Описание тега glulookat

NoneGluLookAt is a function in the OpenGL Utility Library (GLU) that defines a view transformation

The gluLookAt() function is a commonly used routine that defines a view transform and applies it to the OpenGL matrix stack. gluLookAt alloed the view to be specified in terms of an eye (or camera) coordinate and a center (or subject) coordinate that the camera should 'look at'.

The term gluLookAt may also refer to the underlying technique of defining a view matrix in terms of eye and center coordinates and an up vector.

The technique works by constructing a matrix equals to the product of an orthonormal basis matrix (a rotation matrix) and the eye coordinate. The orthonormal basis is defined in terms of the 'forward' vector between the eye and center coordinates, and the two vectors orthogonal to it, 'up' and 'side'.
