Описание тега cfpdf
CFPDF is a feature in the CFML language that allows for the manipulation of PDF documents.
CFML tag that manipulates existing PDF documents. The following list describes some of the tasks you can perform with the cfpdf tag:
- Merge several PDF documents into one PDF document.
- Delete pages from a PDF document.
- Merge pages from one or more PDF documents and generate a new PDF document.
- Linearize PDF documents for faster web display.
- Remove interactivity from forms created in Acrobat® to generate flat PDF documents.
- Encrypt and add password protection to PDF documents.
- Generate thumbnail images from PDF documents or pages.
- Add or remove watermarks from PDF documents or pages.
- Retrieve information associated with a PDF document, such as the software used to generate the file or the author, and set information for a PDF document, such as the title, author and keywords.
This tag was added in ColdFusion 8.