Описание тега installscript
InstallScript is a language for developing installations with InstallShield and related products. Generally InstallScript has C-like syntax and constructs. It is the heart of InstallShield InstallScript projects and can also be used in InstallScript MSI projects and Basic MSI projects' custom actions.
While InstallScript has existed for decades and InstallShield's InstallScript reference is over 1,200 pages, fluent InstallScript programming is somewhat a dark art. In addition to challenges typical of any programming language, InstallScript presents distinct challenges where its features and idioms are often not (well) documented.
Tag Usage
Use the [installscript] tag for InstallScript-specific questions (e.g. InstallScript Data-Type Casing). This includes questions specific to InstallShield InstallScript projects.
Do not use the [installscript] tag for broader InstallShield questions (e.g. Register assemblies to GAC using InstallShield).
InstallScript Resources
Below are links to some useful InstallScript resources:
Flexera's HelpNet, which provides InstallScript resources for specific versions of InstallShield and versions of related products - e.g. the InstallShield 2012 Spring (version 19) InstallScript Language Reference in the InstallShield 2012 Spring Help Library (Reference > InstallScript Language Reference in the TOC).
InstallScript Logging in the Flexera community forums has a good recipe for text-file logging with InstallScript. Although posted in 2007, it still works well.
AskOptions optional parameters in the Flexera community forums nicely explains InstallScript's support for functions with optional parameters or "variable arguments" that is not addressed (outright) in official documentation. Even though it was posted in 2000, it is still relevant.