SCXML is an XML-based language that provides syntax and a precise algorithm for describing and running generic state machines inspired by David Harel's State Chart semantics. SCXML is a W3C draft recommendation, State Chart XML: State Machine Notation for Control Abstraction.

When should I use this tag?

Tag any question about SCXML (but not other State Chart implementations such as UML state diagrams). When relevant, tag the question with the appropriate tag for the data model used in your code.


The SCXML draft recommendation is maintained by the W3C Voice Browser Working Group, but does not have any voice-specific features. Instead, it aims to be an extensible, general-purpose language for modelling and running application control, user interaction and I/O, based on events and transitions between complex states.

In addition to changing state, SCXML can manipulate a data model. The current draft specifies the ECMAScript and XPath data models (implementations do not have to implement either). SCXML can be extended with any data model that satisfies the core requirements.