Описание тега sef
Standard Exchange Format is an open-standard, computer readable, text format that contains the schematic information of an EDI document
The Standard Exchange Format (SEF) is an open-standard, computer readable, text format that contains the schematic information of an EDI document. Basically, the purpose of a SEF file is to convey an EDI implementation guideline in a standard, computer-parsable format so that it can be read directly by EDI applications.
The advantages of SEF over other file formats (e.g. pdf, doc, rft, html, and paper) are:
SEF files are immediately useable by both users and computers.
SEF files are small electronic files that can be transmitted easily over the Internet.
SEF files are editable either with a text editor.
SEF is an open standard, which allows you to create and distribute your own SEF files without any permission or having to pay any royalty fees.