Описание тега redland

Redland is a set of free C libraries providing support for Resource Description Framework (RDF) data.

Redland is a set of free C libraries providing support for Resource Description Framework (RDF) data.

Redland consists of the following parts:

  • Raptor RDF Syntax Library for parsing and serializing RDF syntaxes

  • Rasqal RDF Query Library for executing RDF queries

  • Redland RDF Library (librdf) providing the RDF API and triple stores, building on top of Raptor and Rasqal

  • Redland Language Bindings for language APIs to Redland in Perl, PHP, Python and Ruby

Use this tag for questions about using any of the above libraries.

Related tags: rdf semantic-web sparql turtle rdfa triplestore linked-data microdata microformats

Redland website