Описание тега microdata

Microdata is a syntax for expressing structured data in (X)HTML5 documents. (If the question is about the vocabulary Schema.org, use the [schema.org] tag.)

Microdata is a syntax for expressing structured data in HTML documents. It’s designed to annotate content with machine-readable labels, to allow scripts to act on the type of content in the document.

Microdata support can be found in technologies such as search engines and web crawlers to better understand what information is contained in a web page, providing better search results.

From the Wikipedia article:

Microdata is an attempt to provide a simpler way of annotating HTML elements with machine-readable tags than the similar approaches of using RDFa and microformats.

Related tags

  • html5 and xhtml5
  • structured-data
  • schema.org, the most popular vocabulary that can be used in Microdata
  • rdfa, an alternative syntax that can also be used with (X)HTML5
  • microformats, a different approach to express structured data in (X)HTML documents
  • json-ld, an alternative syntax using JSON format
