CanJS is an MVC/MVVM library for JavaScript with modern features like live-binding and computed values.

CanJS is an open source JavaScript MVC framework for professional JavaScript developers who need advanced capabilities in an easy-to-use package.

CanJS emphasizes writing quality code that results in maintainable, fast applications. It includes templates with two-way binding, observables that connect to a RESTful JSON interface, and routing/deep linking support.


Asking a question

  • Link to documentation where possible
  • Reduce the problem to the smallest working example
  • Create a JSFiddle or clone this basic one to show functional code

Answering a question

  • If documentation exists on, link to it
  • If documentation does not answer the question, open a new CanJS issue with the Documentation label and link to the question
  • If the question identifies a bug:

CanJS is primarily developed by Bitovi for use in real-world projects.