Описание тега autodesk-model-derivative

The Model Derivative API enables users to represent and share their designs in different formats, as well as to extract valuable metadata. Offers translation of design into different formats (such as STL and OBJ), also prepares for web viewing, extract properties, geometry parts and thumbnails.

The Model Derivative API enables users to represent and share their designs in different formats, as well as to extract valuable metadata. (Its translation functionality was previously bundled as part of the “View and Data API”.)

The API offers the following features:

  • Quickly translate the design into different formats, such as STL and OBJ.
  • Translate designs into SVF format for extracting data and for rendering files in the Viewer.
  • Extract object heirarchy trees, properties, and geometries of selected parts of a design.
  • Create different-sized thumbnails from design files.
