Описание тега pagerank
PageRank is a graph algorithm that assigns importance to nodes based on their links, and is named after its inventor - Larry Page. The algorithm is frequently applied to web graphs to calculate an importance of each node [url] in the graph.
PageRank is an algorithm to assign importance to nodes in linked data base, and is named after its inventor - Larry Page. The algorithm is frequently used on the web - to calculate an importance of each node [url] in the database.
The algorithm is simulating a random-surfer model. The random surfer starts from a random node in the graph, and can chose to use an out edge from this vertex at probability α, or to jump into a random node at probability 1-α. The score of each node is the probability of the random surfer to be at this node at some point in time.
The algorithm is patented, and IP rights belong to Stanford University.