Описание тега autocompletebox
The AutoCompleteBox control allows users to select an item from the drop-down to complete their text box input rather than typing the entire entry. The drop-down of the AutoCompleteBox will populate with possible matches once the conditions established by the MinimumPopulateDelay and MinimumPrefixLength are met. To provide items to be filtered and displayed in the drop-down list of the AutoCompleteBox, set the ItemsSource property. The AutoCompleteBox includes several ways to specify what items in the ItemsSource list are displayed in the drop-down. The AutoCompleteBox can be configured to filter items by using predetermined text-based filtering methods or can be configured to use your own custom filtering methods. The default filter mode will match strings that start with the same characters the user enters in the textbox. To change how items are filtered, set the FilterMode property. You can optionally set the TextFilter or ItemFilter properties to change the filter methods. The selection behavior of the drop-down is customizable and is determined by a selection adapter. A selection adapter is a control that typically implements the ISelectionAdapter interface. The default selection adapter is a ListBox control. You can display items in the default selection adapter with a data template by setting the ItemTemplate property. Alternatively, you can use a custom selection adapter in the drop-down portion of the control by creating a new template for the control that contains the custom selection adapter.