Описание тега extjs5
Sencha Ext JS (JavaScript Framework for Rich Desktop Apps)
Sencha Ext JS is the industry's most powerful desktop application development platform with unparalleled cross-browser compatibility, advanced MVC architecture, plugin-free charting, and modern UI widgets.
Ext JS 5 has a myriad of new features and improvements. Here are some of the best:
- Two-way data binding is a new mechanism that allows changes made in the view to be automatically written back to the model (and vice versa) without the need for custom event handlers.
- Grid gadgets are new lightweight components useful for embedding within grid cells. Widgets and buffered updates make Ext JS grids even better, enabling richer data visualization and real-time data updates.
- Touch-optimized charts is a new charting package that comes with features like 3D charts, financial charts, and multi-axis. It also has faster performance, cleaner code and a great experience on touch-screen devices. (The existing chart package is available as a separate package, so you can still use it.)
- Routing allows application deep linking by translating your application's URL into controller actions and methods.