Описание тега liferay-theme

Liferay themes are hot-deployable plugins that help in customizing the layout and overall look & feel of portal pages. Liferay theme use different template engines to customize the page layout and styles of the portal.

Liferay Themes are used to customize the default layout and look & feel for portal pages.

They are hot-deployable plugins.

Themes use velocity and freemarker templates to customize the styles and layout of the portal pages.

They can be either applied to single page, a single site or to the entire portal.

Themes in Liferay are really powerful, as you can do:

  • you can call different portal services and custom services from the theme.
  • include OOTB or custom portlets dynamically in the theme, i.e. as soon as you apply the theme to a page it will render the portlet included in the theme, you don't have to add the portlet from the add menu.
  • A lot of configurable settings can be built using the theme for advance control.


  1. Creating Themes and Layout
  2. Configuring Look and Feel of Liferay Applications