Описание тега geoalchemy
GeoAlchemy provides extensions to SQLAlchemy to work with spatial databases.
GeoAlchemy is an extension of SQLAlchemy. It provides support for Geospatial data types at the ORM layer using SQLAlchemy. It aims to support spatial operations and relations specified by the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC).
Supported Spatial Databases
At present PostGIS, Spatialite, MySQL, Oracle and MS SQL Server 2008 are supported.
GeoAlchemy is at an early stage of development. Its mailing list is available on Google Groups. The source code can be found on GitHub. Also, feel free to email the author directly to send bugreports, feature requests, patches, etc.
To install type as usual:
$ easy_install GeoAlchemy
Or, download the package, change into geoalchemy dir and type:
$ python setup.py install