Описание тега cagradientlayer

`CAGradientLayer` is a special purpose `CALayer` subclass for drawing animatable linear gradients. It's a part of the QuartzCore framework and is available for both iOS (since iOS 3.0) and OS X (since OS X v10.6 "Snow Leopard"). The gradient is specified using four properties for the `colors`, their `locations` and the `startPoint` and `endPoint` of the layer. All four properties are animatable.

CAGradientLayer is a special purpose CALayer subclass for drawing animatable linear gradients. It's a part of the quartz-core framework and is available for both ios (since iOS 3.0) and osx (since OS X v10.6 "Snow Leopard").

The gradient is specified using four properties for the colors, their locations and the startPoint and endPoint of the layer. All four properties are animatable.

The colors is an NSArray of CGColorRef objects therefore they need to be cast to ids when adding them to the array.

The locations, startPoint and endPoint are specified in the unit coordinate space of the layers bounds. This means that the values go from 1.0 to 0.0. In both iOS and OS X, x increases to the right which means that 0.0 is the left edge and 1.0 is the right edge. On iOS y increases downward and on OS X y increases upwards.