Описание тега css-grid

CSS Grid Layout is a W3C technology that allows for the creation of grids. It eliminates the need to use floats, tables, absolute positioning and even flexbox for building all sorts of grids, from simple to complex. Do not use this tag for CSS grid systems in general.

CSS Grid Layout is a W3C technology that allows for the creation of grids. It eliminates the need to use floats, tables, absolute positioning and even flexbox for building all sorts of grids, from simple to complex. Do not use this tag for CSS grid systems in general.

Most browsers support the current specification (CSS Grid Layout Module Level 1 W3C Candidate Recommendation, 14 December 2017).

However, IE10/IE11 and Edge 15 support an earlier version of the spec (W3C Working Draft 7 April 2011).

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