Описание тега micro
Use for questions regarding the Micro Asynchronous HTTP Microservices library. Use [microcontroller] for questions concerning microcontroller devices. Use [microservices] for questions concerning microservices architecture. Use [cpu-architecture] for questions concerning micro-architecture and micro-code.
Micro is a JavaScript library for asynchronous HTTP microservices. The Micro GitHub repository for production use is https://github.com/zeit/micro and the Micro GitHub repository for development use is https://github.com/zeit/micro-dev
Other uses of the term "Micro":
- the toy language Micro
- Micro Integrator for container-based environments https://github.com/wso2/micro-integrator/blob/master/doc/working-with-the-micro-integrator.md
- MicroC or MicroC IDE for the PIC microcontroller
- Micro-HTTPD a small HTTP server
- Arduino Micro version of the Arduino microcontroller
- Micro Python subset of the Python standard http://micropython.org/
- TensorFlow Lite Micro version of TensorFlow Lite https://www.tensorflow.org/lite/microcontrollers/overview