Описание тега nyromodal

nyroModal - это настраиваемый модальный оконный плагин для jQuery.

nyroModal - это настраиваемый модальный оконный плагин для jQuery.

Его особенности:

* Ajax Call
* Ajax Call with targeting content
* Single Image
* Images Gallery with arrow navigating
* Gallery with any kind of content
* Form
* Form in iframe
* Form with targeting content
* Form with file upload
* Form with file upload with targeting content
* Dom Element
* Manual Call
* Iframe
* Stacked Modals
* Many embed element through Embed.ly API
* Error handling
* Modal will never goes outside the view port
* Esc key to close the window
* Customizable animation
* Customizable look
* Modal title
* W3C valid HTML (Transitionnal)