Описание тега resharper-8.0
Use this tag for version specific questions about ReSharper 8.0 - the refactoring and productivity extension for Visual Studio by JetBrains. When using this tag also include the more generic [resharper] tag where possible.
ReSharper executes solution-wide static code analysis (error detection on-the-fly, without the need to compile), provides additional features for error correction, code completion, navigation, search, syntax highlighting, formatting, code generation and optimization, carries out 40 automated refactorings, and streamlines unit testing using NUnit and MSTest, among other features.
ReSharper 8 was released in july, 18th 2013 and add support for Visual Studio 2013 Preview while preserving compatibility with previous versions of the IDE, namely Visual Studio 2005, 2008, 2010 and 2012