Описание тега latin1

Latin1 - ISO-8859-1.

A character set defines the way a sequence of bytes is converted into a sequence of characters. This particular character set is known as Latin-1, or ISO-8859-1. Of the 256 characters in Latin-1, 128 are the characters in the ASCII, the characters that typically appear on a standard U.S. English keyboard (and accompanying nonprinting special characters such as ASCII BEL). The remaining 128 consist of special and accented characters that are used regularly in the Western European languages.

To specify these characters in an HTML document (or on StackExchange), you can enter the character entity (if one is defined) or the numeric entity. For example, to cause Æ to appear in a document, you could enter either Æ or Æ. Note that the case of character entities is significant. Specifying æ causes æ to be displayed.