Описание тега maven-release-plugin

The Apache Maven Release Plugin is used to create releases with Maven. The release plugin will automatically create tags in the VCS etc.

Main objective

From Maven Doc: This plugin is used to release a project with Maven, saving a lot of repetitive, manual work. Releasing a project is made in two steps: prepare and perform

The maven-release-plugin will be used to create releases of artifacts. The release plugin will check if you have local modification in your working area, updates your pom according to the next version of your artifact (this can be done interactive or non-interactive) and finally create a tag in your SCM.

Goals Overview

  • release:clean Clean up after a release preparation.
  • release:prepare Prepare for a release in SCM.
  • release:prepare-with-pom Prepare for a release in SCM, and generate release POMs that record the fully resolved projects used.
  • release:rollback Rollback a previous release.
  • release:perform Perform a release from SCM.
  • release:stage Perform a release from SCM into a staging folder/repository.
  • release:branch Create a branch of the current project with all versions updated.
  • release:update-versions Update the versions in the POM(s).