Описание тега libigl

NoneLibigl is a C++11 library for geometry processing, computer graphics, linear algebra and optimization.

Libigl is a C++ library for geometry processing, computer graphics, linear algebra and optimization.

Libigl covers a large set of features through a function-based interface. It is intended as a fast prototyping library for geometry processing, with an interface familiar to Python and MATLAB users. Here is a quick and incomplete overview:

  • Discrete differential geometry quantities and operators (e.g., cotangent Laplacian matrix, discrete curvature)
  • Quadratic energy optimization, quadratic programming solver
  • Mesh deformation
    • bounded biharmonic weights
    • as-rigid-as-possible shape deformation
    • dual quaternion linear blend skinning
  • Mesh parameterization
    • Least squares conformal maps
    • N-Rotationally symmetric tangent fields
    • Global, seamless integer-grid parametrization
  • Robust geometry processing
    • Constructive Solid Geometry operations on meshes (boolean union, intersection)
    • Generalized winding number
    • Mesh Decimation

Libigl depends heavily on Eigen for core linear algebra operations.

Find more on the libigl homepage and tutorial