Описание тега grouped-collection-select
In Ruby on Rails, grouped collection select returns <select>, <optgroup> and <option> tags for the collection of existing return values of method for object's class.
The jQuery plugin that is based on impress.js will allow us to use some interesting 3D effects for the slides.
The jQuery plugin that is based on impress.js will allow us to use some interesting 3D effects for the slides.
Chatter is the social a collaborative layer on top of the salesforce.com CRM application/platform.
Enable Chatter
Chatter is enabled by default. For older organizations or if you do not see chatter enable, then you can enable it through:
Setup | Customize | Chatter | Settings
Click on Enable, Deselect to disable Chatter, Click Save.
To enable chatter for custom objects:
Go to - FeedTracking (Setup | Customize | Chatter | FeedTracking)
You should see your custom object in the list. Select it, choose the fields you want to track, and you are done.
Useful links
Cheat Sheet
Chatter is the social a collaborative layer on top of the salesforce.com CRM application/platform.
DotNetNuke 7, also called as DNN 7 is most current stable version of DotNetNuke CMS framework
SIM.JS is a library for modeling discrete time event systems:
The library provides constructs to create Entities which are the
active actors in the system and encapsulates the state and logic of
components in a system.
The entities contend for resources, which can be Facilities (services
that are requested by entities; supports FIFO, LIFO with preemption
and Processor Sharing service disciplines), Buffers (resources that
can store finite amount of tokens) and Stores (resources that can
store JavaScript objects).
The entities communicate by waiting on Events or by sending Messages.
Statistics recording and analysis is provided by Data Series
Statistics (collection of discrete, time-independent observations),
Time Series Statistics (collection of discrete, time-dependent
observations) and Population Statistics (the behavior of population
growth and decline).
SIM.JS also provides a random number generation library to generate
seeded random variates from various distributions, including uniform,
exponential, normal, gamma, pareto and others.
SIM.JS is a general-purpose Discrete Event Simulation library written entirely in JavaScript.
Salesforce Service Cloud is a customer service portal that can be extended by programmers using a SOAP API, VisualForce pages and the Apex programming language.
Salesforce Service Cloud is a customer service portal that can be extended by programmers.
YouAtNotes Domino To Go is a framework extending Appcelerator Titanium to allow native mobile applications to easily incorporate IBM Domino data.
YouAtNotes Domino To Go extends Appcelerator Titanium and allows the development of mobile Domino Apps for iPhone, iPad, Android and BB10. The Apps are offline capable, native and developed with JavaScript.
This tag is a typo of.net. Please remove it.
DO NOT USE THIS TAG! It's ambiguous. Please use the tag selection autocomplete menu to find the correct "compass" tag.
A list-map hybrid. As with a regular map, it allows fast random access by key; and as with a regular list, it maintains the keys in a consistent order, which can be manipulated and queried using standard list operations.
The javafx class is the container for all content in a scene graph.
Within unity3d Scenes represent game levels and screens, which are loaded one at a time according to the game mechanics. The scene is a key element in Unity editor and contains the gameobject, assets and other game elements.
'scene' can refer to various things. Please combine this tag with other tags to put your question into perspective.
The development of Core Erlang is a collaboration between the High-Performance Erlang (HiPE) project at the Department of Information Technology of Uppsala University, and Ericsson's OTP/Erlang developers.
Core Erlang is an intermediate representation of Erlang, intended to lie at a level between source code and the intermediate code typically found in compilers.
With pulsar you can write asynchronous servers performing one or several activities in different threads and/or processes.
Event driven concurrent framework for python.
From Wikipedia:
Windows Server Essentials, (formerly Windows Small Business Server or SBS) is an integrated server suite from Microsoft designed for running network infrastructure (both intranet management and Internet access) of small and medium enterprises....
It is intended to give small- to medium-sized business the tools to manage their own core business IT functions, for example
Email (Microsoft Exchange),
Intranet/Internet applications (Microsoft Internet Information Server, or IIS),
database management (Microsoft SQL Server),
and others.
Additional information is available from Microsoft here.
Microsoft Windows Small Business Server (SBS), now called Windows Server Essentials
Astrolabe is an extension for protractor that adds page objects to your functional/e2e tests.
A library of useful extensions to ASP.NET Routing.
Team Foundation Server checkin policies.
Dragdealer is a drag-based JavaScript component that embraces endless front-end solutions. Elegantly crafted for JavaScript-aware coders.
Anything related to the mathematical gamma function, also known as generalized factorial function.
See Wikipedia page on gamma function.
Anything related to the mathematical gamma function, also known as generalized factorial function.
Use tag when
The question has generator specific behavior or includes heavy use of generators.
What is a generator?
A generator is a easy way of implementing iterators. The benefit is boilerplate-free compared to implementing a iterator. Furthermore the nature of a generator makes it easy to avoid reading big arrays into memory before iteration or make infinite sequences.
How do you make a generator?
A generator can not be initiated with the key word nor can you the class.
To initiate a generator a function with the keyword must be made and then declared in a variable.
Even number generator
Reading Resources
PHP Manual - Generators - Table of Contents
PHP Manual - SPL - Generator Class
PHP Wiki - RFC
PHP 5.5 introduces generators and the associated keyword yield. A generator allows for forward only iteration without building an array in memory and in a less time consuming manner. When a function with a yield keyword is declared it returns a Generator class instead of running the method.
DO NOT USE THIS TAG! You want [visual-studio-2013] instead.
The Lookback API is part of Rally Software's Analytics 2.0 platform. It allows users to query revision history and contains data appropriate for drawing charts and graphs.
QPython is a Python scripting engine running on Android. It embeds the python interpreter, console, editor and the SL4A library for Android, which can allow you to use your Android device to write & run python scripts or projects.
Python scripting facility for Android
TMDb is a free and community maintained movie database. It has a huge database of movies, actors, facts and all related details. It's similar to IMDB, but open to all. You need either a free or commercial API key to access the API. There are few wrapper libraries for languages like PHP, C#, and Java.
For more information, visit https://www.themoviedb.org/.
The TheMovieDB API is a simple API for getting community built content for movies and actors from TheMovieDB site
Founded by internet entrepreneur, Kim Dotcom, megaupload.com was a one-click file hosting service which, at it's peak, was being visited by over 50,000,000 people per day.
The legal cases resulting in the shutdown of the site by the United States Department of Justice caused controversy among internet users and freedom of speech activists. The legality of the charges against the New Zealand resident, Kim Dotcom, are questionable, with the US judge presiding over the case doubtful if it will see court.
The website was relaunched on the one year anniversary of it's shutdown, renamed Mega.
Wikipedia Page
DO NOT USE THIS TAG FOR QUESTIONS ABOUT THE MEGA API! megaupload.com was a file hosting service running bewteen 2005 and 2012, until it was famously shutdown by the United States Department of Justice.
Also called android-test-kit, espresso helps to create faster UI tests for Android.
The core API is small, predictable, and easy to learn and yet remains open for customization. Espresso tests state expectations, interactions, and assertions clearly without the distraction of boilerplate content, custom infrastructure, or messy implementation details getting in the way.
Espresso tests run optimally fast! Leave your waits, syncs, sleeps, and polls behind and let Espresso gracefully manipulate and assert on the application UI when it is at rest. Enjoy writing and executing your tests today - try a shot of Espresso!
Useful links
Espresso basics
Espresso cheat sheet
Espresso advanced samples
Espresso is a library which is used to write Android UI tests. Known also as Google's Testing Tools For Android
synonym of android-espresso
synonym of android-espresso
Editing tumblr theme html to remove some elements
This is my tumblr url(custom domain):
I want to remove "Follow intchauhan" and "tumblr." buttons that are on the right side.
This is the html of the theme:
Suggest changes to be done to remove the 2 buttons.
I'm not into web designing.
The LuaPlus distribution contains some modifications to the core Lua code base. As such, it is not an official distribution of Lua 5.1, nor does it intend to represent itself as one.
The LuaPlus distribution provides the following functionality.
All the power of the core lua-5.1 work distribution.
An optional high performance reference counted garbage collector.
The C++ interface, described below, masks many of the intricacies of core Lua's underlying low-level C API. In particular, stack management is mostly ignored. Other useful helper classes, such as management of ref'ed objects or the stack, table traversal, and table lookups are provided, dramatically simplifying the application code.
Simplified function calling convention. Inspired by, to a limited degree, Python's use of tuples in its C API, the new function calling convention masks the stack pushing and popping associated with the low-level calling convention.
Lua Core Enhancements:
16-bit wide character string support.
Tight integration of the extra string type was necessarily built into the code base. Any reference to in the Lua core code base was supplemented with an equivalent wide character.
Direct support for opening Unicode files available.
Useful Links
Project page - http://luaplus.org/
GitHub repository - https://github.com/jjensen/luaplus51-all
Official boards - http://luaplus.org/projects/luaplus/boards
Tag Wiki credits to LuaPlus Project page
The LuaPlus distribution contains some modifications to the core Lua code base.
General ads or specialized through modules Easy classifieds
installation compatible with private/dedicated or shared hosting Lots
of customization options (languages, themes, plugins) Search engine
friendly: sitemap.xml generation, robots.txt, nice urls Integrated
search engine with full text support Unlimited number of categories
and sub-categories TYPO3, Drupal, Symfony, free site creator
Osclass is PHP based open source project that allows you to create and manage a classifieds site almost without any technical knowledge.
Iterator over the key set takes time proportional to the number of constants in the enumerated type and returns the keys in their natural order (the order in which enums are declared).
If you are thinking of a high performance Map, could be a decent choice for enumeration data.
All keys used in must be from same type which is specified while creating.
Iterators are fail-fast.
You cannot insert null keys inside.
`EnumMap` is optimized Map implementation exclusively for Enum keys.
and its related tags provide enhanced capabilities to HTML forms. allow for client side data validation for things like
required fields
numeric only fields
data only fields
Other fields have completely new capabilities
creates a WYSIWYG HTML editor
makes flash based forms instead of HTML.
Because functionality is tied in with a specific version of ColdFusion, many developers prefer using other technologies for client side data validation.
For more details: https://learn.adobe.com/wiki/display/coldfusionen/cfform
ColdFusion enhanced forms
From Wikipedia:
Windows Server Essentials, (formerly Windows Small Business Server or SBS) is an integrated server suite from Microsoft designed for running network infrastructure (both intranet management and Internet access) of small and medium enterprises....
It is intended to give small- to medium-sized business the tools to manage their own core business IT functions, for example
Email (Microsoft Exchange),
Intranet/Internet applications (Microsoft Internet Information Server, or IIS),
database management (Microsoft SQL Server),
and others.
Additional information is available from Microsoft here.
Microsoft Windows Small Business Server (SBS), now called Windows Server Essentials
Google Shopping, formerly Google Product Search, Google Products and Froogle, is a Google service invented by Craig Nevill-Manning which allows users to search for products on online shopping websites and compare prices between different vendors.
Google Shopping is powered by two platforms: AdWords and Google Merchant Center. Google Merchant Center is where your product feed lives. We’ll get into the details of your feed momentarily, but in a nutshell, it’s the details of your products organized in a format Google likes. AdWords is where your actual shopping campaigns live and where you’ll set your budget, manage your bids, gain insights, and make optimizations based on performance.
The setup and management of Google Shopping ads is quite a bit different from setting up traditional text ads. With text ads, you’re creating campaigns, ad groups and ads that are focused around keywords that you choose. With Google Shopping, Google determines when your product listing ads show up. They consider your feed, your site, and your bids to determine what search queries trigger your ads. Because of this, setting up shopping ads has some strong similarities to SEO.
The longest increasing subsequence problem is to find a subsequence of a given sequence in which the subsequence's elements are in sorted order, lowest to highest, and in which the subsequence is as long as possible. This subsequence is not necessarily contiguous, or unique.
Longest increasing subsequences are studied in the context of various disciplines related to mathematics, including algorithmics, random matrix theory, representation theory, and physics.
The longest increasing subsequence problem is solvable in time O(n log n), where n denotes the length of the input sequence.
The longest increasing subsequence problem is to find a subsequence of a given sequence in which the subsequence's elements are in sorted order, lowest to highest, and in which the subsequence is as long as possible.
DigitalOcean is an American virtual private server (vps) provider based in New York City.
The company leases capacity from existing datacenters, including sites in New York, Amsterdam, San Francisco, London, Singapore, Frankfurt and Toronto. DigitalOcean allows users to create servers (entitled droplets) in "under 55 seconds".
The servers, which are already easy to manage, can be controlled using an API developed by the company. This API allows for all the major functionalities of the web control panel to be controlled by a user selected interface. Furthermore, DigitalOcean is highly accessible to students through the Github Student Education Pack.
It has UPS in its use of SSD's for its servers.
Useful Links
Developer Documentation
Digital Ocean is a provider of cloud infrastructure and services. ONLY PROGRAMMING QUESTIONS ARE ON-TOPIC (e.g. questions about programming for the Digital Ocean API). Questions about Digital Ocean the company, administrating systems, customer service based question, etc. are off-topic for stackru.
Tulip is an information visualization framework written in C++ that is dedicated to the analysis and visualization of relational data.
Tulip aims to provide developers with a complete library, supporting the design of interactive information visualization applications for relational data that can be tailored to the problems they are addressing.
The framework enables the development of algorithms, visual encodings, interaction techniques, data models, and domain-specific visualizations.
One of the goals of Tulip is to facilitate the reuse of components and allow the developer to focus on programming their application. This development pipeline makes the framework efficient for research prototyping as well as the development of end-user applications.
Tulip is an information visualization framework written in C++ that is dedicated to the analysis and visualization of relational data.
Anything related to the gamma probability distribution, i.e. a continuous probability distribution whose probability density function is connected to the gamma function.
If a variable X follows a gamma distribution with shape parameter k>0 and scale parameter θ, then it has probability density function:
It follows that E(X)=kθ and Var(X)=kθ². In some texts, the gamma distribution is parameterized instead by the rate parameter, which is the reciprocal of the scale parameter: β=1/θ.
DO NOT USE this tag for questions about the gamma function, use the gamma-function tag instead.
See Wikipedia page on the gamma distribution.
Tag Usage
Questions on gamma-distribution should be about implementation and programming problems, not about the statistical or theoretical properties of the technique.
Consider whether your question might be better suited to Cross Validated, the StackExchange site for statistics, machine learning and data analysis.
Anything related to the gamma probability distribution, i.e. a continuous probability distribution whose probability density function is connected to the "gamma function". DO NOT USE this tag for questions about the gamma function, use the [gamma-function] tag instead.
Wiki - https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/DRILL/Apache+Drill+Wiki
Apache Drill provides low latency ad-hoc queries to many different data sources, including nested data. Inspired by Google's Dremel, Drill is designed to scale to 10,000 servers and query petabytes of data in seconds.
jQuery.on not working with link after class is changed
In my code below, I change the of a from to. The idea is that a link with class red should not work on click. But it still does. Why does this happen? I was about to use, but read it's deprecated and I should be using.
You're using direct event handlers. When you call, the event handlers are attached to your elements. Later when you change your class to, the event handlers are already attached and will still fire. In your case, you could try delegated event handlers:
Delegated event handlers, on the other hand, are evaluated dynamically because the event handlers are not attached directly to the elements, but to the container instead.
Anything related to C or C++ standard library functions (defined in C standard header) or (defined in C++ standard header). These functions are used to read a single character from a stream and they can also be implemented as C-preprocessor macros.
See CPPreference.com:
documentation on
documentation on
Anything related to C or C++ standard library functions `getc` (C) or `std::getc` (C++). These functions are used to read a single character from a stream.
Anything related to C or C++ standard library functions (defined in C standard header) or (defined in C++ standard header). These functions are used to read a single character from a stream.
See CPPreference.com:
documentation on
documentation on
Anything related to C or C++ standard library functions `fgetc` (C) or `std::fgetc` (C++). These functions are used to read a single character from a stream.
you have to use the on the container so that events can be delegated.
here is the fiddle http://jsfiddle.net/JPGqq/
You can try using delegated events.But If you want to use class itself, then you can do something like this:
check the demo here:http://jsfiddle.net/PkBAq/
Anything related to C or C++ standard library functions (defined in C standard header) or (defined in C++ standard header). These functions are used to write a single character to the standard output stream.
See CPPreference.com:
documentation on
documentation on
Anything related to C or C++ standard library functions `putchar` (C) or `std::putchar` (C++). These functions are used to write a single character to the standard output stream `stdout`.
Try this:
Anything related to C or C++ standard library functions (defined in C standard header) or (defined in C++ standard header). These functions are used to write a null-terminated string to an output stream.
See CPPreference.com:
documentation on
documentation on
Anything related to C or C++ standard library functions `fputs` (C) or `std::fputs` (C++). These functions are used to write a null-terminated string to an output stream.
Anything related to C or C++ standard library, or Ruby functions (defined in C standard header, or included in core for Ruby) or (defined in C++ standard header). These functions are used to write a null-terminated string (C, C++), or Ruby's class to the standard output stream.
See CPPreference.com:
documentation on in C
documentation on in Ruby
documentation on
Anything related to C or C++ standard library, or Ruby functions `puts` (C, Ruby) or `std::puts` (C++). These functions are used to write a null-terminated string (C, C++), or Ruby's `String` class to the standard output stream `stdout`.
Sensors that could be placed anywhere. Once installed, e.g. next to an entry door or on product shelves, they start broadcasting tiny radio signals.
These signals can be picked up by consumers' smartphones, at which point the compatible app triggers different actions, such as welcoming consumers to the store, displaying coupons or helping to navigate the store layout very precisely.
Sensors that could be placed anywhere. Once installed, e.g. next to an entry door or on product shelves, they start broadcasting tiny radio signals.
Originally designed for use on floppy and hard disks, it can also be found on read-only media such as CD-ROMs. HFS is also referred to as Mac OS Standard (or, erroneously, "HFS Standard"), while its successor, HFS Plus, is also called Mac OS Extended (or, erroneously, "HFS Extended"). With the introduction of OS X 10.6, Apple has dropped support to format or write HFS disks and images, which are only supported as read-only volumes.
Hierarchical File System (HFS) is a proprietary file system developed by Apple Inc. for use in computer systems running Mac OS.
In data analysis, sliding windows are advancing sub-lists inside lists which allow, e.g., computation of a record's change from the previous record or next record. In SQL in particular, the analytic functions LEAD(), LAG(), and computations OVER() a changing subset of query results involve sliding windows.
In networking, a sliding window may refer to a flow control technique that maintains windows of sequential frames sent or received without a corresponding acknowledgement.
In data analysis, sliding windows are advancing sub-lists inside lists which allow, e.g., computation of a record's change from the previous record or next record. In networking, a sliding window may refer to a flow control technique that maintains windows of sequential frames sent or received without a corresponding acknowledgement.
I've had a similar problem, only my content was more nested. You want to exclude the areas (divs, classes or otherwise) where you expect to handle other events, using:not selector, like so:
With jQuery:
This triggers a click event anywhere inside article, except for the.buttons,.minimize and.remove divs.
OpenCloud are recognised leaders in the field of converged SS7 and IP telecom service layer. OpenCloud's next-generation intelligent network (NGIN) signaling products are:
Rhino Telecom Application Server – a JAIN SLEE Telecom Application Server;
Rhino Service Interaction Server – a Telecom Service Broker;
Rhino Sentinel – session control for real-time convergent charging systems.
OpenCloud was founded to create JAIN SLEE standards-based Java software products for the telecom service layer.
Anything related to C or C++ standard library functions (defined in C standard header) or (defined in C++ standard header). These functions are used to get the value of an environment variable.
See CPPreference.com:
documentation on
documentation on
Anything related to C or C++ standard library functions `getenv` (C) or `std::getenv` (C++). These functions are used to get the value of an environment variable.
exclude category from wordpress post
I want to exclude category from shoowing my blog posts. My category id is 62. category name is perfect_work
Here is my wordpress blog template code:
I already tried using
its not work. I also put
Its work but page navigation not work, and also not showing others post. only 1st 5 post show.
Any Solution?
Anything related to Gray code, also known as reflected binary code, i.e. a n-bit binary code where any one of the 2n binary code words differs from the next in just one bit position.
Gray codes were invented in 1947 by Frank Gray and are used to solve a variety of problems (e.g. Tower of Hanoi) and to ease error correction in some communication systems.
See Wikipedia page on Gray code.
Anything related to Gray code, also known as reflected binary code, i.e. a n-bit binary code where any one of the 2^n binary code words differs from the next in just one bit position.
SDCC is a retargettable, optimizing ANSI - C compiler suite that targets the Intel MCS51 based microprocessors (8031, 8032, 8051, 8052, etc.), Maxim (formerly Dallas) DS80C390 variants, Freescale (formerly Motorola) HC08 based (hc08, s08) and Zilog Z80 based MCUs (z80, z180, gbz80, Rabbit 2000/3000, Rabbit 3000A). Work is in progress on supporting the Microchip PIC16 and PIC18 targets. It can be retargeted for other microprocessors.
SDCC suite is a collection of several components derived from different sources with different FOSS licenses. SDCC compiler suite include:
sdas and sdld, a retargettable assembler and linker, based on ASXXXX, written by Alan Baldwin; (GPL).
sdcpp preprocessor, based on GCC cpp; (GPL).
ucsim simulators, originally written by Daniel Drotos; (GPL).
sdcdb source level debugger, originally written by Sandeep Dutta; (GPL).
sdbinutils library archive utilities, including sdar, sdranlib and sdnm, derived from GNU Binutils; (GPL)
SDCC run-time libraries; (GPL+LE). Pic device libraries and header files are derived from Microchip header (.inc) and linker script (.lkr) files. Microchip requires that "The header files should state that they are only to be used with authentic Microchip devices" which makes them incompatible with the GPL.
gcc-test regression tests, derived from gcc-testsuite; (no license explicitely specified, but since it is a part of GCC is probably GPL licensed)
packihx; (public domain)
makebin; (zlib/libpng License)
sdcc C compiler, originally written by Sandeep Dutta; (GPL). Some of the features include:
extensive MCU specific language extensions, allowing effective use of the underlying hardware.
a host of standard optimizations such as global sub expression elimination, loop optimizations (loop invariant, strength reduction of induction variables and loop reversing), constant folding and propagation, copy propagation, dead code elimination and jump tables for 'switch' statements.
MCU specific optimizations, including a global register allocator.
adaptable MCU specific backend that should be well suited for other 8 bit MCUs
independent rule based peep hole optimizer.
a full range of data types: char (8 bits, 1 byte), short (16 bits, 2 bytes), int (16 bits, 2 bytes), long (32 bit, 4 bytes), float (4 byte IEEE) and _Bool/bool;
basic (no integer constants) support for long long (64 bit, 8 bytes) data types for the z80, z180, r2k, r3ka, gbz80, hc08 and s08 targets.
the ability to add inline assembler code anywhere in a function.
the ability to report on the complexity of a function to help decide what should be re-written in assembler.
a good selection of automated regression tests.
SDCC was written by Sandeep Dutta and released under a GPL license. Since its initial release there have been numerous bug fixes and improvements. As of December 1999, the code was moved to SourceForge where all the "users turned developers" can access the same source tree. SDCC is constantly being updated with all the users' and developers' input.
SDCC is a retargettable, optimizing ANSI - C compiler suite that targets the Intel MCS51 based microprocessors (8031, 8032, 8051, 8052, etc.), Maxim (formerly Dallas) DS80C390 variants, Freescale (formerly Motorola) HC08 based (hc08, s08) and Zilog Z80 based MCUs (z80, z180, gbz80, Rabbit 2000/3000, Rabbit 3000A). Work is in progress on supporting the Microchip PIC16 and PIC18 targets. It can be retargeted for other microprocessors.
Try this one you have to specify the to limit the posts
Note: The minus sign indicates the exclusion of all Posts which
belong to that category from being retrieved from the database. In
turn, the Loop will never have Posts of that category id and only
process the specified number of Posts of other category ids.
Please read the codex on WP_Query, it is imo very detailed, look at the category params part
Just add a minus sign in front of the categories you dont want, so the below code would mean show posts with category 10 and 11, but exclude category 62
You don't need to use the variable before or after the query. You should use something like this:
Two things to note:
The paged query parameter
To reset the query use
Get the page number
Then you may use
Or use
Then loop
Anything related to handshaking in telecommunications, i.e. a process of automatic (software or hardware) negotiation of communication parameters between two interconnected devices.
See Wikipedia page on handshaking.
Anything related to handshaking in telecommunications, i.e. a process of automatic (software or hardware) negotiation of communication parameters between two interconnected devices.
Anything related to handshaking in telecommunications, i.e. a process of automatic (software or hardware) negotiation of communication parameters between two interconnected devices.
See Wikipedia page on handshaking.
Anything related to handshaking in telecommunications, i.e. a process of automatic (software or hardware) negotiation of communication parameters between two interconnected devices.
DON'T EVEN THINK OF USING THIS TAG! It was burninated during the last major cleanup.
DO NOT USE THIS TAG! You want [apache-camel] instead.
Anything related to Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) organization, i.e. the organization that coordinates the management of various global Internet resources and parameters such as DNS top level domains.
See official ICANN website and especially ICANN's welcome page.
Anything related to Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) organization, i.e. the organization that coordinates the management of various global Internet resources and parameters such as DNS top level domains.
Swiper is - according to the creators iDangero.us - a free and ultra lightweight mobile touch slider with hardware accelerated transitions (where supported) and native behaviour. It is intended to be used in mobile websites, mobile web apps, and mobile native apps. Designed mostly for iOS, but also works on Android, Windows Phone 8 and modern Desktop browsers.
Mobile touch slider & framework with hardware accelerated transitions
It is anchored to an edge of the screen, and it typically contains buttons that give the user quick access to other applications and windows.
source: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/cc144177(v=vs.85).aspx
An application desktop toolbar (also called an appbar) is a window that is similar to the Windows taskbar.
Disable Tumblr Controls
To disable the top right controls (follow abc / user) you can disable the promotion option on the screen.
Log in to Tumblr
Click Settings
Click Customise
On the left hand pane, click Advanced
Uncheck Promote Tumblr
This will disable the Tumblr Controls for none Tumblr users, however, Tumblr users will still get the controls.
The reason, these controls are really a short cut for a logged in user, and I would advise against hiding them, however this is possible. If you add the following to your Custom CSS box:
Normally I wouldn't condone using but the Tumblr embed really does some funky things, so in this case brute force is needed.
Hope that helps.
1: If you are using UINavigationController and your navigation bar is visible then this works
You can also set from stoyboard
2: Another solution is. You can use IOS 6/7 Deltas
Now you view hirerachy is look like as
You can see in follwing image how to set Deltas property
A jquery plugin to determine when a user has stopped typing in a text field.
From the official TypeWatch page at Github
TypeWatch calls a function when a user has typed text in an input or textarea (including HTML 5 input types) and after the user has stopped typing for a specified amount of time.
This can be used in conjunction with an AutoComplete implementation, so instead of firing an AJAX call every 500 ms, you can fire it once when they’ve stopped typing.
A jquery plugin to determine when a user has stopped typing in a text field.
jQuery remove don't work when run over maped set
I have code like this:
and files.remove() don't work the element stay in the DOM. (console.log show array with element I've selected). My html look like this:
What's wrong with my code? I'm using jquery-1.8.2.
I found, instead of map I can just put closest after set:
DWT stands for Discrete Wavelet Transform. This transformation is commonly used in signal processing.
Wavelets are considered as more advanced tool than Fourier transform for signal processing.
DWT's main advantage is its ability to preserve temporal information of the signal while introducing frequency properties. This advantage is achieved due to the use of compact basis functions - the wavelets. The compact basis functions integrates spectral (frequency) information over compact domain thus preserving temporal information.
There are many types of DWT differes by their construction of their basis function. Very useful DWTs are Haar wavelets and Gabor wavelets.
For more information see wikipedia.
DWT stands for Discrete Wavelet Transform. This transformation is commonly used in signal processing. Its main advantage over Fourier transform is its ability to preserve temporal information.
You must have references for removing or any other action.. $.map() create a new array. Change:
The Portable Executable (PE) format, a modification of COFF, is the file format for executable binaries under the Windows operating system. The PE format is easily recognized by its "MZ DOS header" (0x4d 0x5a, "MZ" for "Mark Zbikowski").
KNX is the successor to, and convergence of, three previous standards: the European Home Systems Protocol (EHS), BâtiBUS, and the European Installation Bus (EIB or Instabus). The KNX standard is administered by the KNX Association.
KNX defines several physical communication media:
Twisted pair wiring (inherited from the BatiBUS and EIB Instabus standards)
Powerline networking (inherited from EIB and EHS - similar to that used by X10)
Radio (KNX-RF)
Ethernet (also known as EIBnet/IP or KNXnet/IP)
KNX is a standardized, OSI-based network communications protocol for intelligent buildings.
For questions dealing with the adjustPan Window Soft Input Mode for the Android Activity element.
Springockito is a small extension to spring that simplifies way of creation mockito mocks in the intergation tests
This tag is related to Dublin Core® Metadata Initiative (DCMI). It is a scheme of XML and HTML meta tag.
This tag refers to build path settings for a Java project. You can reach this page through the project properties (Project > Properties > Java Build Path) from the context menu on a created project or the File menu of the workbench.
Worklight's Rich Page Editor allows to easily edit HTML files, add Dojo widgets to HTML pages, and create and edit web pages for mobile devices. The Rich Page Editor is a multi-tabbed editor that provides multiple views to show different representations of your page.
Worklight's Rich Page Editor allows to easily edit HTML files, add Dojo widgets to HTML pages, and create and edit web pages for mobile devices.
Bndtools is a widely used Eclipse based OSGi development tool. It is based upon the bnd library which is also used in ant and maven build environments.
The latest release can be found on GitHub and the Eclipse Marketplace.
Bndtools is a widely used Eclipse based OSGi development tool. It is based upon the bnd library which is also used in ant and maven build environments.
DO NOT USE THIS TAG! Use [jboss7.x] instead.
Jquery get changed div content
I have made a form template on page(div with class info) as I do not want to fetch this form via ajax with values changed. I have two buttons with different data id & data email. On button click i fetch these two data and change the info div values. Then that divs content is fetched and shown in demo div. Everytime it is showing blank values. what's the problem?
Jsfiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/4D29C/
Universal Analytics is a complete rewrite of Google Analytics updating the tracking technology. Universal Analytics is based on the measurement protocol which allows all web connected devices to report data into Google Analytics.
Universal Analytics introduces a set of features that change the way data is collected and organized in your Google Analytics account, allowing operators of web properties a better understanding of how users interact with online content.
The analytics.js JavaScript snippet replaces the, ga.js snippet.
Unofficial support:
Google Analytics Google+ Community
Universal Analytics is a set of technological innovations that improve the way data is collected and processed in Google Analytics.
This is because the value attribute isn't update, the live value is stored in the DOM's value property. You would need to update the attribute to get the desired effect:
See http://jsfiddle.net/4D29C/1/
PhantomJS is a headless (GUI-less) WebKit with JavaScript API. It has native support for various web standards: DOM handling, CSS selector, JSON, Canvas, and SVG.
PhantomJS is a solution for headless testing of web-based applications, site scraping, pages capture, SVG renderer, PDF converter and many other use cases.
PhantomJS is a headless (GUI-less) WebKit with JavaScript API. It has native support for various web standards: DOM handling, CSS selector, JSON, Canvas, and SVG. This tag deals specifically with PhantomJS version 1.9.
The question is regarding an iOS Enterprise App. These apps are not released to the Apple iTunes App Store and does not go thru the App Store review process. For these kind of apps the developer can chose to ignore many rules set by Apple and also use private APIs if this is required for the apps functionality. Developers making apps using the iOS Enterprise Developer Program know that private APIs can change in the future but often have good reasons.
This tag is for questions about the Android Gradle plugin. The Android Gradle plugin was introduced at Google IO in 2013 and replace the legacy ant-based build system.
Configure your build
The Android Gradle Plugin is Android's standard build system. It is used as backing-build-system by Android Studio.
DO NOT USE THIS TAG! Please use the tag autocomplete mechanism to find the correct compass tag instead.
Spark skins can contain multiple elements (graphic elements, text, images, and transitions). Skins support states, so that when the state of a component changes, the skin changes as well. Skin states integrate well with transitions so that you can apply effects to one or more parts of the skins without adding much code.
You create Spark skins by either editing an existing skin class or creating a new skin class for a Spark component.
New skinning architecture of Adobe Flex 4
Ubuntu 13.04 was released on schedule on 25 April 2013.
Code name: Raring Ringtail
Ubuntu 13.04 was released on schedule on 25 April 2013.
In computer science, arbitrary-precision arithmetic, also called bignum arithmetic, multiple precision arithmetic, or sometimes infinite-precision arithmetic, indicates that calculations are performed on numbers which digits of precision are limited only by the available memory of the host system. This contrasts with the faster fixed-precision arithmetic found in most arithmetic logic unit (ALU) hardware, which typically offers between 8 and 64 bits of precision.
Several modern programming languages have built-in support for large numbers (also known as infinite precision integers or bignums), such as lisp, smalltalk, rexx and haskell. Other languages which do not support this concept as a top-level construct may have libraries available to represent very large numbers using arrays of smaller variables, such as java and c# biginteger class or perl bigint package.
Other languages have libraries available for arbitrary-precision integer and floating-point math. Rather than store values as a fixed number of binary bits related to the size of the processor register, these implementations typically use variable-length arrays of digits.
Very large numbers often occur in fields such as mathematics, cosmology, cryptography and statistical mechanics. That numbers are significantly larger than those ordinarily used in everyday life, for instance in simple counting or in monetary transactions. The term typically refers to large positive integers, or more generally, large positive real numbers, but it may also be used in other contexts.
Several modern programming languages have built-in support for bignums, and others have libraries available for arbitrary-precision integer and floating-point math. Rather than store values as a fixed number of binary bits related to the size of the processor register, these implementations typically use variable-length arrays of digits.
lisp, smalltalk, rexx and haskell, supports arbitrary precision integers (also known as infinite precision integers or bignums). Other languages which do not support this concept as a top-level construct may have libraries available to represent very large numbers using arrays of smaller variables, such as java and c# biginteger class or perl "bigint" package.
These use as much of the computer's memory as is necessary to store the numbers; however, a computer has only a finite amount of storage, so they too can only represent a finite subset of the mathematical integers. These schemes support very large numbers, for example one kilobyte of memory could be used to store numbers up to 2466 decimal digits long.
A common application is public-key cryptography (such as that in every modern Web browser), whose algorithms commonly employ arithmetic with integers having hundreds of digits. Another is in situations where artificial limits and overflows would be inappropriate. It is also useful for checking the results of fixed-precision calculations, and for determining the optimum value for coefficients needed in formulae, for example the √⅓ that appears in Gaussian integration.
Big ints can also be used to compute fundamental mathematical constants such as π to millions or more generally to investigate the precise behaviour of functions such as the Riemann zeta function where certain questions are difficult to explore via analytical methods. Another example is in rendering fractal images with an extremely high magnification.
Arbitrary-precision arithmetic can also be used to avoid overflow, which is an inherent limitation of fixed-precision arithmetic. Some processors can instead deal with overflow by saturation, which means that if a result would be unrepresentable, it is replaced with the nearest representable value.
Arbitrary-precision arithmetic (also called bignum arithmetic, multiple precision arithmetic, or infinite-precision arithmetic) indicates that calculations are performed on numbers which digits of precision are limited only by the available memory of the host system. This contrasts with the faster fixed-precision arithmetic found in most arithmetic logic unit (ALU) hardware, which typically offers between 8 and 64 bits of precision.
FullPage.js is a jQuery plugin used to create full screen scrolling websites.
Official site
GitHub repository
Related tags
jQuery plugin and Javascript library used to create full screen scrolling websites
Faunus is a Hadoop-based graph analytics engine for analyzing graphs represented across a multi-machine compute cluster. A breadth-first version of the graph traversal language Gremlin operates on graphs stored in the distributed graph database Titan, in any Rexster-fronted graph database, or in HDFS via various text and binary formats.
Faunus is a Hadoop-based graph analytics engine for analyzing graphs represented across a multi-machine compute cluster.
Anything related to image rendering, i.e. the process of transforming the internal, memory (or file) representation of an image into a corresponding visual, on-screen representation.
Anything related to image rendering, i.e. the process of transforming the internal, memory (or file) representation of an image into a corresponding visual, on-screen representation.
Anything related to image stabilization and correlated techniques, i.e. the process of avoiding, eliminating or compensating the distortions of an image due to spurious movements of the image acquisition device, such as a camera, a web-cam, a scanner, etc.
Anything related to image stabilization and correlated techniques, i.e. the process of avoiding, eliminating or compensating the distortions of an image due to spurious movements of the image acquisition device, such as a camera, a web-cam, a scanner, etc.
Anything related to image transcoding, i.e. the process of converting a digital image from a storage format to another (e.g. from PNG format to JPEG format).
Anything related to image transcoding, i.e. the process of converting a digital image from a storage format to another (e.g. from PNG to JPG).
Anything related to digital imaging, i.e. the theory, the technology and the techniques about acquiring, representing, processing and rendering digital images. This is a term with a rather broad meaning: consider using a more specific tag if it applies to your use case (e.g. use image-processing tag if the question is specifically about processing but not about rendering).
Anything related to digital imaging, i.e. the theory, the technology and the techniques about acquiring, representing, processing and rendering digital images. This is a term with a rather broad meaning: consider using a more specific tag if it applies to your use case (e.g. use [image-processing] tag if the question is specifically about processing and not rendering).
Anything related to C/C++ include guards technique, i.e. a technique employing C-preprocessor conditional compilation features in order to prevent multiple inclusion of header files in C/C++ source files.
Anything related to C/C++ include guards technique, i.e. a technique employing C-preprocessor conditional compilation features in order to prevent multiple inclusion of header files in C/C++ source files.
Anything related to the logical implication operation, i.e. a binary operation between two truth values A and B that in math is denoted by an arrow (A implies B) and that can be expressed in term of basic logical operations as.
Anything related to the logical implication operation, i.e. a binary operation between two truth values A and B that in math is denoted by an arrow `A -> B` (A implies B) and that can be expressed in term of basic logical operations as `not A or B`.
Anything related to pointer dereference, i.e. the process of determining the object which the pointer is referring to. Languages having pointer variables usually have a special operator to perform dereferencing of pointers (e.g. in C and C++, if is a valid pointer, is the object pointed to by).
Anything related to pointer dereference, i.e. the process of determining the object which the pointer is referring to. Languages having pointer variables usually have a special operator to perform dereferencing of pointers (e.g. in C and C++, if `p` is a valid pointer, `*p` is the object pointed to by `p`).
The full (using all optional keywords) syntax of a left join is:
Although the SQL standard allows the keyword to be omitted.
A "left outer join" is a join that creates a result set that contains all the records of the first table whether or not there are any rows from the second table that join
Anything related to mathematical induction principle and techniques applied to computing. Please DO NOT USE this tag for math-only questions since they are off-topic on SO. This tag may be used for math-related questions only if it involves some programming activity or software tools (e.g. automatic theorem proving, etc.).
Anything related to mathematical induction principle and techniques applied to computing. Please DO NOT USE this tag for math-only questions since they are off-topic on SO. This tag may be used for math-related questions only if it involves some programming activity or software tools (e.g. automatic theorem proving, etc.).
Anything related to INI files, i.e. a text file format commonly used (especially on Windows platforms) for configuration files. The name comes from the common file extension used for this kind of files.
See Wikipedia on INI files.
Anything related to INI files, i.e. a text file format commonly used (especially on Windows platforms) for configuration files. The name comes from the common file extension `.ini` used for this kind of files.
Cognos is a division of IBM (since 2007) which produces products designed to help businesses with business intelligence, operations intelligence, performance management, and workforce analytics.
Some of its software products are similar to SAS or MicroStrategies, both "pure-players" in the industry of business intelligence.
Questions with this tag deal with version 10 of the Cognos SDK.
IBM Cognos Software Page
Cognos is an IBM subsidiary which provides a range of business intelligence and performance management products.
Flask is a microframework for Python based on Werkzeug, Jinja 2 and good intentions. Flask-httpauth is built on this framework and is available at https://github.com/miguelgrinberg/flask-httpauth.
Simple extension that provides Basic and Digest HTTP authentication for Flask routes.
The seed contains AngularJS libraries, test libraries and a bunch of scripts all preconfigured for instant web development gratification. Just clone the repo (or download the zip/tarball), start up our (or yours) webserver and you are ready to develop and test your application.
The seed app doesn't do much, just shows how to wire two controllers and views together. You can check it out by opening app/index.html in your browser (might not work file file:// scheme in certain browsers, see note below).
This project is an application skeleton for a typical AngularJS web app. You can use it to quickly bootstrap your angular webapp projects and dev environment for these projects.
The ASP.NET Placeholder control is used to provide a location in a Master page where content pages will fill in page-specific content.
Anything related to C and C++ function prototypes. Function prototypes are a way to describe the interface of a function to the client code, in fact function prototypes convey the following information about a function:
its name;
its return type;
the list of its parameters, each listed with its type and name (this latter is optional).
For example, in this function definition:
the prototype is:
or just only:
Anything related to C and C++ function prototypes. Function prototypes are a way to describe the interface of a function to the client code.
Smartform is a document handling system in SAP. It is used for producing formatted documents either in printed form, or as PDF (among others). It is a newer technology than SAPScript, designed to be more maintainable and to require as little coding effort as possible in order to develop a form.
Anything related to input buffers and correlated techniques, i.e. memory areas used as temporary storage for information read on input. Input buffering is usually used to increase the efficiency of the input operations.
Anything related to input buffers and correlated techniques, i.e. memory areas used as temporary storage for information read on input. Input buffering is usually used to increase the efficiency of the input operations.
Input devices are hardware devices used to gather information from the outside world. The information is then converted into a digital format suitable for processing by a machine.
The main input device types are:
pointing device (mouse, touchscreen)
optical (digital camera, scanner)
audio (microphone)
Anything related to input devices, i.e. hardware devices (e.g. a mouse, a keyboard, a webcam, etc.) used to gather information from the outside world and converting them into a digital format suitable for processing by a machine.
Anything related to the integer division operation, i.e. that special form of division which is performed between two integer numbers and which in math results in a quotient and a remainder. This is mostly relevant for languages which have specific integer data-types, for which the division is an integer division, or for languages having a specific operator/function to perform integer division.
Anything related to the integer division operation, i.e. that special form of division which is performed between two integer numbers and which in math results in a quotient and a remainder. This is mostly relevant for languages which have specific integer data-types, for which the division is an integer division, or for languages having a specific operator/function to perform integer division.
In C and C++ integer promotion refers to automatic type conversions made between compatible integral types. When an operation is attempted between two compatible types (one can be safely converted into the other) any necessary adjustments are added silently by the compiler. This helps to avoid type casting where the programmer's intent is clear.
Anything related to C and C++ integer promotions, i.e. a class of data-type conversions that happens automatically when an object of integer type appears in certain contexts (e.g. when a value of type `short` is added to an `int` it is automatically promoted to `int` type before performing the operation).
Qt (pronounced officially as cute (/kyut/) though commonly pronounced as Q.T. (/ˈkyu ti/)) is a cross-platform application development framework widely used for the development of GUI programs (in which case it is known as a widget toolkit), and also used for developing non-GUI programs such as console tools and servers. wikipedia
Qt was created by Trolltech, and is currently developed and maintained by Digia.
Current version:
The latest official release is 5.3.0. The major version indicates API compatibility.
There is extensive official documentation (all classes) available on Qt's website, in addition to tutorials and examples. You will often see these tutorials and examples referenced in the questions and answers on this site. Qt also provides an integrated development environment named Qt Creator. Though it mainly aims at creating Qt applications, it can be used to create regular C++ applications too.
Tagging recommendation:
You will often see questions tagged specifically as qt3, qt4, or qt5 to indicate that the question is related to Qt 3.x, 4.x, or 5.x respectively. Qt 3.x is no longer supported and Qt 5.x has been released recently, so the default when version information is lacking is to assume version 4.x of the API.
Writing recommendation
is a cross-platform application development framework, but (QuickTime) - is an extensible multimedia framework developed by Apple Inc.
Qt is a cross-platform application development framework widely used for the development of GUI programs.
Anything related to the hardware, software tools and techniques needed to establish and manage an Internet connection.
Anything related to the hardware, software tools and techniques needed to establish and manage an Internet connection.
Fancy box gallery, delete element from HTML on Delete button click
I have a galery, when is clicked on the image, fancy box shows up. There is a delete button with on click event:
Delete button on click event works(fancybox is closed on click), but li element is not deleted from HTML. Something is wrong with - $('li#'+photo).remove(); How could I change it if I want to delete li element?
you may want to remove ".jpg" from the id, the "." will make the selector look for li#9O9x5Ww0o8NOQ.jpg which would be
and does not exist.
What is shown if you add before??
If it's empty, try to remove the at the beginning of
Sometimes, you have to use for selector, if you can have some sepcial chars. So try to replace your selector by:
Anything related to function interpolation, i.e. the mathematical techniques for estimating the (unknown) value of a function in a point on the basis of a set of known values in other (usually nearby) points.
See Wikipedia on interpolation.
Anything related to function interpolation, i.e. the mathematical techniques for estimating the (unknown) value of a function in a point on the basis of a set of known values in other (usually nearby) points.
Anything related to Input/Output errors, i.e. errors happening while a program is performing an I/O operation, such as opening a file, reading from a stream, writing to a socket, etc.
Anything related to Input/Output errors, i.e. errors happening while a program is performing an I/O operation, such as opening a file, reading from a stream, writing to a socket, etc.
Anything related to iris recognition techniques, i.e. those techniques allowing a machine to attest the identity of a human user by analyzing the image of his/her iris. This is usually employed in high security environments as a factor in user authentication.
Anything related to iris recognition techniques, i.e. those techniques allowing a machine to attest the identity of a human user by analyzing the image of his/her iris. This is usually employed in high security environments as a factor in user authentication.
Anything related to ISO standard date formats, i.e. a series of ISO-standardized formats for date and time information meant to be "understandable" worldwide.
For example, the following string represents the following time in ISO format:
year: 2013
month: 10
day: 2
hour: 15
minutes: 35
seconds: 2
Anything related to ISO standard date formats, i.e. a series of ISO-standardized formats for date and time information meant to be "understandable" worldwide, like the following string "2013-10-02 15:35:02".
HAMMER is a file system written for DragonFly that provides instant crash recovery, multi-volume file systems, integrity checking, fine grained history/undo, networked mirroring, and historical snapshots. HAMMER is the default file system for DragonFly.
For a web development application for Macs, use the hammerformac tag.
For the JavaScript Hammer library, use the hammer.js tag.
HAMMER is a high-availability filesystem written for DragonFly BSD. For a web development application on Macs, use the [tag:hammerformac] tag. For the JavaScript Hammer library, use the [tag:hammer.js] tag.
Anything related to C++ standard library class. This class represents an input string stream, i.e. an input stream that allows a string to be used as the source of information attached to the stream.
is a specialization of the template class and it is defined in C++ standard library header.
See CPPreference.com on template class.
Anything related to C++ `istringstream` standard library class. This class represents an "input string stream", i.e. an input stream that allows a string to be used as the source of information attached to the stream.
Anything related to MS Windows Kernel API (part of Windows API), residing in the `kernel32.dll` library. This library provides basic kernel services to user code, e.g. copying or locking a file, creating a mutex or a process, allocating memory, etc. This library is used by both 32-bit and 64-bit Windows, despite the name.
Use the [jest] tag for question related to the Java HTTP Rest client for ElasticSearch.
Use the [jestjs] tag for questions related to the JavaScript testing framework.
DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT USING THIS TAG! You want [visual-studio-2013] instead.
DON'T EVEN THINK OF USING THIS TAG! It was burninated during the last major cleanup.
To be a true working blog, the other answers would have you dynamically create css and have a class or id for each date you wanted displayed. It would be better to set and have your back-end load the dates and post titles, not have it write your css.
This way it would look like:
23 Oct 2013 " How to code in CSS
19 Oct 2013 " How to code in HTML
The European Data Format (EDF) is a simple and flexible format for exchange and storage of multi-channel biological and physical signals.
Mozilla's Open Badges make it easy for anyone to issue, earn and display badges across the web through a shared infrastructure that's free and open to all.
Mozilla's Open Badges make it easy for anyone to issue, earn and display badges across the web through a shared infrastructure that's free and open to all.
PScmdlet requires and has access to the Windows PowerShell runtime, which allows the cmdlet to call scripts, access Windows PowerShell providers, and access the current session state.
Serves as a base class for derived commandlets that depend on access to the Windows PowerShell runtime, and therefore execute within a runspace.
The regex matches or. In the first case, the first (and only) capturing group remains empty. In the second case, the first capturing group matches.
If capturing the match isn't needed, the regular expression can be optimized into. The question mark and the colon after the opening parenthesis are the syntax that creates a non-capturing group.
The question mark after the opening bracket is unrelated to the question mark at the end of the regex. The final question mark is the quantifier that makes the previous token optional. This quantifier cannot appear after an opening parenthesis, because there is nothing to be made optional at the start of a group. Therefore, there is no ambiguity between the question mark as an operator to make a token optional and the question mark as part of the syntax for non-capturing groups.
Regex groups are created by placing part of a regular expression inside parentheses. Groups allows to apply a quantifier to the entire group or to restrict alternation to part of the regex. Besides grouping part of a regular expression together, parentheses also create a numbered capturing group. It stores the part of the string matched by the part of the regular expression inside the parentheses.
JavaScript globalization and localization. Formats and parses strings, dates and numbers in over 350 cultures
Documentation: http://wiki.jqueryui.com/Globalize
Source: https://github.com/jquery/globalize
JavaScript globalization and localization. Formats and parses strings, dates and numbers in over 350 cultures
A type mismatch error is usually found in the context of strong typed languages. Occurs while assigning values between unrelated, incompatible or unconvertible values. For example assigning a string value to a number.
The variable or property isn't of the correct type. For example, a variable that requires an integer value can't accept a string value unless the whole string can be recognized as an integer.
Typemock Isolator is a unit testing and Test Driven Development (TDD) tool for.NET and C++.
Why are 2 images prepending?
I'm trying prepend an image to the div and wrap it in the of the post-title anchor. Maybe that is confusing. Heres the code:
Everything is working, but the anchor and div are being added in 2 places, the correct place(inside, and also to. I can't understand why its being added to the. Here is the resulting html:
Again, I am trying to prepend the image only to the div. Thanks.
Type members are types declared at the scope of a hierarchically upper entity.
I have tried replicating your code on my local system and found that images were coming twice because of:
Fiddle here: http://jsfiddle.net/BvGXs/
Image are not loading due to path, although correctly prepended.
Easy Thumbnails is a powerful, yet easy to implement thumbnailing application for Django 1.4+
The primary function of easy-thumbnails is to dynamically create thumbnails based on a source image.
So whenever a thumbnail does not exist or if the source was modified more recently than the existing thumbnail, a new thumbnail is generated (and saved).
Project source on GitHub
A thumbnailing application for Django 1.4+
Midori is a lightweight, fast, open source web browser that uses the WebKit rendering engine and a GTK+ 2 or 3 interface. It is used by some Linux distributions. Midori is part of the standard Raspian distribution for the Raspberry Pi armv6-based computer.
Image Source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Midori_0.5.11_Heads_or_Tails.png
Important Links:
Official Home Page
Midori (web browser) - Wikipedia
is a lightweight, fast web browser that uses the WebKit rendering engine and a GTK+ interface.
Stripe.net is a stripe-payments library for the.NET Framework.
You can find Stripe.net on GitHub.
License: Apache License Version 2.0.
Use this tag for programming questions about Stripe.net, the Stripe payments library for the.NET Framework. Questions should also contain the tag [stripe-payments] and, if applicable, a tag for the programming language in question. Do not use this tag for questions about Stripe which do not involve this specific library.
Wordpress Metabox Input form Overflowing
I have a Wordpress plugin with some tables and input forms. The tables are built using the standard Wordpress table widefat class. The input forms are embedded into cells in the widefat table.
Where I am just displaying data, the table resizes to fit the metabox. Where I am using input fields, the table overflows the metabox, see picture:
I would like the input table to resize like the data table.
This is how the normal table renders:
And this is how the Form table renders:
Grateful for any suggestions
Fluid Powered TYPO3 framework - a collection of extensions designed to make many common development tasks in TYPO3 a lot easier to perform.
Includes TYPO3 extensions flux, fluidpages, fluidcontent, vhs and more.
Fluid Powered TYPO3 framework
DON'T EVEN THINK OF USING THIS TAG! It was burninated during the last major cleanup.
DON'T EVEN THINK OF USING THIS TAG! It was burninated during the last major cleanup.
Ubuntu 13.10 was released on schedule on October 17th, 2013.
Ubuntu 13.10 introduces the first release of Ubuntu for phones and
Ubuntu Core for the new 64-bit ARM systems (the "arm64" architecture,
also known as AArch64 or ARMv8), and improved AppArmor confinement. In
addition to these flagship features there are also major updates
Ubuntu Server 13.10 includes the Havana release of OpenStack,
alongside deployment and management tools that save devops teams time
when deploying distributed applications - whether on private clouds,
public clouds, x86 or ARM servers, or on developer laptops. Several
key server technologies, from MAAS to Ceph, have been updated to new
upstream versions with a variety of new features.
Maintenance updates will be provided for Ubuntu 13.10 for 9 months,
through July 2014.
-- Quote from the release notification posted on October 17th.
Code name: Saucy Salamander
For questions on using and administrating, running third-party tools, development on ubuntu, services provided, use askubuntu SE
Ubuntu 13.10 was released on schedule on October 17th, 2013. It includes the first release of Ubuntu for phones and Ubuntu Core for 64-bit ARM systems.
What I don't get is why you're using a form inside a meta box... We just simply drop our input fields there, and takes care of there rest, here's a full example.
To fix the table layout, I've found an answer here: Why is my HTML table not respecting my CSS column width?
Tenth release of Apple OS X originally released in late 2013.
Official Apple documentation
Version 10.9 of Apple OS X
More Information at MSDN Blog Post by Reshmi Mangalore
Browser Link is a channel between your Visual Studio IDE and any open browser, allowing dynamic data exchange between your web application in Visual Studio and the browser. It uses SignalR to facilitate the communications between Visual Studio and the browser.
In languages such as Python and Ruby, a KeyError is a specific exception type that is raised when a key could not be found within a dictionary (mapping). In Python, it is a subclass of LookupError. In Ruby, it is a subclass of IndexError.
docs: https://docs.python.org/3/library/functions.html#repr
Python built-in function that returns a string from an arbitrary object. Abbreviation for "representation".
For questions about the MailAddress class in.NET - used for emailing.
This function is to register a function with the Standard PHP Library (SPL) provided stack. If the stack is not yet activated it will be activated.
If your code has an existing function then this function must be explicitly registered on the stack. This is because spl_autoload_register() will effectively replace the engine cache for the function by either or.
If there must be multiple autoload functions, allows for this. It effectively creates a queue of autoload functions, and runs through each of them in the order they are defined. By contrast, may only be defined once.
Official Documentation
PHP function to register a function with the Standard PHP Library (SPL) provided `__autoload` stack. If the stack is not yet activated it will be activated.
Web Console is the Mozilla Firefox panel which allows stylesheets and document structure as well as network requests to be inspected, among other things. It can typically be accessed with the key combination CtrlShiftK.
Chrome/Chromium calls it Developer Tools and offers CtrlShiftI or F12 to access it.
Internet Explorer also offers a similar function which the F12 key can access.
Use this tag for questions about using the panel for debugging web applications.
Web Console is the Mozilla Firefox panel which allows stylesheets and document structure as well as network requests to be inspected. Use this tag for questions about using the panel for debugging web applications.
pdfpages is either a Python method for generating a pdf with multiple pages or a Latex package for inserting external pdf documents.
If the question relates to the Python method it should usually be tagged with both matplotlib and python. If it relates to the Latex package it should be tagged with latex.
Further reading:
pdfpages Package documentation for Latex
matplotlib documentation
A Python method, in matplotlib, for generating a pdf with multiple pages or a Latex package for inserting external pdf documents.
How to self-define a Python function with optional parameters?
There are a bunch of discussions on this kind of issue here, but I did not see anything about how to implement such a function.
Say I have a class that has a function inside.
The function takes in either no or only one argument. When it takes in nothing, the attribute is set to 2. Else, it is set to whatever the input is. i.e.
How do I do this?
Add a keyword argument:
Here defaults to if not explicitly given:
Note that the function signature is created once; defaults are stored on the function object. A common mistake is to assume that defaults are evaluated each time you call a function, and that can lead to some surprises:
Here will be fixed to the moment was imported and Python created the function object:
It gets more surprising still when the default value is mutable:
Repeatedly calling will result in the list growing, adding a new value to the list each time you call it:
See "Least Astonishment" and the Mutable Default Argument for a longer discussion about this.
You can give parameters a default value. Just define it as a keyword argument:
Hope this helps!
Introduced in Java 7, Phaser is a reusable synchronization barrier, similar in functionality to CyclicBarrier and CountDownLatch but supporting more flexible usage.
Not to be confused with Phaser.io, which uses the tag phaser-framework.
Introduced in Java 7, Phaser is a reusable synchronization barrier, similar in functionality to CyclicBarrier and CountDownLatch but supporting more flexible usage.
Offfical website of the App Framework is http://app-framework-software.intel.com
"Intel App Framework" is a JavaScript library and the successor of jqMobi.
It contains much functionality from jQuery, but is smaller.
Part of the project is a complementary library for building user interfaces, "App Framework UI".
why you are using onclick? just use jquery click event
where data-id is your = options.rowId
and then
From my point of view inline javascript is evil thing
Parse and Modify the HTML file using Java
I have to parse a given HTML and modify its content and save the modified version.
My HTML Input:
My problem is I have to find "@MarcoS had an excellent solution using a NodeTraversor to make a list of nodes to change at https://stackru.com/a/6594828/1861357 and I only" in the html and put a (or whatever) around it (Not around it's parent tag or whole paragraph).
The text I search for will have html tags in between.
I want the output like this:
Is RegEx the only solution or can any HTML Parser can do this?
Druid is open source infrastructure for Real-time Exploratory Analytics on Large Datasets. The system uses an always-on, distributed, shared-nothing, architecture designed for real-time querying and data ingestion. It leverages column-orientation and advanced indexing structures to allow for cost effective, arbitrary exploration of multi-billion-row tables with sub-second latencies.
Website: http://druid.io
Source: Druid Github Repo
Docs: http://druid.io/docs/latest/design/
Papers and Talks: http://druid.io/docs/latest/misc/papers-and-talks.html
DataWorks Summit Presentation about Druid.
Druid is a column-oriented open-source distributed data store written in Java.
An iterable is an object, such as a string or collection, that can be iterated over, yielding up its members one at a time.
You can try to use regexp if you don't want to use some XML parser:
The function's schematics are as follows:
where is the object, is the named attribute, and is the value that will be set to. Below is an example:
setattr is a Python built-in function used to set a named attribute on an object.
The Grails Cache plugin provides powerful and easy to use caching functionality to Grails applications and plugins. The plugin makes significant use of the caching abstraction provided by Spring 3.1.
The function's schematics are as follows:
where is the object, is the named attribute, and, if supplied, is the default value to return if the attribute can not be found. If is not supplied and the object can not be found, an is thrown.
Below is a demonstration of the function's features:
getattr is a Python built-in function used to access a named attribute on an object.
You can use Command+Shift+< to open the "Edit Scheme...". You can change the hotkey in XCode->Preference->KeyBindings->Menu->Product Menu->Scheme-EditScheme
"strip" refers to the process of removing (stripping) certain characters from a string. A common example is removing trailing whitespace characters.
SideWaffle is an open source Visual Studio extension for community-created item and project templates for Visual Studio 2012/2013/2015.
Image Source: https://github.com/ligershark/side-waffle/blob/master/screenshot.png
Important Links:
Official Home Page
GitHub Repository
SideWaffle Template Pack - Visual Studio Marketplace
SideWaffle is an open source Visual Studio extension for community created Visual Studio item and project templates.
DON'T EVEN THINK OF USING THIS TAG! It was burninated during the last major cleanup.
This tag refers to a structure in which two or more lists are placed in a "nested" form (i.e. one list is contained within another).
PLEASE DO NOT USE THIS TAG! It's ambiguous. Use the tag autocomplete thing to pick the correct "fake" tag.
CSS Generated content, automatic numbering, and lists
CSS Generated Content allows us to insert and move content around a document. We can use this to create footnotes, endnotes, and section notes, as well as counters and strings, which can be used for running headers and footers, section numbering, and lists.
Authors specify the style and location of generated content with the and pseudo-elements. As their names indicate, the and pseudo-elements specify the location of content before and after an element's document tree content. The property, in conjunction with these pseudo-elements, specifies what is inserted.
For example, the following rule inserts the string "Note: " before the content of every P element whose "class" attribute has the value "note":
W3C CSS2.1 Specification Reference.
W3C CSS3 Generated and Replaced Content.
The property.
developer mozilla
CSS Generated Content allows us to insert and move content around a document. We can use this to create footnotes, endnotes, and section notes, as well as counters and strings, which can be used for running headers and footers, section numbering, and lists.
Simply put, there are two ways to make use of animations when ngAnimate is used: by using CSS and JavaScript. The former works purely based using CSS (by using matching CSS selectors/styles) and the latter triggers animations that are registered via module.animation(). For both CSS and JS animations the sole requirement is to have a matching CSS class that exists both in the registered animation and within the HTML element that the animation will be triggered on.
Reference - AngularJS ngAnimate docs.
Tutorial - How to use AngularJS with NgAnimate
Github - https://github.com/angular/angular.js/tree/master/src/ngAnimate
NPM package - https://www.npmjs.com/package/ng-animate
From Wikipedia
A module provides support for JavaScript, CSS3 transition and CSS3 keyframe animation hooks within existing core and custom directives.
Since ng-* attributes are not valid in HTML specifications, data-ng-* can also be used as a prefix. For example, both ng-app and data-ng-app are valid in AngularJS.
The ngAnimate module provides support for CSS-based animations (keyframes and transitions) as well as JavaScript-based animations via callback hooks. Animations are not enabled by default, however, by including ngAnimate then the animation hooks are enabled for an AngularJS app.
The Smartsheet API provides a REST interface to Smartsheet features and data. The API enables Smartsheet customers to programmatically access and manage their data, and empowers application developers to build solutions on top of Smartsheet.
For more information about the Smartsheet API, please visit and bookmark the Smartsheet Developer Portal. There, you’ll find links to the API Documentation, SDKs and sample apps, and other ways Smartsheet can make your API integration easier.
Repositories of sample projects can also be found on the Smartsheet Platform GitHub page at https://github.com/smartsheet-platform.
Smartsheet, a leading Software as a Service (SaaS) company, offers businesses an intuitive online collaboration tool. The ease of use of the familiar spreadsheet-like interface, coupled with file sharing, work automation and Gantt chart features, have made it a popular and highly functional collaboration and project management tool for nearly 2 million users. Customers include construction companies, consulting firms, schools and universities, utility firms, government entities, healthcare organizations, high-tech firms, non-profits, manufacturing and law firms, among others. Additionally, Smartsheet offers mobile apps, pre-built templates and integrations with leading cloud apps such as Box, Dropbox, Salesforce, Google Drive and Zapier to ensure users are up and running quickly. Visit http://www.smartsheet.com for more details.
The Smartsheet API provides developer access to Smartsheet features and data
Javascript.replace() not working
Why in the world is this happening? I've tried splitting this out into individual string.replace()'s and that gives the same result.
Using with a string will only fix the first occurrence which is what you are seeing. If you do it with a regular expression instead you can specify that it should be global (by specifying it with a afterwards) and thus take all occurrences.
See this fiddle for a working sample.
You can use a regular expression to match all of these at the same time:
The flag at the end of the match string tells Javascript to replace all occurrences, not just the first one.
dalvik.system.DexClassLoader was added in API level 3.
See also
Android dalvik.system.DexClassLoader class loader loads classes from.jar and.apk files containing a classes.dex entry. This class can allow code execution not installed as part of an Android application.
For example, the sum of digits for the number would be because:
The sum of digits for the numbers and together would be because:
Note that a sum of digits will always be an integer.
A sum of digits, or digital sum, is a number created by taking each digit of one or more other numbers and adding them together.
This tag refers to the process of writing text or data to a file.
Note that this tag can often be replaced by the more specific loops or recursion tags.
"repeat" refers to the action of doing something over again.
This tag can refer to
The process of searching a system for a specific file.
The process of searching the contents of a file for specific keywords.
This tag can refer to the process of searching a system for a specific file or the process of searching the contents of a file for specific keywords.
Number rounding refers to the process of rounding numbers to a certain digit place (i.e. 1.45 rounded to the nearest tenth is 1.5).
Nonetype refers to an object or type whose value is null (none).
This tag refers to the process of setting a new password on a system, thereby making the old password obsolete and no longer usable.
Classification and Regression Tree (CART) analysis
The Java Platform Debugger Architecture is a collection of APIs to debug Java code.
Java Platform Debugger Architecture
Use this tag for any questions concerning problems created specifically as a result of being unable to remember a password.
This tag refers to a situation in which you cannot access a protected system, file, database, etc. you would normally have access to because you cannot remember the password used to protect it.
Computers implement an instruction set architecture that define the set of action the hardware the should be capable of performing. These machine instructions provide the necessary components for programs to be written and executed.
I found the Answer and it's not really different from thus answers.
the Point is to declare int. e.g int volunteerEducation = 0; then you have to use if... else if.
EPiServer 7 CMS allows you to achieve maximum impact by managing content seamlessly across screens and channels.
Be creative and focus on your message
With EPiServer.NET CMS, you can focus on what's important: the message. Stop worrying about how content will render on different screens and whether or not it will follow brand guidelines. Across mobile, tablet and desktop screens… It will always look great.
Edit with automatic design and layout
EPiServer 7 CMS allows content managers to edit directly on the page and view updates in real time. Adding images is simple: drag and drop your image from the assets pane and it will automatically adjust to the layout. Use the view setting button to switch between different channels and see how your content adapts the layout to an iPhone or iPad.
Create once, reuse across sites, screens and channels
Maximize efficiency and stop duplicating content. With EPiServer 7 CMS, you can create a piece of content once and use it across all of your sites, screens or channels. Changing and updating content is just as easy. Imagine the hours saved in content creation, editing and formatting - allowing you to provide customers with consistent and timely messaging across all screens. The time to market for launching new websites for the enterprise is reduced by reusing existing content structure.
EPiServer is a web content management and e-commerce software platform based on the Microsoft stack.
Built and distributed by Azul Systems, Zulu is a JDK (Java Development Kit). All Zulu Community builds of OpenJDK are free to download and use without restrictions. Zulu Community builds of OpenJDK 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, and 13, are built for Linux, Windows, Solaris, and macOS.
The current (as of March 2020) LTS (Long Term Supported) major Zulu versions are 7, 8, and 11. The latest version is 13.
All non-EA (non-Early Access) Zulu builds are TCK tested and certified as compliant with the associated Java SE version specification.
Zulu is freely available and distributed under the GNU General Public License version 2 (GPLv2) with the ClassPath Exception.
To get immediate access to Zulu, download Zulu from http://www.azulsystems.com/products/zulu/downloads
Key details of Azul Zulu include:
Runs on Windows Server versions 2008 R2 and 2012 on the Windows Azure cloud
Free and open source offering, based on OpenJDK
Integrated with MS Open Tech's Windows Azure Plugin for Eclipse with Java tooling
Patches and bug fixes contributed back to the OpenJDK community by Azul
ISV-friendly binary licensing for easy embedding with 3rd-party applications
More information about Zulu can be found at http://www.azulsystems.com/products/zulu
Built and distributed by Azul Systems, Zulu is a JDK (Java Development Kit), Zulu JDKs have been verified by passing all tests in their respective Java version of the OpenJDK Community TCK (Technology Compatibility Kit).
Note that this tag is not to be confused with the change-password tag, which is for setting a password to a new value. Resetting a password changes it back to a previous value.
This tag refers to the process of setting a password on a system back to an original (often the default) value.
A password generator is a system or program that creates random passwords to be used to secure other systems.
execfile is a Python 2.x. built-in function that executes Python scripts from files.
Maximize refers to the process of increasing a certain value to its fullest, biggest, or greatest (max).
A max value is the value contained within a collection of values that is the fullest, the greatest, or the biggest.
This tag refers to the process of increasing the size of a UI window to its fullest, so that it takes up the entire screen.
Computer vision is a field that includes methods for acquiring, processing, analyzing, and understanding images and, in general, high-dimensional data from the real world in order to produce numerical or symbolic information, e.g., in the forms of decisions.
Built and distributed by Azul Systems, Zulu is a JDK (Java Development Kit), and a compliant implementation of the Java Standard Edition (SE) 7 specification. Zulu has been verified by passing all tests in the Java SE 7 version of the OpenJDK Community TCK (Technology Compatibility Kit).
Zulu is freely available and distributed under the GNU General Public License version 2 (GPLv2) with the ClassPath Exception.
To get immediate access to Zulu, download Zulu from http://www.azulsystems.com/products/zulu/downloads
Key details of Azul Zulu include:
Runs on Windows Server versions 2008 R2 and 2012 on the Windows Azure cloud
Free and open source offering, based on OpenJDK
Compatible with Java SE 7, verified using Java SE 7 OpenJDK Community TCK
Integrated with MS Open Tech's Windows Azure Plugin for Eclipse with Java tooling
Patches and bug fixes contributed back to the OpenJDK community by Azul
ISV-friendly binary licensing for easy embedding with 3rd-party applications
More information about Zulu can be found at http://www.azulsystems.com/products/zulu
Zulu for Windows Azure is officially provided by MS Azure build of the community-driven open source Java™ implementation, known as OpenJDK™, made by Azul Systems for Windows Server on the Windows Azure platform.
The nth-root of a number `x` is a number `r` such that `r` raised to the power of `n` equals `x`.
A KDF is a Key Derivation Function. A KDF is used within the field of cryptography to generate one or more keys from a seed value. This seed value could be a password or the secret generated by a Diffie Hellman key derivation function. Well known KDF's are crypt, bcrypt, scrypt, PBKDF2 and HKDF. The Password Based Key Derivation Functions are commonly used to securely "hash" a password using an iteration count and a salt.
This tag refers to the process of removing or deleting data, text, files, or memory.
"Any" means "at least one". Use this tag for questions that deal with testing elements in a collection to see if at least one of them passes a condition.
DON'T EVEN THINK OF USING THIS TAG! It was burninated during the last major cleanup.
Topcoat is an open source CSS library designed to help developers build web apps with an emphasis on speed. It evolved from the Adobe design language developed for Brackets, Edge Reflow, and feedback from the PhoneGap app developer community.
Tag questions for issues with the application of themes, components or installation.
Topcoat is an open source CSS library designed to help developers build web apps with an emphasis on speed.
SPARQL Web Pages (SWP) is an open framework that can be used to attach RDF-based instructions to resources and classes to enable generic code to display attractive and context-appropriate visualizations of RDF resources.
Use this tag for questions about:
- ui:view
- ui:instanceView
- ui:Element
- SPIN templates
SPARQL Web Pages (SWP) is a framework for building web interfaces based on Linked Data and Semantic Web standards
Eclipse Mosquitto is an open source (EPL/EDL licensed) message broker that implements the MQTT protocol versions 5.0, 3.1.1 and 3.1. MQTT provides a lightweight method of carrying out messaging using a publish/subscribe model. This makes it suitable for internet of things/machine to machine messaging such as with low power sensors or mobile devices such as phones, embedded computers or microcontrollers like the Arduino
Use this tag if your question addresses issues with the C or C++ API, or with the message broker itself.
For questions on the wire-protocol use mqtt
An Open Source MQTT v3.1/v3.1.1 Broker
Concept in document-oriented databases, where a field in document is a document in itself.
Example document as JSON, where address is a subdocument:
Concept in document-oriented databases, where a field in document is a document in itself.
A WinRT/Win8 control that provides a grid-style layout panel where each tile/cell can be variable size based on content.
DON'T EVEN THINK OF USING THIS TAG! It was burninated during the last major cleanup.
Try/Except is a form of error handling in Python and Delphi, similar to try/catch in C-like languages. It is also a Microsoft extension in C and C++.
Error Handling in Python
Except Keyword in Delphi
Try/Except in Microsoft C and C++
A form of error handling in Python and Delphi, similar to try/catch in C-like languages. It is also a Microsoft extension in C and C++.
jQuery get actual data-id from selector
I have a selector on webpage with data-id and value
I wanna have actual value from selected selector and his data-id. I do not understand why I have data-id from only first option. This is my code http://jsfiddle.net/s55rR/
Please help me to find a bug.
You've selected multiple elements () but only returns the value from the first element if called on a jQuery with length >1:
Description: Return the value at the named data store for the first element in the jQuery collection, as set by or by an HTML5 attribute.
If you only want the value from the user-selected, then you need to select only that element.
Because you selecting all options, and jQuery returning of first one
You can do.
a command line interface and scripting platform for Microsoft Exchange Server. It is a fully featured version of Windows PowerShell with Exchange-specific extensions, first introduced with Exchange Server 2007 and included in all later versions.
Package Control is the de facto standard package manager for Sublime Text plugins and extensions, created by Will Bond. https://packagecontrol.io
Package Control is the de facto standard package manager for Sublime Text plugins and extensions, created by Will Bond.
DON'T EVEN THINK OF USING THIS TAG! It was burninated during the last major cleanup.
A powerful yet simple event system using on and emit methods, usable on non-Stapes objects as well using event mixins.
ecmascript harmony-like classes using subclass.
Event-triggering attributes using get and set.
Powerful filter and remove methods for attributes.
Usable in traditional javascript, as an AMD module (for require.js) or on the server with node.js.
A simple mechanism for writing plugins and extensions to extend the functionality of Stapes.
Nice extensive documentation with lots of examples
A (really) tiny Javascript MVC microframework.
Demonstrates formatted display of date objects in table cells and use of to edit those values.
As a delegate to this table, the sample uses the method "" to open the control.
For iOS 6.x and earlier, is used for sliding the UIDatePicker up on-screen and down off-screen. For iOS 7.x, the is added in-line to the table view.
The action method of the will directly set the property of the custom table cell. In addition, this sample shows how to use class to achieve the custom cell's date-formatted appearance.
DateCell in iOS Developer Library
Introduced in iOS7 this tag is very useful for developing iOS7 `tableview` with `UIDatePicker`.
A virtual method is a method whose behavior can be overridden within an inheriting class by a function with the same signature.
The Joomla module tag, would be useful for questions related to Joomla module development. As mentioned by the official Joomla Module documentation, the easiest extension to create is probably a module, which can be as simple as printing the current date and time.
Despite being small and websites can work without modules, Joomla has allowed very important functionalities to be handled by modules, like Menus (), Search (), and even Custom HTML modules () that allow direct HTML input for the unexperienced to write their own HTML in their sites.
To include a module inside an article, Joomla offers a default plugin to do this, but you have to include a full module position. Example code is: where is the module position that you want to include.
Please note that you can add custom module positions, just by writing the desired position name in the field of the module, instead of selecting from the existing list.
For more information on how to create Joomla modules, please read here.
A Joomla module is an extension that offers certain functionality to a site, that is not supposed to serve as main content, and is usually placed around component code.
Jquery offset top and position fixed not consistent in IE7
I have a simple custom script with floating. I want the sidebar to keep floating until before the so that it doesn't overlap with the footer.
I have been able to achieve this in all browsers except IE7 and older ones.
You can view a demo here:
This is code of the page:
In IE7 the floating is not consistent and sometimes overlaps with the footer and sometimes doesn't.
Another issue is that at a certain pixel when scrolling, the gets totally off the screen.
Keep in mind that the document height is not fixed as some pages may have different number of posts than other pages not like the demo i made.
Typesafe is a GUI/CLI tool to helpwith building reactive applicaions. It uses sbt (simple (or scala) build tool)behind the scenes to build, run, and test your project. It provides a code editing interface, and provides templaes and seeds for you to clone. The seeds can be found here
Typesafe Activator is open source: https://github.com/typesafehub/activator
Learn more: http://typesafe.com/activator
Typesafe Activator is a browser-based or command-line tool that helps developers get started with the Typesafe Reactive Platform.
Use this tag for questions about continuously running programs/systems that may also need to react to certain events or changes. Do not use it for discussing the 24-hour time format.
Use this tag for questions related to continuously running programs or systems.
Version 3.0 of Microsoft's XNA Framework.
XNA is a cross-platform framework originally from Microsoft that facilitates game development with.NET. XNA Game Studio 3.0 now supports C# 3.0, LINQ and most versions of Visual Studio 2008.
XNA Game Studio 3.0 will enable creators to easily add the required trial feature to their games, Xbox LIVE multi-player features like in-game invites, create cross-platform games that work on Windows, Xbox 360 and Zune.
If you use this tag, please also include the main tag xna.
Version 3.0 of Microsoft's XNA Framework. If you use this tag, please also include the main tag XNA.
Use this tag for questions about how to stop or prevent the abuse of systems by irresponsible users.
Abuse is the act of purposefully, and often violently, using something in a way that it was not meant to be used with the intention of breaking it.
Use this tag for questions related to not-null types or objects (i.e. detecting them, handling them, etc.).
This tag refers to an object or type that is not null (none).
Use this tag for questions related to measuring code size, reducing code size, or comparing the size of one piece of code with another.
Code-size can refer to the measurement of code in bytes, in characters, or in line numbers.
Use this tag for questions related to comparing the size, content, etc. of two or more files.
File comparison is the act of comparing one file's properties with another's.
Use this tag for questions related to deciphering ciphers.
Deciphering refers to the process of decoding a cipher into normal, understandable text.
Use this tag for questions related to constructing, maintaining, or refactoring nested if-statements.
This tag refers to a code structure in which multiple if-statements are placed in a "nested" form (i.e. one if-statement is contained within another).
Use this tag for questions related to working with nested URLs (i.e. extracting them, embedding them, etc.).
This tag refers to URLs which contain one or more smaller URLs within them.
Use this tag for questions related to making something simpler or smaller in order to increase its efficiency, usability, or operation speed.
Note however that questions related to simplifying working code will be better suited on CodeReview
This tag refers to the process of making something simpler or smaller in order to increase its efficiency, usability, or operation speed.
Inets is an Erlang application providing a container for Internet clients and servers, including an HTTP/1.1 compliant web server.
Methods to acquire, analyze and understand images using mathematical approaches.
Use this tag for questions related to setting, resetting, getting, managing, etc. user settings on a specific application.
This tag refers to the custom settings put in place on an application by the user.
Use this tag for questions related to being unable to access a particular system, file, database, etc. that is protected because of permission issues.
This tag refers to a situation in which you are refused access to a particular system, file, database, etc. that is protected. The most common cause of this is improper credentials (i.e. usernames, passwords, etc.)
Use this tag for questions dealing with paperless systems or devices.
This tag refers to systems whose operation is not dependent upon the presence of paper. It is often synonymous with "digital".
Detecting the operating system that a program is running or being compiled on.
Use this tag for questions relating to invoking methods or functions.
This tag refers to the process of calling (using) a method or function.
Use this tag for questions related to killing a specific process on a system.
This tag refers to the action of terminating (aborting) a process.
DO NOT USE THIS TAG. It is in the process of being burninated.
See the meta post for more information: Should we burninate the [logical] tag?
DO NOT USE THIS TAG. It is in the process of being removed.
Corrupt data is data that has been damaged or destroyed, therefore making it unusable.
Use this tag for questions related to running certain code depending on whether or not one or more objects is null.
This tag refers to the process of determining whether or not a particular object is null, and then running certain code based off of that condition.
Options are various choices or courses of action available to someone in a particular situation.
Use this tag for questions that deal with either of the following two topics:
The difference between two numbers.
What two or more particular objects do not share in common.
Related tags:
This tag may refer to 1) the difference between two numbers (i.e. the difference between 5 and 10 is 5) or 2) the things that two or more particular objects do not share in common.
Use this tag for questions related to the order, categorization, or sorting of files on a particular system.
This tag refers to the method by which files are organized on a system.
An optionmenu is a UI construct that presents the user with a list of options.
Use this tag for questions related to making or using cancel buttons on applications.
A cancel button is a UI construct that usually takes the form of a normal button with the word "cancel" written on it. When clicked, it undoes or stops a specific action.
Recognizing human voices in audio data.
Value converters are culture-aware. Both the Convert and ConvertBack methods have a culture parameter that indicates the cultural information.
Ref: IValueConverter
Value converters are culture-aware. Both the Convert and ConvertBack methods have a culture parameter that indicates the cultural information.
This tag is to be used for questions involving the hyphen character, also known as the dash, or the minus sign.
If you were looking for other meanings of these names, perhaps you wanted:
hyphenation for placing hyphens in words correctly
dash-shell for the Dash shell
plotly-dash for the Plotly Dash plotting framework
mpeg-dash for the MPEG DASH adaptive streaming format
dash.js for the Javascript video player
The hyphen character, also known as the dash or minus sign.
Use this tag for questions dealing specifically with the colon character.
This tag refers to the ASCII colon (:) character.
This tag appears on questions dealing with any of the three following topics:
Subtraction (however, you might want to use the more descriptive subtraction tag).
The ASCII minus (-) character (however, you might want to use the more descriptive hyphen tag).
Numbers less than zero (however, you might use the more descriptive negative-number tag).
This tag can refer to 1) subtraction or 2) the ASCII minus (-) character (also known as a hyphen) or 3) negative numbers.
Use this tag for questions related to copying files, databases, etc. on a system.
This tag refers to the process of making an exact duplicate of a file, database, etc.
NEVER USE THIS TAG! You probably want [vb.net] or [vb6].
DON'T EVEN THINK OF USING THIS TAG! It was burninated during the last major cleanup.
Use this tag for questions related to building or using such a prompt.
This tag refers to a common UI prompt type that asks a user under what name they wish to save a file as.
Use this tag for questions related to getting or setting a specific text's foreground or background color in a GUI.
textColor is an attribute used for setting a font color, typically used in TextViews xml definitions.
Official repo:
MNPP is "Mac + Nginx + Percona + PHP", a high performance web server in a one-click installer for OS X.
Use this tag for questions related to what is inherited by a class.
This tag refers to the classes or objects that a particular class inherits from.
Use this tag for questions that deal with counting down or countdown timers (a device that performs the countdown).
This tag refers to the process of counting down. In other words, the act of taking an initial value and then consistently subtracting a smaller value from it until the original value reaches a specified amount (usually 0).
Scrooge is a thrift code generator written in Scala, which currently generates code for Scala and Java.
It’s meant to be a replacement for the apache thrift code generator, and generates conforming, binary-compatible codecs by building on top of libthrift.
Generates native Scala thrift codecs
Generated code is templated using a mustache variant, making it easy to edit.
Finagle client/server adaptors can be optionally generated at the same time.
Has a plugable backend providing a dynamic way to add more generator targets.
Home page: http://twitter.github.io/scrooge/
Scrooge is a thrift code generator written in Scala, which currently generates code for Scala and Java.
Turtle is a C++ mock object library based on Boost.
simple and compact syntax
easy customization of constraints
informative and customizable logs
optional but full integration with Boost.Test
automatic verification of mock objects upon destruction
ANSI/ISO C++03 compatible
Home page: http://turtle.sourceforge.net/
C++ mock object library for Boost
cqlengine is a Cassandra CQL 3 Object Mapper for Python. cqlengine is part of the Datastax python driver for Cassandra
Related links:
Cassandra CQL Object Mapper for Python
Use this tag for questions related to measuring or improving the execution time of a particular piece of code.
Execution time refers to how long it takes a particular program to execute.
Use this tag for questions related to reducing or eliminating the ambiguity of something, such as code.
This tag refers to the process of making something less ambiguous.
Grab attribute of element clicked - using on click event handler
In my html I have a screen with with about 25 thumbnails, and each of them has a like button in the format:
Where data-id is different for each image.
The idea is to then use that id to make a POST request to the facebook graph API and like the post.
I have a event listener like so:
The issue I am having is I am unsure how to grab that data-id from the element that is actually clicked.
Let me know if I can provide any more information.
Try this:
Though, if I understand this correctly, do you have multiple elements with the id likeBtn?
Read this
Id attribute must be unique. Use classes Instead.
change HTML
Use class instead of id as you said you have many buttons like this.
Noe your becomes
Read Two HTML elements with same id attribute: How bad is it really?
Updated after OP's comment
As elements are added dynamically you can not bind events directly to them.So you have to use Event Delegation.
J2SSH is an object-orientated Java implementation of the SSH version 2 protocol. It provides a rich, powerful, and extensible SSH API that enables developers to gain access to SSH servers and to develop entire SSH client/server frameworks. The API library provides a fully-featured SSH2 implementation specifically designed for cross-platform development. Higher level components, representing both the standard SSH client and SSH servers, are provided which implement the protocol specification for user sessions and port forwarding. The specification currently supports public key and password authentication and a full implementation of the SFTP protocol.
J2SSH is an object-orientated Java implementation of the SSH version 2 protocol.
Tracking a moving object or feature (e.g. a face) in video input.
Use this tag for questions related to measuring or improving code efficiency.
This tag refers to how efficient a particular piece of code is at doing its assigned job.
IBM® HTTP Server is a full-featured Apache-based web server that is included with other products such as IBM WebSphere® Application Server at no charge. You can use this web server for projects that do not warrant the expense of a priced and supported HTTP server. The IBM HTTP Server is based on the Apache HTTP Server and provides a rich set of Apache features in addition to IBM enhancements.
IBM® HTTP Server is a full-featured Apache-based web server that is included with other products such as IBM WebSphere® Application Server at no charge. You can use this web server for projects that do not warrant the expense of a priced and supported HTTP server. The IBM HTTP Server is based on the Apache HTTP Server and provides a rich set of Apache features in addition to IBM enhancements.
sevabot is a Python extension which adds a Skype bot supporting integration with external services.
A Skype bot supporting integration with external services
Use this tag for questions related to building or using private classes.
Use this take for questions related to designing or understanding particular forms.
Tracking the physical location of a device, usually using GPS or related technologies
DON'T EVEN THINK OF USING THIS TAG! It was burninated during the last major cleanup.
For more info, see http://www.diffbot.com
A licenced visual learning robot that identifies and extracts the important parts of any web page
Berkeley Lab Checkpoint/Restart is a hybrid kernel/user implementation of checkpoint/restart. See http://crd.lbl.gov/groups-depts/ftg/projects/current-projects/BLCR for detail.
Berkeley Lab Checkpoint/Restart is a hybrid kernel/user implementation of checkpoint/restart.
Magic numbers are unexplained values that often should be replaced with a named constant.
phmagick, or phMAgick, is a PHP library that simplifies the usage of "ImageMagick", an image conversion library. It allows users to run ImageMagick commands using conventional PHP method notation. See http://www.phmagick.org for further information.
phmagick, or phMAgick, is a PHP library that simplifies the usage of "ImageMagick", an image conversion library. It allows users to run ImageMagick commands using conventional PHP method notation.
Anything related to magnetometers, i.e. hardware measurement devices used to measure the intensity and/or the direction of a magnetic field. Many smartphones embed a magnetometer which is used as the sensing device in the implementation of electronic compass applications.
See Wikipedia about magnetometers.
Anything related to magnetometers, i.e. hardware measurement devices used to measure the intensity and/or the direction of a magnetic field. Many smartphones embed a magnetometer which is used as the sensing device in the implementation of electronic compass applications.
A partial index is an index built over a subset of a table; This is database technique possible in PostgreSQL
Anything related to media-keys, i.e. special keys found on some kind of keyboards and used to start or control media-related, or sometimes internet-related, applications. For example keys used to increase/decrease the music volume, skip a song or start the internet browser.
Anything related to media-keys, i.e. special keys found on some kind of keyboards and used to start or control media-related, or sometimes internet-related, applications. For example keys used to increase/decrease the music volume, skip a song or start the internet browser.
Anything related to C++ I/O manipulators, i.e. special kinds of objects that alter the behavior of streams. Inserting a manipulator into an output stream or extracting one from an input stream provides an easy alternative for configuring specific aspects of the stream operations.
Simple manipulators are defined directly in the C++ standard header. Manipulators taking arguments (i.e. functions that return actual manipulator objects) are defined in the standard header.
See CPPreference.com documentation for I/O manipulators.
Anything related to C++ I/O manipulators, i.e. special kinds of objects that alter the behavior of streams. Inserting a manipulator into an output stream or extracting one from an input stream provides an easy alternative for configuring specific aspects of the stream operations.
Anything related to C++ I/O manipulators, i.e. special kinds of objects that alter the behavior of streams. Inserting a manipulator into an output stream or extracting one from an input stream provides an easy alternative for configuring specific aspects of the stream operations.
Simple manipulators are defined directly in the C++ standard header. Manipulators taking arguments (i.e. functions that return actual manipulator objects) are defined in the standard header.
See CPPreference.com documentation for I/O manipulators.
Anything related to C++ I/O manipulators, i.e. special kinds of objects that alter the behavior of streams. Inserting a manipulator into an output stream or extracting one from an input stream provides an easy alternative for configuring specific aspects of the stream operations.
Anything related to memory alignment (a.k.a. data alignment) issues and techniques.
Alignment in this context means that data in memory should be stored beginning from an address that is multiple of some constant (usually a small power of 2 such as 2, 4, 8 or 16, depending on the system architecture) to avoid a performance hit when that data is accessed. For example, 32-bit processors require a 4-byte integer to reside at a memory address that is evenly divisible by 4.
See Wikipedia on memory alignment.
Memory alignment means that objects and variables reside at particular offsets in the system's memory.
Anything related to Lua meta-methods (a.k.a. metamethods), i.e. functions that alter how a Lua table behaves in the context of some operations (e.g. math operations, element access, garbage collection, etc.). Meta-methods can be used to implement object oriented programming and other powerful techniques using Lua tables.
Anything related to MetaPost language and associated tools. MetaPost is a picture-drawing language used to generate figures for documents to be printed on PostScript printers, either directly or embedded in (La)TeX documents.
See the TeX Users Group page about MetaPost.
Anything related to MetaPost language and associated tools. MetaPost is a picture-drawing language used to generate figures for documents to be printed on PostScript printers, either directly or embedded in (La)TeX documents.
About Yowsup
Yowsup is a python library that allows you to do all the previous in your own app. Yowsup allows you to login and use the WhatsApp service and provides you with all capabilities of an official WhatsApp client, allowing you to create a full-fledged custom WhatsApp client.
A solid example of Yowsup's usage is Wazapp. Wazapp is full featured WhatsApp client that is being used by hundreds of thousands of people around the world. Yowsup is born out of the Wazapp project. Before becoming a separate project, it was only the engine powering Wazapp. Now that it matured enough, it was separated into a separate project, allowing anyone to build their own WhatsApp client on top of it. Having such a popular client as Wazapp, built on Yowsup, helped bring the project into a much advanced, stable and mature level, and ensures its continuous development and maintenance.
Yowsup also comes with a cross platform command-line frontend called yowsup-cli. yowsup-cli allows you to jump into connecting and using WhatsApp service directly from command line.
Yowsup is a Python library that allows you to login and use the WhatsApp service and provides you with all capabilities of an official WhatsApp client, allowing you to create a full-fledged custom WhatsApp client.
Jcrop Feature Overview
Attaches unobtrusively to images or block objects
Supports aspect ratio locking
Supports minSize/maxSize setting
Callbacks for selection done, or while moving
Keyboard support for nudging selection
API features to create interactivity, including animation
Support for CSS styling, now uses LESS
Touch support for iOS, Android, etc
Cross-platform Compatibility
Firefox 2+
Safari 3+
Opera 9.5+
Google Chrome 0.2+
Internet Explorer 6+
Jcrop is the quick and easy way to add image cropping functionality to your web application. It combines the ease-of-use of a typical jQuery plugin with a powerful cross-platform DHTML cropping engine that is faithful to familiar desktop graphics applications.
Yandex is a Russian Internet company which operates the largest search engine in Russia with about 60% market share in that country. It also develops a number of Internet-based services and products, including Yandex Maps -- a mapping application similar to Google Maps.
DON'T EVEN THINK OF USING THIS TAG! It was burninated during the last major cleanup.
LTPA - Lightweight Third-Party Authentication is a IBM provided mechanism to achieve Single Sign-On between IBM WebSphere servers and Lotus Domino servers. If the server is configured to use LTPA, the server first checks for a valid LTPA token for the SSO domain the server has been configured for. If the LTPA token is not yet present the user must authenticate normally.
In order for a server to use the LTPA authentication mechanism, it must first be configured to do so. When configuring the usage of LTPA between servers, the servers must be in the same domain (also configured in the LTPA configuration) and use the same LTPA SSO key as each other. Once the user has been authenticated the first time, the server creates two cookies: and. The latter is the latest version of the token, the former is used for backward compability with older servers. The cookies are encrypted and contains (as a minimum requirement) the user's login.
When the same user accesses another server in the same SSO domain, the user will not need to re-authenticate. The server will read the LTPA token and after validating it accept the users authentication.
The LTPA token is time sensitive and will eventually expire. As a result it is important that the time on the server is synchronized as the server might otherwise consider a fully valid token as invalid. How long the token is valid for is configured on the server.
More information
IBM - Understanding LTPA
IBM - Security Cache, LTPA Token, and Session Time Outs
LTPA - Lightweight Third-Party Authentication is a IBM provided mechanism to achieve Single Sign-On between IBM WebSphere servers and Lotus Domino servers. Once a user is successfully authenticated a LTPA token will be stored as a cookie in the user's web browser, providing who the authenticated user is to other servers in the same configured SSO domain.
Anything related to audio mixers, i.e. hardware or software (virtual) devices used to mix the signals of independent audio sources together in order to produce a single audio signal out of them. Appropriate for questions about the software audio mixing applications commonly found on computers and smartphones.
See related Wikipedia article.
Anything related to audio mixers, i.e. hardware or software (virtual) devices used to mix the signals of independent audio sources together in order to produce a single audio signal out of them. Appropriate for questions about the software audio mixing applications commonly found on computers and smartphones.
GoInstant is a JavaScript API for adding realtime, collaborative experiences into any mobile or web application. They provide the full stack developers need, including client side widgets (to add in functionality such as a user list for presence, form synchronization, etc.), realtime pub/sub messaging, and a scalable key/value store (for storing data).
GoInstant has an integration with AngularJS called GoAngular (which is open source), which makes it incredibly easy and fast to build realtime apps using AngularJS and GoInstant.
GoInstant widgets (user presence, form synchronization, click indicator, scroll indicator, etc.) provide client-side functionality that you drop into any application. These widgets enhance the realtime, collaborative experience.
You can sign up for GoInstant on their website. You’ll get 1 app free for life.
GoInstant Examples
Getting Started With GoInstant
JavaScript API Documentation
GoInstant is a JavaScript API for adding realtime, collaborative experiences into any mobile or web application.
Anything related to signal modulation, i.e. the process of encoding the information provided by some source into the variations of some property (e.g. amplitude, frequency, phase, polarization, etc.) of a carrier signal suitable to be transmitted over a communication channel.
See Wikipedia page on signal modulation.
Anything related to *signal modulation*, i.e. the process of encoding the information provided by some source into the variations of some property (e.g. amplitude, frequency, phase, polarization, etc.) of a carrier signal suitable to be transmitted over a communication channel.
Website: http://snapsvg.io (tag summary was taken http:from snapsvg.io/about/)
Git: https://github.com/adobe-webplatform/Snap.svg
Snap.svg simplifies your JavaScript interaction with SVG "(think 'jQuery or Zepto for SVG')". It was written by the author of Rapheal and designed specifically for modern browsers, and both allows you to create new SVG content and work with existing content, including SVG strings. SnapSVG simplifies SVG animation as well.
BoundBox is an an Open Source Library for Java. It is available on GitHub.
BoundBox literally breaks encapsulation. Thanks to an annotation processor, you can simply add an annotation to a test and get access to the inner structure of a class under test. BoundBox is the equivalent of WhiteBox from PowerMock, but all reflection invocations are checked at compile-time, making it more robust (i.e. to refactoring) than via directly reflection using strings to identify fields or methods.
BoundBox provides an easy way to test an object by accessing all its fields, constructors and methods, public or not. BoundBox breaks encapsulation.
ABI stands for Application Binary interface. EABI is for embedded use. The ABI covers calling conventions, data alignments, OS call formats and often language and tool interoperability issues.
In the context of ARM Linux, a system call convention change was made. This is typically an OABI versus EABI.
The ABI effects code generation of compilers and can relate to threading, floating point, stack traces, shared libraries and stack overflows.
See also:
Relating to ARM, MIPS, PowerPC, etc EABI calling conventions and interoperability. Tag with architecture as well.
Anything related to multisets (a.k.a. bags), i.e. data structures that are generalizations of sets and in which an element can be present more than once. This tag applies to questions about multisets implementations, regardless of the specific programming language involved.
See Wikipedia page on multisets.
Anything related to multisets (a.k.a. bags), i.e. data structures that are generalizations of sets and in which an element can be present more than once. This tag applies to questions about multisets implementations, regardless of the specific programming language involved.
LDFLAGS is a variable used in Makefiles. Specifically its value is added to linker command lines when the linker is invoked by an implicit rule.
LDFLAGS is a variable used in Makefiles. Specifically its value is added to linker command lines when the linker is invoked by an implicit rule.
PGJDBC is a Java driver for the Postgresql relational database management system.
As soon as you hit, for example, a, you know that you want the following 2 items to be replaced by... so one straightforward solution is simply to go ahead and replace them, by assigning to a slice:
Google Search - customized and secured in an appliance for use behind an organisation's firewall.
Mimosa is a modular build tool for JavaScript, written in Node.js. It provides features like compilers for JavaScript / CSS / templates, linting, optimization, serving, RequireJS support and Live Reload built right in. Pluggable for authoring your own functionality.
Where to Start with Development?
You've got four choices, all detailed below:
Start by cloning/downloading a demo application if you want
something meaty.
Use one of Mimosa's application skeletons if you just want a little
boilerplate, some client libraries and some sample code.
Start with a fresh Mimosa generated scaffold.
Hook up your existing application.
Pre-Built Skeletons execute "mimosa skel:list" and see what's available
A skeleton is a small application that utilizes and configures a group of components.
Mimosa maintains a "skeleton registry" that you can pull from to start your application. From the command line execute mimosa skel:list to get a list of pre-built skeletons.
Mimosa is a build tool for JavaScript
jQuery Wheel Menu by Pete R.
Add a fully customisable Path-like wheel menu button to your website.
Wheel Menu is a small jQuery plugin that will add a fully customisable Path-like wheel menu button to your website
SAP HANA Extended Application Services(SAP HANA XS) provides a comprehensive set of embedded services that provide end-to-end support for Web-based applications. This includes a lightweight SAP HANA XS web server, configurable OData support(XSODATA), server-side JS execution(XSJS) and full access to SQL and SQLScript.
The SAP HANA XS server allows clients to access the SAP HANA system via HTTP. Controller applications can run completely natively on SAP HANA, without the need for an additional external application server.
The application services can be used to expose the database data model, with its tables, views and database procedures, to clients. This can be done in a declarative way using OData services or by writing native application-specific code that runs in the SAP HANA context. Also, you can use SAP HANA XS to build dynamic HTML5 UI applications.
In addition to exposing the data model, SAP HANA XS also hosts system services that are part of the SAP HANA system. No data is stored in the SAP HANA XS server itself. To read tables or views, to modify data or to execute SQLScript database procedures and calculations, it connects to the index server (or servers, in case of a distributed system).
From SPS 11, SAP HANA includes an additional run-time environment for application development: SAP HANA extended application services (XS), advanced model. SAP HANA XS advanced model represents an evolution of the application server architecture within SAP HANA by building upon the strengths (and expanding the scope) of SAP HANA extended application services (XS), classic model.
HANA XS (also known as SAP HANA Extended Application Services engine or XS Engine) is a lightweight web and application server embedded into SAP HANA which includes configurable OData(XSODATA) support and server-side JS(XSJS) execution.
Prepros is a GUI compiler for preprocessing languages such as LESS, Sass, Compass, Stylus, Jade, Slim, Markdown, Haml and CoffeeScript. Prepros has a built-in server so you can also live refresh your browser whenever you change your code on your editor.
Runs on Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux.
See https://prepros.io/
Prepros is a GUI compiler for preprocessing languages such as LESS, Sass, Compass, Stylus, Jade, Slim, Markdown, Haml and CoffeeScript. Prepros can also live refresh your browser whenever you change your code on your editor.
Anything related to mutators (a.k.a. setters, or mutator/setter methods) in Object Oriented Programming, i.e. instance methods whose exclusive purpose is to change (part of) the internal state of an object to a specific value, without performing substantial additional processing. This may also refer to mutator functions in non-OO languages when OOP techniques are used to emulate OOP-like encapsulation.
See also
Wikipedia mutators.
Anything related to mutators (a.k.a. setters, or mutator methods) in object oriented programming, i.e. instance methods whose exclusive purpose is to change (part of) the internal state of an object to a specific value, without performing substantial additional processing.. This may also refer to mutator functions in non-OO languages when OOP techniques are used to emulate OOP-like encapsulation.
refers to formatting numbers by specifying decimal precision, decimal and thousand separator characters, currency sign, etc.
Number formatting is important for localising software as different countries/cultures have different ways of displaying numbers.
Examples of formatting a number
2 decimal places and dot as decimal point character:
dollar currency sign, no decimal places and comma as thousands separator:
`numberformat` refers to formatting numbers by specifying decimal precision, decimal and thousand separator characters, currency sign, etc.
Anything related to a computer system's motherboard issues. The term motherboard refers to the main printed-circuit board of a computer system where usually the CPU is mounted together with the all the ancillary circuitry needed to interface it with other subsystems, such as system memory, disk controllers, graphic cards, etc.
DO NOT USE this tag for questions concerning exclusively hardware issues (they are off topic on SO).
It should be used for questions about software interaction with the motherboard facilities.
See Wikipedia page about motherboards.
Anything related to a computer system's motherboard issues. The term motherboard refers to the main printed-circuit board of a computer system where usually the CPU is mounted together with the all the ancillary circuitry needed to interface with other subsystems, such as system memory, disk controllers, graphic cards, etc. DO NOT USE this tag for questions concerning exclusively hardware issues (they are off topic on SO).
Google released Android 4.4 (KitKat) on 31 October 2013. The Nexus 5 was the first device to officially ship with it, with Nexus 7 receiving the update soon after.
More Info:
Official Documentation
Android 4.4 and Updated Developer Tools
Getting Your SMS Apps Ready for KitKat (important change for SMS applications)
Android 4.4 (codename KitKat) is API level 19 of the mobile operating system developed by Google.
For questions dealing with using the Entity Framework (EF) to read and write data from a PostgreSQL database.
SchemaCrawler is a free database schema discovery and comprehension tool. SchemaCrawler has a good mix useful features for data governance. You can search for database schema objects using regular expressions, and output the schema and data in a readable text format. The output serves for database documentation, and is designed to be diff-ed against other database schemas. SchemaCrawler also generates schema diagrams. You can execute scripts in any standard scripting language against your database. You can find potential schema design issues with lint.
SchemaCrawler supports almost any database that has a JDBC driver, but for convenience is bundled with drivers for some commonly used RDBMS systems. SchemaCrawler works with any operating system that supports Java 8 or better.
SchemaCrawler is a free database schema discovery and comprehension tool.
Currently these packages are available:
gorilla/context stores global request variables.
gorilla/mux is a powerful URL router and dispatcher.
gorilla/reverse produces reversible regular expressions for regexp-based muxes.
gorilla/rpc implements RPC over HTTP with codec for JSON-RPC.
gorilla/schema converts form values to a struct.
gorilla/securecookie encodes and decodes authenticated and optionally encrypted cookie values.
gorilla/sessions saves cookie and filesystem sessions and allows custom session backends.
Gorilla is a web toolkit for the Go programming language.
Nana is a cross-platform C++ library for creating graphical user interfaces. Currently it supports Windows and Linux(X11) platforms. By using platform-independent interfaces, it allows the application code to work on all supported operating systems. Nana is a free and open source software, licensed under Boost Software License. It is written in Standard C++, and uses many advanced C++ features, such as templates, standard libraries, exception and RTTI, therefore can be compiled by Standard C++ compilers(VC2013, GCC/MinGW, Clang). The Boost Software License encourages both commercial and non-commercial use.
Nana is currently hosted on GitHub, and has a new Project Page
The Nana project is a modern C++ library aimed at providing a GUI framework for cross-platform programming.
HelloJS Standardizes paths and responses to common API's like Google Data Services, Facebook Graph and Windows Live Connect. Its modular so that list is growing. No more spaghetti code!
HelloJS supports a lot more actions than just getting the users profile. Like, matching users with a users social friends list, sharing events with the users social streams, accessing and playing around with a users photos.
HelloJS is a client-side Javascript SDK for authenticating with OAuth2 (and OAuth1 with a oauth proxy) web services and querying their REST API's.
The objective of the Fletcher checksum was to provide error-detection properties approaching those of a cyclic redundancy check but with the lower computational effort associated with summation techniques.
The Fletcher checksum is an algorithm for computing a position-dependent checksum devised by John G. Fletcher at Lawrence Livermore Labs in the late 1970s
A transfer function is a mathematical description of a system or part of a system. It relates the output of the system to the input. The system described by a transfer function is always linear and time invariant.
Transfer functions are appropriate for single input single output systems; while several can be used to model a multiple input multiple output system it is usually more appropriate to use a state space representation in that case.
Common uses of transfer functions are;
Single-input single-output filters
Modelling systems for control theory
A transfer function is a mathematical description of a system or part of a system. It relates the output of the system to the input. The system described by a transfer function is always linear and time invariant.
Snap.svg is an open source javascript library for creating and working with svg. It helps create interactive vector graphics with support for interactivity, animations and also allows working with existing svg with a simple JavaScript API.
Snap.svg was written by Dmitry Baranovskiy (author of Raphaël), and is designed specifically for making it easier to work with svg, and supporting features like masking, clipping, patterns, full gradients, groups, and more. The project is released by Adobe Systems.
Official Documentation
GitHub page
Getting started and demos
Drawing styling and adding animation to a circle.
Snap.svg is a JavaScript library for creating and working with SVG.
Official Site:
Osmosis is a command line Java application for processing OpenStreetMap data.
Math.NET Numerics is the numerical foundation of the Math.NET project, aiming to provide methods and algorithms for numerical computations in science, engineering and every day use. Covered topics include special functions, linear algebra, probability models, random numbers, statistics, interpolation, integration, curve fitting, integral transforms (FFT) and more.
In addition to the core.NET package (which is written entirely in C#), Numerics specifically supports F# 3.0 with idiomatic extension modules and maintains mathematical data structures like BigRational that originated in the F# PowerPack. If a performance boost is needed, the managed-code provider backing its linear algebra routines and decompositions can be exchanged with wrappers for optimized native implementations such as Intel MKL.
Supports Mono and.NET 4.0 on Linux, Mac and Windows, the portable version also Silverlight 5, WindowsPhone 8 and.NET for Windows Store apps.
Source: GitHub: Math.NET Numerics ReadMe file
Math.NET Numerics is an opensource numerical library for.Net, Silverlight and Mono.
Questions requesting assistance with compromised sites rarely belong on stackru and generally should go to the sister site security.stackexchange instead.
Activities to break into computer(s) or technology systems without authorized access.
A python plotting library emulating R's ggplot2. https://github.com/yhat/ggpy
A python plotting library emulating R's ggplot2.
The OmniGrid component is a jQuery based table with various nice features to enhance web based tables and grids.
Advanced DataGrid for Mootools
The ASP.NET Menu control allows both statically and dynamically displayed menus for ASP.NET Web forms pages. Use this tag for questions on creating dynamic or static content for the display levels, Theming and responding to navigation events.
MSDN: Menu Control Overview
The ASP.NET Menu control allows both statically and dynamically displayed menus for ASP.NET Web forms pages
The F# Charting library (FSharp.Charting.dll) is a compositional library for creating charts from F#. It is designed to be a great fit for data scripting in F# Interactive, but charts can also be embedded in Windows applications. The library is a wrapper for.NET Chart Controls, which are only supported on Windows.
For more information see:
F# Charting documentation
Source code on GitHub
NuGet package
The F# Charting library (FSharp.Charting.dll) is a compositional library for creating charts from F#.
DON'T EVEN THINK OF USING THIS TAG! It was burninated during the last major cleanup.
From the manual:
BitBake is a simple tool for the execution of tasks. It is derived from Portage, which is the package management system used by the Gentoo Linux distribution. It is most commonly used to build packages, and is used as the basis of the OpenEmbedded project.
BitBake is now managed using the Git source control system which can be obtained from git://git.openembedded.org/bitbake.git. Releases can be downloaded from http://downloads.yoctoproject.org/releases/bitbake/ and the developer mailing list, bitbake-devel can be found at http://lists.linuxtogo.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/bitbake-devel.
The user manual is found in the docmentation directory within the source code.
BitBake is a simple tool for the execution of tasks. It is derived from Portage, which is the package management system used by the Gentoo Linux distribution. It is most commonly used to build packages, and is used as the basis of the OpenEmbedded project.
Bit blit (bit-level block transfer) is a computer graphics operation in which several bitmaps are combined into one using a raster operator
In Aspect-Oriented Programming, an advice refers to a piece of code that modifies program's execution once the one of the join points is reached. Join points of a program, at which the advice is to be applied, are described in pointcut.
See also:
In Aspect-Oriented Programming, an advice refers to a piece of code that modifies program's execution once the one of the join points is reached. NOTE: This tag should NOT be used to ask for software or programming advice, as these questions are almost always off-topic!
G1 or "Garbage First" is a generational partially collecting concurrent and parallel garbage collection algorithm. It is targeted for multi-processor machines with large memories and can meet soft realtime requirements with garbage collection (GC) pause time goals.
An implementation of the G1 currently ships with the Java Hotspot 7 VM - officially supported from JDK7 update 4.
G1: One Garbage Collector To Rule Them All
JavaOne 2012 session: G1 Garbage Collector Performance Tuning [youtube], [PDF]
Garbage Collection in Java (4) - Garbage First
Garbage-First Garbage Collection - the original paper.
G1 or Garbage First is a generational partially collecting concurrent and parallel garbage collection algorithm. It is targeted for multi-processor machines with large memories and can meet soft realtime requirements with garbage collection (GC) pause time goals. An implementation of the G1 currently ships with the new Java 7 VMS - officially supported from JDK7 update 4.
G1 or "Garbage First" is a generational, partially-concurrent and parallel garbage collection algorithm. It is targeted for multi-processor machines with large memories and can meet soft realtime requirements with garbage collection (GC) pause time goals.
An implementation of the G1 currently ships with the Java Hotspot 7 VM - officially supported from JDK7 update 4.
The G1GC section of the official GC tuning guide
Understanding G1GC logs and the G1 FAQ
G1: One Garbage Collector To Rule Them All
JavaOne 2012 session: G1 Garbage Collector Performance Tuning [youtube], [PDF]
Garbage Collection in Java (4) - Garbage First
Garbage-First Garbage Collection - the original paper.
G1 or "Garbage First" is a generational, partially-concurrent and parallel garbage collection algorithm. It is targeted for multi-processor machines with large memories and can meet soft realtime requirements with garbage collection (GC) pause time goals.
This directive enhances your HTML tables. It support sorting, filtering and pagination. Header row with titles and filters automatic generated.
Features provided by ngTable
Cell template
Row template
Params in url
Table with hidden pagination
Custom template(pagination)
Custom filters
Table with checkboxes
Table with grouping
Table with grouping with callback
Table with external control of data
Export to CSV
ngTable is an AngularJS directive that is used for simple sorting and filtering html tables.
A finalize(), or a finalizer, is a special method in an object-oriented language that is executed when an object is garbage collected.
Java Documentation (Javadoc) defines the moment when the finalize() is invoked as:
Called by the garbage collector on an object when garbage collection determines that there are no more references to the object.
However, this may never happen in the life of a program if the object is always accessible. Due to the lack of programmer control over their execution, it is usually recommended to avoid finalizers for any but the most trivial operations.
Starting Java9. method has been officially deprecated.
javadoc for Java9's java.lang.Object finalize()
A finalize() is a special method in an object-oriented language that is executed when an object is garbage collected.
MQX RTOS is a real-time operating system, generally used in embedded systems, developed by Precise Software Technologies Inc., and currently sold by ARC International, Embedded Access Inc, and Freescale/NXP. MQX is an abbreviation standing for Message Queue eXecutive.Wikipedia
MQX has a multitasking kernel with pre-emptive scheduling, round-robin for equal priorities and fast interrupt response. Optional inter-process communication and synchronization facilities, and a file system.
MQX is statically configurable via 'C' defines, which can be set through various IDE's or directly in the source. The main OS compiles as a library and a single application image creates an image. The MQX library comes in different versions. MQX-lite is a bare minimum version. Optional components include a TCP/IP stack (RTCS), an embedded MS-DOS file system (MFS), USB Host/Device Stack, a shell, and an inter-CPU communication layer on some platforms. As well the Task-Aware debugging (TAD) supports remote debugging and performance analysis tools.
Version 4.0.2 support builds via and a Code Sourcery. Various commercial compilers are also supported. The supported compiler, IDE, debuggers, etc often vary based on the target architecture.
MQX is layer by core, bsp (board support) and psp (processor support). Optional packages hook into the core through either conditional compilation or callbacks. Please try to specify which bsp, psp and MQX version you are targeting when asking questions.
for questions about MQX RTOS, a real-time operating system generally used in embedded systems
Triple DES is a symmetric encryption algorithm that uses the DES cipher three times to encrypt each block of data. The formal name of this algorithm is the Triple Data Encryption Algorithm.
Dimensions of an array define its size and shape -- the arangement of elements in the array. Use this Tag for questions regarding the shape of arrays.
Try this out:- http://jsfiddle.net/adiioo7/ccf4Q/11/
I assumed that valid is "new" on the left part and amounts on the right. However you can modify the following function with any rule you require. The jquery data function has been used to store the dropped contents at the droppable places by adding code like,
at the beginning of each drop callback function. Then the checkContent() function is being called to allow or not the drop to be completed.
Posting complete code in case the fiddle is not available.
Wikipedia goes into good detail about various date formats in its Date format by country article:
Basic components of a calendar date for the most common calendar systems:
Order of the basic components:
Specific formats for the basic components
Separators of the components
Date formatting is the process of displaying, handling or converting a calendar date to a specific format.
By default, buttons and other controls that cause a postback on an ASP.NET Web page submit the page back to itself. This is part of the round-trip cycle that ASP.NET Web pages go through as part of their normal processing.
Under some circumstances, you might want to post one page to another page. For example, you might be creating a multi-page form that collects different information on each page. In that case, you can configure certain controls (those that implement the IButtonControl interface, such as the Button control) on the page to post to a different target page. This is referred to as cross-page posting. Cross-page posting provides some advantages over using the Transfer method to redirect to another page.
More Info on MSDN here
By default, buttons and other controls that cause a postback on an ASP.NET Web page submit the page back to itself. This is part of the round-trip cycle that ASP.NET Web pages go through as part of their normal processing.
scct is a code coverage tool for Scala.
"panning" refers to the rotation in a horizontal plane of an object or viewport. This is a term usually applies to cameras (or the viewport, in computer terms).
"panning" refers to the rotation in a horizontal plane of an object or viewport.
DON'T EVEN THINK OF USING THIS TAG! It was burninated during the last major cleanup.
In Matlab, the Computer Vision System Toolbox provides algorithms and tools for the design and simulation of computer vision and video processing systems. The system toolbox includes algorithms for feature extraction, motion detection, object detection, object tracking, stereo vision, video processing, and video analysis. Tools include video file I/O, video display, drawing graphics, and compositing. Capabilities are provided as Matlab functions, Matlab System objects, and Simulink blocks. For rapid prototyping and embedded system design, the system toolbox supports fixed-point arithmetic and C code generation.
The Computer Vision System Toolbox in Matlab.
is a project that focuses on time series and candlestick charts.
JStockChart is a JFreeChart project that focuses on time series and candlestick charts.
Redsmin is a fully-featured, no-installation required, online GUI for Redis. Its goal is to help developers code, debug, inspect, visualize and monitor in real-time their Redis instances.
Using simple HTML markup, turn any existing website into an extensive shopping cart platform. Snipcart allows payment processing, shipping estimates and order management without ever letting your customers leave your website.
LinkedIn embedded button no longer works after a few days (403 Error)
I've tried embedding a LinkedIn "follow" button on a website but after only a few days it has stopped working with Google Chrome's console giving me the following error message:
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 403
I've done some Google'ing on this problem and people have mentioned that the HTML embed code:
may have been throttled, could that be the case? And if so how could I embed LinkedIn code that I don't have to regenerate every two days.
TZ4Net is an open source library for.NET that implements the IANA/Olson Time Zone Database.
Project Home Page
Author: Zbigniew Babiej
Similar libraries:
Noda Time (See also Noda Time on Stackru)
TZ4Net is an open source library for.NET that implements the IANA/Olson Time Zone Database.
roo is a Ruby gem for reading spreadsheets in the following formats:
Open-office spreadsheets ()
Excel spreadsheets (and)
Google (online) spreadsheets
Useful links:
Official site
rdoc Documentation
Google group
roo is a Ruby gem for reading spreadsheet files of Excel, OpenOffice and Google Docs.
Catch2 is a unit testing framework for C++11 and later. Catch2 offers a BDD syntax, fixtures, Matchers and dynamic data-generation, and a simplified syntax using overloaded assertions. Catch2 is designed for simplicity – it is released as a single include file and allows the use of natural C++ expressions inside assertions.
Catch2 is hosted on GitHub, available at catch-lib.net, and is openly discussed in a Google group.
Catch is a unit testing framework for C++
GnuCOBOL is an implementation of COBOL. For further information see:
Discussion boards on SourceForge
Documentation: Guides, including Programmer's Guide, FAQ and How-To (HTML and PDFs)
Project space at Savannah
Download Page
The preferred IDE and the most convenient way to set up GnuCOBOL is the cross-plattform OCIDE.
Please report bugs and raise issues you see with migrations to GnuCOBOL at either the discussion boards or in the feature request tracker.
Additional tools and COBOL source samples tested with GnuCOBOL are made available by the community.
Related tags:
GnuCOBOL is a free (like both in "free speech" and in "free beer") COBOL compiler, formerly known as OpenCOBOL. It implements a substantial part of the COBOL 85, COBOL 2002 and COBOL 2014 standards, as well as many extensions.
GnuCOBOL translates COBOL into C and compiles the translated code using the native C compiler on various platforms, including Unix/Linux, Mac OS X, and Microsoft Windows.
The ServiceBehaviorAttribute attribute is applied to a service implementation to specify service-wide execution behavior. (To specify execution behavior at the method level, use the OperationBehaviorAttributeattribute.) This attribute can be applied only to service implementations. ServiceBehaviorAttribute properties are a Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) programming model feature that enables the following behavior properties:
The AddressFilterMode property specifies the type of filter that the
dispatcher system uses to locate the endpoint that handles requests.
The AutomaticSessionShutdown property automatically closes the session when the channel is closed and the service has finished processing any remaining messages.
The ConcurrencyMode property controls the internal threading model, enabling support for reentrant or multithreaded services.
The ConfigurationName property is used to declare a name for use in the name attribute of the element in a configuration file.
The IgnoreExtensionDataObject property enables the run time to ignore extra serialization information that is not required to process the message.
The IncludeExceptionDetailInFaults property specifies whether unhandled exceptions in a service are returned as SOAP faults. This is for debugging purposes only.
The InstanceContextMode property specifies whether and when services and their service objects are to be recycled during an exchange with a client.
The MaxItemsInObjectGraph property to limit on the number of items in an object graph that are serialized.
The Name and Namespace properties control the name and namespace for the WSDL expression of the service element.
The ReleaseServiceInstanceOnTransactionComplete property specifies whether the service object is recycled when a transaction completes.
The TransactionAutoCompleteOnSessionClose property specifies whether outstanding transactions are completed when the session closes.
The TransactionIsolationLevel property specifies the transaction isolation level that the contract supports.
The TransactionTimeout property specifies the time period within which a transaction must complete or it aborts.
The UseSynchronizationContext property indicates whether to synchronize inbound method calls with the user interface thread automatically.
The ValidateMustUnderstand property informs the system whether it should confirm that SOAP headers marked as MustUnderstand have, in fact, been understood.
Refer to the following MSDN link for additional information:
The “ServiceBehavior” tag applies to scenarios/issues involving the WCF ServiceBehavior attribute, which specifies the internal service-wide execution behavior of a service contract implementation.
refers to a range of dates, i.e. a period of time between a start date and an end date.
Date range is commonly used:
as search criterion for any date related data,
when operating on data referring to periods of time.
Date-range refers to a range of dates, i.e. a period of time between a start date and an end date.
The QwtPolar is the library, which contains classes for displaying values on a polar coordinate system.
Home page: https://qwtpolar.sourceforge.io/
QwtPolar is a library that contains classes for displaying values on a polar coordinate system.
Facebook Messenger is an instant messaging service and software application which provides text and voice communication. Integrated with Facebook's web-based Chat feature and built on the open-source MQTT protocol, Messenger lets Facebook users chat with friends both on mobile and on the main website.
Information from: Wikipedia
Facebook Messenger is an instant messaging service and software application which provides text and voice communication. Integrated with Facebook's web-based Chat feature and built on the open-source MQTT protocol, Messenger lets Facebook users chat with friends both on mobile and on the main website.
Information from: Wikipedia
It has to do with the UIImagePickerControllerDelegate protocol
When you set to yes, then you will start receiving an NSDictionary full of useful info when the delegate method fires:
You are consuming some of this info when you call UIImage *chosenImage = info[UIImagePickerControllerEditedImages];
by setting to the delegate method will pass nil in for the argument.
You can confirm this by setting a breakpoint in your method, stepping in and observing that the will be nil, implying that you are setting your *chosenImage to nil.
A3M (Account Authentication & Authorization) is a CodeIgniter 2.x package that leverages bleeding edge web technologies like OpenID and OAuth to create a user-friendly user experience. It gives you the CRUD to get working right away without too much fuss and tinkering! Designed for building web apps from scratch without all that tiresome login / logout / admin stuff thats always required.
A CodeIgniter Account Authentication & Authorization package to accelerate development using OpenID & Oauth
Logentries is a software as a service provider for log management and intelligence, based in Boston, Massachusetts and Dublin, Ireland.
Logentries collects and analyzes data found within log files, in real-time with a cloud-delivered approach.
The Logentries technology collects and analyzes logs across software stacks using a pre-processing layer to filter, correlate, and visualize log data.
Logentries is a cloud-based log management and analytics platform.
The SKNode class is the fundamental building block of most Sprite Kit content. All visual elements in a Sprite Kit-based game are drawn using predefined SKNode subclasses.
DON'T EVEN THINK OF USING THIS TAG! It was burninated during the last major cleanup.
In machine learning and statistics, dimensionality reduction or dimension reduction is the process of reducing the number of random variables under consideration, and can be divided into feature selection and feature extraction.
Punctuation's are the marks, such as full stop, comma, and brackets, used in writing to separate sentences and their elements and to clarify meaning.
Apache Cordova is a set of device APIs that allow a mobile app developer to access native device function such as the camera or accelerometer from JavaScript. Combined with a UI framework such as jQuery Mobile or Dojo Mobile or Sencha Touch, this allows a smartphone app to be developed with just HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
Cordova Homepage: https://cordova.apache.org/
Cordova version 2.7.0: https://cordova.apache.org/docs/en/2.7.0/
cordova-3, cordova-3.5, cordova-3.8.0, cordova-4, cordova-5.0.0, cordova6.4.0
Questions about Cordova version 2.7.0. Apache Cordova is a platform for building native mobile applications using HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
NuGet is the package manager for the Microsoft development platform including.NET. The NuGet client tools provide the ability to produce and consume packages. The NuGet Gallery is the central package repository used by all package authors and consumers.
Homepage: http://www.nuget.org/
NuGet is the package manager for the Microsoft development platform including.NET. The NuGet client tools provide the ability to produce and consume packages. The NuGet Gallery is the central package repository used by all package authors and consumers.
HiveMQ is a MQTT broker, specifically for enterprises which find themself in the emerging age of Machine-to-Machine communication (M2M) and the Internet of Things. It was built from the ground up with maximum scalability, easy management and security in mind.
Latest LTS Version: HiveMQ 4.3.5 released on 2020-07-17
Homepage: http://www.hivemq.com/
HiveMQ is a MQTT broker, specifically for enterprises which find themself in the emerging age of Machine-to-Machine communication (M2M) and the Internet of Things. It was built from the ground up with maximum scalability, easy management and security in mind.
Zentyal (formerly eBox Platform) is a program for a Linux server for small and medium enterprises (SMBs), considered an alternative to Windows Server and other Microsoft infrastructure products for SMBs. Zentyal can act as a gateway, Network Infrastructure Manager, Unified Threat Manager, office server, Unified communications server or a combination of them. Zentyal is based on Ubuntu and it can be installed either from Ubuntu repositories or from Zentyal's own installer.
Homepage: http://www.zentyal.com/
Zentyal (formerly eBox Platform) is a program for a Linux server for small and medium enterprises (SMBs), considered an alternative to Windows Server and other Microsoft infrastructure products for SMBs. Zentyal can act as a gateway, Network Infrastructure Manager, Unified Threat Manager, office server, Unified communications server or a combination of them.
SpannableString is a class for text whose content is immutable but to which markup objects can be attached and detached used in Android development.
Android developer reference
Android - SpannableString is a class for text whose content is immutable but to which markup objects can be attached and detached.
Join query between 2 tables
I have three tables:
I have a table called e.g..
This table will have an (1 is mandatory) from the table.But this record/row can have up to 10 extra s. That was the reason for me to separate to another table.
So the query I am doing is this:
The problem with this query is that gets only the records that have
because of the link JOIN ON. =..
How can I get all the records, or not?
will solve the problem.
Irrespective of any matching in, records from should be returned
More on MySQL JOIN:
DON'T EVEN THINK OF USING THIS TAG! It was burninated during the last major cleanup.
Kontagent (now Upsight, https://www.upsight.com/) is an analytics tool that is capable of tracking user activity on an application/website. It provides a range of statistics, including user social activities, custom events, user affiliation and revenue tracking, as well as data-mining capability over the accumulated data.
Kontagent (now Upsight) is an analytics tool that is capable of tracking user activity on an application/website. It provides a range of statistics, including user social activities, custom events, user affiliation and revenue tracking, as well as data-mining capability over the accumulated data.
Plain text refers to any string or sequence of characters that consists entirely of ASCII printable characters (human-readable characters). The key attributes of a plain text are that the text that is not computationally tagged, specially formatted, or written in code.
Plain text refers to any string or sequence of characters that consists entirely of ASCII printable characters.
The MySQL Event Scheduler manages the scheduling and execution of events: Tasks that run according to schedule. Event support was added in MySQL 5.1.6.
The MySQL Event Scheduler manages the scheduling and execution of events: Tasks that run according to schedule. Event support was added in MySQL 5.1.6.
ReactOS (http://www.reactos.org) is an open source attempt to clone the Windows Operating system. Currently, the project aims to provide a windows binary-compatible OS based on Microsoft Windows NT.
ReactOS is an open source attempt to clone the Windows Operating system. Currently, the project aims to provide a windows binary-compatible OS based on Microsoft Windows NT.
Google released KitKat (Android 4.4) with new features for users and app developers on 31 October 2013. The Nexus 5 was the first device to officially ship with it.
More Info:
Official Documentation
Android 4.4 KitKat and Updated Developer Tools
KitKat (Android 4.4) is API level 19 of the mobile operating system developed by Google.
Global temporary tables are visible to all sessions.
For SQL Server
prefix of global temporary table names with a double number sign:
For Firebird, Oracle and PostgreSQL
For SQL Server
Global temporary tables are automatically dropped when the session that created the table ends and all other tasks have stopped referencing them. The association between a task and a table is maintained only for the life of a single Transact-SQL statement. This means that a global temporary table is dropped at the completion of the last Transact-SQL statement that was actively referencing the table when the creating session ended.
Official documentation
For Firebird, Oracle and PostgreSQL
Global temporary tables are created once and will exist until they are dropped using a. The data in the GTT however is automatically removed when the session disconnects or when the transaction is committed.
PostgreSQL manual
Oracle manual
Firebird manual (versions 2.1 and above)
Global temporary tables are temporary tables visible to all sessions. The contents (and even the table depending on the DBMS) are automatically removed when the connection is closed.
Blesta is client management, billing, and support application in PHP. Written in PHP on our very own open source minPHP framework.
Additional information:
main site
Blesta is client management, billing, and support application in PHP.
7digital is the world’s leading open music platform, and provides open access to the broadest catalogue of fully licensed, high quality digital music. We power comprehensive digital music services for consumers, developers and a wide range of partners around the world. Take a look at a few the applications created by some of our clients in our App Gallery.
The 7digital Developers' Site provides full API Documentation and a range of API Clients to help you get up an running as quickly a possible.
We also monitor a public Google Group where we provide support for Public consumers of the API.
Follow us on Twitter at @7digitalAPI for updates of changes and improvements we are constantly releasing.
Read more about our API here and sign up for a free Public Key.
7digital is an open music platform with the broadest catalogue of fully licensed, high quality music. The api allows for access to track metadata, downloads and streaming.
Fogbugz on Demand is a tool for solo or team bug tracking, task management, and project planning, created by Fog Creek software. It offers automated bug reporting, email processing, and tight integration with git and mercurial repositories hosted in Kiln. In addition, it offers various APIs and third-party plugins.
Use this tag for discussions related to the Fogbugz on Demand service. For discussions of self-hosted Fogbugz installations (Fogbugz for Your Server), use the fogbugz tag.
a hosted tool for solo or team bug tracking, task management, and project planning
xcrun provides a means to locate or invoke developer tools from the command-line, without requiring users to modify Makefiles or otherwise take inconvenient measures to support multiple Xcode tool chains. The tool xcode-select is used to set a system default for the active developer directory, and may be overridden by the environment variable (see). The SDK which will be searched defaults to the boot system OS SDK, and can be specified by the environment variable or the --sdk option (which takes precedences over). When used to invoke another tool (as opposed to simply finding it), will provide the absolute path to the selected in the environment variable. See for more information.
xcrun provides to locate or invoke ios developer tools from the command-line to support multiple Xcode tool chains.
mod_aspdotnet is a module for Apache HTTP Server 2.0.44 or later, running on Windows, Windows NT Service Pack 6 or later (including 2000, 2003, XP and Vista) with the.NET Framework 1.1 (or 1.0), including Microsoft's ASP.NET hosting framework.
It was originally developed by Covalent Technologies, lived for a time at the Apache Software Foundation and is now maintained by the mod-aspdotnet project hosted on SourceForge and sponsored by Covalent Technologies.
It is not known to work on non-Windows platforms, with earlier versions of Apache, or 2.0 and later versions of the.NET framework. Consult the project's pages for more details.
(From the mod_aspdotnet website)
mod_aspdotnet is a loadable Apache 2 module for serving ASP.NET content using the Microsoft's ASP.NET hosting and.NET runtime within the Apache HTTP Server process. Non-Windows users should look at mono (mod_mono) for an alternate implementation.
Use this tag for PostgreSQL issues which are to be solved in accordance with Django coding best practices.
DON'T EVEN THINK OF USING THIS TAG! It was burninated during the last major cleanup.
Official site:
Source repo:
Sylvester is a vector, matrix and geometry library for JavaScript.
Priam (available at GitHub) is a Cassandra Co-Process for backup/recovery, Token Management, and Centralized Configuration management.
Priam is a Co-Process for backup/recovery, Token Management, and Centralized Configuration management for Cassandra
Bluebird is a fully featured promise library for client and server javascript with focus on innovative features and performance.
Bluebird is known for its fast performance context binding and long stack traces. It offers very fast coroutine support that emulates C#'s statement.
Bluebird's promise system also cures JavaScript's callback problem.
It is a fully A+ spec complaint implementation.
Bluebird supports both NodeJS and browsers (with browserify and directly).
GitHub page
npm page
API Reference
Bluebird is a fully featured promise library for client and server JavaScript with focus on innovative features and performance.
core generated accessors not generated correctly
I am having errors trying to run this app with core data.
Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: 'Unacceptable type of value for to-many relationship: property = "ingredient"; desired type = NSSet; given type = Ingredient;
I see that the core-generated accessors addIngredient: and removeIngredient: both take an NSSet as a parameter, so I tried changing that to Ingredient, but that didn't help. I suspect that although I change the parameter in the header, there is something going on in implementation that I can't see? Suggestions?
If I see it correctly then is a to-many relationship from
to. (Remark: A better name would be the plural form.)
Then, not is the method to add an ingredient
to a list:
Alternatively, you can set the inverse relationship:
The method, which takes an as argument, is used to add
an entire set of objects to the relationship in one step.
The Core Data accessor methods are generated dynamically at runtime,
therefore you cannot just change the generated.h or.m file.
You should always let Xcode re-generate the files if the model has been changed.
LensKit is an open-source toolkit for building, researching, and studying recommender systems. It was initiated by GroupLens Research at the University of Minnesota
Source at GitHub
LensKit is an open source toolkit for building and researching recommender systems.
According to Wikipedia Electronic Benefit Transfer is:
an electronic system that allows state welfare departments to issue benefits via a magnetically encoded payment card, used in the United States and the United Kingdom
Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT)
Point of sale is the place where a retail transaction is completed (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Point_of_sale).
Term used to refer to the amount or flow of data around a network or website
You forgot to setup on of the attributes. It should look like this.
The WSO2 Carbon is a platform for development of component-based middleware for enterprise IT. It is based on Java OSGi technology. It is built around Apache Axis2 and its gradually evolving towards a complete SOA platform.
The WSO2 Carbon is a platform for development of component-based middleware for enterprise IT. It is based on Java OSGi technology.
The JDBC-ODBC Bridge enables Java applications to access ODBC data sources through the JDBC interface. It was created to allow access to data sources that had an ODBC driver but did not have a native JDBC driver.
Important note (from Oracle's Java SE documentation):
The JDBC-ODBC Bridge should be considered a transitional solution; it will be removed in JDK 8.
The JDBC-ODBC Bridge enables Java applications to access ODBC data sources through the JDBC interface.
Play Framework evolutions are plain SQL scripts used to track and organized database schema changes allowing developers to stay synchronized with each other.
**For questions about Play Framework Evolutions use [playframework-evolutions] instead**. Evolution refers to the SQL scripts used by the Play Framework to keep database schema synchronized.
(This tag is equivalent to the jquery-templates - which is being used actively).
jquery templates is a plugin written by the Microsoft ASP.NET team in collaboration with the open-source jQuery team to enrich the UI from a data context.
It was a jQuery official plug-in and is now at https://github.com/BorisMoore/jquery-tmpl (GitHub project of primary developer).
Note: jQuery Templates will be superseded by JsRender - see:
(See jquery-templates tag, which is more active).
jQuery Templates is a plugin written by the Microsoft ASP.NET team in collaboration with the open-source jQuery team to enrich the UI from a data context.
This tag is redundant.
Use [google-spreadsheet] instead.
Google Sheets (aka Google Spreadsheets)
Methods and ideas that are no longer used in the current versions of various technologies.
Source: http://developer.android.com/about/versions/android-4.4.html#UI
Since SDK 19 (KitKat), you can now make the system bars partially translucent with new themes, Theme.Holo.NoActionBar.TranslucentDecor and Theme.Holo.Light.NoActionBar.TranslucentDecor. By enabling translucent system bars, your layout will fill the area behind the system bars, so you must also enable fitsSystemWindows for the portion of your layout that should not be covered by the system bars.
If you're creating a custom theme, set one of these themes as the parent theme or include the windowTranslucentNavigation and windowTranslucentStatus style properties in your theme.
Android theme introduced in SDK 19 that allow to make navigation and Status bar translucent
For analysis, categorical values are considered as abstract entities without any mathematical structure such as an order or a topology, regardless of how they are coded and stored. For more, see the "Categorical variable" article on Wikipedia.
Statistical data type whose value is one of a fixed number of nominal categories.
MKLocalSearch helps to find nearby local points of interest.
Motor is a greenlets based non-blocking MongoDB driver for Python Tornado applications.
Motor GitHub repository
Official documentation
Motor is a non-blocking MongoDB driver for Python Tornado applications.
The HTML5 History API allows programmatic manipulation of the browser's history through JavaScript, allowing interaction with the browser's history as though it is the user.
Useful documentation:
MDN article on the API
W3C HTML5 History API specification
The HTML5 History API allows programmatic manipulation of the browser's history through JavaScript, providing a method of managing the user's history stack when creating web applications.
Relx assembles releases for an Erlang/OTP release. Given a release specification and a list of directories in which to search for OTP applications it will generate a release output. That output depends heavily on what plugins available and what options are defined, but usually it is simply a well configured release directory.
The release-specification-file is optional but otherwise contains additional specification information for releases.
A release assembler for Erlang.
The playground currently supports the following features:
Image attachment -- displaying an image attachment on the background or from an HTML payload.
Text-only -- displaying a text-only timeline item.
Text and creator -- displaying a text-only timeline item containing a creator.
HTML -- displaying a timeline item rendered using HTML (htmlPages are not supported).
Menu Items -- displaying CUSTOM menu items and sending fake notifications if the project is subscribed.
Insert -- inserting a new timeline item in a user's timeline.
Update -- updating existing a timeline item from a user's timeline.
Delete -- deleting existing a timeline item from a user's timeline.
The Playground lets you experiment with how content is displayed on Glass. It renders timeline cards in your browser for quick viewing and can also send timeline cards to your Glass.
Glass Development Kit (GDK) that allows you to build Glassware in the form of APKs.
The Google OAuth Client Library for Java provides Java classes and methods for both OAuth 1.0a and OAuth 2.0.
This library allows a Java application to gain permission from a user to access the personal data they store with an OAuth provider such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and many others. The user is directed by the OAuth library to the provider site and must confirm to the provider that they are happy for the requested information to be shared. If permission is granted then an access token is made available to the OAuth library and requests for the granted information can be made successfully.
See oauth for more information about the OAuth standards.
This tag should be used for questions about writing Java software which uses the Google OAuth Client Library for Java, for either OAuth 1.0a or OAuth 2.0.
For questions about the use of the Google OAuth Client Library for Java.
Post request with parameters and a file on c# compact framework (CF)
ive searched through the web and google but i couldn't find how to POST to a php file in C#, COMPACT FRAMEWORK.
I managed to do what i need in C#.net 4.5 framework but couldn't make it work on Compact Framework.
Basicly i need to send a file as a file(what i mean is not the file text if its a text file) so i fetch it with $_FILE on PHP.
With the file i also need to POST some parameters.
with the post i need to send user id password and the file.
thank you very much!:)
i tryed only this for using POST but it doesn't work on Compact Framework(Works perfectly on.net 4+)
@Dwin thanks for you answer I just needed to make a small modification on the code you showed:
this code did not work on my entire code background back I changed it to
changed the signal = for (and it worked perfectly.
Thank you very much!!!
PRAW, short for Python Reddit API Wrapper, is a python package that allows for simple access to reddit’s API. PRAW aims to be as easy to use as possible and is designed to follow all of reddit’s API rules. You have to give a useragent that follows the rules, everything else is handled by PRAW so you needn’t worry about violating them.
PRAW (Python Reddit API Wrapper) is a python package used to access and interact with the reddit API.
fputcsv is a PHP function that formats a line (passed as a fields array) as CSV and writes it (terminated by a newline) to the specified file handle.
`fputcsv` support started with PHP version 5.1.0.
A set of tags provided by Spring that help rendering and processing forms on JSP pages.
nodemon is an automated process that monitors the directory for a given node application. When files change in this directory, nodemon automatically restarts the node application.
Basic usage
nodemon is an automated process that monitors the directory for a given node application. When files change in this directory, nodemon automatically restarts the node application.
Opserver is a tool for monitoring servers,SQL clusters/instances, redis, elastic search, exception logs, haproxy etc.
Opserver is a monitoring system created by the team at Stack Exchange.
How to remove these space from the Pane?
Here is the key code:
And this is the initiation of:
And here is the result:
I don't intend to use the function here. The space left at the top and buttom confuses me a lot. How can I eliminate these space? Thanks.
Though using can wrap up the space.I'd like to figure out the reason of these left space.
Bump is a service that allows to share data between two smartphones when they shake each other.
There are two parts to Bump: the app running on your device and a smart matching algorithm running on Bump servers in the cloud. The app on your phone uses the phone's sensors to literally "feel" the bump, and it sends that info up to the cloud. The matching algorithm listens to the bumps from phones around the world and pairs up phones that felt the same bump. Then Bump just route information between the two phones in each pair.
Bump service was bought by Google on late 2013 and planned to be closed on January 2014.
Bump is an API that allows developers to implement Bump services to their IOS or Android applications.
Im not great on swing myself. But have you tried changing weightx and/or weighty to 1 instead of 0. As stated in this question: SO Question Just something to try.
Try to add label with space(not empty) to the last line (for you gridy = 2) and weighty property set to 1. This trick must work
Type cast to and set the menu bar using in class.
Here is the sample program
Thanks for your code. I just want to try another way to set the
MenuBar by using the Layout
JMenuBar isn't designated to be placed to the JPanel, but is possible to set anchor in GridBagLayout
add JMenuBar to JFrame(or JDialog...) by using JFrame.setMenuBar(MenuBar mb) not (as our code demonstrated) to the JPanel and by using quite complex GridBagLayout
Quantitative Finance is a set of methods of approaching finance in a principally technical, quantitatively supported manner.
This represents a wide-reaching suite of mathematical approaches to many subject of interest in a domain of finance, that not always had such comfort of purely quantitative methods of work.
Application domains of the state-of-art quantitative finance methods start from time series data analysis, cover technical analysis (TA), modeling both market risk & approaches to risk management techniques, create support for a detailed financial products' engineering, introduce advanced applied statistics into predictive analyses, into risk adjusted portfolio management decisions and as such also include all recent promoted flavours of quantitative tools like machine learning, in it's narrow sense of supervised learning methods, various stochastic methods for options pricing models, Hidden Markov models (beneficial by introducing an innovative view on a set of indirect, hidden, factors involved in a model of an externally observable process), Artificial Intelligence tools (somewhat over-hyped) in it's very narrow sense, with a common use of artificial neural networks (ANNs), recurrent NNs, more recently deep-learning NN, with a few attempts to inject even LSTM NNs and some more sophisticated types of automated (unknown) model creation strategies.
If your question concerns theoretical topics on quantitative finance or practical topics which are not about implementation you might want to ask the question on quant.stackexchange.
In particular, this tag should never be used a alone but always in combination with a specific programming language (like for example r, python, sas, matlab).
Quantitative finance is the discipline of using mathematical models in order to help make investment decisions.
The Kernel-Mode Driver Framework (KMDF) is a driver framework developed by Microsoft as a tool to aid driver developers create and maintain kernel mode device drivers for Windows 2000 and later releases. Together with the User-Mode Driver Framework (umdf) it makes up the Windows Driver Frameworks (wdf).
A KMDF driver is the software installed on the computer that communicates with the hardware to make the device function.
This tag refers to the `parallel` package, R core team. It provides support for parallel computation in R.
should not be confused with which is an environment variable for Oracle databases.
nls refers to nonlinear least-squares and is a function in R that allows to estimate the parameters of a nonlinear model.
The Authority gem provides an ORM-neutral authorization layer for Rails and other Ruby applications.
Authority differs from other authorization gems in that:
It allows defining authorizations using classes and normal inheritance mechanisms
It is completely decoupled from authentication
It is completely decoupled from the database or ORM
More info and examples can be found in the README: https://github.com/nathanl/authority
The Authority gem provides an ORM-neutral authorization layer for Rails and other Ruby applications.
TrueVFS is a virtual file system (VFS) for Java 7 which enables client applications to perform CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations on archive files as if they were virtual directories, even with nested archive files in multithreaded environments
TrueVFS is a virtual file system (VFS) for Java 7
BedSheet provides a rich middleware mechanism for routing and delivering content over HTTP.
Built on top of IoC and Wisp, BedSheet is inspired by Java's Tapestry5, Ruby's Sinatra and Fantom's Draft.
BedSheet provides a rich middleware mechanism for routing and delivering content over HTTP; a Web Application Framework for the Fantom programming language.
ido-mode is a mode that is included with emacs since version 22. It lets you "interactively do things" with buffers and files. In general, it can make it much faster and easier to navigate among both open buffers and different files in a project.
Emacs mode for files
is used to create GUI applications for Windows, Mac, and Linux systems. Because it uses the toolkit, it uses a form flow layout (as opposed to an absolute position layout) to dynamically size a dialog based on the size of its controls, available space, and constraints placed on the dialog by the designer.
provides an interface for laying out the controls, binding events to event handlers for a given control, setting the properties of each control, and generating the code for the dialog.
generates a class for the designed dialog in,,, and/or. It can also generate the skeleton for a class which derives from the dialog class, which is useful for starting to write an application that uses the dialog.
is currently in version. Please specify which version you are using, when asking a question.
As questions about are a subset of questions about, the two should be distinct from one another, but will certainly involve some overlap. Questions with this tag should have something to do with using itself, or with code that was generated by.
The official wiki can be found at https://sourceforge.net/apps/mediawiki/wxformbuilder/index.php?title=HomePage
More information is also available on Wikipedia at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WxFormBuilder
wxFormBuilder is a cross-platform tool that provides a visual interface for designing GUI applications using the wxWidgets toolkit. Questions with this tag should be directly related to using wxFormBuilder or to the code generated by wxFormBuilder.
Build events can be used to run scripts, macros, or other custom actions as a part of the compilation process.
Post-build events occur before compilation. These actions (if specified) are executed just before compilation.
How to specify build event - MSDN
An event to run scripts, macros or other actions before compilation.
Build events can be used to run scripts, macros, or other custom actions as a part of the compilation process.
Post-build events occur after compilation. These actions (if specified) are executed just after compilation.
How to specify build event - MSDN
An event to run scripts, macros or other custom actions after compilation.
Questions related to Miguel Grinberg's Flask Mega-Tutorial
Ajax how to disable div or item
I am new to ajax, is there a way you can help me, how to disable all items once click is successful:
Here is my code for ajax:
here is my index:
i jst want to disable the loop icon-chevron-up class.not just one but all.
Actually no ajax call needed here. I will only be done by using jquery. See the code
Here you have not mentioned, on what click you need the action, so i consider that on the div contains class='item', the action will be performed. I hope it will help.
Iron Router is a routing package for Meteor. It makes single page apps.
IR takes control of your tag, rendering templates based on the user's current URL. It also helps you set up subscriptions per-route and much more.
Iron Router works with Meteor 0.8.0 and above.
More information available here
A Meteor smart package for client and server side routing in Meteor.
Six is a Python 2 and 3 compatibility library. It provides utility functions for smoothing over the differences between the Python versions with the goal of writing Python code that is compatible on both Python versions.
Project homepage: http://gem5.org
The gem5 simulator is a modular platform for computer system architecture research, encompassing system-level architecture as well as processor microarchitecture.
A Ruby toolkit for the GitHub API.
Xcode 5.0.1 adds support for development on OS X Mavericks and other feature additions.
Development with Xcode 5.0.1 is hosted on OS X 10.8.4 or later, and OS X 10.9.
SDKs for OS X 10.8 and OS X 10.9, and iOS 7.0.3 SDK, are included.
Xcode 5.0.1 supports continuous integration bots, hosted on OS X Server.
Use the add "+" button to add OS X Servers in the Accounts preferences panel, then click the menu command Product > Create Bot.
Includes support for OS X Server hosted repositories.
iOS 6 (32-bit) and iOS 7 (32-bit and 64-bit) binaries build with a single build target.
Xcode 5.0.1 adds support for development on OS X 10.9 Mavericks and other feature additions.
The Office for National Statistics (ONS) OpenAPI (Beta) was launched on 28th October 2013.
Its home page is http://www.ons.gov.uk/ons/apiservice/web/apiservice/home
It is a RESTful web service which returns UK statistical data as XML or JSON. At the time of launch it only has Census 2011 data, but more data will be added over time and it will eventually replace the NeSS and NOMIS services.
The service is free but developers have to register for an API key.
From the home page above, developers can access example client code, sample outputs, how to guides and reference material.
Example applications are currently supplied for AJAX (HTML/JavaScript), Java, Visual Basic, Excel, D3 (SVG), Mapping (OS OpenSpace and Google), Adobe Flex (Flash) and Android. This code is provided under the Open Government Licence.
The Office for National Statistics (ONS) OpenAPI (Beta) is a RESTful web service which returns UK statistical data as XML or JSON. At the time of launch it only has Census 2011 data, but more data will be added over time.
Sandcastle HelpFileBuilder
The gambio webshop system is one of the major xt:Commerce forks especially adapted for german language markets and used in Europe (germany, switzerland, austria). Free and open source, PHP, MySQL. The current version is called "Gambio GX2"
Website: http://www.gambio.de/
The gambio webshop system, PHP, based on xt:commerce
DO NOT USE THIS TAG! You probably want [ms-access] instead.
A zipper is a technique of representing an aggregate data structure so that it is convenient for writing programs that traverse the structure arbitrarily and update its contents, especially in purely functional programming languages.
The basic idea is that an existing list- or tree-like data structure is augmented with a representation of a "focus" on a single item in the tree in a way that permits efficient lookups and updates at the focus point.
A simple example is a zipper for a list, consisting of a pair of two lists. For example, the position of 3 in the list (1,2,3,4,5) is represented by the pair ((2,1),(3,4,5)). To insert a new item or replace 3 with another item with this representation can be done in constant time since 3 is at the head of the second list of the pair. Traversing the list is similarly easy: remove the head of either list and it with the other list.
You can read more about zipper in Haskell in the Haskell Wikibook.
A zipper is a technique of representing a data structure so that it is convenient for traversal and updates, especially in pure functional languages.
Deedle is an easy to use library for data and time series manipulation and for scientific programming. It supports working with structured data frames, ordered and unordered data, as well as time series. Deedle is designed to work well for exploratory programming using F# and C# interactive console, but can be also used in efficient compiled.NET code.
The library implements a wide range of operations for data manipulation including advanced indexing and slicing, joining and aligning data, handling of missing values, grouping and aggregation, statistics and more.
For more information see:
Deedle documentation
Get Deedle from NuGet
Deedle source code on GitHub
The following tutorial is a good starting point:
Deedle in 10 minutes
Deedle is an easy to use library for data and time series manipulation. It supports working with data frames, ordered and unordered data, as well as time series. Deedle works well for exploratory programming using F#, but can be also used in efficient compiled.NET code.
GitList is web based git repository viewer written in PHP. Using GitList you can browse repositories, different file revisions, commit history etc. in your favorite browser. It also generates RSS feeds for each repository, allowing you to stay up-to-date with the latest changes anytime, anywhere.
The source code is maintained @ github
A web based git repository viewer.
Quartz is an open source job scheduling library licensed under Apache 2.0 license. Quartz can be used to create simple or complex schedules for executing even tens-of-thousands of jobs, tasks for which can be anything that the end user wants to be done in a programmatic way. Quartz can be integrated into other enterprise or open source application.
A Java based open source job scheduler that can be integrated easily into other applications
A SQL-92 compliant transactional database that runs on both.NET framework and the Java platform from Embarcadero
Anything related to programming languages functions (or other similar facilities) allowing the retrieval of the current time with a resolution in the microseconds (µs) range.
Anything related to programming languages functions (or other similar facilities) allowing the retrieval of the current time with a resolution in the microseconds range.
Anything related to programming languages functions (or other similar facilities) allowing the retrieval of the current time with a resolution in the nanoseconds (ns) range.
Anything related to programming languages functions (or other similar facilities) allowing the retrieval of the current time with a resolution in the nanoseconds range.
Infopath 2007 is a Microsoft Form Builder Tool used to create forms for Sharepoint.
Mozilla is a free software community best known for producing the Firefox web browser. The Mozilla community uses, develops, spreads and supports Mozilla products and works to advance the goals of the Open Web described in the Mozilla Manifesto. The community is supported institutionally by the Mozilla Foundation and its tax-paying subsidiary, the Mozilla Corporation.
In addition to the Firefox browser, Mozilla also produces Thunderbird, Firefox Mobile, the Firefox OS mobile operating system, the bug tracking system Bugzilla and a number of other projects.
Anything related to Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDAs), i.e. legal contracts between two parties by signing which the parties agree not to disclose some confidential information to third parties. For example, often software developers hired by a company sign NDAs by which they agree not to disclose information about the project or about the technologies on which they will be working.
See Wikipedia page on NDAs.
Anything related to Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDAs), i.e. legal contracts between two parties by signing which the parties agree not to disclose some confidential information to third parties. For example, often software developers hired by a company sign NDAs by which they agree not to disclose information about the project or about the technologies on which they will be working.
Use this tag for questions related to downloading any kind of images programmatically.
Anything related to network interfaces, i.e. the hardware subsystems that allow systems to connect to a network. DO NOT USE this tag for purely hardware-related questions, which are off-topic on SO.
Anything related to network interfaces, i.e. the hardware subsystems that allow systems to connect to a network. DO NOT USE this tag for purely hardware-related questions, which are off-topic on SO.
Anything related to software noise generators and noise generation techniques. Noise is a general term to indicate a signal with (pseudo)random characteristics. Noise generators are used, for example, in telecommunication or electronic systems simulation (to simulate actual noise sources), in computer games (to randomize some aspects of the game experience) and in virtual reality applications (to enhance the realism of the scenes or of the sounds by reproducing the random, noisy aspects of reality).
Anything related to software noise generators and noise generation techniques. Noise is a general term to indicate a signal with (pseudo)random characteristics. Noise generators are used, for example, in telecommunication or electronic systems simulation, in computer games and in virtual reality applications.
A syntax element that allows multiple lines of text to be used as comments, (that is, ignored by the compiler), without having to mark each and every line separately as a comment.
E.F. Codd identified eight relational algebra operators in his defining paper "A Relational Model of Data for Large Shared Data Banks". Division is the least known and probably most complex of them. It is the inverse operation of a Cartesian product (in SQL).
It means partitioning a (bigger) table with rows from another (smaller) table. For requirements like:
"Find tuples that combine a particular value in one attribute with several values in another attribute."
A practical example for a setup with a many-to-many relationship between clubs and people:
"Find all clubs where Sue and John and James are members."
More information
Chapter in the Wikipedia page on Relational algebra
Blog post "Divided We Stand: The SQL of Relational Division"
Operation in relational algebra or in an RDBMS (mostly SQL) to partition relations. The inverse of a Cartesian product (CROSS JOIN in SQL).
Juzu Web is a web framework for developing MVC applications, emphasizing on simplicity and type safety.
Juzu deploys on
Any servlet container
GateIn: 3.2 and 3.3
Liferay: tested on Liferay 6.10 and 5.x
the Vert.x Platform
Juzu Web is a web framework for developing MVC applications, emphasizing on simplicity and type safety.
Identifies the text as having to with, or about, LDAP clients. The LDAP tag should be used for protocol and DIT-related questions, ldap-client should be used for questions about configuring clients of LDAP services, for example, web servers, sudo, WCF, or Liferay.
Questions about how to perform a search for data in any language should be tagged with the LDAP tag. Questions about how to configure your latest gadget or software to talk to an LDAP server should be tagged wit the ldap-client tag.
Identifies the text as having to with, or about, the configuration of LDAP clients.
ASP MVC, jQuery issue returning error on ajax post when user hits enter key whilst textbox has focus
First off. I am using ASP MVC 4, C# and Jquery 1.9.1.
I have a very unusual error where an ajax post is returning on its error handler when no error is present.
Basically I have written a search box and hooked this into returning a partial view for the search results when no errors with the model are found. Alternatively if errors are found the page will be redirected to the initial action method. CUrrently the only model error I trap is whether or not they have entered anything in the search box. However I perform a check in jQuery so this kind of makes it a moot point.
All of this is triggered by either pressing the enter key, or by clicking the search button with the mouse.
These events will both call the same jQuery function. Here is the jQuery.
Now this all works perfectly fine if you:
Enter a name to search in the text box, click out of the box and press the enter key
Enter a name to search in the text box, click the search button with the mouse
This falls over if you:
Enter a name to search in the text box and then press the enter key (without exiting the text box)
The controller does not return an error, it returns the partial in every instance. However when the error is triggered, the entire page is rendered as the partial, not the targeted parent object.
To me this is very bizarre behaviour. Firstly why does jQuery think there is an error since the controller does not pass one back and secondly why does jQuery re-render the entire page as the partial data returned when it has a target to render too?
This is the response returned an all cases (even when it mucks up)
The java.util.prefs package provides a way for applications to store and retrieve user and system preference and configuration data.
When you press enter in an input box, usually, the form is submitted.
This appears to be what is happening, when the user presses enter in the textbox, the form submits via a http post, and the response is rendered as a new page.
Try something like the following javascript to the page to prevent the form submission.
pomelo is netease 's game open source project base on nodejs
CSS and page layout won't display in ie but will work fine in chrome and firefox
Majority of pages on the website works with no errors but on a few of them the navigation doesn't line up with the content and I am missing the "contact" link at the top of the navigation. The website works fine in Chrome and Firefox, and only shows these errors when in Internet Explorer. I don't quite understand why? I've search Google for answers and I haven't seen any solutions that actually work.
The CSS code is:
DO NOT USE THIS TAG! It's ambiguous. For the blogging platform, use [ghost-blog]. For the installer, use [ghost-installer]. For the Python webkit client, use [ghost.py].
Use float:left for menu LI. It will align all the LIs from left to right in IE. And set margin: auto to align UL to the center.
For equally spacing LIs within UL, there is no easy way to implement it using CSS, but you could use jquery like this. I have tried it using number of different ways in CSS, but this seems to be the best and works in every browser.
Sidr is a jQuery plugin for creating side menus and the easiest way for doing your menu responsive.
DO NOT USE THIS TAG. You want [sublimetext] instead.
Misspelled: partition. Please do not use this tag.
Misspelled: [partition]. Please do not use this tag.
Boyce–Codd normal form (or BCNF or 3.5NF) is a normal form used in database normalisation. It is a slightly stronger version of the third normal form (3NF). BCNF was developed in 1974 by Raymond F. Boyce and Edgar F. Codd to address certain types of anomaly not dealt with by 3NF as originally defined.
Boyce–Codd normal form (or BCNF or 3.5NF) is a normal form used in database normalisation.
A Regex Negative lookahead is used to match a pattern that is NOT followed by another pattern.
Refer to the following link for more information:
Use this tag for questions about regular expression (regex) negative lookahead functionality.
TPL is template file format. They contain HTML or other data, that is used to format the output.
Please do not use this tag. Use asp.net-mvc-5 instead.
DO NOT USE THIS TAG! Use asp.net-mvc-5 instead.
Escape server: a server designed to run as ruby web server.
Please use the tag entity-framework-6 instead of this one.
Please use the tag entity-framework-6 instead of this one.
Database partitioning is done in one of two ways:
vertically - reducing the number of columns in tables while
increasing the number of tables
horizontally (also called sharding) – splitting rows up into multiple tables based on key values. An example would be moving all the rows for each geographic region (such as a country) into their own tables.
Related questions:
Difference between scaling horizontally and vertically for databases
Related tags:
Database partitioning is the act of splitting a database into separate parts, usually for manageability, performance or availability reasons.
It can be found on this GitHub page.
A simple process monitoring tool written in Ruby
By definition pitch shift is a DSP technique able to change the pitch of audio signal without change speed the pitch of sound is raised or lowered, is characterized as a sound effects, there are different methods based in time domain or frequency domain which can be used to obtain this effect.
By definition pitch shift is a DSP technique able to change the pitch of audio signal without change speed the pitch of sound is raised or lowered, is characterized as a sound effects, there are different methods based in time domain or frequency domain which can be used to obtain this effect.
Django 1.6 is a version of the Django framework, released November 2013. Please only use this tag if your question relates specifically to this version.
See the release notes for more details.
Django 1.6 is a version of the Django framework, released November 2013. Please only use this tag if your question relates specifically to this version.
I want a simple way to create packages without all the bullshit. In my own infrastructure, I have no interest in Debian policy and RedHat packaging guidelines - I have interest in my group's own style culture and have a very strong interest in getting work done.
(This is not to say that you can't create packages with FPM that obey Debian or RedHat policies, you can and should if that is what you desire)
The goal of FPM is to be able to easily build platform-native packages.
Creating packages easily (deb, rpm, etc)
Tweaking existing packages (removing files, changing metadata/dependencies)
Stripping pre/post/maintainer scripts from packages
What is fpm?
It helps you build packages quickly and easily (Packages like RPM and DEB formats).
Here is a presentation I gave on fpm at BayLISA: http://goo.gl/sWs3Z (I included speaker notes you can read, too)
At BayLISA in April 2011, I gave a talk about fpm. At the end, I asked "What can I package for you?"
The goal of FPM is to be able to easily build platform-native packages.
Creating packages easily (deb, rpm, etc)
Tweaking existing packages (removing files, changing metadata/dependencies)
Stripping pre/post/maintainer scripts from packages
FPM helps you build packages quickly and easily (packages like RPM and DEB formats).
DON'T EVEN THINK OF USING THIS TAG! It was burninated during the last major cleanup.
BlueDragon is an alternative to ColdFusion, providing an environment to develop CFML-based applications. NOTE: It is useful to also use the `coldfusion` tag for any BlueDragon questions that focus on CFML syntax/language. This tag is for questions pertaining to version 7 of BlueDragon.
A comprehensive Objective-C library for Twitter REST API 1.1 https://github.com/nst/sttwitter
A comprehensive Objective-C library for Twitter REST API 1.1
Every processor or processor family has its own instruction set. This is a set of instructions the processor has been designed to execute. These instructions are binary codes and in general are not human readable, one would have to memorize the bit patterns. Assembly language is a human readable representation of the machine code where the assembly language mnemonics and following syntax attempt a one to one assembly language instruction to machine code instruction relationship. But assembly language has a fair amount of additional syntax that is not directly related to machine code or machine language.
The machine-code tag is used for questions related to machine code. Additional tags like disassembly and assembly and others may also be used.
A tag specifying the architecture arm, x86, riscv, mips, msp430 (and many others), is needed as the machine code for different architectures is not compatible, and the question will be difficult to answer without knowing the architecture.
Machine code is data that is directly fed into a microprocessor, being the only form that the processor is able to execute. It is the lowest possible level of abstraction, wherein all data is a raw binary stream. Machine code is barely readable by humans, which is why assembly is usually utilized instead.
NetBeans IDE 7.4 extends the advanced HTML5 development support introduced in NetBeans IDE 7.3 to Java EE and PHP applications, while offering new support for mobile web development on the Android and iOS platforms, including support for the Cordova framework. Additional highlights include support for preview versions of JDK 8, and continued enhancements to JavaFX, PHP, C/C++, Maven and other features.
New Feature Highlights:
Cordova application development
Support for Android and iOS Browsers
Editing support for stylesheet languages: SASS and LESS
Browser switcher in main toolbar
Saving changes from Chrome Developer Tools
Network monitor
Editing support for AngularJS, Knockout and ExtJS frameworks
Navigator and code folding in JSON files
Enhanced code completion with improved accuracy
Java EE
HTML5 features available in Java EE projects
Wizards for JSF 2.2 Resource Library Contracts and FacesComponents
HTML5 features available in PHP applications
Nette Framework 2 (with Latte templates) and Zend Framework 2 support
Atoum testing framework support
Editor and Rename type refactoring improvements
Static code analysis support
Preview support for JDK 8 features: Profiles, Lambdas
Code completion, Hints and Refactoring improvements
Native packaging
Updated bundled Ant 1.9.1 and Maven 3.0.5
New FXML File dialog in Maven projects
Tighter alignment for JavaSE and JavaFX project types
Improvements to Project Deployment options
Run/Debug launchers support
Find Usages improvements
C/C++ formatting style per project
New Tasks Dashboard and Notifications windows
Lock Contention for profiling tasks
Bugzilla Offline Mode
Enhancements to Versioning tools: Subversion, Git, Mercurial
TestNG and Junit improvements
Improvements to Databases
Official Website: http://netbeans.org/
Official Release informations: https://netbeans.org/community/releases/74/
Release Date: 15.10.2013
Tagging recommandation: It is recommended to use the netbeans tag together with the version specific tag.
NetBeans IDE 7.4 extends the advanced HTML5 development support introduced in NetBeans IDE 7.3 to Java EE and PHP applications, while offering new support for mobile web development on the Android and iOS platforms, including support for the Cordova framework. Additional highlights include support for preview versions of JDK 8, and continued enhancements to JavaFX, PHP, C/C++, Maven and other features.
JSONiq is a query and functional programming language that is designed to declaratively query and transform collections of hierarchical and heterogeneous data in format of JSON, XML, as well as unstructured, textual data.
JSONiq is an open specification published under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 license. It is based on the XQuery language, with which it shares the same core expressions and operations on atomic types. JSONiq comes in two syntactical flavors, which both support JSON and XML natively.
The JSONiq syntax (a superset of JSON) extended with XML support through a compatible subset of XQuery.
The XQuery syntax (native XML support) extended with JSON support through a compatible subset (the JSONiq extension to XQuery) of the above JSONiq syntax.
Main website: http://www.jsoniq.org
JSONiq is a query and processing language specifically designed for the popular JSON data model.
An AngularJS Service for uploading files using iframe.
AUnit is a set of Ada packages based on the xUnit family of unit test frameworks. It's intended as a developer's tool to facilitate confident writing and evolution of Ada software.
Presto is an open source distributed SQL query engine for running interactive analytic queries against data sources of all sizes ranging from gigabytes to petabytes.
Presto was designed and written from the ground up for interactive analytics and approaches the speed of commercial data warehouses while scaling to the size of organizations like Facebook.
Presto allows querying data where it lives, including Hive, HBase, relational databases or even proprietary data stores. A single Presto query can combine data from multiple sources, allowing for analytics across your entire organization.
Presto is targeted at analysts who expect response times ranging from sub-second to minutes. Presto breaks the false choice between having fast analytics using an expensive commercial solution or using a slow "free" solution that requires excessive hardware.
Project Page
SQL Statement Syntax
Presto: Interacting with petabytes of data at Facebook
Presto is an open source distributed SQL query engine for running analytic queries against data sources of all sizes ranging from gigabytes to petabytes.
Optimizes Workload Management
Cisco Tidal Enterprise Scheduler provides a single view and point of control over business processes and the jobs that comprise them. This enterprise-class workload automation solution offers:
Deep application and database integrations
A high degree of scalability
Dependency - based accuracy
Superior resource management capabilities
This holistic approach optimizes workload management and reduces the risks of human error and the inefficiencies of managing multiple tools. In that way, it increases the value IT delivers to the business. Data center managers can proactively:
Improve service-level quality
Reallocate resources to business-critical projects
Supply the accurate data processing necessary for strategic decision-making
The Cisco scheduler optimizes workloads on Cisco Nexus high-performance switches and Cisco Unified Communication System (UCS) servers and in Cisco high-performance data processing environments. It meets the business and operational requirements of evolving data centers. Cisco Tidal Enterprise Scheduler is the industry standard that transparently automates critical, interdependent job streams. It delivers a high-degree of proven job scheduling efficiency, scalability, and breadth of coverage.
Helps to Enable Data Center Evolution
To meet evolving needs, the scheduler offers Big Data management, along with cloud, mobile, and self-service capabilities. It provides these benefits.
Big Data Coverage
The scheduler delivers unprecedented efficiency for Big Data processes. It easily connects leading enterprise applications, data feeds, data warehouse, data integration, business intelligence, and business analytics with Big Data workloads. Cisco Tidal Enterprise Scheduler plays an important role in the Cisco Unified Data Center Ecosystem for Big Data.
Mobile Workload Management
Data Center administrators can now control jobs and manage Cisco scheduler environments with an iPhone. This increases staffing flexibility and speeds SLA throughput.
Amazon Cloud Resource Management
Integrate and manage Amazon Cloud Services environments with existing workload environments. Schedule additional workload processing and storage for business processing environments when needed.
Self-Service Scheduling Portal
Deliver customized access and functionality to support business end users more efficiently. The portal segregates and simplifies job management tasks, lowering the total cost of ownership (TCO) of managing the business processing environment.
Helps Customers Improve Efficiency and ROI
Customers consistently cite the scheduler's broad coverage, ease-of-use, and dependency-based accuracy as attributes that improve IT efficiency. Used as the standard in data centers all over the world, this workload automation software:
Can be deployed quickly
Contributes to overall data center efficiency and rapid return on investment (ROI)
Improves IT's ability to focus resources on high value, strategic initiatives
Cisco Tidal Enterprise Scheduler simplifies enterprise-wide job scheduling and automates the way business processes are defined, managed and delivered. This workload automation solution manages diverse business processes across a broad set of applications and systems, including Big Data environments. It lowers the cost of data, while improving efficiency and throughput.
CLRS refers to the textbook "Introduction to Algorithms" by Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson, Ronald R. Rivest, and Clifford Stein. It is a standard textbook in algorithms and data structures.
First of all you have: where your html is. No class. Second, maybe you should try this:
Also function is deprecated from jQuery 1.7. You should use instead.
If you want to call action just so why you trying to catch press? Remember to add to your where button is a class.
Change this:
To this:
Personally I'll do something like this:
jQuery appending template recursively
I'm trying to build a tree structure using and recursion:
Here are my templates:
I end up with the leaf of the tree, so the recursion is working but the child template is not attached to the parent and the parent are not attached to the parent... etc.
I end up with the following DOM:
Anyone sees where I'm mistaken?
I found out:) I think I had to declare in the function so that it's considered as a local variable.
OS X Mavericks (version 10.9) is the tenth major release of OS X, Apple Inc.'s desktop and server operating system for Macintosh computers. OS X Mavericks/OS X 10.9 was announced on June 10, 2013, at WWDC 2013, and was released on October 22, 2013, as a free update through the Mac App Store.
SimPowerSystems is an add-on to Simulink for modelling and simulating electrical power systems. It provides component libraries and analysis tools. It was developed in collaboration with Hydro-Québec of Montreal.
Elliptic curve cryptography (ECC) is a public-key cryptographic scheme based upon the mathematical properties of elliptic curves over finite fields.
Selects a list of nodes matching the XPath expression.
jQuery Mockjax provides request/response mocking for ajax requests with jQuery and provides all standard behaviors in the request/response flow.
github page
jQuery Mockjax provides request/response mocking for ajax requests with jQuery and provides all standard behaviors in the request/response flow.
IntentService is a base class for Services that handle asynchronous requests (expressed as Intents) on demand. Clients send requests through startService(Intent) calls; the service is started as needed, handles each Intent in turn using a worker thread, and stops itself when it runs out of work.
Reference to a Handler, which others can use to send messages to it. This allows for the implementation of message-based communication across processes, by creating a Messenger pointing to a Handler in one process, and handing that Messenger to another process.
Timers schedule one-shot or recurring tasks for execution. Prefer ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor for new code.
Each timer has one thread on which tasks are executed sequentially. When this thread is busy running a task, runnable tasks may be subject to delays.
One-shot are scheduled to run at an absolute time or after a relative delay.
The SciViews svSocket package provides a stateful, multi-client and preemtive socket server. Socket transaction are operational even when R is buzy in its main event loop (calculation done at the prompt). This R socket server uses the excellent asynchronous socket ports management by Tcl, and thus, it needs a working version of Tcl/Tk (>= 8.4) and of the tcltk R package.
R Implementation of a simple socket server.
DO NOT USE THIS TAG! Please use a language-specific AWS SDK tag instead, if available.
Refers to database tables with a column that is a foreign key to another column within the same table.
Slurm: A Highly Scalable Resource Manager
Slurm is an open-source resource manager designed for Linux clusters of all sizes. It provides three key functions. First it allocates exclusive and/or non-exclusive access to resources (computer nodes) to users for some duration of time so they can perform work. Second, it provides a framework for starting, executing, and monitoring work (typically a parallel job) on a set of allocated nodes. Finally, it arbitrates contention for resources by managing a queue of pending work.
Slurm's design is very modular with dozens of optional plugins. In its simplest configuration, it can be installed and configured in a couple of minutes (see Caos NSA and Perceus: All-in-one Cluster Software Stack by Jeffrey B. Layton) and was used by Intel on their 48-core "cluster on a chip". More complex configurations can satisfy the job scheduling needs of world-class computer centers and rely upon a MySQL database for archiving accounting records, managing resource limits by user or bank account, or supporting sophisticated job prioritization algorithms.
While other resource managers do exist, Slurm is unique in several respects:
It is designed to operate in a heterogeneous cluster counting over 100,000 nodes and millions of processors.
It can sustain a throughput rate of hundreds of thousands jobs per hour with bursts of job submissions at several times that rate.
Its source code is freely available under the GNU General Public License.
It is portable; written in C and using the GNU autoconf configuration engine. While initially written for Linux, other UNIX-like operating systems should be easy porting targets.
It is highly tolerant of system failures, including failure of the node executing its control functions.
A plugin mechanism exists to support various interconnects, authentication mechanisms, schedulers, etc. These plugins are documented and simple enough for the motivated end user to understand the source and add functionality.
Configurable node power control functions allow putting idle nodes into a power-save/power-down mode. This is especially useful for "elastic burst" clusters which expand dynamically to a cloud virtual machine (VM) provider to accommodate workload bursts.
Resources and Tutorials:
Quick Start
Tutorial, LLNL
Elastic cloud tutorial, Google
GitHub source
Bug tracker/patch submission
Name Spelling
As of v18.08, the name spelling “SLURM” has been changed to “Slurm” (commit 3d7ada78e).
Slurm (formerly spelled SLURM) is an open-source resource manager designed for Linux HPC clusters of all sizes.
PDFMiner is a tool for extracting information from PDF documents. Unlike other PDF-related tools, it focuses entirely on getting and analyzing text data. PDFMiner allows one to obtain the exact location of text in a page, as well as other information such as fonts or lines. It includes a PDF converter that can transform PDF files into other text formats (such as HTML). It has an extensible PDF parser that can be used for other purposes than text analysis.
Written entirely in Python. (for version 2.4 or newer)
Parse, analyze, and convert PDF documents.
PDF-1.7 specification support. (well, almost)
CJK languages and vertical writing scripts support.
Various font types (Type1, TrueType, Type3, and CID) support.
Basic encryption (RC4) support.
PDF to HTML conversion (with a sample converter web app).
Outline (TOC) extraction.
Tagged contents extraction.
Reconstruct the original layout by grouping text chunks.
PDFMiner is about 20 times slower than other C/C++-based counterparts such as XPdf.
A python-based tool for extracting information from PDF documents.
Rate the design of a SQL Server database
My questions are very simple, but I do not know an answer.
There is a table. The has a few photos in his profile on the site. There are at least two way to store links to photo. I can serialize an array of references to a string and store it, or create another table and store pair userId-link. Which way is better?
The user has a unique column,,. Is the following code right?
The user has the description of one car and one of the services, which he provides. Number of services and machines will not change. I can store the vehicle details (make, photos) in the profile of the user, or I can create a new table Car and create a 1-1 relationship. Similarly, I can do with the service. Which way is better?
Mongoose provides a straight-forward, schema-based solution to modeling your application data and includes built-in type casting, validation, query building, business logic hooks and more, out of the box.
SPARQLWrapper is a SPARQL Endpoint interface to Python
SPARQL Wrapper is a SPARQL Endpoint interface to Python
jenkinshas a built-in command line client that allows you to access jenkins from a script or from your shell. This is convenient for automation of routine tasks, bulk updates, trouble diagnosis, and so on.
Jenkins has a built-in command line client that allows you to access Jenkins from a script or from your shell. This is convenient for automation of routine tasks, bulk updates, trouble diagnosis, and so on.
when exporting data using innerHTML i'm having blanks in my excel. Only selects and inputs
on td class edit i only want to show the span class look when exported the selection that is currently showing in the select. Instead it's trying to render everything therefore creating blanks.
I have this back to look function:
Using this method:
I tried inserting the back_to_look() before var ctx above but to no avail it didn't work. I feel I've tried everything.
I also have this myTextExtraction function that i feel might be of use but i can't properly integrate it into the tableToExcel method.
Please any help would be appreciated.
I need to strip the class "touch" when delivering data to an excel sheet
Here's my problem, all the data inside touch which is a select box is rendering inside excel and creating blanks.
I'm using this code to build the td classes
Here's what i'm using to pass my data into excel:
A rectangular array is a 2d-array whose columns are all the same size and whose rows are all the same size. A 2d-array could be jagged:
(where is some value located at a specific row and column.)
A rectangular array must not be jagged:
Note that rectangular arrays don't have to be squares, but can be.
A 2d-array with the columns and rows of the same respective widths.
You can grab the values and prep-end them to the rows or just remove them completely before you convert the table to excel.
If you want to keep your table intact I would recommend cloning the table and then making the excel file out of the cloned table and afterwards deleting it.
It would look something like this
Try this instead.
NMEA 2000, abbreviated to NMEA2k or N2K and standardised as IEC 61162-3, is a plug-and-play communications standard used for connecting marine sensors and display units within ships and boats.
SlimerJS allows you to interact with a web page through external JavaScript code:
Opening a webpage
Clicking on links
Modifying the content...
It is useful to do functional tests, page automation, network monitoring, screen capture, etc.
SlimerJS is similar to PhantomJs, except that it runs Gecko, the browser engine of Mozilla Firefox, instead of Webkit (and it is not yet truly headless).
Official website
Github repository
SlimerJS is a scriptable browser, aiming to keep the same API as PhantomJS, but built on top of Gecko (i.e. Firefox) instead of on top of WebKit.
NuPIC is the open-source core of Numenta's Grok platform. Unlike other "neural net" and ML approaches, NuPIC is based firmly on the detailed principles of the neocortex. The result is that NuPIC may not yet have all the features of other approaches, but it has the potential to truly emulate the performance of the brain.
You can become involved in the growing NuPIC community by visiting Numenta.org. Commercial use of NuPIC will require getting in touch with Grok (formerly Numenta). Grok are currently developing a shrink-wrapped anomaly-detection and monitoring service for AWS, based on NuPIC.
Numenta Platform for Intelligent Computing: Open Source Software platform based on the principles of the neocortex, as identified by Jeff Hawkins.
Anything related to noise reduction techniques and tools. This tag may be employed for questions on algorithms (and corresponding implementations) used to reduce noise in digital data and signals.
Anything related to noise reduction techniques and tools. This tag may be employed for questions on algorithms (and corresponding implementations) used to reduce noise in digital data and signals.
how to reset shopping cart value in drag and drop
I want to reset value if user press reset button in below jsfiddle please help me
if user drag and drop the values and then press reset then it again display blank box and reset all values please help me to solve this
Fiddle http://jsfiddle.net/hirenwebdp/Ky8fP/8/
Add this click functionality to ur resetbutton...
click here for fiddle
The SAP HANA Studio is an Eclipse-based IDE for SAP HANA.
SAP HANA Studio is a tool from SAP for database developement. With SAP HANA Studio you can access, configure, manage, administer and develop all components within SAP HANA. The tool includes script editors (like SQL Console), graphical tools (like View Editor for calculation views), monitoring and reporting capabilities.
SAP HANA Studio consists out of different installation parts (Studio, Studio Administration, Application Development, Database Development) which are shown in the IDE in perspectives like SAP HANA Administration Console, SAP HANA Development, SAP HANA Modeler and SAP HANA PlanViz.
The SAP HANA Studio is an Eclipse-based IDE for SAP HANA.
PicoC is a very small C interpreter for scripting. It was originally written as the script language for a UAV's on-board flight system. It's also very suitable for other robotic, embedded and non-embedded applications.
The core C source code is around 4500 lines of code. It's not intended to be a complete implementation of ISO C but it has all the essentials. When compiled it only takes a few k of code space and is also very sparing of data space. This means it can work well in small embedded devices. It's also a fun example of how to create a very small language implementation while still keeping the code readable.
Useful links
Google code project page (http://code.google.com/p/picoc/)
FreshPorts package page (http://www.freshports.org/lang/picoc/)
Tag wiki as is from Google code project
PicoC is a very small C interpreter for scripting. It is suitable for other robotic, embedded and non-embedded applications.
Returns one of two values, depending on whether the Boolean expression evaluates to true or false in SQL Server 2012 and the variations of VB (VB6, VB.NET, VBA and VBScript)
boolean_expression - A valid Boolean expression.If this argument is not a Boolean expression, then a syntax error is raised.
true_value - Value to return if boolean_expression evaluates to true.
false_value - Value to return if boolean_expression evaluates to false.
Return Types
Returns the data type with the highest precedence from the types in
true_value and false_value (SQL Server). Visual Basic returns.
For VB.NET, the newer If Operator is typically a better choice since it uses a short-circuit evaluation.
is a shorthand way for writing a CASE expression. It evaluates the Boolean expression passed as the first argument, and then returns either of the other two arguments based on the result of the evaluation. That is, the true_value is returned if the Boolean expression is true, and the false_value is returned if the Boolean expression is false or unknown. true_value and false_value can be of any type. The same rules that apply to the CASE expression for Boolean expressions, null handling, and return types also apply to IIF. For more information, see CASE (Transact-SQL).
The fact that is translated into CASE also has an impact on other aspects of the behavior of this function. Since CASE expressions can be nested only up to the level of 10, IIF statements can also be nested only up to the maximum level of 10. Also, is remoted to other servers as a semantically equivalent CASE expression, with all the behaviors of a remoted CASE expression.
The Immediate IF, which does not short-circuit, returns one of two values, depending on whether the boolean expression evaluates to true or false in SQL Server 2012, Visual Basic, and its variants.
A OneNote service API exists which enables developers to create notes in users' OneDrive notebooks and includes features such as OCR and URL screenshots.
Unlike other MS Office products its file format is binary (see MS-ONE and MS-ONESTORE).
There is also a COM API which enables developers to interact with documents open in a local instance of OneNote on Windows.
OneNote Quick start guide
OneNote developer reference
OneNote is a free (gratis, not libre) cross-platform note-taking application. An API exists allowing developers to create apps which allow users to create OneNote notes in their own notebooks. Users can use the free application on Windows, Mac OS X, Windows Phone, iOS, Android, and the web. It gathers users' notes (handwritten or typed), drawings, screen clippings, and audio commentaries.
SData is a web protocol that:
is standards-based, building upon the http, atom and soon json specifications
conforms to the rest principles
is applicable to a variety of scenarios such as APIs, mobile apps or 3rd party integration
is free to use (please read the licence terms)
More information can be found at http://sage.github.io/SData-2.0/
SData is the short form of 'Sage Data', the HTTP-based communication protocol used by many Sage product APIs and integrations.
About the OpenExpedio Project
OpenExpedio is our name for open eXtensions to PDO. It's a light-weight ORB (object-relational bridge) library that works on PHP 4 and 5, and takes advantage of the newly adopted standard for database persistence in PHP 5.1+, PDO. It implements the very simple, but effective Active Record pattern for data access.
But OpenExpedio is a little more than a simple pattern implementation. It's a PDO implementation for PHP 4 and 5.0.x (where native PDO extensions are not available), a way to abstract business objects from the actual SQL queries and prepared statements used to access a relational database structure representing them, and a way to easily describe and provide optimized implementations of an object model for multiple target database platforms.
Object/Relational Persistence Framework
OpenExpedio is not a query abstraction tool, so the generated classes and maps are targeted at a specific platform to get you started. You just add your own methods and SQL to the generated classes to implement your application-specific business logic. XPDO was inspired by the need to provide an object-oriented API for a web application that is easy to develop with and maintain, and could be optimized as much as possible for the database platform it was being deployed on. And it needed to provide this with as small a code footprint as possible. For this reason, it specifically avoids the approaches of parsing and/or generating platform agnostic SQL that often doesn't take advantage of important performance-related features on each platform, or of relying on proprietary query expression languages that often generate unoptimized SQL in favor of supporting more platforms.
What is an ORB?
I refer to xPDO as an Object Relational Bridge, or ORB for short, because I like it better than the more popular ORM acronym, which stands for Object/Relational Mapping, and the more concise OPF, or Object Persistence Framework, just doesn't sound as good as ORB does. It has been adopted previously by several other projects including the Apache OJB project for J2EE, and now Modeling for Python (inspired by NeXT Software Inc.'s Enterprise Object Framework).
OpenExpedio is our name for open extensions to PDO. It's a light-weight ORB library that takes advantage of the newly adopted standard for database persistence in PHP 5.1+, PDO.
Actually it's better to have one photos table and have a users_photos link table, then when you add photos to other entities, there's less to change.
People tend to have more than one phone number. If it's a business rule that they only have one number then leave that in the application layer, not the data layer.
One type of thing, one table for that thing. A car is a different thing than a user.
Economics is the social science that analyzes the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. In the context of programing, questions with this tag relate quantitative economic models, which employ a variety of concepts, and empirical data analysis using statistical methods such as regression analysis, and so forth. In applied economics, input-output models employing linear programming methods are quite common. Large amounts of data are run through computer programs to analyze the impact of certain policies, IMPLAN is one well-known example.
Loosely taken from Wikipedia
Economics is the social science that analyzes the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. In the context of programing, questions with this tag relate quantitative economic models, which employ a variety of concepts, and empirical data analysis using statistical methods such as regression analysis, and so forth.
A transaction manager is the part of an application that is responsible for coordinating transactions across one or more resources. The concept of transaction manager is common to many persistence frameworks.
JPA 2 | EntityManagers, Transactions and everything around it,
Spring Framework Transaction Management.
A transaction manager is the part of an application that is responsible for coordinating transactions across one or more resources.
DO NOT USE THIS TAG! You want [python-3.x] instead.
PicoSAT is a SAT solver with an extensive API. It can generate proofs and cores in memory.
PicoSAT is a SAT solver with an extensive API.
Blue-green deployment minimizes downtime by switching from one identical environment to another. The environments can reside on the same or different hardware.
More information is available in a widely read post by Martin Fowler.
Further deployment tactics that are sometimes called blue-green deployment are described by Itay Shakury. They are used to handle different workflows and risks tolerance as well as to facilitate A/B testing.
Blue-green deployment minimizes downtime by switching from one identical environment to another. The environments can reside on the same or different hardware.
[gproc](https://github.com/uwiger/gproc) is an extended process dictionary for erlang.
How to write a search query in the below condition
I have a table named and its structure is like this
And i have another table named and its structure is like this
id in both table are different I need to select WHERE any of the
i have cid list up to 35,scid up to 250 and tcid up to 600. How can achieve this any one please help me..
cid is main category scid is sub category and tcid is thrid subcategory. ad_category is where advertisers select categories and pub_catogries is publisher selecting categories. i have categories up to 30 subcatrgires up to 250 and thrid categories up to 600.
both advertisers and publishers can select multiple categories
i have tried by exploding pub_categories cid, scid and tcid by ',` and using like condition searching for the value like this
Returns an array containing the quotient and modulus obtained by dividing num by numeric.
If q, r = x.divmod(y), then
The table below displays the difference between div, divmod, module and remainder methods is displayed below:
Official documentation
Returns an array containing the quotient and modulus obtained by dividing num by numeric.
For matching comma separated with comma separated columns, you have only one choice to have a RegExp in your query. Rule is like:
Hope this will help.
winexe remotely executes commands on WindowsNT/2000/XP/2003 systems from GNU/Linux.
winexe remotely executes commands on WindowsNT/2000/XP/2003 systems from GNU/Linux.
jQuery $this is not working on web page
sorry but i am newbie!!!
i am new to jQuery and i have a problem with jQuery $(this)
i have create a really simple jquery function in jsfiddle and it work but it's not work on website
i have use jquery 1.10.1 in jsfiddle and my code too!
you can see code here:
and this is my code in jsfiddle too: demo
i cant understand why my code work on jsfiddle but it's not work in my page
In your website you need to place your code in a document ready handler. This is not required in jsFiddle as it automatically does it for you.
The reason your current code does not work is because it is trying to attach the click handler to the element before it exists in the DOM.
try this
Load this function after document is ready
Anything related to C++ One Definition Rule (ODR), i.e. a rule of the C++ standard banning multiple definitions of most language entities. The ODR roughly mandates that most language entities (objects, functions, templates, etc.) must have a unique (non-duplicated) definition in the same translation unit or across the entire program, while multiple declarations are still possible.
For the details and further reference see Wikipedia page on ODR.
Anything related to C++ One Definition Rule (ODR), i.e. a rule of the C++ standard banning multiple definitions of most language entities. The ODR roughly mandates that most language entities (objects, functions, templates, etc.) must have a unique (non-duplicated) definition in the same translation unit or across the entire program, while multiple declarations are still possible.
International Bank Account Number
MongoDB Management Service is a cloud-based suite of services for managing MongoDB deployments. MMS offers two services: MMS Monitoring and MMS Backup, which help users optimize clusters, automate tasks and mitigate operational risk.
Mongo mms (MongoDB Management Service) is the official monitoring system for MongoDB for monitoring and back up.
Anything related to the C and C++ macro. is used to determine the offset in bytes of a structure member from the beginning of the structure itself.
See CPPreference.com documentation for.
Anything related to the C and C++ `offsetof` macro. `offsetof` is used to determine the offset in bytes of a structure member from the beginning of the structure itself.
Learn more about HTML5 pointer events:
Learn more about CSS pointer-events property:
In HTML5: hardware-agnostic events from devices like a mouse, pen, or touchscreen. In CSS: a property specifying if a particular graphic element can become the target of mouse events.
HandJS is a polyfill that will allow you to write your code about touch only once even if the browser does not support pointer events.
Test page with HandJS: http://www.catuhe.com/msdn/handjs/index.html
HandJS is a polyfill for supporting pointer events on every browser.
Using jquery to clone() an html table and all it's data including select's and their options and inputs
On the td class "edit" i only want to show the span class "look" and strip the other select class option values and than import them into excel.
Right now I have these blanks showing up and I think it's due to it rendering all the options of the select class.
I tried a few options but to no avail. Here's where i'm at right now. It's removing the UI options after exporting and i'm still having the problem in excel like shown above in the image.
Let's try wiping out the select and the span by simply using which would replace any html within each td with just text
OR use the text from the span:
Typesafe-config is a configuration reading library written by Typesafe.com in Java.
Typesafe-config is a configuration reading library written by Typesafe.com in Java.
This is for questions related to getting the PostgreSQL client libraries and PHP extensions working with PHP
I think the problem is the separation of data & template information.
If you're using knockout, then you are usually generating data on the server, and sending it as json data to the template rendering on the client-side.
The function is a server side function, and so you can't run it on the client within a client-side template.
As in @Miguel's answer, the easiest/best way is to generate the url on the server, as part of the data, not as part of the templating.
So your app.route for generating the data might be:
or whatever. You're generating all the posts data on the server side, so you have access to the url_for function. The client then only has to render pure data:
Then in the HTML app.route, after all of the pure-knockout templating, you initialise your knockout views, and then request the data from the posts json route:
If you try and mix jinja templating code (serverside) with knockout
templating code (client-side) then you'll run into problems. You need to treat them as
totally separate systems, and pass pure data (usually JSON) back and
Alternatively, you can embed the data directly into your page, rather than making a separate async request. But again, remember to keep your knockout code completely free of jinja templating, then at the end of the page, instead of doing the $.getJSON stuff, you simply do:
If you separate your data out this way, it makes it much easier to reason about, and also if later you decide to switch to a different javascript engine, you can, as the data contains everything you need. Or if you decide to re-write the python engine, or if you want to make a native app, or whatever.
I hope this helps!
how to show user who create the post rails
I'm creating app on Rails with categories, users(authentication with Devise), posts. If user will write post I want to show his name above his post. When another user watching post, he will know who create this post. How can I do this?
But it doesn't work.
At the end of your view, you have. You need to use the instance variable there.
Just wrap everything in yet one group:
the result will always be the group 1.
To get rid of inner groups, make them non-capturing:
A Splash Screen is a temporary window that appears while the application is loading. They're typically used when the loading of an application takes time, and needs to show something to the user so the user knows the application is loading. Splash Screens also usually show the current status of the loading progress, for example "Loading settings" - "Connecting to database" - "Fetching information from database" - "Preparing environment" and so on.
Splash refers to a Splash Screen, which is a temporary window that appears while the application is loading.
Poet is a web framework designed especially for mason developers.
It uses PSGI/Plack for server integration and it is designed to take maximum advantage of Mason's routing, templating, and content generation features.
Some useful references can be found at their official website: Mason+Poet: home.
for questions about Poet, a web framework for Mason
The "Beta distribution" is a two-parameter family of univariate distributions defined on the interval [0,1]. The probability density function of the distribution is:
with positive parameters α and β.
A common use of the distribution is in Bayesian statistics as a prior for the Binomial distribution. The Beta distribution is also used in beta regression, which can be useful when the dependent variable has a floor or ceiling effect or is bounded.
In scientific software r for statistical computing and graphics, function computes density of a beta distribution, computes CDF of a beta distribution, computes quantile of beta distribution and draw samples from a beta distribution.
Tag usage
Questions on beta-distribution should be about implementation and programming problems, not about the statistical or theoretical properties of the technique.
Consider whether your question might be better suited to Cross Validated, the StackExchange site for statistics, machine learning and data analysis.
A two-parameter family of univariate distributions defined on the interval [0,1].
Span are being fored to be displayed as block
I have some s inside a which is positioned.
This should work as I want but the spans are collapsing into new lines. Why? What would be a fix?
How to Enable Spring Validation
After putting hibernate-validator.jar and javax.validation-api.jar in my classpath the my old validation turned off and org.springframework.dao.DataIntegrityViolationException is replaced by org.hibernate.exception.ConstraintViolationException which wraps SQL exception that is coming from table constraints and this is causing a lot of issues.
It automatically turned JSR-303 validation on so it doesn't validate anything anymore.
I have to put this two jars to be able to upgrade Jersey to 2.4, it has dependency on these two jars.
Putting these properties into hibernate.properties file doesn't help, hibernate simply ignores them but it loads the properties on start-up
loaded properties from resource hibernate.properties: {hibernate.validator.apply_to_ddl=false,hibernate.validator.autoregister_listeners=false etc}
I am using Spring 3.2.4 with SessionFactory and mapping resources from hbm.xml files with constraints in it, hibernate 3.6.9.final, hibernate-validator 5.0.final, javax.validator-api 1.1.0.Final
I just can't figure out how to enable spring validation when hibernate.validator in my classpath, any help will be much appreciated.
Do not use this tag. Really. Just don't.
Do not use this tag. Really. Just don't.
mapSVG is a jQuery/Wordpress plugin for drawing and displaying information on maps using SVG.
mapSVG is a jQuery/Wordpress plugin for drawing and displaying information on maps using SVG.
You have 2 divs with the id = footer. I'd say your problem isn't a mysterious div bug or the css. I'd say your mark up needs some review first of all. Try looking into selectors being ok, and then that every div is closed properly. After that, take a look at the footer. If you want the footer to be stuck in place at the bottom of the place, take a look at something called "Sticky footer". You can accomplish this with some css tricks.
You can disable Bean Validation by setting to in your (or when working with JPA).
Just out of interest, you seem to have constraint annotations on your model (otherwise you shouldn't see a, so I'm wondering why you don't want to validate them?
Joomla! 3.2
Joomla! is an open-source CMS written in PHP and powered by an MVC-oriented framework. Thousands of extensions are available and can be installed through the admin interface.
Joomla! 3.2 was released on 6th November 2013. The support ended in October 2014.
Feature highlights
Improved Template Manager
Introducing HTML5 form fields and attributes
Removed Mootools dependencies
Miscellaneous interface improvements from the JUX Code Sprint
JED info link in extensions installer and 1-click installer of
"install from Web" plugin
Content versioning for core and third-party components
Add Joomla Ajax Interface to core
Rapid Application Framework (Joomla! RAD)
Advanced ACL for com_modules, permissions per module
Joomla! 3.2 release notes
Official Joomla Site
Download Joomla
Joomla Documentation
JED - Joomla Extensions Directory
Technical Requirements
What version of Joomla! should you use?
For issues relating to using Joomla!, version 3.2.
Please note that version 3.2 is no longer a supported release of the Joomla! series and it's highly recommended to upgrade to the latest version.
does not implement. Simple as that.
It wouldn't make sense to implement that interface because you cannot add to a dictionary without specifying a key. The interface does not make sense.
This is a runtime error because items could refer to a subclass of Dictionary so that the cast might be valid.
Erika Enterprise is a minimal open-source hard Real-Time Operating System (RTOS) available here. It is certified OSEK/VDX and supports several microcontrollers.
Erika Enterprise is a free open-source hard Real-Time Operating System (RTOS).
Project home page: http://www.gameclosure.com/
GameClosure is a JavaScript development kit for creating HTML5 games.
Microsoft Extensibility Framework (MEF) simplifies the design of extensible and modular applications. Version 2 is available from.Net 4.5 and includes Dependency Injection.
Microsoft Extensibility Framework (MEF) simplifies the design of extensible and modular applications.
A state machine manages a set of states (classes that inherit from QAbstractState) and transitions (descendants of QAbstractTransition) between those states; these states and transitions define a state graph. Once a state graph has been built, the state machine can execute it. QStateMachine's execution algorithm is based on the State Chart XML (SCXML) algorithm. The framework's overview gives several state graphs and the code to build them.
QStateMachine is based on the concepts and notation of Statecharts. QStateMachine is part of The State Machine Framework.
The Navigator for i family of products provide a comprehensive set of system management features for IBM i. Using rich graphical user interfaces, maintaining your IBM i has never been easier! Tasks included in the consoles cover everything from basic system’s control to DB2 for i database control and beyond.
Navigator for i is available in both a web-based console and as a Windows client. With either interface, all areas of the system are within your reach. Even optional products such as Domino, BRMS, High Availability, Advanced Job Scheduler and OmniFind are readily available and automatically “plugged in” when installed.
The web-based Systems Director Navigator for i console is the strategic interface for IBM i. Available since 6.1, using the web console is as simple as opening a web browser and pointing it to your IBM i system (at the 2001 port).
System i Navigator is the Windows client. It is packaged as part of the iAccess for Windows product. It is the more traditional systems management console, but continues to be supported and enhanced.
The iSeries Navigator (now known as "Navigator for i") is system management software made by IBM for their IBM i platform.
Cloudberry is a company that provides products relating to cloud storage systems including Cloudberry Backup, Cloudberry Explorer, and Cloudberry Drive.
Tag Usage
This tag should be used on questions involving programming using Cloudberry products. It should not be used on non-programming questions involving Cloudberry support requests, as such questions are off-topic on stackru and are subject to closure and deletion.
Cloudberry's web site
THIS TAG IS NOT FOR GENERAL CLOUDBERRY PRODUCT SUPPORT. Cloudberry is a company that provides products relating to cloud storage systems including Cloudberry Backup, Cloudberry Explorer, and Cloudberry Drive.
Recursive Function into Non-Recursive Function?
I have the following recursive Grails function:
How can I transform this function into a non-recursive function?
Dynamically loaded input field on click?
At the moment I have a list of strings I am getting from the database. I then loop through these strings with a statement and print them within their own.
When I click on a I have a jQuery event which triggers. It gets the string from within the and places it within an input field value, up until now it still works fine.
Though, when I click within the input field the text value disappears and also I am unable to get the input field to and it doesn't allow me to type.
My questions are: why is my input value disappearing and why is it not allowing me to type anything within the input field?
Code below:
HTML before click
HTML after click
HTML after focus
Any help is greatly appreciated.
Basically to transform a recursive function into an iterative function you should notice which is the case base(this case is the stop case of recursive function), put all functionality into a loop and use that base case as exit condition of used loop.
Perhaps i didn't explain it very well but every recursive function has an iterative function.
The input is disappearing because the input that you create is within a.sortableList span, and that span has a click event attached to it. So when you click on the input, you're triggering the click event, which replaces the contents of that li with an empty text box.
A quick fix would be to add this inside your click function:
You'll still need to handle what when you want to save what's in the text field, though, and then turn that click event back on if you want to modify the value again...
You can use this rule with variable:
Problem with your rule is that get rewritten to and Apache re-injects rewritten URI for further rule evaluation and Apache issues Forbidden error for also.
Outliers are not necessarily bad or wrong, nor do they need to be removed from data for further analysis. However, outliers (of which there can be more than one in any set of data) indicate that some data at least appear to differ from the bulk of the dataset, suggesting they should be individually examined and understood. Also, some statistical procedures are sensitive to outliers: this means that removal of one or more outliers could substantially change the conclusions of those procedures.
Tag usage
Consider whether the outliers question would be more suitable on stackru SE (programming-related) or Cross Validated SE (statistics-related).
In scientific software r for statistical computing and graphics, function provides a basic method for detecting outliers.
An outlier is an observation that appears to be unusual or not well described relative to a simple characterization of a dataset.
Tom Moertel wrote solution for this problem on his blog.
He clearly explained the transformation of recursive function into the iterative (link).
I have used his approach to transform my own functions when I needed and I was convinced that is correct.
I hope that helps.
I think your code above is a method, rather than a cyclic check...
However here's a quick example of both a contains method and a cyclic check in an iterative style... Fingers crossed they're right
HiPE stands for High-Performance Erlang. It is a feature to compile Erlang into native code.
DON'T EVEN THINK OF USING THIS TAG! It was burninated during the last major cleanup.
More efficient strategy for Optional Parameter tables
I am passing lists into my stored procedure so the user can choose their product lines, manufacturers, and categories for the search they're doing. They don't have to provide this criteria and if they do not then the search occurs across all of those lines, manufacturers, and/or categories. I have two strategies and I'm trying to decide which is more efficient.
Strategy #1 is Dyanmic SQL which I try to avoid but after reading Sommarskog articles I'm considering using. Examples...
Strategy #2, avoid Dynamic SQL using LEFT JOINs
I would end up actually having 7 blocks above for different potential lists used in searching.
I use the "MYCOUNT = 0 or exists" trick.
You can see it fully here:
Wow. I need to update that for non OPENXML and to use exists instead of "IN" clauses.
Below is the more modern version of that code. Just run it against an existing Northwind database.
autoload is implemented differently among languages which include it:
Perl's allows you to dynamically interpret method calls.
PHP's loads classes. To handle missing methods, the __call() magic method may be used.
Ruby's command loads modules.
autoload is a language convention which allows missing classes or method dependencies to be loaded on-demand.
database-backups are useful for archiving, upgrading, replicating, and migrating data
MySQL=>Oracle Migration Process
Converting from other Databases to PostgreSQL
SQLite Converter Tools
SQL Server: Manage the Migration
database-backups are intended to preserve data by serializing database tables to a text format or exporting them to a binary format
Proprietary WYSIWYG designer and HTML5 rendering engine by Gizmox. http://www.visualwebgui.com/Gizmox/Solutions/VisualWebGui/tabid/775/Default.aspx
Proprietary WYSIWYG designer and HTML5 rendering engine by Gizmox.
fetch is used in many contexts, include source control, database querying, and cache control.
hg fetch extension
PDO fetch
Memcached fetch
OAuth fetch
SQL Server fetch
PostgreSQL fetch
Oracle fetch
MySQL fetch
For questions about the JavaScript Fetch API, use the [fetch-api] tag instead. For the git subcommand, use [git-fetch]. The [fetch] tag is a general-purpose tag for the keyword used in many programming languages, which is usually part of an instruction to retrieve data.
file-handling is an abstraction of common actions such as creating, opening, closing, reading, updating, writing, comparing and deleting files
horizontal-scrolling refers to a user-interface capability to view offscreen content which is wider than the screen by using on-screen controls or an input device to change the left/right offset
Joram is a 100% pure Java Implementation of Java Message Service API 1.1. (Java Message Service API released by Sun Microsystem, Inc.) specification.
It provides access to a really distributed MOM (Message Oriented Middleware), built on top of the ScalAgent D.T. agents based platform.
Useful Joram Links:
Joram Home Page: http://joram.ow2.org/
F.A.Q's: http://joram.ow2.org/faq/index.html
Tutorials: http://joram.ow2.org/doc/tutorials.html
JORAM fully supports JMS 1.1 and Java EE 5 with support for transient, persistent, transactional and XA messaging (JORAM provide a fully functional XAResource implementation, JORAM sessions can then be enlisted in any JTA transaction acording to the normal JTA semantics).
All the features described in the JMS 1.1 specification are provided by JORAM.
JORAM is an open-source software component released under the LGPL license. JORAM availability on a wide range of Java-based platforms - from J2EETM to J2METM allows your ownership investment to be rationalized over your numerous heterogeneous systems and Internet devices.
JORAM is an all-in-one mature messaging solution, it includes many features that are missing in competitive offerings and it does not require third-party products, it provides a built-in atomic storage and a distributed JNDI server. JORAM is shipped with multiples transport implementations: an InVM transport implementation for when both the client(s) and server are in the same Java virtual machine, and also a TCP based implementation when clients and server are remote.
In default configuration it only requires standard JDK classes to run.
(The preceeding descriptions have been copied from the official Joram's Features page. http://joram.ow2.org/features.html)
Joram is a 100% pure Java implementation of Java Message Service API 1.1. It provides access to a really distributed MOM (Message Oriented Middle ware).
prompt is a command-line or graphical interface which presents the user with a line editor or modal dialog and suspends execution until input is returned
XAMLServices is part of the.Net framework (introduced in the.Net framework version 4).
Provides higher-level services (static methods) for the common XAML tasks of reading XAML and writing an object graph; or reading an object graph and writing XAML file output for serialization purposes.
The XAMLServices class is defined as a static class and is part of the System.Xaml namespace.
MSDN Documentation can be found at http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.xaml.xamlservices(v=vs.110).aspx
XamlServices is a class that provides high level static methods for common XAML Tasks of reading and writing the object graph.
Globalize is the I18n de-facto standard library for model/data translation in Ruby on Rails. It replaces Globalize3 and works with both Rails 3 and Rails 4.
Globalize replaces the (no longer supported) Globalize3 gem and is targeted at ActiveRecord 4.x, but also supports ActiveRecord 3.x. It is compatible with and builds on the I18n API in Ruby on Rails and adds model translations to ActiveRecord.
Major version numbers in Globalize now correspond to those in ActiveRecord, so Globalize 3.x for ActiveRecord 3.x and Globalize 4.x for ActiveRecord 4.x.
Globalize is the I18n de-facto standard library for model/data translation in Ruby on Rails. It replaces Globalize3 and works with both Rails 3 and Rails 4.
The async attribute for HTML 5 is used to instruct the browser parser to load the script asynchronously.
When the asnyc attribute is found the parser continues rendering the page without "blocking" until the script has loaded. This can further reduce the rendering of html pages as the JavaScript files are downloaded asynchronously. In traditional parser behavior, scripts are downloaded as they are parsed in the HTML object tree. The parser will wait until a HTTP Response is received and the content is downloaded (when applicable).
To use the async attribute on a script file you simply have to add the property to your script element as depicted below.
Although traditional asynchronous commands are executed in parallel, the attribute will instruct the parser to retrieve the file as the first opportunity after the page has finished downloading and before windows' event.
The async attribute is only supported on external script files and not for inline scripts (script tags where the src attribute is present).
Supporting Browsers:
Internet Explorer 10
Google Chrome
The HTML5 asnyc property is used on the Script tags to instruct the parser to load the script asynchronously, preventing the script from blocking the parser.
The manages the current look and feel, the set of available look and feels, that are notified when the look and feel changes, look and feel defaults, and convenience methods for obtaining various default values.
Specifying the look and feel
The look and feel can be specified in two distinct ways: by specifying the fully qualified name of the class for the look and feel, or by creating an instance of and passing it to.
Setting the look and feel to the system look and feel:
Setting the look and feel based on class name:
manages three sets of. They are:
1. Developer defaults - With few exceptions Swing does not alter the developer defaults; these are intended to be modified and used by the developer.
2. Look and feel defaults - The look and feel defaults are supplied by the look and feel at the time it is installed as the current look and feel (is invoked). The look and feel defaults can be obtained using the method.
3. System defaults - The system defaults are provided by Swing.
UIManager manages the current look and feel and its defaults.
DO NOT USE THIS TAG! It's a typo. You want [dynamics-crm-2013].
use this:
change 80% to get best result.
Good Luck.
bootstrap-sortable is a library that adds sorting ability to bootstrap table.
How I can generate "read more" link dynamically for news site
I am doing news site and fetching news from database like this
Now what I want to do is I want read more link against each news item them redirects to and that single news will be shown there, how do i get it, pleas help me with it
First of all, you need to build the news_detail.php, to handle single post viewing. There, you need to decide which news detail to bring, usually people do it with id. Then, you need to pass the id from your links like
You should have news id in database. When you retrieve all news and print in loop you should use the following code. I do not know what is name of news id column name in database
Now you should write code for news details. You should query from the database receive the news id using get method and print into the loop.
in news_details.php you should receive the value of news id by GET method, then write code get row of database table. i.e.
Try this.
you can set the separate link for particular news like
Use the following steps:
1) You can use php substr to truncate your news contents to a number of words. and then add Read More link below that.
Your code will be like below:
if you see, i have used which truncate your news contents upto 100 words. 0 start and 100 is end.
2) Use answer of Kuzgun
Also read this:
How can I truncate a string to the first 20 words in PHP?
Repeater error - server tag is not well formed
I'm using a repeater to display data records on my page. It used to be that I'd use tables inside it and I never had a problem, but now I'm using divs and I keep getting build errors saying the server tag is not well formed...
Can anyone see anything wrong with this?
DON'T EVEN THINK OF USING THIS TAG! It was burninated during the last major cleanup.
Try using single quotes...
Instead of
Try using lable like this
As you have used Div with runat="server" tag.
Thank you
ClearDB is a heroku addon for managing databases.
More info here: https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/cleardb
ClearDB is a reliable, fault tolerant database-as-a-service for MySQL.
It is also a heroku addon for mysql databases
(mobile shell)
Remote terminal application that allows roaming, supports intermittent connectivity, and provides intelligent local echo and line editing of user keystrokes.
Mosh is a replacement for SSH. It's more robust and responsive, especially over Wi-Fi, cellular, and long-distance links.
Mosh is free software, available for GNU/Linux, FreeBSD, Solaris, Mac OS X, and Android.
learn more at http://mosh.mit.edu/
Mosh (mobile shell) is a remote terminal application that allows roaming, supports intermittent connectivity, and provides intelligent local echo and line editing of user keystrokes.
A lightweight mocking framework for Java
Flex 4.7 doesn't exist, so you probably mean Flex 4.6 or Flash Builder 4.6. Adobe hasn't released any Flex SDK after Flex 4.6 and the first Apache Flex version was 4.8.
In computer science, a fiber is a particularly lightweight thread of execution..
Like threads, fibers share address space. However, fibers use co-operative multitasking while threads use pre-emptive multitasking. Threads often depend on the kernel's thread scheduler to preempt a busy thread and resume another thread; fibers yield themselves to run another fiber while executing. The article on threads contains more on the distinction between threads and fibers.
Fibers can be considered as implementation of coroutines so you might like to check also [coroutine] tag.
Fibers are particularly lightweight threads of execution which use co-operative multitasking.
parcelable is defined in the Android API as as interface for classes whose instances can be written to and restored from a parcel
Android Parcelable Interface Reference
Parcelable vs Serializable
Writing arrays of Parcelables to a Parcel in Android
Android: Difference between Parcelable and Serializable?
parcelable refers to the capability of an object to be converted to a parcel, a container for reading and writing data of various type, using type specific rather than generic serialization
DON'T EVEN THINK OF USING THIS TAG! It was burninated during the last major cleanup.
Adding hibernate validator to the classpath turns off hibernate core validation, so I had to add this property to turn it back on
The Core Graphics framework is often referred to as "CG"
See Apple's CGBitmap reference for more specific information, or The Graphics Contexts section of Apple's Quartz 2D Programming Guide for background information.
Creates a bitmap graphics context (drawing destination) in Apple's Core Graphics framework.
External Content Types are reusable metadata descriptions of connectivity information and data definitions plus the behaviors you want to apply to a certain category of external data. External content types enable you to manage and reuse the metadata and behaviors of a business entity such as Customer or Order from a central location, and enable users to interact with that external data and processes in a more meaningful way.
External Content Types allow users to pull data directly from external databases and surface it within various SharePoint presentation features: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ee558737.ASPX
Business Connectivity Services is included in Microsoft SharePoint Foundation 2010, Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010, and Microsoft Office 2010 applications.
External Content Types are the backbone of all Business Connectivity Service solutions. After you create an external content type, you can use any of the presentation features of Microsoft Business Connectivity Services to provide a rich experience to the user, without writing any code.
DO NOT USE THIS TAG! Just use [openerp] instead.
To quote the original article:
Classes that have custom destructors, copy/move constructors or copy/move assignmentoperators should deal exclusively with ownership. Other classes should not have custom destructors, copy/move constructors or copy/move assignment operators.
The idiom was created by Martinho Fernandes in one of his blog-posts.
Classes that have custom destructors, copy/move constructors or copy/move assignmentoperators should deal exclusively with ownership. Other classes should not have custom destructors, copy/move constructors or copy/move assignment operators.
A subview can be defined either explicitly as a separate class, or implicitly via object composition, depending on the framework.
Difference between View and Subview - Android
NSView - addSubview
The View/Subview Hierarchy
subview is an abstract representation of a nested hierarchy of views in a MVC framework
mediaelement is defined as a class object in several frameworks, and encapsulates audio, video, and audio/video instances
References.net MediaElement Class Reference
HTMLMediaElement Class Reference
MediaElement - AS3 OSMF
mediaelement is an abstraction used to represent multimedia viewed by a user
For questions about the calc function in CSS.
selecteditem is used to check the state of the associated UI control in several APIs
JavaFX SelectionModel.selectedItem property.net Selector.selectedItem property.net ListControl.selectedItem property.net ListBox.selectedItem property.net ComboBox.selectedItem property.net DataGrid.selectedItem property.net TreeView.selectedItem property
Silverlight AutoComplete.selectedItem property
ActionScript List.selectedItem property
ActionScript Combobox.selectedItem property
selecteditem is a property used to identify the currently selected item in a collection
DO NOT USE THIS TAG! You want [python-3.x] instead.
Set Android activity content to an explicit view, i.e. to place the view directly into the activity's view hierarchy.
DO NOT USE THIS TAG! You probably want [complex-numbers] instead.
A fully standalone version of the OS (including the kernel) which can be installed into the ROM(Read-Only Memory) area of a phone. Generally, open-source operating systems (e.g Android) are customised and distributed as Custom ROMs.
An Application Logging Extensions library for the.NET Framework. It is used to search, filter and navigate through the log files.
A standalone tool from Red Gate, that enables quick search for SQL across databases.
Apple API that allows developers to place search fields in their website to search for content (apps, ebooks, movies,music etc) within the iTunes Store, App Store, iBookstore and Mac App Store.
Developer defined transition between views, which gives full control to define the animations that are used when a navigation from one view controller to another occurs.
First version of the Gear was originally released as an Android-based device, later replaced by Tizen OS.
Tizen SDK for Wearable allows developers to make apps for Gear devices.
Tizen powered smartwatch produced by Samsung, primarily used to control and sync with Samsung smartphones.
Core component of Android OS that bridges between applications and the actual data processing done at the hardware level. It is based on the Linux kernel.
SharePoint Online is a collection of Web-based tools and technologies that help your organization store, share, and manage digital information. Built on Microsoft SharePoint Server 2013, this hosted service is ideal for working on projects, storing data and documents in a central location, and sharing information with others. The following Content features makes Enterprise Content Management (ECM) easy for everyone. It’s the combination of traditional content management, social capabilities, and powerful search.
A cloud-based service, hosted by Microsoft, that provides SharePoint collaboration platform as an online service.
Referring to the Internal Storage capability of the Android API.
Referring to the Internal Storage capability of the Android API.
Front-end touch interface which provides rich UI functionality on Samsung smartphones
Third-party library to integrate push notifications into Android apps, instead of using the default Android API for managing push notifications(Google Cloud Management)
Suite of database functions to write TAP-emitting unit tests in psql scripts or xUnit-style test functions
Azure Blob Storage is a cloud service for storing unstructured binary data. It is a part of the Microsoft Azure family of cloud services. Blobs can be of any file type. azure blobs can be Block or Page oriented. Block blobs are optimized for sequential read, while Page blobs are optimized for random read. A single Block Blob can be up to 200 GB in size and a single Page blob - up to 2 TB.
Widevine is a google company which provides a platform for delivering protected content and defend the copyright of the content.
In order to achieve the highest possible quality they use DASH (Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP). Using CENC (Common Encryption) which is in-line with other DRM providers regarding the license structure - such as PlayReady from Microsoft.
The device side of the Widvine solution is the CDM (Content Decryption Module) and EME (Encrypted Media Extension). The CDM is responsible for acquiring the content keys for decryption and securely delivering the output to the device’s firmware/hardware. The EME provides a JavaScript API that enables web applications to interact with content protection systems (e.g. the CDM), to allow playback of encrypted audio and video.
Widevine also maintains a license server which allow clients to access in order to get the license. Key management for the content can be done on Widvine platform or by the clients.
Widevine current version is 7.0
For more information see: http://storage.googleapis.com/wvdocs/Widevine_DRM_Getting_Started.pdf
DRM platform owned by Google which combines DASH, CENC and EME to provide multiplatform content protection.
Google Map Engine is a product that allows user to visualize Google Spreadsheet data into a map. Google announced in January 2015 that the service will be shutting down on January 29, 2016.[1]
API that allows developers to use Google Maps in their applications to create maps out of Google's location databases.
Error thrown by the JVM when a circularity has been detected while initializing a class.
Compiler instruction (ARM mnemonics) for OR-NOT operation
MATLAB function to create a matrix of subaxes containing scatter plots of the columns of X against the columns of Y.
AzCopy is a command-line utility which allows to upload or download files between Windows Azure Blob Storage and the local file system
Multiline string literals that use similar syntax, preserving line breaks and other whitespace (including indentation) in the text.
Expression Calculation Engine for Java. It provides a general purpose expression parser, which is also compatible with Microsoft Excel.
Module that contains the interface for the Heartbeat Monitoring of an Erlang Runtime System
Object-oriented php class that promotes rapid development of HTML forms through an object-oriented PHP framework.
Bootstrap carousel data-slide link issue
I put up the bootstrap carousel.
The slides next and prev works correctly but it isn't the same for the slides' link.
Below there is the carousel example with slides' link:
I would like to give a specific number to the data-slide-to tag into the links and then, it should point up to the slide number (data-id) present into the data-slide-to.
With the solution that i've developed it doesn't work and the links point up to the carousel array element and not to the data-id tag of it.
For example, if i have a data-slide-id number 1, it point up to the element number one of the carousel's array.
There's a way to do that the links point up to a specific slide?
html2canvas, proxy to read facebook images
I am trying to use the html2canvas to render a img from a div, which contains some images, and they could be or not from facebook servers, but I don't know how to use the proxy option for this purpose.
Here's my html code and js code:
Then I have this div with the "canvas_div" ID down on page.
An SKScene object represents a scene of content in Sprite Kit. A scene is the root node in a tree of Sprite Kit nodes (SKNode). These nodes provide content that the scene animates and renders for display. To display a scene, you present it from an SKView object.
A scene calculates the contents of a new frame by processing the following actions in order:
The scene calls its update: method.
The scene executes actions on its children.
The scene calls its didEvaluateActions method.
The scene executes any physics simulations on physics bodies in the scene.
The scene calls its didSimulatePhysics method.
Click Here for Apple's Documentation Reference for SKScene.
An SKScene object represents a scene of content in Sprite Kit. A scene is the root node in a tree of Sprite Kit nodes (SKNode). These nodes provide content that the scene animates and renders for display. To display a scene, you present it from an SKView object. SKScene is Apple technology for use on iOS 7.0 and later.
An SKPhysicsWorld object simulates collisions and other physical properties. You do not create SKPhysicsWorld objects directly; instead, read the physicsWorld property of an SKScene object.
The physics world object allows you to perform the following tasks:
Set global properties for the simulation, such as gravity
Create joints between two physics bodies in the scene
Set a delegate to receive notifications when two physics bodies are
in contact with each other
Determine which physics bodies within the scene intersect with
points, rectangles, or rays
Click Here for Apple's Documentation of SKPhysicsWorld
An SKPhysicsWorld object simulates collisions and other physical properties. You do not create SKPhysicsWorld objects directly; instead, read the physicsWorld property of an SKScene object.
The MXBean concept provides a simple way to code an MBean that only references a predefined set of types, the ones defined by javax.management.openmbean. In this way, you can be sure that your MBean will be usable by any client, including remote clients, without any requirement that the client have access to model-specific classes representing the types of your MBeans.
Click Here for Oracle's Documentation of MXBean.
The MXBean concept provides a simple way to code an MBean that only references a predefined set of types, the ones defined by javax.management.openmbean. In this way, you can be sure that your MBean will be usable by any client, including remote clients, without any requirement that the client have access to model-specific classes representing the types of your MBeans.
Java tool that can be used in unit tests, to verify whether the contract for the equals and hashCode methods is met.
ART, which stands for Android Runtime, handles app execution in a fundamentally different way from Dalvik. The current runtime relies on a Just-In-Time (JIT) compiler to interpret bytecode, a generic version of the original application code. In a manner of speaking, apps are only partially compiled by developers, then the resulting code must go through an interpreter on a user's device each and every time it is run. The process involves a lot of overhead and isn't particularly efficient, but the mechanism makes it easy for apps to run on a variety of hardware and architectures. ART is set to change this process by pre-compiling that bytecode into machine language when apps are first installed, turning them into truly native apps. This process is called Ahead-Of-Time (AOT) compilation. By removing the need to spin up a new virtual machine or run interpreted code, startup times can be cut down immensely and ongoing execution will become faster, as well.
ART is a new Android runtime being introduced experimentally in the Google's Android 4.4 release.
GPL based Open Source initiative dedicated to the development and distribution of Flash (AS3) and HTML5 technology that enables the implementation of IAB VAST compliant Video Players.
A collection of JavaScript methods built on top of ChocolateChip.js. ChUI.js provides controls and widgets enlivened with behaviors needed for Web app development.
A chunk of (precompiled) code that can be executed by the.NET runtime environment. A.NET program consists of one or more assemblies.
A build automation system written for the X Window System. It is used to generate Makefiles from a template, a set of cpp macro functions, and a per-directory input file called an Imakefile.
The Seasoned Schemer is a book by Daniel P. Friedman and Matthias Felleisen, it's the continuation of The Little Schemer, introducing more advanced concepts of recursive programming to an audience which may have no prior experience with programming or mathematics. All the examples are in the Scheme language but it is not intended as an introduction to Scheme, and only uses that subset of the language necessary to implement solutions to the various tasks set in the book. Some of the new subjects introduced include:, continuations and mutable state.
**The Seasoned Schemer**, a book on recursive programming by Daniel P. Friedman and Matthias Felleisen. It's the continuation of **The Little Schemer**
You can use attributes to pass arbitrary values to a HTML element:
which will result in something like this:
this can be retrieved inside the Javascript, e.g. with jQuery:
note that i used not because the element can occur multiple times.
Adobe Test&Target is part of Adobe Target. Adobe Test&Target is now integrated into the Adobe Target solution - part of Adobe Marketing Cloud. Target provides you with everything you need to tailor and personalize your customers' experience to maximize revenue on your web and mobile sites, apps, social media, and other digital channels at the segment and individual levels.
Adobe Test&Target
Adobe Test&Target is part of Adobe Target. Adobe Test&Target is now integrated into the Adobe Target solution - part of Adobe Marketing Cloud. Target provides you with everything you need to tailor and personalize your customers' experience to maximize revenue on your web and mobile sites, apps, social media, and other digital channels at the segment and individual levels.
DON'T EVEN THINK OF USING THIS TAG! It was burninated during the last major cleanup.
DON'T USE THIS TAG! You probably want [drop-down-menu] or [html-select] instead.
Lintian is a tool written by the Debian developers to determine if proposed Debian packages meet certain policy requirements.
The goals of Lintian are:
To determine how many packages in the Debian repository currently meet policy requirements.
To determine if all the requirements for a policy make practical sense.
To show the developers where to concentrate their efforts in order to make Debian better.
To help developers avoid repeating previously made mistakes.
Lintian dissects Debian packages and tries to find bugs and policy violations. It contains automated checks for many aspects of Debian policy as well as some checks for common errors.
foreach statement echo once if nested foreach is empty?
OK I have a foreach statement searching for a keyword across 3 multisite blogs in wordpress like so:
This works fine if there are no posts using the keyword across all thre blogs it echos the POST NOT FOUND but if there is a post on blog 1 but not on blog 2 or 3 it still echos POST NOT FOUND why?
Your logic is backwards. You should start with a "nothing found" condition, and change it to false when something is found:
Sorry about the formatting. Just copied your code here. Do the opposite of what your doing, look at the variable $found here.
Questions related to GHC haskell's `OverlappingInstances` extension
Unfiltered is a toolkit for servicing HTTP requests in Scala. It provides a consistent vocabulary for handing requests on various server backends, without impeding direct access to their native interfaces.
Questions would have better chance of being answered by the authors, if you ask them on the mailing list.
Github: unfiltered/unfiltered
Unfiltered is a toolkit for servicing HTTP requests in Scala. It provides a consistent vocabulary for handing requests on various server backends, without impeding direct access to their native interfaces.
Intel® XDK has been discontinued. Statements by Intel can be found at
https://software.intel.com/en-us/xdk and https://software.intel.com/en-us/forums/intel-xdk/topic/722218.
This product is no longer being developed or updated for new operating systems and devices. Developers may continue to use the final version of Intel® XDK, however product support will be provided by the Intel XDK community.
Intel® XDK HTML5 Cross-platform Development Tool provides a simplified workflow to enable developers to easily design, debug, build, and deploy html5 web and hybrid apps across multiple app stores, and form factor devices.
Built on web technologies
HTML, CSS, JavaScript*, Node-webkit back-end
No browser or Java* dependencies
Runs on Microsoft Windows* 7, 8, Apple OS X* and Linux*
Creation options
Brackets* editor integration with syntax help and auto-completion
Or, use your own editor with the Intel XDK
Drag & drop UI tool for creating responsive web designs
Integrated Tools
Apache cordova* support for Apple iOS*, Android* and Windows* 8
Apache Ripple* device emulator and debugger
Remote debugging on device with Apache Weinre*
Build and debug with Crosswalk* for Android 4.0+ devices
The Intel® XDK
The Intel® XDK is a no cost, integrated HTML5 app development
environment for creating cross-platform apps for multiple app
stores and form factors. Features include:
Editor, device emulator and debugger
App Preview for on-device testing
Installs on Microsoft Windows*, Apple OS X* and Linux*
Intel cloud-based build system for popular mobile targets
No need to download or install native platform SDKs
Resources & Links
Intel XDK Website
Intel XDK Documentation
Intel XDK Official Forum
The Intel® XDK development system enables software developers to develop, test, preview and deploy HTML5 web and hybrid apps.
A rendering technique to create a 3D perspective in a 2D map
Recommendation from the W3C, which explains to developers and authors how to make Web content accessible to people with disabilities.
Open source ORM framework for the NET Framework, that supports the development of data-oriented software applications.
Collection of HTML/CSS/JS files for creating a lightweight and responsive parallax scrolling website.
A Schema may contain zero or more Domains. An SQL Domain is a named, user-defined set of valid values. Domains are dependent on some Schema — the must be unique within the Schema the Domain belongs to (it may not be the same as any in its Schema either) — and are created, altered and dropped using standard SQL statements. The Objects that may belong to a Domain are known as Domain Constraints; they depend on some Domain.
A Domain is defined by a descriptor that contains six pieces of information:
To create a Domain, use the statement (either as a stand-alone SQL statement or within a statement). specifies the enclosing Schema, names the Domain and identifies the Domain's set of valid values. To change an existing Domain, use the statement. To destroy a Domain, use the statement.
There is a one-to-many association between Domains and Columns: one Domain can be used to identify the set of valid values for multiple Columns.
A Schema may contain zero or more Domains. An SQL Domain is a named, user-defined set of valid values. Domains are dependent on some Schema — the must be unique within the Schema the Domain belongs to (it may not be the same as any in its Schema either) — and are created, altered and dropped using standard SQL statements.
Independent.NET class library which allows user to directly operate Word document, format and style and insert content to Word document without Microsoft Office.
A jQuery Mobile Theme inspired by the native GUI of mobile devices.
A jQuery plugin that provides parallax scrolling effects to any scrolling element.
Userful links:
Official Site
A jQuery plugin that provides parallax scrolling effects to any scrolling element.
A Node.js wrapper for the Git CLI with an API based on Grit
Here is what you looking for
Working Demo
LoopBackJS: Open Source API Server powered by Node.js. LoopBackJS is a Node.js powered, an open source API server with built-in mobile services like push and geolocation. These services can be accessed via iOS, Android, and HTML5 SDKs with a variety of connectors to datasources including Oracle, MySQL, and MongoDB.
StrongLoop Arc: A graphical UI for the StrongLoop API platform that complements the slc command line tools for developing APIs quickly and getting them connected to data. Arc also includes tools for building, profiling and monitoring Node.js applications.
StrongLoop is an API tier for connecting enterprise data to devices and browsers.
It includes LoopBackJS, StrongOps, and StrongNode.
You say you want the URL parameter data-id, but you never refer to it in your code. Just use.
EDIT: Now that I'm looking at your question more closely, I think you're actually asking a question about doing it with JavaScript using AJAX. If that's the case, I strongly recommend you use jQuery. Then, you just retrieve the id with something like what I have at this jsFiddle.
If you want the link to actually work as a clickable link, you need to change it like this:
Then, you could actually use in your PHP code.
FOR THE SAKE OF ALL THAT IS GOOD AND HOLY IN THIS WORLD DO NOT USE THIS TAG! C'mon seriously, if you find yourself using this tag, you probably shouldn't ask this question.
In Composite C1 v 4.0 or later, Razor functions are "first-class citizens". In earlier Composite C1 versions, you can make use of the C1Contrib's Razor Functions.
The Razor functions are available in Composite C1 for insertion on pages, templates, in other functions and in function calls in the C1 Console.
More information can be found at http://docs.composite.net/Functions/Razor
In Composite C1 v 4.0 or later, Razor functions are are CHTML files writtent in Razor syntax that can implement different components that can be later added to any content page.
Evercookie is a javascript API that produces extremely persistent cookies in a browser. Evercookie accomplishes this by storing the cookie data in several types of storage mechanisms that are available on the local browser.
Knockout.js is an implementation of the Model-View-View Model (MVVM) UI pattern. This tag is for questions specific to the 3.0 versions. Refer to the main knockout.js tag for general information.
Version 3.0 Features
Among its more interesting new features:
Array change subscriptions – a super-fast way to find out how an observable array has changed (i.e., which items were just added/deleted/moved) without having to run any differencing algorithm. See the example later.
Binding to detached nodes so frameworks built on top of Knockout have an easier time organizing all the DOM fragments they work with in the background.
Clearer error reporting if binding hits a problem. After all, nobody enjoys debugging…
More helpful handling of arrays in which each entry is an observable (as distinct from observable arrays, which have of course always worked nicely).
Performance improvements
Computed properties no longer issue change notifications by default if their computed value is definitely unchanged since last time.
Reduced by almost half the number of hidden, internal observables that Knockout constructs to manage the state of your bindings.
Reduced the stack depth when processing chained observable notifications by four call frames per observable, permitting much
longer chains.
Bug fixes including HTML-encoding dropdown-list captions, and reinstating the.toJSON function on the output from ko.toJS (which was inadvertently omitted in KO v3 beta).
New build system based on Grunt.js to make contributing to Knockout easier. At last all the custom Bash scripts are gone:)
More Details
For more information about the 3.0 release refer to:
Steven Sandersons' blog post about a Knockout 3.0 release candidate;
R. Niemeyer's blog post about Knockout 3.0.
Knockout.js is an open source JavaScript library for dynamic HTML UIs using the Model-View-View Model (MVVM) pattern. Version 3.0 was released on October 25th, 2013.
Autogrow is nothing but increasing the dimensions of HTML elements using CSS or some other tools with respect to the contents inserted into it.
Most of the HTML elements have the property of expanding its width and height according to the content inserted into it if we do not set width or height through CSS.
Some elements like,, etc have as default. So we may initially set to some values for these kind of elements. And there may be some situations, we need to expand these containers according to dynamically inserted contents (may be text, image etc...) or sometimes we may want to expand elements beyond browser window also. In these situations some CSS tricks will help us to increase and of the container with respect to the content.
When it relates to HTML, autogrow refers to the auto-expansion of HTML element's width or height.
angular.dart is a Dart port of the Angular MVC framework by Google.
It provides similar features as the Java Script version, but takes advantage of Dart features like metadata, types and classes.
You can find a series of tutorials here.
angular.dart is a Dart port of the Angular MVC framework.
Vector Communication Access Programming Language (CAPL), the C-like programming language developed by Vector Informatik GmbH for modelling network nodes, evaluation, and testing programs in real-time relevant simulations managed by CANoe and CANalyzer.
A default method is a feature introduced in java-8 which allows an interface to declare a method body. Classes which implement the interface are not required to override a default method. An interface method is made default by adding the keyword, also introduced in Java 8.
In the following example, method is a default method of the interface.
Adding a default method to an interface or changing a method from abstract to default does not break compatibility with a pre-existing binary if the binary does not attempt to invoke the method.
See also:
Interface Method Body in the Java Language Specification
Interface Method Declarations in the Java Language Specification for binary compatibility
Official default methods tutorial
Java 8 default methods as traits: safe?
A default method is a feature introduced in Java 8 which allows an interface to declare a method body. Classes which implement the interface are not required to override a default method. Use this tag for questions relating to default methods.
You can add a data-id attribute to your html elements like so:
And then in your JavaScript code, do something similar to what Chris recommended, such as:
This tag is deprecated. Visual Studio Online has been renamed to Visual Studio Team Services. Use the vs-team-services tag instead.
Visual Studio Team Services, formerly Visual Studio Online or Team Foundation Service, is the home for your project data in the cloud. Get up and running in minutes on our cloud infrastructure without having to install or configure a single server. Set up an environment that includes everything from hosted Git repos and project tracking tools, to continuous integration and an IDE, all packaged up in a monthly per-user plan. Connect to your project in the cloud using your favorite development tool, such as Visual Studio, Eclipse or Xcode. Visual Studio Team Services also hosts several cloud-only services for developers and development teams like cloud build, cloud load testing, and Application Insights.
More information at http://www.visualstudio.com/products/visual-studio-online-overview-vs
Source Control Repos (Git & Team Foundation Version Control)
Automated Builds (Cloud Hosted Builds or Bring Your Own Build Farm)
Work Item Tracking
Application Insights (Application Performance Monitoring, Availability, Usage Analytics, and Log Mining)
Agile Portfolio & Project Management
Code Reviews & Code Commenting
Virtual Team Rooms
Test Case Management
Release Management
Cloud Load Testing Service from Visual Studio
Bug Tracking
Stakeholder Feedback Management
Visual Studio Team Services is free for individuals and teams less than five. MSDN subscribers additionally receive Visual Studio Team Services included as an added benefit. You can also add an unlimited number of stakeholders to your Visual Studio Team Services account for free who are able to view team dashboards, view backlog & portfolio planning, and create & edit work items.
There are additional non-commitment monthly user plans available for additional team members above five who are not MSDN subscribers. Additionally, the Visual Studio Online Professional plan includes the ability to "rent" the Visual Studio Professional IDE which is included with the basic capabilities of Visual Studio Team Services. Shared services like cloud build, cloud load testing, and Application Insights are additionally "pay as you use" above the included free amount for each Visual Studio Team Services account. Discounts are available through total Windows Azure commitments which will be the same discount applied to other Azure resources like infrastructure, storage, databases, etc.
New features and updates are introduced to Visual Studio Team Services every sprint which is roughly every three weeks. Visual Studio Team Services users receive new features before they are rolled up into an update to the on-premises Team Foundation Server product. The release notes for each deployment is available by RSS feed and is summarized into a Release Archive available here: http://www.visualstudio.com/en-us/news/release-archive-vso
**This tag is deprecated**. Visual Studio Online has been renamed to Visual Studio Team Services. Use the [tag:vs-team-services] tag instead.
NSResponder is a class used in Mac Development.
NSResponder is an abstract class that forms the basis of event and command processing in the Application Kit. The core classes—NSApplication, NSWindow, and NSView—inherit from NSResponder, as must any class that handles events. The responder model is built around three components: event messages, action messages, and the responder chain.
Visual Studio designer allows building a GUI application using predefined and custom components generating code for you at the background.
Use this tag if you have a specific question about Visual Studio GUI features like controls and layouts.
Please try to mention your VS version and all other relevant information.
Visual Studio Online “Monaco” is a coding environment for the cloud, in the cloud. It complements the desktop IDE as a low friction experience that will help you get started, or make quick changes, to an existing cloud service. And it is integrated with Visual Studio Online.
“Monaco” is already being used as the technology behind other cloud-based developer experience, from Office 365 “Napa” development to SkyDrive file editing.
More info on MSDN blogs.
Visual Studio Online “Monaco” is a coding environment for the cloud, in the cloud. It complements the desktop IDE as a low friction experience that will help you get started, or make quick changes, to an existing cloud service.
Mirroring in EPiServer CMS makes it possible to maintain content in one location and pushing the content to other sites.
Mirroring in EPiServer CMS makes it possible to maintain content in one location and pushing the content to other sites.
Google line chart dividing grid line
I have created a google line chart that has multiple values over time like this
The data refers to historical data and from a point in time is forecasted data. I want to divide (split) the chart to differentiate the historical information of forecast information.
And get a chart like this:
Is there a way to do that?
Biml is an XML based language developed by Varigence for describing business intelligence objects.
Biml has its own dedicated IDE (Mist/BimlStudio) as well as free alternatives (BimlOnline and the BimlExpress Visual Studio plugin) provided by Varigence. There is also the community supported BIDSHelper.
Through the combined use of XML based markup and - for data and/or logic driven XML generation - C# based BimlScript, database objects, SSIS packages and SSAS dimensions and cubes can be generated.
BIML, Business Intelligence Markup Language, is a domain-specific, human-readable XML-based language. BIML describes business intelligence entities (database objects, ETL, ELT, Packages, Dimensions, Cubes, etc) and extends aspects of Microsoft's BI platform (SSIS and SSAS), supporting a meta-data-driven, data warehouse development experience.
You can get a vertical line like that by adding an role column to your domain (x-axis) column in the DataTable, and setting the option to. Here's an example:
see it working here: http://jsfiddle.net/asgallant/pkwqt/
DbExtensions' most popular component is SqlBuilder, a class for building dynamic SQL queries which is standalone and can be used with other mappers, such as Entity Framework or Dapper.
For more information visit the project site.
DbExtensions is a data-access framework with a strong focus on query composition, granularity and code aesthetics. It supports both POCO and dynamic (untyped) mapping.
BizTalk Server is Microsoft’s Integration and connectivity server solution. The BizTalk 2006R2 version (Release date 2 October 2007) is the first version to utilize the new Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) via native adapter.
Klocwork Insight is a static source code analysis tool for C, C++, Java and C#.
DO NOT USE THIS TAG. You want [twitter-bootstrap-3] instead.
See appearance
This tag is misspelled and should be 'appearance'
How to add custom post type into a page with additional text/graphics in WordPress?
I created a custom post type of boxes with logos & text running four to a row. I created a working post archive for this, but now I need to bring these into another page that has additional text and images before and after where the custom post type needs to display. What's the correct way to do this?
My basic page template:
Here is the archive php which I'm trying to get to display in the page template:
Is this what you are lookin for?
The operating system notifies an app whenever it moves between the foreground and background. These notifications enable to modify the app’s behavior during focus change.
User defined words for input methods to use for predictive text input. Applications and input methods may add words into the dictionary. Words can have associated frequency information and locale information.
SDK for creating, processing and managing payments using PayPal APIs.NET framework container for building an assembly from one or more virtual paths within an ASP.NET project.
TLS extension which allows the application layer to negotiate which protocol should be performed over a secure connection in a manner which avoids additional round trips
From Wiki
In the theory of computation, a diversity of mathematical models of computers have been developed. Typical mathematical models of computers are the following:
State models including Turing machine, push-down automaton, finite state automaton, and PRAM
Functional models including lambda calculus
Logical models including logic programming
Concurrent models including actor model and process calculi
Computation is paramount to the discipline of computer science, and deals with the type and use of computing technology in information processing, in particular, in the context of an algorithm, or a protocol.
What it is?
FileNet is a proprietary Enterprise Content Management System (ecm), that offer you document management system capabilities, coupled to a bpm.
Also add record management tools and a frontend (Workplace, Workplace-XT and now Content Navigation)
FileNet consist on different components working together:
Content Engine (CE) Works with documents and content.
Process Engine (PE) Manage workflows and BPM solutions.
Application engine (AE) Where the frontend lives
Content Search Engine (CSE) now Content Search Services (CSS) To manage queries and indexes.
Record Management (RM) In charge of the deletion and/or conservation process of the content.
See also filenet-p8 filenet-content-engine.
Open Source
alfresco: http://www.alfresco.com
nuxeo: http://www.nuxeo.com/
documentum: http://www.emc.com/domains/documentum/
sharepoint: http://office.microsoft.com/fr-fr/sharepoint/
opentext: http://www.opentext.com/
oracle-ucm: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oracle_Fusion_Middleware
External Links
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FileNet
Official site: http://www.ibm.com/software/ecm/filenet/
Official doc: ftp://public.dhe.ibm.com/software/data/cm/filenet/docs/
Content Foundation docs: https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/SSGLW6
FileNet was a company that developed software in the area of Enterprise Content Management (ECM). It was acquired by IBM in 2006.
The Nokia Imaging SDK makes some of the technologies that Nokia uses in its own imaging applications available to developers. It is a productive library for manipulating image data captured and stored by mobile devices in an efficient way.
The features include decoding and encoding JPEG images, applying filters, cropping, rotating and resizing. The SDK provides more than 50 pre-made filters and effects that have been specifically developed for mobile imaging, with speed and memory performance as key drivers.
The SDK is highly optimized to be super-fast by meticulous memory and code optimization. The patented JPEG technology, RAJPEG, contributes to making this possible, as it allows access to any image data without decoding the whole image. That means you can apply effects to high resolution images, without worrying about your memory budget.
Download NuGet: http://www.nuget.org/packages/NokiaImagingSDK/
Nokia imaging SDK is a software development kit for Windows Phone 8, 8.1, Windows RT, 8.0 and 8.1 that provides imaging tools for the developer, free. It includes over 50 different filters as well as various imaging tools. It runs optimized algorithms on the patented RAJPEG technology, resulting in a small memory footprint.
Footer won't stay in place on single page - chrome only
I recently created my new website layout, after some work I got the footer to stick on the end of the page on firefox and chrome but when you go to the single.php (single post page on wordpress) my footer is out of place
my blog: endingunplanned.com
Any chance you could turn this into a jsfiddle or something? Your code is a little hard to wade through.
Website for Flask-Peewee: https://flask-peewee.readthedocs.io/en/latest/
Website for the peewee ORM: https://peewee.readthedocs.io/en/latest/
A flask web framework extension that provides a layer of integration between flask and the peewee orm.
The iTunes Library framework provides facilities for retrieving the properties of media items in a user’s iTunes library.
This framework was designed to replace the iTunes XML file that developers query to fetch track and playlist metadata. iTunes library access is read-only.
Important: You must code sign your app in order to get information back from the iTunes Library framework.
The iTunes Library framework provides facilities for retrieving the properties of media items in a user’s iTunes library.
According to mybatis
MyBatis Generator (MBG) is a code generator for MyBatis MyBatis and
iBATIS. It will generate code for all versions of MyBatis, and
versions of iBATIS after version 2.2.0. It will introspect a database
table (or many tables) and will generate artifacts that can be used to
access the table(s). This lessens the initial nuisance of setting up
objects and configuration files to interact with database tables. MBG
seeks to make a major impact on the large percentage of database
operations that are simple CRUD (Create, Retrieve, Update, Delete).
You will still need to hand code SQL and objects for join queries, or
stored procedures.
MyBatis Generator (MBG) is a code generator for MyBatis MyBatis and iBATIS.
More information is available at: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/ios/
And a tutorial from Facebook is available at: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/ios/ios-sdk-tutorial/
The Facebook iOS SDK is the software package provided by Facebook which allows for integration of Facebook features into iOS apps.
JDBC is a core API of Java 1.1 and later. It provides a standard set of interfaces to SQL-compliant databases.
PostgreSQL is an open source object-relational database system.
Helpful links:
PostgreSQL JDBC Driver Official Documentation
PostgreSQL JDBC Driver FAQ
See also postgresql
jbdc-postgres is the JBDC (Java Database Connectivity) driver for the PostgreSQL database system.
Use this tag for question about the MASS Package for the programming language R
I guess I don't understand what your trying to do. You could do something in jQuery that overides the default functionality using your to get the correct image..
With the links in order
With the links not in order..
However The bootstrap carousel is designed to show images in order and which ever image is showing the corresponding link is set to active.. So you can click on the third link to open up the second link but the second link is going to be set to active.. You could override this functionality too. However I'm not sure why you would do it because it could cause some confusion when using the next and previous buttons.
Update 2
For you it would be something like:
Microsoft Release Management was originally a tool called InRelease, created by InCycle Software. Microsoft acquired the tool in mid-2013 and integrated it into Visual Studio / Team Foundation Server 2013.
The software consists of three components:
A server
A client
A deployer agent
Using the client, you connect to your release management server and configure what applications you're deploying, how they should be deployed, and what servers they should be deployed to. In addition, you can specify who within your organization is responsible for approving each stage of your release.
Microsoft Release Management is a tool that allows you to automate the release and deployment cycle of software. It is part of Visual Studio / Team Foundation Server 2013 and beyond.
pgagent is a job-scheduling tool for postgresql which can be used with pgadmin.
For details see:
pgagent page on pgadminiii site: http://www.pgadmin.org/download/pgagent.php
github repository: https://github.com/postgres/pgagent
pgAgent is a job scheduler for PostgreSQL
Select2 is a jquery based replacement for select boxes. It supports searching, remote data sets, and infinite scrolling of results.
It is currently hosted here: http://ivaynberg.github.io/select2/
Select2 is a jQuery based replacement for select boxes. It supports searching, remote data sets, and infinite scrolling of results.
SgmlReader is a.NET XmlReader implementation customized for reading a wide variety of SGML documents, including HTML. Because it is based on XmlReader, one of the lowest level.NET tools for working with XML documents, you can then use a wide variety of tools on top of it to actually read the documents, such as XmlDocument and LINQ to XML.
See https://github.com/MindTouch/SGMLReader for more information.
SgmlReader is a.NET library for parsing HTML/SGML files using the XmlReader API
A directs the compiler to "view" or treat the memory as if it were the new type (being cast to).
From cppreference.com:
Unlike static_cast, but like const_cast, the reinterpret_cast expression does not compile to any CPU instructions. It is purely a compiler directive which instructs the compiler to treat the sequence of bits (object representation) of expression as if it had the type new_type.
There are limitations on what can do whilst remaining valid, in particular type aliasing can become a problem.
A C++ operator that simply allows the conversion between types by reinterpreting the underlying bit pattern. In general use, this amounts a pointer to be converted into any other pointer type and it can also allow an integral type to be converted into any pointer type and vice versa.
Umbrello UML Modeller is a free software UML diagram tool available natively for Unix-like platforms, as well as Microsoft Windows (as part of KDE-Windows). It is part of the KDE SC 4 but works well with other desktops and programming environments.
Umbrello handles all the standard UML diagram types. It can reverse engineer code written in C++, IDL, Pascal/Delphi, Ada, Python, and Java, as well as import XMI files generated by external tools from PHP or Perl code and export to various programming languages.
Umbrello UML Modeller is a Unified Modelling Language (UML) diagram program based on KDE Technology.
ArrayBuffer is a Javascript data type used to represent a generic, fixed-length binary data buffer.
This client comes with an OAuth2 client that allows you to retrieve an access token and refreshes the token and re-try the request seamlessly if token is expired. The basics of Google's OAuth 2.0 implementation is explained on Google Authorization and Authentication documentation.
Note: This library is currently in alpha status.
The project's home page can be found on GitHub
google-api-nodejs-client is Google's officially supported node.js client library for accessing Google APIs, it also supports authorization and authentication with OAuth 2.0.
Background agents are a facility in Windows Phone 7/8 that lets you run code when your application is not in the foreground.
Background agents are a facility in Windows Phone 7/8 API that lets you run some processing when your application is not in the foreground.
Couchdbkit is a Python library which provides a full featured and easy client to access and manage CouchDB.
Game Maker Language (often called GML) is an interpreted scripting language developed for use with a computer game creation application called Game Maker. It was originally created by Mark Overmars to supplement the drag-and-drop action system used in Game Maker. However, in the latest versions, all the drag-and-drop actions translate to GML rather than being separate from it.
The scripting language lacks some of the features of its parent language JavaScript, as well as of other object oriented programming features. The language also lacks proper data types and overloading.
GML Overview
The Game Maker’s Companion (Official book)
The Game Maker’s Apprentice (Official book)
GameMaker Language: An In-Depth Guide
GameMaker Game Programming with GML
Related Tags
game-maker game-maker-studio-1.4 game-maker-studio-2
Game Maker Language (GML) is an interpreted scripting language developed for use with a computer game creation application called Game Maker.
Use this tag only for questions about language features, or requiring code in Game Maker Language.
For questions relating to Geography Markup Language, use the [gml-geographic-markup-lan] tag instead. For Graph Markup Language, see the [graphml] tag.
Neglecting script tag contents using DOM Xpath
Im using to retrieve contents from an article. Unfortunately, within my xpath query it sometimes contains javascript.
Here is my current xpath query:
Now, how do i remove anything that is within a tag?
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<script>_addload(function(){_setupIW('com');_csi('en','ru','/so/post_batch/769');});</script><script type="text/javascript">function gtElInit() {var lib = new google.translate.TranslateService();lib.translatePage('en', 'ru', function () {});}</script><script src="https://translate.google.com/translate_a/element.js?cb=gtElInit&client=wt" type="text/javascript"></script></option></optgroup></select>
From the docs
Example object structure for use with this method:
class Continent < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :countries
# attribs: id, name
class Country < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :continent
# attribs: id, name, continent_id
class City < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :country
# attribs: id, name, country_id
Sample usage:
grouped_collection_select(:city, :country_id, @continents, :countries, :name, :id, :name)
Possible output:
<select name="city[country_id]">
<optgroup label="Africa">
<option value="1">South Africa</option>
<option value="3">Somalia</option>
<optgroup label="Europe">
<option value="7" selected="selected">Denmark</option>
<option value="2">Ireland</option>