Описание тега image
The image tag is for questions related to the loading, formatting, saving, compression, and display of images in the context of source code. This tag should also be used for assistance using various image libraries. Questions about specific image formats should include the tags for those formats. Include tags to mention if the question relates to format conversion, processing, etc.
The image tag is for questions related to the loading, formatting, saving, compression, and display of images in the context of source code. Images are typically rendered as a two dimensional matrix of pixels for the case of gray-scale images, or a multidimensional matrix of pixels in the case of color images ( rgb, cymk, etc). These may be stored in a variety of formats such as jpg, png, gif, bmp, tif, and others (See Image file formats for further information).
Where appropriate, include tags that classify the type of question, such as /questions/tagged/image-manipulation, /questions/tagged/image-processing, etc.