QAF (аббревиатура от QMetry Automation Framework) с открытым исходным кодом для автоматизации тестирования функциональных тестов с использованием селена, веб-драйвера, appium и для остальных веб-сервисов. Используйте этот тег, если вопрос связан с автоматизацией тестирования с использованием QMetry Automation Framework.

QMetry Automation Framework was formerly known as ISFW (InfoStretch automation framework), is an open source test automation framework which support functional test automation of web, mobile-web and mobile-native application. It also supports rest web-service automation. It has powerful design concepts like testcase, testpage, test-step, custom-components, self-descriptive-locator, data-bean, listeners etc...

It supports different way of authoring test case including

  • Java (TestNG): You can opt for standard TestNG test
  • Behavior Driven: It supports multiple BDD syntax.
  • Keyword Driven: It supports keyword driven testing by authoring test in CSV, Excel or XML using in-built keyword and defining your own custom keyword

All of the above test authoring way has data-driven test capability where your test data can resides in CSV or JSON or XML or EXCEL file or even in Database.
