Описание тега angularjs

Use for questions about AngularJS (1.x), the open-source JavaScript framework. Do NOT use this tag for Angular 2 or later versions; instead, use the [angular] tag.

AngularJS is an open-source JavaScript framework for building CRUD-centric Ajax-style web applications. Its goal is to shim the browser to augment the HTML vocabulary with directives useful for building dynamic web applications.

AngularJS ships with directives which add two-way data binding, DOM control and unrolling, code-behind DOM, form validation, and deep linking.

Initially released in 2009, AngularJS was developed and maintained by Google, and is used internally by Google in 1600+ applications.

Note: AngularJS refers to all 1.x versions of the framework, while Version 2 and higher are referred to now as "Angular" (see It's just Angular). The [tag: angular] tag should only be used for questions pertaining to versions 2 and higher.

AngularJS's Philosophy

  • Encourages developers to create their own directives, turning the HTML into a DSL suited to building their kind of application. The result significantly reduces the amount and complexity of JavaScript needed to build web applications.
  • UI is best described in the declarative form (HTML), and that behavior is best described in an imperative form (JavaScript) and that the two should never meet.
  • Encourages developers to design their client architecture using advanced software principles like dependency injection (DI), separation of concerns (SoC), testability, and a file structure.

Notable features

  • Teach your browser new tricks by adding behavior to HTML tags/attributes
  • Controllers provide code-behind DOM with clear separation from the view
  • Two-way data binding without the need to extend or wrap the model objects
  • Dependency injection assembles the application without 'main' method
  • Promises/futures remove many callbacks from code when communicating with the server
  • Directives
  • Views and routes
  • Filters
  • Form validation
  • Strong focus on testability
  • Extend HTML with your own behavior
  • Angular uses spinal-case for its custom attributes and camelCase for the corresponding directives which implement them


Notable AngularJS versions, code names, and release dates include:

AngularJS 1.0.0   [temporal-domination]     (June 6, 2012)
AngularJS 1.1.0   [increase-gravatas]       (August 31, 2012)
AngularJS 1.2.0   [timely-delivery]         (November 8, 2013)
AngularJS 1.3.0   [superluminal-nudge]      (October 13, 2014)
AngularJS 1.4.0   [jaracimrman-existence]   (May 26, 2015)
AngularJS 1.5.0   [ennoblement-facilitation](February 5, 2016)
AngularJS 1.6.0   [rainbow-tsunami]         (December 8, 2016)
AngularJS 1.7.0   [nonexistent-physiology]  (May 11, 2018)

Latest Stable Version:

AngularJS v1.7.4   [interstellar-exploration]      (September 07, 2018)

Actively developed Version:

AngularJS v1.7.x  

For code names, release dates and notes visit the GitHub changelog. To see the latest announcements and AngularJS discussions, visit the official Angular Blog or AngularJS on Gitter



Asking a question

  • Mention which version of AngularJS you're using
  • Reduce your issue to a small example
  • Explain the behavior you experienced and its difference from your expectations
  • Post a reduced working code on https://plnkr.co/ or jsfiddle.net
  • Don't know how? Clone one of these existing jsFiddles

Getting Started

Style Guides

AngularJS UI Libraries









Video Tutorials

Who is using

Developed by Google