Описание тега facebook-graph-api-v2.0

For using the Graph API v2.0, Your SDK may need updates, or you may need to update the paths you use to call into the graph API.


  • In v1.0, there were API endpoints that didn't require an access token to call. In v2.0, all calls to endpoints now require an access token, except for calls to get an object's picture.
  • /me/friends has undergone significant changes. Please see the section above on user IDs and login for details.
  • /me/friendlists has changed. Please see the changes in the login section for more information.
  • The /me/permissions endpoint changed. See the reference for more information.
  • All friend_* permissions have been removed
  • /me/friends returns the user's friends who are also using your app
  • Friends now has a new permission- user_friends

New endpoints:

  • /me/taggable_friends: The new Taggable Friends API. In the past if you wanted to tag friends in a post, you had to get their IDs, names and then pass that information into the post to tag them. With this new API you get a set of tokens that identify friends along with their names and pictures. Using this, it's easy to build a custom tagging interface from your app. If you use this feature, your app will have to go through review before it can tag people in posts or photos. Please note that the tokens returned through this API are not the same as the IDs returned via /me/friends.

  • /me/invitable_friends The new Invitable Friends API. This new API returns a set of people (represented by tokens, names and pictures) in order for you to build your own custom invites interface. Much like the taggable friends interface, the tokens returned here are not the same as the IDs returned via /me/friends and should not be re-used or saved. Using this API does not require review, but is only available to Games on Facebook.com.

  • /me/tagged_places: The new Tagged Places API. This API replaces the v1.0 /me/locations endpoint. The old locations endpoint returned an array of posts, checkins or status messages. The new API returns an array of Facebook Places which a user has been tagged at in photos, videos, statuses and links.

  • /{object-id}?fields=context: The new Social Context API. This API surfaces friends' interactions with objects within your app. You can use on on Pages, Apps, Open Graph Objects and Users to surface social context between the calling user and that object.

  • /me/ids_for_business: The new Business Mapping API. In v2.0 of the API, Facebook will begin to issus app-scoped user IDs when new users login to an instance of your app which is coded against v2.0 of the API. For developers who operate multiple apps (i.e. game developers) the Business Mapping API lets them correlate the same user's app-scoped IDs across the multiple apps owned by the same business. A common use case is for cross-app promotion between games.

Removed endpoints:

  • The /me/username field has been removed.
  • /me/locations has been removed. Please use /me/tagged_places instead.
  • /me/checkins has been removed, along with the user_checkins permission. Please use /me/tagged_places instead
  • /me/questions has been removed, along with the user_questions permission. This also includes /{page-id}/questions, /{group-id}/questions, /{question-id} and /{question-option-id}.
  • /me/subscribers and /me/subscribedto have been removed.
  • /me/username has been removed.
  • /me/notes has been removed.
  • /{page-id}/notes has been removed.
  • /{page-id}/questions has been removed.
  • Public post search is no longer available. (/search?type=post&q=foobar)
  • News Feed search is no longer available (/me/home?q=foobar)
