Описание тега dashlet
A Dashlet is a component within the Alfresco Share web user interface. Alfresco is an Enterprise Content Management System (ECM or CMS). Alfresco Share is built upon the Spring Surf and Yahoo UI (YUI) technologies.
Dashlets provide the individual components that together form a dashboard in Alfresco Share. Two types of dashboard are defined out-of-the-box, a user dashboard which can be customised on a per-user basis, and a site dashboard that is shared between all users of a given site.
Each dashlet provides distinct information such as a calendar, task list, recent changes to the site, etc. Dashlets may display repository data fetched via the RESTful API or third party data fetched from XML or JSON sources based on the standard mechanisms provided by the Surf Platform.
Dashboards can be configured by the user or site manager, by selecting the layout and the dashlets to place within that layout.
See also:
- Alfresco homepage
- Alfresco Share documentation
- Alfresco Share wiki page