Описание тега documentfragment

NoneA DocumentFragment is a lightweight container that can hold DOM nodes

DocumentFragment is a "lightweight" or "minimal" Document object. It is very common to want to be able to extract a portion of a document's tree or to create a new fragment of a document. Imagine implementing a user command like cut or rearranging a document by moving fragments around. It is desirable to have an object which can hold such fragments and it is quite natural to use a Node for this purpose. While it is true that a Document object could fulfil this role, a Document object can potentially be a heavyweight object, depending on the underlying implementation. What is really needed for this is a very lightweight object. DocumentFragment is such an object.


An empty DocumentFragment can be created using the below syntax.

var docFragment = document.createDocumentFragment();


docFragment is a reference to an empty DocumentFragment object.


  1. www.w3.org - Interface DocumentFragment
  2. Document Fragment - MDN Link