Описание тега cortex-a

For all ARM cortex-A series CPUs, including A5,A7,A8,A9 and A15.

Please use this tag instead of other specific Cortex-A tags See: Merge ARM tags.

This tag is for questions related to the ARM cortex-A microcontrollers, also known as the ARMv7A. It is the 7th generation of ARM CPUs. Other variants are the Cortex-M and Cortex-R. The Cortex-A (application) is generally the most complex of the group.

Members of the Cortex-A family are very similar except for CPU pipeline and some optional instructions. Only very details system information will differ (like co-processor 15 registers). However, even within the same model (Ie, a cortex-A8 from two different vendors) these details may vary.

See also: thumb arm armv7 cortex-m

Specific ARM literature to Cortex-A CPUs,