Описание тега chef-recipe

A recipe is the most fundamental configuration element in Chef. Recipes specify which resources to manage and the order in which those resources will be applied.

A recipe is the fundamental configuration element in the Chef configuration-management tool. Recipes specify which resources to manage and the order in which those resources will be applied. A recipe:

  • Is authored using Ruby, which is a programming language designed to read and behave in a predictable manner
  • Is mostly a collection of resources in a Ruby syntax with some helper code around it
  • Must define everything that is required to configure part of a system
  • Must be stored in a cookbook
  • May be included in a recipe
  • May use the results of a search query and read the contents of a data bag (including an encrypted data bag)
  • May have a dependency on one (or more) recipes
  • May be tagged to facilitate the creation of arbitrary groupings that exist outside of the normal naming conventions an organization may have
  • Must be added to a run-list before it can be used by the chef-client Is always executed in the same order as listed in a run-list