Описание тега liferay-ide
Liferay IDE is the official set of Eclipse plug-ins supporting development for the Liferay Portal application platform.
It provides support for developing all plugins of liferay including Portlets,themes,hooks,layouts and ext-plugins
It is available as a set of Eclipse plug-ins installable from an update-site or an an all-in-one download. For installation use one of the following methods:
- Update site URLs for Eclipse 3.6.x,3.7.x,3.8.x/4.2.x: http://releases.liferay.com/tools/ide/eclipse/juno/stable/
- Download all-in-one bundles from here: http://www.liferay.com/downloads/liferay-projects/liferay-ide
For full installation instructions see the official documentation for installation. Then you can see the getting started tutorial here.
Liferay developer studio
It is a bundle of Eclipse+Liferay plugins available for Liferay enterprise edition(Liferay EE) customers.It provides additional features on top of the basic eclipse Liferay plugin.
- Apart from tomcat,it provides additional support for Weblogic and websphere adapters
- It provides Kaleo designer to create and design custom workflows
Additional references Liferay IDE vs Liferay developer studio