Описание тега irvine16
Irvine16 is the 16-bit version of the Irvine32 library enclosed in Kip Irvine's book Assembly Language for x86 Processors. The book is regularly used in academia as a teaching tool. The library with source code is freely available on Irvine's homepage: http://www.kipirvine.com/asm/examples/index.htm.
The library is simple in design and is meant to take make certain low level tasks that students encounter easier to handle. The library is designed to be used in 16-Bit real mode mode targeting MS-DOS applications.
The library itself and the macros require MASM or MASM compatible assembler capable of generating 16-bit code.
A simple Hello-world-program:
INCLUDE Irvine16.inc
INCLUDELIB Irvine16.lib
hello BYTE "Hello world!",0
main PROC
mov ax,@data
mov ds,ax
lea dx, hello
call WriteString
call CrLf
main ENDP
END main
A batch file to build the program
PATH C:\Irvine;%PATH%
SET LIB=C:\Irvine
ml.exe /omf hello.asm
link16.exe hello.obj, hello.exe;
The environment variable PATH
should contain the path to ML.EXE
. The produced .exe
file is a 16-bit MS-DOS program which needs a MS-DOS system or an emulator like NTVDM.EXE, DOSBox, Emu8086, QEMU, Bochs etc. It cannot be run on a 64-bit Windows system.