Описание тега hypermedia

Hypermedia is a technique for working with and on data between a client and a server. It is used in both machine-to-machine and machine-to-human scenarios. It's main feature is the mixing of data and controls in a single message with no out-of-bounds data. The most known hypermedia is HTML but there exist many other hypermedia formats.

The concept of "mixing data and controls" is hypermedia's main distinguishing feature.

This means that both the data the user requested is being send, but also a description on the available operations and how to do further interactions with a server. The data could be a description of a person, an article or an invoice and the controls could be a description on how to change the address of the person, how to publish the article and how to send a credit note for the invoice.

HTML does this through forms and links. Links may be represented with for example link, a or img tags.

See also

Other Hypermedia Formats