Описание тега basex
BaseX is a robust, high-performance XML database engine and a highly compliant XQuery 3.1 processor with full support of the W3C Update and Full Text extensions. It serves as excellent framework for building complex data-intensive web applications.
BaseX focuses on storing, querying, and visualizing large XML and JSON documents and collections. A visual frontend allows users to interactively explore data and evaluate queries in realtime (i.e., with each key click). BaseX is platform-independent and distributed under the free BSD License.
BaseX provides several methods of accessing a database and executing queries, among them:
- running queries via the GUI
- Implementing RestXQ for building web-applications
- Using WebDav to access database resources
- a high performance, binary, client-server protocol with clients for several languages
- XQJ Bindings
- Integrating BaseX and oXygen XML Editor
Workflow (when using the native BaseX Java API)
More examples can be found in the BaseX Documentation
- First of all, a BaseX database server must be running, which will
process the client requests.
- Each client provides a session class or script with methods to
connect to and communicate with the database server. A socket
connection will be established by the constructor, which expects a
host, port, user name and password as arguments.
- The execute() method is called to launch a database command. It
returns the result or throws an exception with the received error
- The query() method creates a query instance. Variables can be bound
to that object, and the result can either be requested via execute(),
or in an iterative manner with the more() and next() functions. If an
error occurs, an exception will be thrown.
- The create(), add(), replace() and store() method pass on input
streams to the corresponding database commands.
- To speed up execution, an output stream can be specified by some
clients; this way, all results will be directed to that output
- Most clients are accompanied by some example files, which demonstrate how database commands can be executed or how queries can be evaluated.