Описание тега angularjs
AngularJS is an open-source JavaScript framework for building CRUD-centric Ajax-style web applications. Its goal is to shim the browser to augment the HTML vocabulary with directives useful for building dynamic web applications.
AngularJS ships with directives which add two-way data binding, DOM control and unrolling, code-behind DOM, form validation, and deep linking.
Initially released in 2009, AngularJS was developed and maintained by Google, and is used internally by Google in 1600+ applications.
Note: AngularJS refers to all 1.x versions of the framework, while Version 2 and higher are referred to now as "Angular" (see It's just Angular). The [tag: angular] tag should only be used for questions pertaining to versions 2 and higher.
AngularJS's Philosophy
- Encourages developers to create their own directives, turning the HTML into a DSL suited to building their kind of application. The result significantly reduces the amount and complexity of JavaScript needed to build web applications.
- UI is best described in the declarative form (HTML), and that behavior is best described in an imperative form (JavaScript) and that the two should never meet.
- Encourages developers to design their client architecture using advanced software principles like dependency injection (DI), separation of concerns (SoC), testability, and a file structure.
Notable features
- Teach your browser new tricks by adding behavior to HTML tags/attributes
- Controllers provide code-behind DOM with clear separation from the view
- Two-way data binding without the need to extend or wrap the model objects
- Dependency injection assembles the application without
method - Promises/futures remove many callbacks from code when communicating with the server
- Directives
- Views and routes
- Filters
- Form validation
- Strong focus on testability
- Extend HTML with your own behavior
- Angular uses spinal-case for its custom attributes and camelCase for the corresponding directives which implement them
Notable AngularJS versions, code names, and release dates include:
AngularJS 1.0.0 [temporal-domination] (June 6, 2012)
AngularJS 1.1.0 [increase-gravatas] (August 31, 2012)
AngularJS 1.2.0 [timely-delivery] (November 8, 2013)
AngularJS 1.3.0 [superluminal-nudge] (October 13, 2014)
AngularJS 1.4.0 [jaracimrman-existence] (May 26, 2015)
AngularJS 1.5.0 [ennoblement-facilitation](February 5, 2016)
AngularJS 1.6.0 [rainbow-tsunami] (December 8, 2016)
AngularJS 1.7.0 [nonexistent-physiology] (May 11, 2018)
Latest Stable Version:
AngularJS v1.7.4 [interstellar-exploration] (September 07, 2018)
Actively developed Version:
AngularJS v1.7.x
For code names, release dates and notes visit the GitHub changelog. To see the latest announcements and AngularJS discussions, visit the official Angular Blog or AngularJS on Gitter
- Source code: GitHub ( Issue Tracker)
- Download: the files
- Follow us: Twitter, Google+
- Subscribe: angular@googlegroups.com
- Hangout: IRC, Gitter
Asking a question
- Mention which version of AngularJS you're using
- Reduce your issue to a small example
- Explain the behavior you experienced and its difference from your expectations
- Post a reduced working code on https://plnkr.co/ or jsfiddle.net
- Don't know how? Clone one of these existing jsFiddles
Getting Started
- Tutorial - PhoneCat Tutorial App
- Seed application - project
- AngularJS Boilerplate for kickstarting your new AngularJS application
- Yeoman angular-generator for boilerplate examples
- jsFiddles - Learn by example and other AngularJS
- TodoMVC in many JavaScript frameworks
- AngularApp for CRUD MVC example
- A good introduction
- Learning steps for AngularJS
- Better way of learning Angular - Thinkster tutorials that give a good hands on coding practice with angular.
- GitHub AngularJS Learning - GitHub repository with links to blog posts, articles, and videos
- Practical webcasts - For building applications with AngularJS
- Wikipedia reference
Style Guides
- JohnPapa: Angular 1 Style Guide
- ToddMoto: AngularJS styleguide (ES2015)
- Angular 1.4.x styleguide (ES5/old version)
- Angular 1 Structure Guide
- AngularJS with TypeScript
AngularJS UI Libraries
- ng-inspector, a browser extension that displays the AngularJS scope hierarchy in the current page
- Batarang, a Chrome extension to debug AngularJS applications
- AngularJS official documentation on testing strategies
- Karma (a unit test runner for AngularJS)
- Protractor, an end-to-end test runner for AngularJS
Video Tutorials
- CodeSchool Staying Sharp with Angular.js - Awesome free tutorial to start with AngularJS
- egghead.io - Growing collection of short AngularJS screencasts
- YouTube AngularJS - Dedicated YouTube channel
Who is using
- Built With AngularJS - Applications
- Adapter for SenchaTouch
- Adapter for jQ Mobile
- StoryNavigator
- Angular Seed for bootstrap
- Others