Do not use this ambiguous tag. For the action of invoking a subroutine of code, an external program or a script, use the tag [method-call]. For the topic of making phone calls, use the tag [phone-call].

In programming, a call is the site of invocation of a subroutine of code which when completed will return execution to the next instruction following the invocation of the call. A call is distinct from a jump in that there is no expectation of return after a jump.

A call may also invoke an external program.

This tag should also be used for language or platform specific functions for making a call. Some examples are:

  • call() - VBA
  • exec() - PHP
  • system() - C, Ruby

Related Topics

For other topics related to "calling", please use a more specific tag:

  • phone-call - For making and managing real-time two-way voice communication