Описание тега kibana

Kibana is an application for exploring and visualizing your data. It helps you find and demonstrate trends in your data with tools for searching, creating visualizations, and combining those visualizations to build dashboards.

Kibana is an application for exploring and visualizing your data. It helps you find meaning in that data with tools for searching, creating visualizations, and combining those visualizations to build dashboards. It is commonly used within the system administration, logging, and business analytics communities but is compatible with just about any data.

Kibana is an open-source project and uses the elasticsearch engine, another open-source project, for its powerful search and aggregation capabilities.

As a part of the elk-stack, Kibana and elasticsearch can be paired with logstash to build a powerful logging analysis solution.

Steps to install Kibana - Installation

Overview: Kibana

Related tags:

kibana-4, elasticsearch, elk-stack, logstash