancer: tool to balance the cluster when the data is unevenly distributed among DataNodes. Upgrade and rollback: after a software upgrade, it is possible to rollback to HDFS' state before the upgrade in case of unexpected problems. Secondary NameNode (deprecated): performs periodic checkpoints of the namespace and helps keep the size of file containing log of HDFS modifications within certain limits at the NameNode. Replaced by Checkpoint node. Checkpoint node: performs periodic checkpoints of the namespace and helps minimize the size of the log stored at the NameNode containing changes to the HDFS. Replaces the role previously filled by the Secondary NameNode. NameNode allows multiple Checkpoint nodes simultaneously, as long as there are no Backup nodes registered with the system. Backup node: An extension to the Checkpoint node. In addition to checkpointing it also receives a stream of edits from the NameNode and maintains its own in-memory copy of the namespace, which is always in sync with the active NameNode namespace state. Only one Backup node may be registered with the NameNode at once. HDFS Federation: In order to scale the name service horizontally, federation uses multiple independent Namenodes/namespaces. Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) is the default file storage system used by Apache Hadoop. HDFS creates multiple replicas of data blocks and distributes them on data nodes throughout a cluster to enable reliable, and computation of huge amount of data on commodity hardware. Apache Pig is a platform for analyzing large data sets that consists of a high-level language for expressing data analysis programs, coupled with infrastructure for evaluating these programs. The salient property of Pig programs is that their structure is amenable to substantial parallelization which enables them to handle very large data sets. Pig runs in two execution modes: Local mode and MapReduce mode. Pig script can be written in two modes: Interactive mode and Batch mode. At the present time, Pig's infrastructure layer consists of a compiler that produces sequences of Map-Reduce programs for which large-scale parallel implementations already exist (e.g. the Hadoop subproject). Pig's language layer currently consists of a textual language called Pig Latin which has the following key properties: Ease of programming. It is trivial to achieve parallel execution of simple, "embarrassingly parallel" data analysis tasks. Complex tasks comprised of multiple interrelated data transformations are explicitly encoded as data flow sequences, easy to write and understand. Optimization opportunities. The declarative way in which tasks are encoded permits the system to optimize their execution plan automatically, allowing the user to focus on semantics rather than efficiency. Extensibility. Users can create their own functions to do special-purpose processing. Official Website: https://pig.apache.org/ Useful Links: Wiki Documentation (0.15.0) Pig Latin Basics Apache Pig is a platform for analyzing large data sets that consists of a high-level language for expressing data analysis programs, coupled with infrastructure for evaluating these programs. The salient property of Pig programs is that their structure is amenable to substantial parallelization which enables them to handle very large data sets. DIA is an open-source diagramming tool, inspired by Visio. It currently has special objects to help draw entity relationship diagrams, UML diagrams, flowcharts, network diagrams, and many other diagrams. It is also possible to add support for new shapes by writing simple XML files, using a subset of SVG to draw the shape. Dia available for Windows, Mac OS X and Linux from: http://dia-installer.de DIA is a cross-platform open-source diagramming tool. Pig has the following key properties: Ease of programming. It is trivial to achieve parallel execution of simple, "embarrassingly parallel" data analysis tasks. Complex tasks comprised of multiple interrelated data transformations are explicitly encoded as data flow sequences, making them easy to write, understand, and maintain. Optimization opportunities. The way in which tasks are encoded permits the system to optimize their execution automatically, allowing the user to focus on semantics rather than efficiency. Extensibility. Users can create their own functions to do special-purpose processing. Pig Latin is a textual language used in Apache Pig's language layer. This tag should be used for question pertaining specifically to the FreeBSD operating system. In keeping with the intent of Stack Overflow, this is limited to programming, not such things as use, installation, configuration, or maintenance. Such questions generally belong on Super User if related to personal/workstation use, or on Server Fault if related to use as a server. See Also bsd FreeBSD is an advanced Unix-like operating system for modern server, desktop, and embedded computer platforms. It is open source and licensed under the 2-clause BSD license. This tag is for questions regarding the International Standard ISO 9899:1999, aka "C99", with technical corrigenda, and for questions about code written in C99 (as opposed to K&R C, C89 or later C Standard revisions like the 2011 revision C11). Always use the c tag for all your C questions, then complement it with the c99 tags for questions that are specific to this version of the standard. This tag is for questions regarding the International Standard ISO 9899:1999, aka "C99", with technical corrigenda, and for questions about code written in C99 (as opposed to K&R C, C89 or later C Standard revisions like the 2011 revision C11). Useful links Linux-PAM web site (you find documentation here, too) MAN page Linux-PAM Module Writers' Guide Application Developers' Guide The tag pam can be used for all programming related problems. Please note that https://serverfault.com/ is another Stack Exchange website where you can ask configuration specific problems. Pluggable authentication modules, a flexible framework for configuring authentication, most commonly the login component of Linux systems, but used in other components and operating systems. The act of saving one's files, data, applications, etc. to secondary media, allowing for the recovery of the files, data, applications, etc. in the event that the primary media becomes unavailable (fails). Also the secondary media used for storage. The aspect of an object which describes it as unaltered since a reference time at which a description of its state was recorded, or a description of the continued functioning of a property of the object. An example of this is checking whether the MD5 hash of this file is the same as the MD5 hash that was calculated yesterday, to ensure the file was unaltered. Hpricot is a Ruby library intended for parsing HTML. Until the release of Nokogiri, a competing HTML and css parser, Hpricot was the defacto HTML parser for the ruby community. Hpricot is a Ruby library intended for parsing HTML. Until the release of Nokogiri, a competing HTML and css parser, Hpricot was the defacto HTML parser for the ruby community. An integer is a whole number that can be negative, positive, or zero. (e.g.... -2, -1, 0, 1, 2...) Use this tag for questions about using, storing, or manipulating integers. For further reading, here is a Wikipedia article on integers. Common datatype in many programming languages for representing a whole number. Use this tag for questions about using, storing, or manipulating integers. Animation is the rapid display of a sequence of visuals in order to create an illusion of movement or change. The elements of animation are typically images or mathematical renderings. Animation effects can be 2D or 3D. The most common method of presenting animation is as a motion picture or video program, although there are other methods. This type of presentation is usually accomplished with a camera and a projector or a computer viewing screen which can rapidly cycle through images in a sequence. Animation can be made with either hand-rendered art, computer-generated imagery, or three-dimensional objects, e.g., puppets or clay figures, or a combination of techniques. The position of each object in any particular image relates to the position of that object in the previous and following images so that the objects each appear to fluidly move independently of one another. The viewing device displays these images in rapid succession, usually 24, 25, or 30 frames per second. Animation is the rapid display of a sequence of visuals in order to create an illusion of movement or change. This tag has little - if any - taxonomic value on stackru. If you have found your way here through a tag next to your own question you should check out How to Ask and make sure your post is specific enough. DO NOT USE. Select some more descriptive tags, like html, css, php, http, etc. Definition In computer science, the syntax of a programming language is the set of rules that define the combinations of symbols that are considered to be correctly structured programs in that language. The syntax of a language defines its surface form. Text-based programming languages are based on sequences of characters, while visual programming languages are based on the spatial layout and connections between symbols (which may be textual or graphical). The lexical grammar of a textual language specifies how characters must be chunked into tokens. Other syntax rules specify the permissible sequences of these tokens and the process of assigning meaning to these token sequences is part of semantics. The syntactic analysis of source code usually entails the transformation of the linear sequence of tokens into a hierarchical syntax tree (abstract syntax trees are one convenient form of syntax tree). This process is called parsing, as it is in syntactic analysis in linguistics. Tools have been written that automatically generate parsers from a specification of a language grammar written in Backus-Naur form, e.g., Yacc (yet another compiler compiler). Source: Syntax (Programming Languages) - Wikipedia Usage On Stackru, questions should be tagged as syntax when the question specifically and almost completely relates to syntax alone. Additionally, a tag should be added corresponding to the language that is being used, as the syntax only makes sense in the context of the language. Adding the correct language tag will ensure that the question will reach an audience capable of answering it. Syntax refers to the actual language elements and symbols themselves. Questions should be tagged as syntax when the question specifically and almost completely relates to syntax alone. This tag should be used with a specific language tag The Robot Framework is an open source keyword based testing framework written in Python, and also usable with Jython for testing Java applications. From the project web page: Robot Framework is a generic test automation framework for acceptance testing and acceptance test-driven development (ATDD). It has easy-to-use tabular test data syntax and utilizes the keyword-driven testing approach. Its testing capabilities can be extended by test libraries implemented either with Python or Java, and users can create new keywords from existing ones using the same syntax that is used for creating test cases. User Guide Standard Libraries BuiltIn Collections DateTime Dialogs OperatingSystem Process Screenshot String Telnet XML Extending Robot Framework using custom libraries Custom test libraries The Robot Framework is a generic test automation framework for acceptance testing and acceptance test-driven development (ATDD). It is a keyword-driven testing framework that uses tabular test data syntax. The Robot Framework is written in Python. JSON Template is a minimal but powerful templating language, currently implemented in both Python and JavaScript. JSON Template is a minimal but powerful templating language, currently implemented in both Python and JavaScript. This tag should be used to identify questions regarding compatibility issues, for example between different versions of the same software product or, development kit or library. Please use the eclipse-emf tag. The Eclipse Modelling Framework (EMF) Flying Saucer (also known as xhtmlrenderer) takes XML or XHTML and applies CSS 2.1-compliant stylesheets to it, in order to render to PDF (via iText), images, and on-screen using Swing or SWT. The library implements (basically) the entirety of CSS 2.1 and aims to be fully compliant with the W3C specification; it includes a small handful of CSS 3 features. Features: 100% Java XML+CSS layout engine with native PDF, Swing, image rendering. Strong support for the CSS 2.1 specification including extensions to better support paged media. Good performance. Support for XHTML including forms. Arbitrary elements may be replaced with custom content. Limited support for dynamic effects (for example, the:hover pseudo-class and links) Some support for PDF specific features (for example, bookmarks and internal links). Limitations: Resource loading is single threaded and occurs inline with layout. Support for XHTML is weaker than XML+CSS (for example, not all XHTML presentational attributes are supported nor are X/HTML features like the element). No support for legacy HTML (although there are several open source Java HTML cleaners of varying quality available). No support for incremental layout (applies to screen media only). Useful Links: User Guide Sourcecode (GitHub) Releases Synonyms: flying-saucer and xhtmlrenderer Flying Saucer (also called XHTML renderer) is a pure Java library for rendering XML, XHTML, and CSS 2.1 content. Questions using this tag will generally pertain to whether a given refactoring can be performed automatically, and if so, by which tool. Refactoring refers to changing the structure of code while not changing its behavior. Automated refactoring indicates that computers do a significant amount of the refactoring work. This most often refers to the physical modification of code where certain correctness conditions are upheld. For example, when a class's public method is renamed, an automated refactoring tool will typically modify all client classes that call the renamed method to reflect the name change. Some automated refactoring tools may also indicate where code may be in need of refactoring (a.k.a "smell detection") or may suggest ways to fix the problematic code. Some good places to get started: Martin Fowler's refactoring page. The Refactoring Research home page Unleashing the Power of Refactoring - a description of automated refactoring principles as applied by Eclipse Automated refactoring refers to the restructuring of source code (see refactoring) where a computer program does the structure modification, usually guided by user input. Many IDEs have automated refactoring capabilities that significantly reduce the possibility of error when restructuring code. A simple example illustrating websockets: A popular implementation of WebSockets is Socket.IO Note on Browser Support: As of April 13, 2011, WebSockets are supported by default in the latest versions of Google Chrome, Opera and Safari (both desktop Safari 5 and mobile Safari 4.2) Resources: -WebSockets on Wikipedia -Websockets HTML5 Specification -WebSockets everywhere with Node.JS - NodeKnockout WebSocket is a technology providing for bi-directional, full-duplex communications channels, over a single Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) socket. The WebSocket API is being standardized by the W3C and the WebSocket protocol is being standardized by the IETF. The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) is an international consortium which develops Web standards. The W3C was founded in 1994 by Sir Tim Berners-Lee at MIT in collaboration with CERN, with support from DARPA and the European Commission. The W3C is based at a number of host organizations including MIT, ERCIM, Keio University, and Beihang University. The current CEO is Dr. Jeffrey Jaffe. Specifications developed by the W3C are released under its Patent Policy. This encourages innovation and adoption of such standards by enabling them to be implemented on a royalty-free basis. A list of all standards and drafts published by the W3C can be found at http://www.w3.org/TR/ The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) is an international community that develops and publishes specifications and guidelines that define technologies like XML, HTML, and CSS. Ordinals differ from cardinals in that cardinals denote size or cadinality (there are 5 apples) while ordinals denote position or ordering (this is the fifth apple). Both are concepts are closely related to the natural numbers as well as programming, particularly with regard to the implementation of data structures (e.g. determining the size of a collection of the position of a specific element). An ordinal is a mathematical designation of position or ordering. The most important element of public key encryption is that the public and private keys are related in such a way that only the public key can be used to encrypt a message and only the matching private key can be used to decrypt it. In addition, it is practically impossible to derive the private key with only the knowledge of the public key. Public-key systems such as PGP, SSL and many others benefit from this mathematically well-defined behavior of public key encryption. It is important to note that public key encryption is mostly called asymmetric encryption because it uses two keys instead of one key as opposed to symmetric encryption. An cryptographic scheme which uses two mathematically related keys; a public and a private key where a message encrypted with public key can only be decrypted with the private key and vice-versa. CruiseControl.NET, sometimes called CCNet, is an open source.NET-based framework designed to provide a continuous build / continuous integration process. Configuration of the build process is performed by editing a file called - documented in detail in the Configuring the Server section of the online documentation. This tag should be used for questions directly related to the build process configuration of CCNet. For questions about the installation or operation of CCNET, the cruisecontrol.net tag may be a better choice. The ccnet-config tag may be used on questions related to the configuration of CruiseControl.NET (also known as CCNet). It is closely related to the cruisecontrol.net tag. A text editor is a type of program used for editing plain text files. A source code editor is a text editor program designed specifically for editing source code of computer programs by programmers. Resources: Source Code Editor (Wikipedia) Text Editor (Wikipedia) This tag is for questions about the features and functionality of text editors, source code editors and other programs specifically designed for modifying plain text files used in computer programming. Questions asking us to recommend or find an editor are strictly off-topic. A plug-in (or plugin) is a set of software components that adds specific abilities to a larger software application. If supported, plug-ins enable customizing the functionality of an application. See also: addons A plug-in (or plugin) is a set of software components that adds specific abilities to a larger software application. If supported, plug-ins enable customizing the functionality of an application. jScrollPane (jQuery plugin) jScrollPane is a cross-browser jQuery plugin by Kelvin Luck which converts a browser's default scrollbars (on elements with a relevant overflow property) into an HTML structure which can be easily skinned with CSS. Project on GitHub. JScrollPane (Java Swing component) Provides a scrollable view of a lightweight component. A JScrollPane manages a viewport, optional vertical and horizontal scroll bars, and optional row and column heading viewports. The tag jscrollpane could be used for questions about two topics: 1) a Java Swing component named JScrollPane, 2) a jQuery plugin. Please verify the companion tags to clarify the context of the question. Web design is a broad term used to encompass the way that content is delivered to an end-user through the World Wide Web, using a web browser or other web-enabled software to display the content. The intent of web design is to create a website—a collection of online content including documents and applications that reside on a web server/servers. Web design is a broad term used to encompass the way that content is delivered to an end-user through the World Wide Web, using a web browser or other web-enabled software to display the content. The intent of web design is to create a website—a collection of online content including documents and applications that reside on a web server/servers. Safari Extensions is the term Apple used for a legacy API to extend the browser. As of MacOS 11, Safari Web Extensions (safari-web-extension) is the official framework to implement browser extensions in JS, while Safari App Extensions (safari-app-extension) focus on the integration of native applications with the browser and their communication. Legacy documentation can be found starting at the Safari Extensions Development Guide. A legacy API to extend Apple's Safari web browser. As of Safari 14/MacOS 11, a framework named Safari Web Extension implements the standard browser extension APIs. Safari App Extensions, introduced with MacOS 10.12 ("Sierra"), is aimed at integration of native applications with the browser. Font files contain one or more fonts that can be accessed by the operating system and applications. Most modern fonts are stored in either the OpenType or TrueType formats, which can be used by both Macintosh and Windows computers. Common font file extensions include.OTF,.TTF,.SVG and.FNT. 1. OpenType Font: Font format developed by Adobe and Microsoft; combines aspects of PostScript and TrueType font formats; fully scalable, meaning the font can be resized without losing quality. The OpenType font format is supported by Mac OS X and Windows 2000 and later. 2. TrueType Font: Font file format created by Apple, but used on both Macintosh and Windows platforms; can be resized to any size without losing quality; also looks the same when printed as it does on the screen. The TrueType font is the most common font format used by both Mac OS X and Windows platforms. Links: Computer-font TrueType Font OpenType Font A font is an electronic data file containing a set of glyphs, characters, or symbols such as dingbats. Although the term font first referred to a set of metal type sorts in one style and size, since the 1990s most fonts are digital, used on computers. It allows you to "grab" an object using the mouse and drag it to a different location. Drag and Drop can be done on browser based application (web) or on native GUI applications like android or desktop ffdshow is DirectShow and VFW codec for decoding/encoding many video and audio formats, including DivX and XviD movies using libavcodec, xvid and other opensourced libraries with a rich set of postprocessing filters. ffdshow is DirectShow and VFW codec for decoding/encoding many video and audio formats, including DivX and XviD movies using libavcodec, xvid and other opensourced libraries with a rich set of postprocessing filters. JTable is a Java Swing component used to display and edit regular two-dimensional tables of cells. is used to display and edit regular two-dimensional tables of cells. See The Java Tutorial: How to Use Tables for task-oriented documentation and examples of using. Reference: Class JTable JTable is a Java Swing component used to display and edit regular two-dimensional tables of cells. Ganymede (or Eclipse Ganymede) is the code name for the annual release of Eclipse projects in 2008. A closure is a first-class function that refers to (closes over) variables from the scope in which it was defined. If the closure still exists after its defining scope ends, the variables it closes over will continue to exist as well. JavaScript closure A basic example of closure in JavaScript can be shown with a counter: The reason why is considered to be a closure is because it's a local variable. In this case, is persisting when assigned to the variable. This persistence occurs because the context of is taken from increment when it's declared. The key point with a closure is that the environment of the function is 'closed' to a hosting object. JQuery closures A more practical example of a closure is the library. jQuery itself is one big closure. It's declared like this: Let's take a deeper look at this. jQuery's closure is actually an immediately invoked function expression or a closure that is immediately called. Let's take our original increment example and represent it in the form that jQuery uses: At first glance, this looks quite a bit different from our original example, but take another look. The only difference is that this example is wrapped in parentheses.. These parentheses are returning the result of what's inside of them. The first parentheses are returning a function that has. This is the same as calling in our first example and the second set of parentheses is calling the returned function. Resources How do JavaScript closures work? What is the difference between a 'closure' and a 'lambda'?? What are 'closures' in.NET? For a history of closures as a programming language construct see the Wikipedia Closure page. In Ruby, closures are called blocks. A closure is a first-class function that refers to (closes over) variables from the scope in which it was defined. If the closure still exists after its defining scope ends, the variables it closes over will continue to exist as well. This tag should be used for question pertaining specifically to the NetBSD operating system. In keeping with the intent of SO, this is limited to programming, not such things as use, installation, configuration, or maintenance. Such questions generally belong on Superuser if related to personal/workstation use, or on ServerFault if related to use as a server. NetBSD is an advanced unix-like operating system for modern server, desktop, and embedded computer platforms. It is open source and licensed under the BSD license. This tag should be used for question pertaining specifically to the OpenBSD operating system. In keeping with the intent of SO, this is limited to programming, not such things as use, installation, configuration, or maintenance. Such questions generally belong on Superuser if related to personal/workstation use, or on ServerFault if related to use as a server. OpenBSD is an advanced unix-like operating system for modern server, desktop, and embedded computer platforms. It is open source and licensed under the BSD license. NAME SYNOPSIS strtok() is a Standard C (ISO 9899:1989) function for splitting a string in tokens. strtok_r() is the thread-safe variant defined by IEEE Std 1003.1:2004 (aka "POSIX"). is the Standard C (ISO 9899:1989) function declared in to deallocate memory allocated by a previous call to,, or. On POSIX (IEEE Std 1003.1) systems, it is also used to free memory obtained from calls to and. NAME SYNOPSIS DESCRIPTION The function frees the memory space pointed to by ptr, which must have been returned by a previous call to, or. Otherwise, or if free(ptr) has already been called before, undefined behavior occurs. If ptr is NULL, no operation is performed. RETURN VALUE The function returns no value. Wikipedia C dynamic memory allocation References free - cppreference.com free - The Open Group Base Specifications Issue 7 Ubuntu Manpage: malloc, free, calloc, realloc - Allocate and free dynamic memory Memory Allocation Routines - C Run-Time Library Reference (Visual Studio 2012) free - C Run-Time Library Reference (Visual Studio 2012) Related Tags malloc realloc calloc free is a function to deallocate memory obtained from malloc and other functions in C. Do not use this tag to refer to free software. Asking for software recommendation is off-topic on stackru. If you have a question about free software, you can ask here: https://softwarerecs.stackexchange.com/ Address space layout randomization (ASLR) is a computer security technique which involves randomly arranging the positions of key data areas, usually including the base of the executable and position of libraries, heap, and stack, in a process's address space. Address space randomization hinders some types of security attacks by making it more difficult for an attacker to predict target addresses. For example, attackers trying to execute return-to-libc attacks must locate the code to be executed, while other attackers trying to execute shellcode injected on the stack have to find the stack first. In both cases, the system obscures related memory-addresses from the attackers. These values have to be guessed, and a mistaken guess is not usually recoverable due to the application crashing. Wikipedia's page about ASLR Address space layout randomization (ASLR) is a computer security technique which involves randomly arranging the positions of key data areas, usually including the base of the executable and position of libraries, heap, and stack, in a process's address space. Julian day is used in the Julian date (JD) system of time measurement for scientific use by the astronomy community, presenting the interval of time in days and fractions of a day since January 1, 4713 BC Greenwich noon. The use of Julian date to refer to the day-of-year (ordinal date) is usually considered to be incorrect although it is widely used that way. Julian date is recommended for astronomical use by the International Astronomical Union. The Julian day number (JDN) is the integer part of the Julian date (JD). The day commencing at the above-mentioned epoch is JDN 0. Now, at 16:23, Wednesday April 13, 2011 (UTC) the Julian day number is 2455665. Negative values can be used for dates preceding JD 0, though they predate all recorded history. However, in this case, the JDN is the greatest integer not greater than the Julian date rather than simply the integer part of the JD. Wikipedia's page about Julian Day The Julian day number (JDN) is the integer part of the Julian date (JD). The day commencing at the above-mentioned epoch is JDN 0. Now, at 16:23, Wednesday April 13, 2011 (UTC) the Julian day number is 2455665. Negative values can be used for dates preceding JD 0, though they predate all recorded history. However, in this case, the JDN is the greatest integer not greater than the Julian date rather than simply the integer part of the JD. CentOS is a community-supported, mainly free software operating system based on redhat Enterprise Linux (RHEL). It exists to provide a free enterprise class computing platform and strives to maintain 100% binary compatibility with its upstream distribution. CentOS stands for Community Enterprise Operating System. Currently supported versions: CentOS 5 (April 2007 - March 2017) CentOS 6 (July 2011 - November 2020) CentOS 7 (July 2014 - June 2024) CentOS (Community Enterprise Operating System) is based on the Red Hat Enterprise Linux operating system. QUESTIONS MUST BE ABOUT RUNNING PROGRAMS UNDER CENTOS. Questions about server administration may be asked on https://serverfault.com cgit is a lightweight CGI Web interface for git repositories, written in C. cgit is a CGI Web interface for git repositories. Twisted Web provides a simple, stable HTTP server built on top of Twisted framework. It is suitable for all types of web apps and web services. It provides a flexible resource publishing API, and implements HTTP 1.0 with some 1.1 features. It can also be used for hosting WSGI applications. sitecore is an enterprise-level web Content Management System (CMS) and digital marketing system (DMS) built on Microsoft ASP.net. "Sitecore" is the name of the company and their flagship CMS product. This tag relates to version 6 of Sitecore Sitecore is a Web Content Management System built on Microsoft ASP.net. This tag relates to version 6 of Sitecore The terms overloading and overloaded may refer to: Constructor and method overloading, a type of polymorphism where different functions with the same name are invoked based on the data types of the parameters passed. Operator overloading, a form of functional or method overloading where the action being overloaded is an operator, such as or. Don't confuse it with overriding Related tags: constructor-overloadingmethod-overloadingoperator-overloading The terms overloading and overloaded may refer to: - Constructor and method overloading, a type of polymorphism where different functions with the same name are invoked based on the data types of the parameters passed - Operator overloading, a form of functional or method overloading where the action being overloaded is an operator, such as + or - is a function which can be overridden. toString The method is widely used to represent objects as human-readable text and practically every class should implement it. Usually it is very simple: generated string contains the object type and lists values of the most important fields. That's why process of writing such methods can easilly be automated. Eclipse, as the best java IDE in the world, should include functionality of automatic toString() method generation to make its users lives even simpler. Implementing it is the aim of this project. Java represents this as the method where C# represents it as. "toString" or "ToString" is a major formatting method or function used in high level programming languages. It converts an Object to its string representation so that it is suitable for display. JList is a Java Swing component that displays a list of objects and allows the user to select one or more items. A separate model, ListModel, maintains the contents of the list. Check the Java API documentation for JList to know more about this subject. JList is a Java Swing component that displays a list of objects and allows the user to select one or more items. A separate model, ListModel, maintains the contents of the list. WordNet® is a large lexical database of English, developed under the direction of George A. Miller (Emeritus). Nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs are grouped into sets of cognitive synonyms (synsets), each expressing a distinct concept. Synsets are interlinked by means of conceptual-semantic and lexical relations. The resulting network of meaningfully related words and concepts can be navigated with the browser. WordNet is also freely and publicly available for download. WordNet's structure makes it a useful tool for computational linguistics and natural language processing. WordNet is a lexical database for the English language. It groups English words into sets of synonyms called synsets, provides short, general definitions, and records the various semantic relations between these synonym sets. Objectify is a 3rd party Java data access API specifically designed for Google Cloud Datastore in the App Engine Standard runtime. It occupies a "middle ground"; easier to use and more transparent than JDO or JPA, but significantly more convenient than the Low-Level API provided for Cloud Datastore. It also integrates with the App Engine memcache and taskqueue APIs to simplify common patterns of working with Cloud Datastore. The Cloud Datastore low-level Java API for App Engine Standard is simple and elegant, neatly reducing your data operations to four simple methods: get, put, delete, and query. However, it is not designed to be used by the average developer: DatastoreService persists GAE-specific Entity objects rather than normal POJO classes. DatastoreService Keys are untyped and error-prone. DatastoreService has a machine-friendly but not human-friendly query interface. DatastoreService has an unnecessarily complicated transaction API. Objectify provides a convenient layer which addresses these issues, yet preserves the elegance of get, put, delete, and query. Objectify is a 3rd party Java data access API specifically designed for Google Cloud Datastore in the App Engine Standard runtime. It occupies a "middle ground"; easier to use and more transparent than JDO or JPA, but significantly more convenient than the Low-Level API provided for Cloud Datastore. UPnP Specification UPnP Device Architecture 1.0 UPnP Device Architecture 1.1 UPnP Device Architecture 2.0 Digital Living Network Alliance (DLNA) creates guidelines for interoperability of multimedia devices. dojo.connect VS <script type="dojo/connect"> (DojoML) First of all I want to say Im new in the DOJO world and probably for some persons this question is stupid:). But also somebody says that there is no stupid questions. Here is my problem: I got a quick question related to DojoML (to be more exact). In an example here: http://dojotoolkit.org/reference-guide/dijit/Tree.html we got somethin like this: var menu = dijit.byId("tree_menu"); menu.bindDomNode(this.domNode); dojo.connect(menu, "_openMyself", this, function(e) { var tn = dijit.getEnclosingWidget(e.target); menu.getChildren().forEach(function(i) { i.attr('disabled',!tn.item.children); }); }); Now I would like to translate it to "traditional" script. As I read here: http://dojocampus.org/content/2008/08/09/dojoml-the-best-thing-since-sliced-bread/ such DojoML notation can be translated into: My question is if this is the right "translation" because it simply doesnt work. My goal is to attach a simple right click menu to every MyTree's node. SP1 release brings in bug fixes and performance improvements, plus a number of feature enhancements. This includes improved local help support, IntelliTrace support for 64-bit applications and SharePoint, built-in Silverlight 4 Tooling support in the box, unit testing support when targeting.NET 3.5, a new performance wizard for Silverlight, IIS Express and SQL CE Tooling support for web projects, HTML5 Intellisense for ASP.NET, and more. Released on March 3, 2011, Visual Studio 2010 SP1 is the first servicing release for VS2010 with a build number 10.0.40219.1. ASP.NET MVC 3 is the third major version of the ASP.NET Model-View-Controller platform for web applications. It supports the following new features: Extensible Scaffolding with MvcScaffold integration HTML 5 enabled project templates The Razor View Engine Support for Multiple View Engines Controller Improvements JavaScript and Ajax Model Validation Improvements Dependency Injection Improvements... and Other New Features Demos and Tutorials: Intro to ASP.NET MVC 3 (VB) Intro to ASP.NET MVC 3 (C#) References: MSDN ASP.NET MVC Developer Reference ASP.NET MVC Framework Wikipedia Article See asp.net-mvc for more information. ASP.NET MVC 3 is the third major version of Model-View-Controller extension for developing web applications in a.NET framework. Eclipse Business Intelligence Reporting Tool (BIRT) is an open source reporting system for web applications, especially those based on Java and Java EE. BIRT has two main components: a report designer based on Eclipse, and a runtime component that you can add to your app server. BIRT also offers a charting engine that lets you add charts to your own application. More information: Wikipedia on BIRT Eclipse BIRT Home Installation Instructions Commercial and Open Source Reporting Tools - BIRT Exchange Example Reports Books: BIRT: A Field Guide to Reporting Integrating and Extending BIRT See also birt-emitter For questions about Eclipse BIRT (Business Intelligence Reporting Tool) which is an open source reporting system that integrates with your Java/Java EE application to produce compelling reports. The four basic operations that can be used on a relational database table are C reating R eading U pdating D eleting A CRUD application is one that performs these basic operations. A CRUD framework is an application framework that gives these functionalities as a base for the development. Also see: rdbms, sql, dml The four basic operations for a data management system: Create, Read, Update, Delete X++ is the development language used by Microsoft Dynamics AX. It belongs to the curly brackets and dot-operator class of programming languages (like C# or Java). It is an object-oriented, class-based, single dispatch language. X++ supports garbage collection, and SQL queries are integrated into the language. See also Wikipedia article. NOTE: When you ask questions about the X++ language, please specify the AX version you are working on! (with tags: dynamics-ax-2009 dynamics-ax-2012) X++ is the development language used by Microsoft Dynamics AX. It belongs to the curly brackets and dot-operator class of programming languages (like C# or Java). It is an object-oriented, class-based, single dispatch language. X++ supports garbage collection, and SQL queries are integrated into the language. For SharePoint-specific questions, please see the SharePoint Stack Exchange site. Microsoft Sharepoint Version 2003. Jasmine is a stand-alone behavior-driven development (BDD) framework used for unit testing JavaScript code. Jasmine tests are broken up into and statements. is used to denote the start of a test suite and is used to denote the start of a particular test. statements are then used to outline the conditions under which a test should pass. and are some other frequently used blocks. is used to run some code before each test. Something like loading a module. Similarly is used to run some code after each test. Running some cleanup code for instance. Jasmine DOM Testing If you want to write unit tests for code that does a lot of DOM interactions using jQuery, consider using jasmine-jquery. Jasmine-jQuery offers interacting with dummy HTML through HTML fixtures. Resources Jasmine (Official) Jasmine Source code on GitHub Jasmine Documentation Try Jasmine Jasmine is a behavior-driven development (BDD) framework for testing JavaScript code. Jasmine has no external dependencies and does not require a DOM. jSpec Website jSpec Mailing list Source code on GitHub jSpec is a JavaScript BDD Framework. Manages visual states and the logic for transitions between visual states for controls. Also provides the attached property support for, which is how you define visual states in XAML for a control template. More detailed overview at MSDN Manages visual states and the logic for transitions between visual states for controls. Also provides the attached property support for VisualStateManager.VisualStateGroups, which is how you define visual states in XAML for a control template. Easymock is an open source mocking framework for Java. It is used for creating mock objects and stubs for unit tests. Easymock is a mocking framework for Java. This tag is dedicated to questions regarding the implementation of Facebook social plugins like fb:like in both XFBML and iframe. dedicated to implementation of Facebook social plugins like fb:like in both XFBML and iframe. TableCellRenderer is a Java Swing interface that defines the method required by any object that would like to be a renderer for cells in a JTable. TableCellRenderer is a Java Swing interface that defines the method required by any object that would like to be a renderer for cells in a JTable. COLLADA is a royalty-free XML schema that enables digital asset exchange within the interactive 3D industry. COLLADA is a royalty-free XML schema that enables digital asset exchange within the interactive 3D industry. Display tag is a tag library for Java Server Pages (JSP) handling the pagination and sorting of result sets, with optional PDF, XML and Excel export. The display tag library is an open source suite of custom Java Server Pages (JSP) tags that provide high-level web presentation patterns which will work in an MVC model. PHP Development Environment (PDT) -- Eclipse plugin for PHP programming language The splint homepage splint ("secure programming lint") is a lint implementation, i.e. a tool for statically checking C programs for security vulnerabilities and coding mistakes. With minimal effort, Splint can be used as a better lint. If additional effort is invested adding annotations to programs, Splint can perform stronger checking than can be done by any standard lint. Wt (pronounced as witty) is a C++ library for developing interactive web applications. The framework is structured around widgets using signals and slots to drive interaction in the application. The framework comes with automatic fall-back for browsers which don't support the level of Javascript used in creating the application interface. Wt (pronounced as witty) is a C++ library for developing interactive web applications. Topshelf is a cross-platform (Windows and Mono) service hosting framework for.NET. Provides a simple fluent API for service configuration. Source code is available for download on github and documentation/examples are available on the Topshelf project site and Topshelf documentation. Topshelf is a service hosting framework for building Windows services using.NET. C# Interface Class Question Cannot See Method **usrGrp.UserGroups = GetUsrGrps.GetGroups(usrGrp); < -- Intellisense does not see the Method. I get 'An object reference is required for the nonstatic field, method or property 'GetUsrGrps.GetGroups(UserGroup)'??? is an instance method. Mark it with the keyword or create an instance of its containing class and reference the method from that instance. Considering that the method, is part of the interface, I would recommend going the instance route so that your class definition still matches the interface contract. Your method isn't static or your class is not instantiated. You need to create an instance of the class like: then change to OR change to It looks like either will work for you. It should be just The compiler thinks you're trying to call a static method, which GetGroups is not You're getting that error because GetGroups is not a static method on GetUsrGrps. You would either need to declare it as static or create a new instance of GetUsrGrps to call the GetGroups method. You want You are currently calling it as if it were static, but it seems that your intention is to access it through the interface. Your best option is to abandon the IGroups interface, and mark the method as static. Since this is just a database access object anyway, it makes sense for this to be a static method. If you want to keep the interface, then you will have to instantiate an object. Overview EDI is defined by the National Institute of Standards and Technology as "the computer-to-computer interchange of strictly formatted messages that represent documents other than monetary instruments. EDI implies a sequence of messages between two parties, either of whom may serve as originator or recipient. The formatted data representing the documents may be transmitted from originator to recipient via telecommunications or physically transported on electronic storage media." Standards Currently there are four major sets of EDI standards: UN/EDIFACT ANSI ASC X12 (X12) TRADACOMS ODETTA Electronic Data Interchange is the transmission of structured data directly from one computer system of one organization to the computer system of another organization. The Windows Identity Framework is a free Microsoft.NET library that enables claims based authentication and use federated identity / single sign-on in their applications. WIF enables.NET developers to externalize identity logic from their application, improving developer productivity, enhancing application security, and enabling interoperability. It is part of Microsoft's wider identity and access management strategy which includes Active Directory Federation Services and Windows Azure Access Control Services. The Windows Identity Framework is a free Microsoft library that enables claims based authentication and use federated identity/single sign-on in their applications. EnvJS is an implementation of a client browser as a scripting environment. In other words, it is a simulated JavaScript browser that can be used for testing purposes. To use EnvJS, you must have a JavaScript engine, such as Rhino and V8, to name a few. EnvJS is a simulated JavaScript browser It is available for Java as Esper, and for.NET as NEsper under the GPL V2 license. Esper is a lightweight, open-source library for CEP (Complex Event Processing) and ESP (Event Stream Processing) applications developed by EsperTech Inc. The BeagleBoard is an ultra-low cost, high performance, low power ARM Cortex-A8 (OMAP3/DM37x/AM335x) based single board computer designed by BeagleBoard.org community members. Event-based-programming is a coding style which makes different coarse and fine grained components to communicate to each other sending messages through Events and Delegates. Components in event-based-programming has a high level of cohesion because such style "ignores" who is using them in high level thinking (or process). The only interest is to provide services by signaling messages. Normally you'll find structure like 3 classes, which one class A coordinate the work of the class B and class C. Class B and C doesn't know nothing about each other and nothing about the class A, but class A orchestrates the work and message direction of both class B and class C. The only runtime and buildtime coupling happens on A, which may need the existence of B and C. Ted Faison, has a fantastic work in the book Event-Based programming - Taking events to the Limits is one of the good source about that. This programming style has is easily found embody in frameworks like Windows Workflow foundation and kind of. This programming style is more used by Seniors developers, with more then 7 years working software services. Event-based-programming is a coding style which components born with high cohesion and communicate to each other by sending messages through Events and Delegates. Their behavior doesn't take other logics into account, they just provide services to them through the use of Events and Delegates. JSch is a pure Java implementation of SSH2. JSch allows you to connect to an SSH server and use port forwarding, X11 forwarding, file transfer, etc., and you can integrate its functionality into your own Java programs. Why JSch? Originally, our motivation to develop this stuff is to allow users of our pure java X servers, WiredX, to enjoy secure X sessions. So, our efforts had mostly targeted to implement the SSH2 protocol for X11 forwarding. Of course, however, we are now also interested in adding other functionality like port forward, file transfer, terminal emulation, etc. Features: JSch is in pure Java, but it depends on Java Cryptography Extension (JCE). JSch is know to work with: J2SE 1.4.0 or later (no additional libraries required). J2SE 1.3 and Sun's JCE reference implementation that can be obtained at http://java.sun.com/products/jce/. J2SE 1.2.2 and later and Bouncycastle's JCE implementation that can be obtained at https://www.bouncycastle.org/. SSH2 protocol support. Key exchange: diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1, diffie-hellman-group1-sha1 Cipher: blowfish-cbc, 3des-cbc, aes128-cbc, aes192-cbc, aes256-cbc, aes128-ctr, aes192-ctr, aes256-ctr, 3des-ctr, arcfour, arcfour128, arcfour256 MAC: hmac-md5, hmac-sha1, hmac-md5-96, hmac-sha1-96 Host key type: ssh-dss, ssh-rsa Userauth: password Userauth: publickey (DSA, RSA) Userauth: keyboard-interactive Userauth: gss-api-with-mic X11 forwarding xauth spoofing connection through HTTP proxy. connection through SOCKS5 proxy. port forwarding. stream forwarding. signal sending. environment variable passing. remote exec. generating DSA and RSA key pairs. changing the passphrase for a private key. partial authentication SSH File Transfer Protocol(version 0, 1, 2, 3) packet compression: zlib, zlib@openssh.com JZlib has been used. hashed known_hosts file. NONE Cipher switching. High Performance Enabled SSH/SCP supports NONE Cipher switching. Refer to. JSch is licensed under BSD style license. Official Website: http://www.jcraft.com/jsch/ Useful Links: Examples Wiki JSch is a pure Java implementation of SSH2. JSch allows you to connect to an SSH server and use port forwarding, X11 forwarding, file transfer, etc., and you can integrate its functionality into your own Java programs. iWork is the Apple suite of office application to create documents, spreadsheets and presentations on the Mac and iOS devices. It consists of: Pages '09: With advanced tools for writing and easy page layout, your documents in Pages are beautiful beyond words. Numbers '09: Numbers helps you get more from your data with easy-to-create formulas, one-click charts and table categories. Keynote '09: New cinematic animations, transitions and effects in Keynote will keep your audience captivated. the apps are available as Mac and iOS with some differences due to different features of the platforms. iWork is the Apple suite of office application to create documents, spreadsheets and presentations on the Mac and iOS devices. SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) is a server-based report generation software system from Microsoft. It can prepare and deliver a variety of interactive and printed reports and is administered via a web interface or its web service. Reports can be scheduled by date and time for automatic delivery via either email(Subscription) or saved to a file location. SSRS supports the following exported file types: XML, CSV, PDF, MHTML, Excel, Powerpoint, Tiff and Word. Its web services interface also supports the development of custom reporting applications. SSRS can also be integrated with SharePoint. SSRS competes with other reporting tools, most prominently crystal-reports. Useful Links SSRS Home Page Wikipedia article SSRS tagged questions on ServerFault SSRS tagged questions on DBA Stack Exchange Versions ssrs-2000 Reporting Services 2000, first released in 2004 as an add-on to SQL Server; ssrs-2005 Reporting Services 2005; ssrs-2008 Reporting Services 2008; ssrs-2008-r2 Reporting Services 2008R2; ssrs-2012 Reporting Services 2012; ssrs-2014 Reporting Services 2014; ssrs-2016 Reporting Services 2016. Each release accompanied the corresponding Microsoft SQL Server release. Types of questions that belong to this tag: Creating or editing Reporting Services reports Report Layout Report Manager administration Report Server administration SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) is a server-based report generator from Microsoft. It provides a full range of ready-to-use tools and services to help you create, deploy, and manage reports for your organization. VLC Media player is a widely used media player these days. To integrate the VLC media player in your application libVLC is used. You can embed libVLC into your application to gain audio/video playing features. Bindings The original library is written in C (the SDK is provided with VLC media player), but several bindings exist: Python bindings.NET bindings Java bindings ObjC bindings (VLCKit for the Mac, MobileVLCKit for iOS) LibVLC is the external programming interface of the VLC media player. It is used to embed VLC into other applications or frameworks. Remove li from ul based on custom attribute values with Jquery I have multiple ul's with li's with custom attributes: and I know the data-id of the list and the data-li-id of the li and I want to remove the li from the list. So far I have: but can't get it to work. Any help would be appreciated. Perhaps http://jsfiddle.net/7fcCH/2/ Here is the test: http://jsfiddle.net/LFEAs/ Try A time and space-efficient implementation of byte vectors using packed Word8 arrays, suitable for high performance use, both in terms of large data quantities, or high speed requirements. Byte vectors are encoded as strict Word8 arrays of bytes, and lazy lists of strict chunks, held in a ForeignPtr, and can be passed between C and Haskell with little effort. Documentation can be found at the bytestring hackage page. A time and space-efficient implementation of byte vectors for Haskell. From Wikipedia, Red–black tree: A red-black tree is a special type of binary tree, used in computer science to organize pieces of comparable data, such as text fragments or numbers. The leaf nodes of red-black trees do not contain data. These leaves need not be explicit in computer memory — a null child pointer can encode the fact that this child is a leaf — but it simplifies some algorithms for operating on red-black trees if the leaves really are explicit nodes. To save memory, sometimes a single sentinel node performs the role of all leaf nodes; all references from internal nodes to leaf nodes then point to the sentinel node. Red-black trees, like all binary search trees, allow efficient in-order traversal in the fashion, Left-Root-Right, of their elements. The search-time results from the traversal from root to leaf, and therefore a balanced tree, having the least possible tree height, results in O(log n) search time. A red-black tree is a type of self-balancing binary search tree, a data structure used in computing science, typically used to implement associative arrays. DWR: Easy Ajax for Java DWR is an RPC library which makes it easy to call Java functions from JavaScript and to call JavaScript functions from Java (AKA Reverse Ajax). It has a large user-base, active mailing list and has been used in many projects including the Walmart shopping site and American Airlines flight booking site. DWR has a number of features like call batching, marshalling of virtually any data-structure between Java and JavaScript (including binary file uploading and downloading), exception handling, advanced CSRF protection and deep integration with several Java server-side technologies like Spring and Guice. More Information: DWR - Easy Ajax for JAVA Wikipedia on DWR Books: DWR Java AJAX Applications DWR is a Java library that enables Java on the server and JavaScript in a browser to interact and call each other as simply as possible. Measuring the time it takes to perform an operation. Also, questions related to obtaining the current time, calculating on times, formatting and parsing times, etc. See also date. For time-series analysis in r, consider looking at the Time Series Task View. Measuring the time it takes to perform an operation. Also, questions related to obtaining the current time, calculating on times, formatting and parsing times, etc. Markers (instances of) identify locations on the map. By default, they use a standard icon, though you can set a custom icon within the marker's constructor or by calling on the marker. Markers are designed to be interactive. By default, they receive events, which are often used to define event listeners that display an. The Google Maps JavaScript API v3 Developer's Guide includes a section on Overlays (markers are a special type of overlay), which are objects that you add to the map to designate points, lines, areas, or collections of objects. The Developer's Guide also includes an introductory section on Markers, which are used to identify a specific single point on the map; there is also an example that shows the code used to add a Marker to the map. The constructor takes a single JavaScript object literal specifying the initial properties of the marker. The following fields are particularly important and commonly set when constructing your marker: position (required) specifies a identifying the initial location of the marker. map (optional) specifies the object on which to place the marker. Note that within the constructor, you should specify the map on which to add the marker. If you do not specify this argument, the marker is created but is not attached (or displayed) on the map. You may add the marker later by calling the marker's function. To remove a marker, call the function passing as the argument. The Google Maps JavaScript API v3 API Reference includes a number of entries that are interesting to developers that are working with markers: google.maps.Marker class google.maps.MarkerOptions object google.maps.MarkerImage class google.maps.MarkerShape object google.maps.Animation google.maps.InfoWindow Also of interest to Google Maps developers that use markers, the Map Icon Collection showcases hundreds of free marker icons for Google Maps that are available for download. Markers identify locations on the map. By default, they use a standard icon, though you can set a custom icon. Markers are designed to be interactive and are often used within event listeners to bring up info windows. JSNI (JavaScript Native Interface) can be used to integrate GWT with an existing JavaScript library, or to access low-level browser functionality not exposed by the GWT class API's. JSNI allows you to integrate JavaScript directly into your application's Java source code. A JSNI method is declared and contains JavaScript code in a specially formatted comment block between the end of the parameter list and the trailing semicolon. JSNI methods are called just like any normal Java method, and can accept parameters, call methods on Java objects, and return values to the Java-side of the application. The names and are used to access the browser's and objects from JSNI. JSNI is a means to include raw JavaScript code in a GWT application written in Java. JSNI is the web equivalent of inline assembly code. FlourineFX is a remoting framework to interface between Adobe (Flash, Flex, AIR) interfaces and ASP.Net back-ends. A is an exception (or error) that is thrown when the limited amount of memory that has been allocated to the execution stack is exhausted by an application. The particular size of the call stack depends on several factors, including the programming language, machine architecture, threads, and the total amount of memory available to the operating system. The most likely cause of a is an infinite recursion, where code inside of a method continually invokes itself. In.NET applications, the culprit is frequently a property accessor returning the property itself, rather than the private backing field. For example: as opposed to the correct code, which might look something like this: The.NET exception (error) that is thrown when the limited memory available for the execution stack is exhausted. This is almost always caused by an infinite recursion, which ultimately results in too many nested method calls. Windows CE is a distinct operating system and kernel, rather than a trimmed-down version of desktop Windows. It is not to be confused with Windows Embedded Standard which is an NT-based componentized version of desktop Microsoft Windows. Microsoft licenses Windows CE to OEMs and device makers. The OEMs and device makers can modify and create their own user interfaces and experiences, with Windows CE providing the technical foundation to do so. The current version of Windows Embedded Compact supports Intel x86 and compatibles, MIPS, and ARM processors. Source: Wikipedia (Windows CE) <script src="/static/js/vendor/modernizr-3.6.0.min.js"></script> <script src="/static/js/vendor/jquery-3.3.1.min.js"></script> <script src="/static/js/plugins.js"></script> <script src="/static/js/main.js"></script> <script>_addload(function(){_setupIW('com');_csi('en','ru','/so/post_batch/205');});</script><script type="text/javascript">function gtElInit() {var lib = new google.translate.TranslateService();lib.translatePage('en', 'ru', function () {});}</script><script src="https://translate.google.com/translate_a/element.js?cb=gtElInit&client=wt" type="text/javascript"></script></select>

In query languages (SQL, …)

SELECT is a statement in query languages, like SQL or SPARQL. It returns a result set of records from one or more tables.

SELECT queries require two essential parts. The first part is the WHAT, which determines what we want SQL to go and fetch. The second part of any SELECT command is the FROM WHERE. It identifies where to fetch the data from, which may be from a SQL table, a SQL view, or some other SQL data object.



<select> is also an HTML user interface element for choosing one or more option(s) from a finite collection of elements. Do not use this tag for this purpose, use html-select instead.


select is a keyword that can be used for queries on various data sources that implement specific features, directly from language itself. Do not use this tag for such questions, use linq instead.

In C and C++

select() is an important system call used by C and C++ programs and libraries that avoids busy waiting for network activity and other I/O to complete.

In Perl

In Perl 5, select() has two different uses. When called with four parameters, it calls the same syscall as C and C++. In this form it has limited portability. Otherwise it is called with one or no parameters and sets or gets current default filehandle for output. The filehandle is used e.g. by print if no other specified. Special variables like $| relate to it, too. This second form is perfectly portable.

In Perl 6 it has been completely dropped.

In Go

The select statement lets a goroutine wait on multiple channel operations. A select blocks until one of its cases can run, then it executes that case.