Описание тега cbperipheral

The CBPeripheral class represents remote peripheral devices that your app—by means of a central manager (an instance of CBCentralManager)—has discovered advertising or is currently connected to.

The CBPeripheral class represents remote peripheral devices that your app—by means of a central manager (an instance of CBCentralManager)—has discovered advertising or is currently connected to. On CBPeripheral, you can find the following methods:

Identifying a Peripheral

identifier property

name property

delegate property

UUID property Deprecated in iOS 7.0

Discovering Services

– discoverServices:

– discoverIncludedServices:forService:

services property

Discovering Characteristics and Characteristic Descriptors

– discoverCharacteristics:forService:

– discoverDescriptorsForCharacteristic:

Reading Characteristic and Characteristic Descriptor Values

– readValueForCharacteristic:

– readValueForDescriptor:

Writing Characteristic and Characteristic Descriptor Values

– writeValue:forCharacteristic:type:

– writeValue:forDescriptor:

Setting Notifications for a Characteristic’s Value

– setNotifyValue:forCharacteristic:

Monitoring a Peripheral’s Connection State

state property

isConnected property Deprecated in iOS 7.0

Accessing a Peripheral’s Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI) Data

– readRSSI

RSSI property