Описание тега apache-commons-email
Apache Commons Email aims to provide a API for sending email. It is built on top of the Java Mail API, which it aims to simplify.
Apache Commons Email aims to provide a API for sending email. It is built on top of the Java Mail API, which it aims to simplify.
Some of the mail classes that are provided are as follows:
- SimpleEmail - This class is used to send basic text based emails.
- MultiPartEmail - This class is used to send multipart messages. This allows a text message with attachments, either inline or attached.
- HtmlEmail - This class is used to send HTML formatted emails. It has all the capabilities of MultiPartEmail, allowing attachments to be easily added. It also supports embedded images.
- ImageHtmlEmail - This class is used to send HTML formatted emails with inline images. It has all the capabilities of HtmlEmail but transforms all image references to inline images.
- EmailAttachment - This is a simple container class to allow for easy handling of attachments. It is for use with instances of MultiPartEmail and HtmlEmail.
Official Website: http://commons.apache.org/email/
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