Описание тега angularjs-select

AngularJS Core `<select>` Directive with `ng-repeat` or `ng-options` Resources AngularJS Developer Guide - forms AngularJS directive API Reference AngularJS ngFormController API Reference AngularJS Core `` Directive Resources AngularJS Developer Guide - Isolating the Scope of a Directive AngularJS Developer Guide - Component-based application architecture AngularJS questions involving isolate scope directives Resources AngularJS Developer Guide - Isolating the Scope of a Directive AngularJS Developer Guide - Component-based application architecture AngularJS questions involving isolate scope directives The Intel x86 Encoder Decoder Software Library is an open-source library that can be used to decode and encode x86 machine code. https://intelxed.github.io/ Intel x86 Encoder Decoder Software Library A tree, in graph theory, is an undirected graph which has a unique path between any pair of vertices. A tree is called rooted, if one particular vertex is assigned as the root. A rooted tree induces a partial order, where the root is at the highest level, each vertex connected to the root via an edge are called its children. This hierarchy may continue further down, with each vertex having children of its own. A descendant of any vertex is, therefore, any vertex that can be reached by traversing from parent to child. Descendant of a vertex v, in the tree data structure, refers to a vertex that is either a child of v or recursively a descendant of any of the children of v. Use this tag for questions specific to the future ecosystem in R - typically used for parallel and asynchronous processing. At the core of this ecosystem is Future API and the future package, which a larger set of packages then build upon. For any set of records, indices are identifiers of which specify information of the address of each record. Check the Wikipedia page for arrays to know more. Use this tag for questions about specifying or selecting the correct information from a structure using indices. how to to capture multiple nested array of documents as result of mongodb query in a javascript variable I am new to mongodb, and I am trying to project the result of a mongodb query on html page in the same format as it is projected on the mongodb shell..[this is the output of shell][1] the code for server.js is: I tried some stuff from web like: the result I get is: I tried some stuff from internet but did not work like: including toString to the result, using aggregate function, stringify function returns type error but still nos result. please help. thanks in advance. Use JSON.stringify(result); It transforms the array / object in a string PHP conditionally retrieve data from array I'm pretty new to PHP. I need to filter a response from server, to improve performance. I have a payload splitted by the pipe char, and sliced to only retrieve the data I need: The data in every position have the same structure, in ex: means:. Now I want to get only the data if the is different from zero. The actual response is: And I want instead this response: How can I get this? Thanks for help! how to make values to sit on grid table using prime ng in angular2 I have a data table and I had given static data so it was working fine. But I want data of to sit in data table. I am not getting how to make those values to fetch there. I am getting this value in UI But need this value to be there Please find working demo here Demo Make an array declaration work for all linux shells I have a function defined in my script: works well for but not for. I need to find a way to make the array definition work across all shells. This might help: $array is the array you want to filter This function should do the trick for you. It runs through the array and only keeps the instances based on the conditions you specified Oracle Application Express (Oracle APEX) is Oracle's primary tool for developing Web applications with SQL and PL/SQL. Using only a web browser, you can develop and deploy professional Web-based applications for desktops and mobile devices. Application Express 18.1 is the latest version of Oracle Application Express. Use this tag for Oracle APEX questions related to version 18.1 only From your, I made some changes and here is the required solution: Here is a working DEMO Vue Styleguidist is a style guide generator for Vue components. It lists component and shows live, editable usage examples based on Markdown files. You can use it to generate a static HTML page to share and publish or as a workbench for developing new components using hot reloaded dev server. For the EasyImage Android library https://github.com/jkwiecien/EasyImage. EasyImage is a library for picking pictures from gallery or camera. For the EasyImage Android library jkwiecien/EasyImage. EasyImage is a library for picking pictures from gallery or camera. SDK from Unified Automation, mostly for OPC-UA. For questions about running AngularJS and Angular 2+ frameworks side-by-side One of the keys to a successful upgrade is to do it incrementally, by running the two frameworks side by side in the same application, and porting AngularJS components to Angular one by one. This makes it possible to upgrade even large and complex applications without disrupting other business, because the work can be done collaboratively and spread over a period of time. The module in Angular has been designed to make incremental upgrading seamless. For more information, see Angular Developer Guide - Upgrading from AngularJS The DEMO on PLNKR For questions about running AngularJS and Angular 2+ frameworks side-by-side If you add a codepen try to include your problem only. I've update your codepen. If you try to make a responsive design don't use as a size. If you try to style all blocks with position absolute you don't have controll in your CSS. Try using combined with a width and maybe a max-width depending on your style preferences This will position the blocks according to your preferences. You can update this on your original file. See how I also add a className to your div so you can style way faster. Beam is a Haskell library for accessing relational databases. How can I duplicate entries in cakephp 3 Hi I need duplicate entries in cakephp and I don't know how. I tried getting the entity, clonning the entity, and removing id. When it saves, it saves me a new entity with his relationships, but not all. It saves me a new Simulation with her campaigns. The problem is these campaigns not has 'Cadenas', 'Actions' or 'Semanas' (All are belongsTo association). My $new_simulation_object: Simulations Table: Campaigns Table: Cadenas Table: is a Javascript library that helps generate JSON for the Elasticsearch DSL. It uses a builder pattern where each function returns an object with all functions, to then be fluently chained together. `bodybuilder.js` is a Javascript library that helps generate JSON for the elastic search DSL. Use this tag for questions specific to new features in TypeScript 2.9. For general TypeScript questions, the correct tag is typescript. TypeScript 2.9 documentation Use this tag for questions specific to new features in TypeScript 2.9. When using this tag, also include the more generic [typescript] tag where possible. Use this tag only for questions directly related to changes in version 4.1.5 of Apple's Swift programming language. Use the tag [swift] for more general language questions, or the tags [ios], [cocoa], [apple-watch] etc. for questions about developing on Apple platforms. I guess that is what you are looking for: cloudscribe aims to jump start development of ASP.NET Core web applications by providing functionality that is commonly needed for most or many web application projects so you don't have to write that code for every new project. Our motto is "Why start from scratch?" By using cloudscribe libraries you can focus right away on the specific custom needs that you want to develop for your project and deliver results more quickly. Every project needs user and role management, navigation menus, pagination of lists, and many projects also need editable content and/or a blog for marketing. cloudscribe provides all that as modular components in NuGet packages, and has support for a wide range of data storage platforms. cloudscribe is only shipped as NuGet packages and a project template for Visual Studio or dotnet new command that generates a starter application for you by wiring up the NuGet packages based on options you select. That way, you own the application and can easily customize it however you wish and add your own functionality. The generated application has lots of features and may be all that you need for simple website projects. Most cloudscribe libraries are open source with source code on github, but there are also some premium add on components. More information and documentation can be found on cloudscribe.com. Use this tag for questions related to cloudscribe components for ASP.NET Core. cloudscribe is a large collection of library components that are consumed as NuGet packages and provide a wide range of functionality with big features like user and role management, and content management, and lots of smaller components for things like menus and navigation, pagination, metaweblog api, RSS syndication, etc Datatable get data attribute on click row I use datatable A typical row is I created an example http://jsfiddle.net/hb7v1mgy/ Init of the table When I click on a row, I would like to get data attritube id, actually I get column value (Tiger, System...) In your click method you don't need select plugin... The issue is because you're duplicating the same within HTML output by the loop. That's invalid. Use classes to group elements instead. You can then use DOM traversal to find the elements related to the clicked button and retrieve their values before sending the AJAX request. Also note that if you use the property of then you don't need to check that the response code is as it's guaranteed. It's also more robust as a is also a valid response, but would technically not be caught in your original logic. Finally, you were using a mix of jQuery and native methods where it's best to stick to only one or the other. To get the attributes of the elements you can use. With all that said, try this: I must declare associated models on create newEntity: It works succesfully. Frames is a Haskell library for handling CSV files. AngularJS wrapper for Bootbox.js. Bootbox.js allowes you to easily make use of Twitter Bootstrap modals for javascript alerts, confirms and prompts. ngBootbox includes three directives, one for each of alert, confirm and prompt. Resources ng-boot-box Github bootbox.js Website bootbox AngularJS wrapper for Bootbox.js This project is the follow-up of Restangular. Ngx-restangular is an Angular 2+ service that simplifies common GET, POST, DELETE, and UPDATE requests with a minimum of client code. https://github.com/2muchcoffeecom/ngx-restangular Questions about the ngx-restangular library, the Angular 2+ follow-up to Restangular. A non-owning lightweight wrapper object referring to a contiguous sequence of elements in memory How to get data from all matching elements? Let's say I have the following elements: I know I could select all the elements with: Or even implement a function on them: But I don't know how to get the values not the elements. I want to gather them inside an array, So that the final result is: You can do this by iterating over You can use the.data method from jQuery for this! So you could do the following, specifically to get an array out of what you have: You want to create a new list from an existing list so you can use $.map function to iterate through your list and returns a new list of only the desires items/elements of your original list. You can achieve that by: You should use the JavaScript native functions & works faster then jQuery: See the live example below: Programmers are expected to ensure that the identifiers of entities are unique in a given scope and not open to multiple interpretations. When this is not ensured, a name-conflict (or a name-collision) occurs. Different compilers have different rules for resolving name conflict, which is captured by name-mangling (also known as name decoration). A situation in which two or more identifiers within a given scope cannot be unambiguously resolved. Extracted text is pulled from a standard EditText or custom editor and is used to update an IME's extracted text view, which is displayed in certain situations when the device is in landscape orientation. See ExtractedText Use this tag for questions related to Android's extracted text for an editor or IME Goa is a framework for creating APIs and microservices in Golang. It helps in designing API using a design language (DSL). Decimal place in element id for jquery selector The html code is The following jquery code works and returns 27 as id. Now if the html is The following jquery code does not work...it returns undefined The only difference is of decimal place. Th id in first case is #x1-2800026 and in second case is #x1-2800026.1 This extra decimal place seems to cause the problem. How can this be dealt with? As the selector is an id, we can fairly assume that attribute selector will give us the collection with only one element. If not, you need to correct the. the escaping rules from the jQuery selectors API as follows A functional ASP.NET Core micro web framework for building rich web applications. Read this blog post on functional ASP.NET Core for more information. The project can be found on GitHub here: https://github.com/giraffe-fsharp/Giraffe A native functional ASP.NET Core web framework for F# developers. An open source toolkit for enterprise Angular applications. Nx is an extension for the the Angular CLI implementing the monorepo-style development. It is also a collection of runtime libraries, linters, and code generators helping large teams build better with Angular. Resources Website Github Nrwl Extensions for Angular Alan is a low code platform that enables the rapid development of data centric applications. Instead of the traditional relational database + 3GL or 4GL language, the core of Alan is a data modelling language that automatically generates full stack applications. GMAT Script is a Domain Specific Programming Language for Spacecraft mission planning in NASA General Mission Analysis Tool (GMAT). GMAT is freely available under Apache License via NASA Technology Transfer Program. Message Analyzer enables you to capture, display, and analyze protocol messaging traffic; and to trace and assess system events. docs Message Analyzer Team Blog download Message Analyzer enables you to capture, display, and analyze protocol messaging traffic; and to trace and assess system events. See also: MDN Web API Reference - HTTP MDN Web API Reference - HTTP GET method httprequest HTTP GET Request is a message within a request/response sequence, according to HTTP specification. May also refer to an HttpRequest GET method in software frameworks and libraries that automates relevant functionality Swarm mode refers to cluster management and orchestration features embedded in Docker Engine. When you initialize a new swarm (cluster) or join nodes to a swarm, the Docker Engine runs in swarm mode. Microsoft MakeCode: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/makecode Questions about Microsoft MakeCode. An additional tag referencing the target hardware should also be used when relevant and if available e.g. mindstorms The Microsoft Graph Education APIs describes a set of educational-specific APIs within the Microsoft Graph. The education APIs in Microsoft Graph enhance Office 365 resources and data with information that is relevant for education scenarios, including schools, students, teachers, classes and enrolments. This makes it easy for you to build solutions that integrate with educational resources. The education APIs include rostering resources and assignments resources that you can use to interact with the rostering services in Microsoft Teams. You can use these resources to manage a school roster. Microsoft Graph Education refers to a subset of Educational-specific APIs in Microsoft Graph. This tag should also be used in conjunction with the [microsoft-graph] tag. How to assert once with multiple conditions? How can I make the following code more pythonic? so I can combine if/else and 2 assert statement into one line? Be explicit and simply write out 3 assertions with the inputs and expected outputs (note: I took your function outside your test and gave it a clearer name). This is "being pythonic" because as PEP-8 says, "explicit is always better than implicit". When you're dealing with tests, writing as little functioning code as possible is more important than writing fewer lines. Three explicit assertions is far less likely to fail than a wacky parameterizing loop or trying to make it a one-liner. Partial functions are functions which are not defined for all of their inputs. For questions about partially applied functions, use [partial-application] instead. Priority Developer Portal Priority Software Main Site Priority Software is an ERP software company offering business software for small and medium-sized companies. The Web SDK enables JavaScript developers to quickly and easily create value-adding applications on top of the Priority platform. In the C++ language, implicit instantiation is the process of creating a class or function from a class template or function template when this particular type has not been explicitly instantiated. Odoo is a suite of open-source business apps written in Python and released under the AGPL license. The main Odoo components are the server. This tag should be used with questions about installing and deploying the Odoo Server All frames in your code have the same Id "series". The Id must be unique string. Change them like Also update the code to switch tabs with different ids. Franca IDL is a formally defined, text-based interface description language. It is part of the Franca framework. http://code.google.com/a/eclipselabs.org/p/franca All questions related to Franca IDL Fuchsia is a capability-based operating system developed by Google. It is based on the new microkernel "Zircon" and is capable of running on universal devices, from embedded systems to smartphones, tablets and personal computers. Fuchsia's user interface and apps are written with [Flutter] in [Dart]. https://fuchsia.googlesource.com/fuchsia/+/master/docs https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Google_Fuchsia https://fuchsia.dev/ For questions related to Google's Fuchsia operating system. Where are all these DLLs coming from? I have a basic ConsoleApp1, and these references: Why do I get all these DLLs in bin folder after compilation? ConsoleApp1.exe ConsoleApp1.pdb ConsoleApp1.exe.config Microsoft.Synchronization.dll Microsoft.Synchronization.xml Microsoft.Synchronization.Data.dll Microsoft.Synchronization.Data.xml Microsoft.Web.Infrastructure.dll SoftwareHouse.CrossFire.Common.ClientInterfaceLayer.dll SoftwareHouse.CrossFire.Common.Core.dll SoftwareHouse.CrossFire.Common.DataServiceLayer.dll SoftwareHouse.CrossFire.Common.ObjectDefinitions.dll SoftwareHouse.CrossFire.Common.Objects.dll SoftwareHouse.CrossFire.Common.Shared.dll SoftwareHouse.NextGen.Common.SecurityObjectDefinitions.dll SoftwareHouse.NextGen.Common.SecurityObjects.dll System.Web.Helpers.dll System.Web.Razor.dll System.Web.WebPages.dll System.Web.WebPages.Deployment.dll What do System.Web.XXX dlls have to do with it? What do Microsoft.Synchronization.XXX dlls have to do with it? Dependencies. One of your included references needed one of those assemblies to run, therefore it brought it in for you. Also of note, it doesn't check to see what functions you've called to see if it really needs them. It blindly includes them just to be safe. Resources Githib angular-socket-io Module for AngularJS It support 2D data representation & geometry operations. Home page: https://github.com/alexbol99/flatten-js Try using gradle, it makes it very easy (for more info see gradle). LWJGL provide a way to customize your download and generate the gradle file you need. You can use this to gather the needed dependencies. Density-based spatial clustering of applications with noise (DBSCAN) is a data clustering algorithm proposed by Martin Ester, Hans-Peter Kriegel, Jörg Sander and Xiaowei Xu in 1996.1 It is a density-based clustering algorithm: given a set of points in some space, it groups together points that are closely packed together (points with many nearby neighbors), marking as outliers points that lie alone in low-density regions (whose nearest neighbors are too far away). DBSCAN is one of the most common clustering algorithms and also most cited in scientific literature. In 2014, the algorithm was awarded the test of time award (an award given to algorithms which have received substantial attention in theory and practice) at the leading data mining conference, KDD. Density-based spatial clustering of applications with noise (DBSCAN) is a data clustering algorithm proposed by Martin Ester, Hans-Peter Kriegel, Jörg Sander and Xiaowei Xu in 1996. It is a density-based clustering algorithm: given a set of points in some space, it groups together points that are closely packed together (points with many nearby neighbors), marking as outliers points that lie alone in low-density regions. AWS Elemental services include: AWS Elemental MediaConvert (A file-based video transcoding service) AWS Elemental MediaLive (A broadcast-grade live video processing service that creates high-quality video streams for delivery to broadcast televisions and internet-connected multiscreen devices) AWS Elemental MediaPackage (Prepares and protects video for delivery over the Internet) AWS Elemental MediaStore (An AWS storage service optimized for media) AWS Elemental MediaTailor (Lets video providers insert individually targeted advertising into video streams) AWS Elemental services can be used to manage broadcast-quality video workflows in the cloud. Django display search results I'm currently working on a blog app in Django. As all Blog apps I need a search form. Therefore I have write a small view and context processor (to make the search form available globally) that queries search results: view.py: base.html: settings.py: context_processors.py post_list.html: The rest of the project can be checked here: https://github.com/rsmvdl/quickblog I now want to render the results the same way as they get display in my post_list.html view with one detail more: I want that the word the user searched for gets highlighted in the search results, so that the user is able to get the context of the content ASAP;). I hope to get any creative ideas. Thanks. You can create a custom template filter to add an HTML tag around the searched-for word in your post title or content. This will not be an exact solution but you should be able to adapt it: You can then apply this filter to your post title or content in your template with. You will need to also pass to your template context so that the filter can know what to highlight. Be careful with if you are applying this to user-submitted content! NgModules configure the injector and the compiler and help organize related things together. An NgModule is a class marked by the @NgModule decorator. @NgModule takes a metadata object that describes how to compile a component's template and how to create an injector at runtime. It identifies the module's own components, directives, and pipes, making some of them public, through the exports property, so that external components can use them. @NgModule can also add service providers to the application dependency injectors. Resources Documentation Angular NgModule is a class marked by the @NgModule decorator. django-anymail is an open-source Python package that integrates several transactional email service providers (ESPs) into the Django web application framework. Anymail provides Django EmailBackends for sending mail through an ESP, Django webhook views for tracking status of sent messages, and webhooks for receiving inbound mail from the ESP. Asking questions The django-anymail tag is appropriate for questions about using Anymail and integrating one of its supported ESPs with a Django application. For questions about Django's built-in SMTP email, use the tag django-email instead. When asking a question here: First review the troubleshooting steps in the Anymail documentation (if your question is about an error or unexpected behavior). Identify the versions of Django, django-anymail, and Python you are using. Indicate which ESP you are using—add an ESP-specific tag to your question: amazon-ses mailgun mailjet mandrill postmark sendinblue sendgrid sparkpost Resources Documentation Package on PyPI Repository Troubleshooting Questions about using the django-anymail package to send, track or receive email through an email service provider (ESP) from a Django web application. I found the solution to my issue. I changed the Prior Year measure to the following and that worked: PY Incident Count = CALCULATE(COUNT(Fact_All_Incidents[Incident_ID]), SAMEPERIODLASTYEAR(vDim_Date[Full_Date])). Basically I took out the ALL(Fact_All_Incidents) filter from the measure. What is? is a library and recognized third-party package on Django's official website that allows for easy routing of web-app sections to different or multiple sub-domains. The library's official documentation can be found here. The project GitHub can be found here. Example use cases Say for instance you own the domain and as a part your web project design, you want to serve specific content at &. This allows your web project to use domains like: Your project can also use "user specific sub-domains" such as: These techniques can give a web project better looking and more organized path structure. Where to learn more Below are some links to learn more about and how to utilize it in your Django projects. How to Use Library Coding For Entrepreneurs / Django Hosts Django-hosts is a library and recognized third-party package on Django's official website that allows for easy routing of web-app sections to different or multiple sub-domains. Use this tag for questions regarding direct implementation of django-hosts specifically. PostgreSQL 11 is a major release of PostgreSQL RDBMS. Key features center around performance, working with larger data sets, and ease-of-use. Improvements includes, but not limited to: Partitioning Parallelism SQL Stored Procedures Just-In-Time (JIT) Compilation Introduced Window Functions Fully Support SQL:2011 standard Channel Binding for SCRAM Authentication User Experience Enhancements More information regarding release available here. For PostgreSQL questions specific to version 11. @manufacturer.products.sort_by(&:title) is a class template introduced with the C++11 Standard that is part of the multi-threading functionality introduced with that version of the Standard. It requires the use of to compile. The purpose of is to create an asynchronous task which can then be used with other C++ multi-threading library functionality to manage. You can use a to get the result of the asynchronous task. You can also use along with its method with the proposed operator of C++20 coroutines. To use requires two steps: create the packaged task object and call the object to start it running. Additional reading What is the difference between packaged_task and async What is std::promise? What is a lambda expression in C++11? What are move semantics? std::packaged_task<> is a class template introduced with the C++11 multi-threading functionality. This tag should be used for questions concerning the C++ class template and using it with C++ multi-threading and coroutines. The C++ Standard being used (C++11/14/17/20) should also be indicated. The class template is used to wrap a callable entity (lambda, function, etc.) to create an asynchronous task. Django display search results in template im quite new to Django and i want to display the search results in my search.html template but i missed the paths somehow... I use a context processor to display the searchbox together with a category selector globally. So the query against the database is a set of Catagorie and keyword. Not sure if i implement it the right way. No idea how to display the results in my Template. What to do with the catagoerie in the view.py? base.py views.py in the end a want to display the results the same way as i display it on my post_list.html: search.html Questions related to the development for the Oculus Go VR headset. Questions related to the development for the Oculus Go VR headset. By default the adds your queryset to the context as so just do a to iterate over that in your Your template would look something like; You could change the context variable name by defining in your view. e.g. Augmentor is a Python package designed to aid the augmentation and artificial generation of image data for machine learning tasks. It is primarily a data augmentation tool, but will also incorporate basic image pre-processing functionality. Augmentor is a Python package designed to aid the augmentation and artificial generation of image data for machine learning tasks. You need to deploy the application, for this purpose I use the utility cqtdeployer This utility itself collects all the necessary dependencies of your application and you do not have to spend your time on it, or you can automate this process. You can install from github releases (Windows) or from snapstore (Linux) You can use as follows: Windows: Linux: path/to/Qt/5.x.x/build/bin/qmake - This is the way qmake is used to build your program. path/to/my/qml/files/dir - this is the path directly to your qml file (which you wrote) And Run application with sh script (Linux) or exe (Windows) If you'll use the version from snap then make sure that you have all the permissions. If you need use windows version just install application from installer Updated If you want create a simple installer for you application just add qif option for command of cqtdeployer. Example: Details on all the intricacies of cqtdeployer can be found on the official wiki project. jquery data-id not working as expected I was just trying to get data-id of an html element by refering the previously solved issue in stackru.I am exactly trying the same but getting undefined.Why is it so? Try this: Try this Your created function was wrong. OR You are using ES6 by using Arrow Function thats why not working your code. It's the specific functionality you're asking for by using instead of: The way to solve this particular problem is not to use this to gain access to the clicked element, but instead use: I suggest you to read this documentation Arrow_functions App Store Connect is a suite of web-based tools for managing content sold on the iOS App Store and Mac App Store. As a paid member of the Apple Developer Program, you'll use this tool to manage apps, agreements, tax and banking information, sales reports and more. After Apps Are Available on the Store, App Store Connect provides information about your app, including sales numbers, download numbers, and your earnings. You can find information from your customers’ experience with your app, such as customer reviews, crash reports, and the top scores reported in Game Center leaderboards. Prior to June 2018, App Store Connect was known as iTunes Connect. The official website for App Store Connect is: https://appstoreconnect.apple.com Use this tag for questions related to Apple's App Store Connect. Do not post questions related to needing support and issues with the website. Only post questions related to using AppStore Connect in relation to developing your app. 3CX is a software for Private Branch Exchange (PBX) based on the SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) standard. It provides the facilities for making a call over PSTN or VoIP services. 3CX is a software for Private Branch Exchange (PBX) based on the SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) standard. It provides the facilities for making a call over PSTN or VoIP services. Description Simplifies the testing of UI components by providing an elegant, fluent interface for arranging test setups along with a number of runtime debug/test helpers. Useful Links Github repository Only use this tag if your question is about a specific change introduced in `Swift 3.1`. For generic Swift questions, use the [swift] tag. Only use this tag if your question is about a specific change introduced in `Swift 3.0.2`. For generic Swift questions, use the [swift] tag. DisplayAttribute is a type of.NET Attribute that can be applied to types and classes to provide localized strings or formats Python for.NET (pythonnet) is a package that gives Python developers an integration with.NET 4.0+ Common Language Runtime (CLR) on Windows and Mono runtime on Linux and OSX. Python for.NET provides a powerful application scripting tool for.NET developers. Using this package you can script.NET applications in Python or build applications in Python, using.NET components written in languages that target CLR (C#, VB.NET, F#). Note that this package does not implement Python as a first-class CLR language - it does not produce managed code (IL) from Python code. Rather, it is an integration of the CPython engine with the.NET or Mono runtime. This approach allows you to use CLR services and continue to use existing Python code and C-API extensions while maintaining native execution speeds for Python code. If you are interested in a pure managed-code implementation of the Python language, you should check out the IronPython project, which is in active development. http://pythonnet.github.io Python for.NET (pythonnet) is a package that gives Python developers an integration with.NET 4.0+ Common Language Runtime (CLR) on Windows and Mono runtime on Linux and OSX. Python for.NET provides a powerful application scripting tool for.NET developers. Using this package you can script.NET applications in Python or build applications in Python, using.NET components written in languages that target CLR (C#, VB.NET, F#). http://pythonnet.github.io CoNLL stands for Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning. During a shared task of the tenth version of this conference, a data type named CoNLL-X was born. CoNLL-U is a revised version of this format that is used to structure universal dependencies. Use this tag for questions concerning the CoNLL data format, e.g. for CoNLL-X or CoNLL-U data. Your function determines whether a value is negative or not, which can be simplified into the function below (which is also more pythonic). Since you asked specifically for oneliner, I also added the second test function, but that is just more verbose (and less pythonic) way to rewrite the first one. In this case the function is extremely simple, the tests have no real value, as they just do the same and assert that the results are the same, but I assume you have more complex case and the provided code is just a demonstration. kube-applier is a service that enables continuous deployment of Kubernetes objects by applying declarative configuration files from a Git repository to a Kubernetes cluster. kube-applier enables automated deployment and declarative configuration for Kubernetes cluster jqLite jqLite is a tiny, API-compatible subset of jQuery that allows AngularJS to manipulate the DOM in a cross-browser compatible way. jqLite implements only the most commonly needed functionality with the goal of having a very small footprint. jQuery/jqLite Extras AngularJS also provides additional methods and events to both jQuery and jqLite Resources AngularJS angular.element API Reference AngularJS jqLite API Reference AngularJS jQuery/jqLite Extras Reference jqLite is a tiny, API-compatible subset of jQuery that allows AngularJS to manipulate the DOM in a cross-browser compatible way. jqLite implements only the most commonly needed functionality with the goal of having a very small footprint. Windows interfaces for interacting with retail peripherals via Windows 10 UWP API namespace: Windows.Devices.PointOfService Microsoft Point of Service for.NET (POS for.NET) Windows UWP PointOfService namespace or POS for.NET interfaces for interacting with retail peripherals such as barcode scanners, receipt printers, etc. Angular 6+ implementation of angular-gridster Resources Website Github angularjs-gridster gridster Angular 6+ implementation of angular-gridster Resources Github Website gridster gridster-like widgets for AngularJS Bonobo ETL is a Python 3.5+ library to Extract, Transform and Load data using standard python objects (like functions, generators, iterators...), linking them in a directed graph describing the data flow, and executing them in parallel. Bale is an Iranian Messenger service Talk and Payment are features of Bale. People can create bot and send many type of message to users. website: https://www.bale.ai/ developers: https://developers.bale.ai/ Bale is an Iranian Messenger service OpenMapTiles provides pre-rendered tiles as well as a set of tools allowing everyone to create his own vector map tiles from OpenStreetMap data for hosting, self-hosting or offline use. The OpenMapTiles project is open-source and consists of several components. The major ones are Open Vector Tile Schema, tools for creating vector tiles from OSM data and Open Map Styles. Open Vector Tile Schema: Dscribes data layers and attributes. It is documented and easily extendable. Tools for creating vector tiles from OSM data: Takes OSM data as an input and produces MBTiles containing PBF as an output. Open Map Styles: Ready-to-use map styles for vector scheme. They are available under a free license and therefore can be modified and reused. OpenMapTiles provides pre-rendered tiles as well as a set of tools allowing everyone to create his own vector map tiles from OpenStreetMap data for hosting, self-hosting or offline use. getting undefined in select option I am making a simple form for an adding a product into the database using AJAX. The problem is the select option showing undefined. I am a novice in this field. Can anybody check the quality of code and any other mistakes that I have made. Please mention in a comment. This is only for the sake of learning purpose. you can try see is a function originating in BSD Unix which operates in a similar manner to the standard C function. The main difference is that this function may return empty tokens, whereas returns only non-empty tokens. Questions involving the use of the BSD strsep() function. The X-Forwarded-For (XFF) header is a de-facto standard header for identifying the originating IP address of a client connecting to a web server through an HTTP proxy or a load balancer. This header is used for debugging, statistics, and generating location-dependent content and by design it exposes privacy sensitive information, such as the IP address of the client. Therefore the user's privacy must be kept in mind when deploying this header. A standardized version of this header is the HTTP Forwarded header. X-Forwarded-For is also an email-header indicating that an email-message was forwarded from another account. Resource: MDN web docs Use for questions regarding X-Forwarded-For, a HTTP header used by HTTP proxies to send the originating request's IP address. Get data-attribute value and HTML in array I have the following tag in my html and I need to select the data-id value and the inner html value into an array. How can I achieve this in either Jquery or Javascript You can use to achieve this: You can use along with to convert it to basic array Select the elements, loop them using map and you got your array. Below will return an array of objects holding the data you want Using (MaterializeCSS), how to initialize Picker components without freezing the browser? Description I am trying to write a small project using library. In my project, I have a button which triggers a modal containing a form with two picker elements - date and time. The first time I pick either the date or time, everything works, but if I try to edit my initial choice - the browser freezes. I use the latest version of Firefox. Also, I pass option parameter to both pickers to make sure they render using all available space instead of only using the space provided by the modal which calls them. I hope this makes sense. What did I do wrong? How to ensure my browser doesn't freeze executing the code below. Docs Picker Code MVC navigating from Index to enhanced Edit view I have a simple Index view, where I am displaying products as a product catalog. ViewModel: View: Controller: This all works fine.. but now I wish to click on an individual product to display a new view with details of the product and the possibility to define order quantity. New VM: Now, where I got stuck is how I would display the new, enhanced model - the issue I run into is that with the standard approach, clicking a product in the product catalog is creating something like /ShowProduct/5 in the URL, but that would force me to use the same view model in the details view as in the catalog, which is not what I want/need. If anyone has an idea how to solve this, I'd highly appreciate your input. Also, please note that I am an absolute beginner, hence examples are highly appreciated. Thank you! I hope It will useful for you. I uploaded one file from locally and then I added access Token using UUID after that I uploaded into firebase storage.There after I am generating download url. If we hitting that generate url it will automatically download a file. Elementary OS is a fast and open replacement for Windows and macOS. From https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elementary_OS: elementary OS is a Linux distribution based on Ubuntu. It is the flagship distribution to showcase the Pantheon desktop environment. Design Philosophy Human Interface Guidelines of the elementary OS project focus on immediate usability with a gentle learning curve, rather than full-fledged customization. The three core rules the developers set for themselves were "concision", "avoid configuration" and "minimal documentation". References Project Page Installation Guide stack exchange GitHub Documentation Elementary OS is a fast and open replacement for Windows and macOS. General support for Elementary OS is off-topic. Please use https://elementaryos.stackexchange.com/ instead. Use this tag for programming questions specific to Elementary OS. An R package that provides methods for interactive editing of spatial objects from the sf, sp and raster packages. provides a library for building an API Gateway on top of Spring MVC. Spring Cloud Gateway aims to provide a simple, yet effective way to route to APIs and provide cross cutting concerns to them such as: security, monitoring/metrics, and resiliency.).. Codesandbox.io is an open-source online code editor supporting vanilla JS, Vue.js, Angular.js, React.js, and Preact.js. Kotest is open-source testing framework for Kotlin: https://github.com/kotest/kotest/ KotlinTest is open-source testing framework for Kotlin Sorry, I see it's too late. I searched about this and couldn't find anything. But you can change bootstrap-treeview.js file a bit. There is some attribute set code in buildTree function. It's looking like this: You can add: And then change the object(json) like this: Menu items disappear on Microsoft Edge I have just opened my Wordpress website in Microsoft Edge browser and I noticed that some of the menu links are missing. When I switch resolutions (different screens), different menu items disappear and the ones that disappeared before appear again. can't figure out why it happens, but here's the HTML code: Here's the CSS: Everything looks just fine on Chrome. I haven't checked Firefox yet, but I do want everything on the menu to appear on all browsers. It seems like everything else on the website appears ok there. Here's the link to the website: mayabarber.co.il thanks! Display a text on a graph that contains both a description and a variable I want to display on a histogram of R^2 values the mean R^2 value. I wish to display it as "Mean = " and then the mean R^2 as a variable. i have been trying to using th num2str command. Can anybody help? SOLVED: i put my desired text in brackets like so: Best way to organize components in blade templates lets say i have a blog with different posts and comments. Now I want to display the posts on different pages of my website. In most of the tutorials they to something like this: This seems fine, when you only have one page, where you want to display the post. But what if you have multiple pages with the same componente? Sure, you can use blades @component function. But how is the performance with this methods? Let's say I have multiple sections where I want to display a post. And maybe my posts I multiple view variants. Would something like that be ok? index.blade.php section.blade.php post.blade.php post[highlight].blade.php This would reduce dependencies and the templates would be clean. But it seems to me that this is not the usual way to organize blade templates. How about, like this: does this solve your problem. SOLVED: i put my desired text in brackets like so: Solution 1: Just need to remove width from CSS. please check attached screenshot. Once you removed the width then menu alignment will change. screenshot Solution 2: Put below CSS in your main style.css Simplified perturbation models are a set of five mathematical models—SGP, SGP4, SDP4, SGP8, and SDP8—used to calculate orbital state vectors of satellites and space debris in an Earth-centered coordinate frame. The set of models is often referred to collectively as SGP4 due to the prevalence of that algorithm. See the Wikipedia page for more information. This tag is intended to be used for questions regarding these models and their implementations in any programming language. For questions regarding simplified perturbation models and their implementations, regardless of implementation language. In computing, a nibble (occasionally nybble or nyble to match the spelling of byte) is a four-bit aggregation of information.[Wikipedia] Although less common than the byte, some computer architectures use the nibble as the primary unit of computation and information storage. A unit of information usually corresponding to 4 bits. I suggest you to do the loop in the section.blade.php and you can repeatedly access the post list every time you use @component('section')... @endcomponent If you want to load different lists at different layouts using the component, the best way to use is the @slot() as: @slot('post')... @endslot Now the slot expects a $post variable inside the component blade file i.e. (section.blade.php). you should manage to return a $post variable out of the loop. Maybe this will help about components and slots Get Django search query right Im currently facing a problem since a couple of days for now. I simply want to implement a search view into my Django app. But when i try to search something on my App i get the following error: init() takes 1 positional argument but 2 were given__init__() takes In the end i want that my Query is a combination of category and searchword. So that the user can filter specific categories (Just like Amazon.com searchfield) e.g.: base.html categorysearch_form is a dropdown selector that gets his ID from the Database. views.py urls.py Search.html results are getting displayd here: Project: https://github.com/rsmvdl/quickblog Since is class based view it should be in your urls: This problem was solved using Unwind from aggregate framework. So I can split the array, group and filter. Also, is possible to use the operator $redact Use this tag for questions related to JFrog Xray The online demo is available at https://pdf2data.online/ How can I upload binaries on n Arduino UNO R3? I have an Arduino Uno and I would like to upload a file. I have found an answer on Google which recommends that I use IAR to upload the binary, but my PC has very low memory. I have tried doing it via terminal But I'm getting an odd error saying that the board is not found. Are there any suggestions? Django unrecognized token: "@" while query I simply want to implement a search view into my Django app. But when i try to search something on my App i get the following error: In the end i want that my Query is a combination of category and searchword. So that the user can filter specific categories (Just like Amazon.com searchfield) e.g.: base.html categorysearch_form is a dropdown selector that gets his ID from the Database. views.py urls.py Search.html results are getting displayd here: Post Model i guess im simply missing something at that point... I already read that this issue comes from local SQL database aka. SQLite, could that be true? Smb. has a solution? Thanks How can i add Google adsense betwen paragraph in codeigniter i need yourhelp please to add Adsense code betwen posts content like in wordpress my code to show post conetent is like this Use a loop with a condition like if you want to show your ads after every 7 post so your code would like this. Ruby on Rails 5.2, "an open-source web framework that's optimized for programmer happiness and sustainable productivity." Rails 5.2 brings a bunch of new features and improvements over older Rails versions. Major Features Active Storage Redis Cache Store HTTP/2 Early Hints Credentials See Ruby on Rails 5.2 Release Notes for more information. Resources Ruby on Rails Announcement API Documentation Rails Guides Related tags ruby ruby-on-rails For issues specific to the version 5.2 of Rails. If your question applies to Ruby on Rails in general, use the tag [ruby-on-rails]. Ruby on Rails 5.1, "an open-source web framework that's optimized for programmer happiness and sustainable productivity." Rails 5.1 brings a bunch of new features and improvements over older Rails versions. Major Features Yarn Support Webpack Encrypted secrets See Ruby on Rails 5.1 Release Notes for more information. Resources Ruby on Rails Announcement API Documentation Rails Guides Related tags ruby ruby-on-rails For issues specific to the version 5.1 of Rails. If your question applies to Ruby on Rails in general, use the tag [ruby-on-rails]. Can not find the error (need numbers from a HTML tag) For a webcrawler I try to read out certain object IDs in order to use them later in a new URL. Unfortunately my skills are limited here. The html: So i search for each "li" with a "data-id". Later I need to put the ID into the new URL. In my example I have just inserted the [li class = "result-list__listing result-list__listing -xl"], but I also need the [li class = "result-list__listing"]. My code: In result I get many "Fehler 2" errors. Please help me find the easiest way to find all IDs. You might also be able to add a check to see if it really is a number. I have tried something with "isdigit", unfortunately without success. EDIT: Now I changed code a bit. Unfortunately I need only each code from "li" into a specific "ul". But here I get even only the first result. Why? We were going too deep. is essentially an array of (...) so each is in fact EDIT: Use the below to fullfil your original request of finding the and selecting specific tags based on class EDIT 2: This will find all with a attribute and print those that come from a with id="resultListItems" `ffmpy` is a Python wrapper for `FFmpeg`. It compiles `FFmpeg` command line from provided arguments and their respective options and executes it using Python’s `subprocess`. I am getting error during "yarn start" command E:\GIT\xxxx-ui\node_modules\redux-thunk\index.d.ts (14,84): error TS2315: Type 'Middleware' is not generic. Resources Angular File Saver An AngularJS service that leverages FileSaver.js and Blob.js to implement the HTML5 W3C saveAs() interface in browsers that do not natively support it. ng-i18next Provide an easy way to use i18next with AngularJS 1.x angular-moment-picker Angular Moment Picker is a native AngularJS directive for date and time picker that uses Moment.js and does not require jQuery. ng-file-model Not recommemended. It converts File API objects to data URLs and is not useful for file uploading. Instead use the directive from ng-file-upload. Or use the custom directive from ng-model for (with directive DEMO). angular-bootstrap-multiselect Native angularJS custom form element related to bootstrap-multiselect angular-screenshot Angular screenshot in directive for screen capture ng-tags-input Tags input directive for AngularJS angular-strap AngularJS 1.2+ native directives for Bootstrap 3. angular-dragdrop Implementing jQueryUI Drag and Drop functionality in AngularJS (with Animation) angular-ui-calendar A complete AngularJS directive for the Arshaw FullCalendar angular-filter Bunch of useful filters for AngularJS (with no external dependencies!) angularjs-slider Slider directive for AngularJS 1.X. No dependencies and mobile friendly. angular-selectizejs Component for using AngularJS with Selectize.js. angular-image-compress Directive compresses jpeg or png files using angularjs on client side. ui-bootstrap4 A fork of the original angular-ui-bootstrap project. Bootstrap components written in pure AngularJS by the AngularUI Team. Ported to Bootstrap 4 by Morgul. angular-ui-slider Requirements: JQuery, JQueryUI ng-intl-tel-input An AngularJS directive for International Telephone Input angular-bind-html-compile Directive that calls $compile on trusted HTML, allowing directives in an API response. Tagged third-party resources angular-strap AngularJS directives for Twitter Bootstrap ng-file-upload angular-ui-router AngularJS third-party libraries that don't otherwise have a specific tag. Did you put the_content() in loop if not Here try this: Printing a web page either on paper or as a.PDF file, usually through the browser. Logical replication is a feature of PostgreSQL 10. It is a method of replicating data objects and their changes, based upon their replication identity (usually a primary key) laravel 5.6 fetching data from database to view I'm facing an issue on understanding the content of the index function in the controller I'm trying to get all the posts from my posts table into a view my index function my view I'm getting Undefined variable error and highlighting @foreach below is error highlighted Might be it will help you In your controller In your Search Model `{ You Can simply use like this. The view Try adding space after @foreach - @foreach ($users as $user) This is an addendum to my other answer, showing an example program that calculates both white (0) and black (1) clusters, separately. This was too long to fit in a single answer. The idea is that we use a separate map for the color of each cell. This map also contains border cells with a color that does not match any color in the actual matrix. The disjoint set is a separate array, with one entry per matrix cell. To keep track of the two colors, we use a separate array for each color, when counting the number of occurrences per disjoint set root. (Or, in other words, the size of each cluster in the matrix.) When statistics are collected, the cluster sizes are updated to a separate histogram per color. This scheme seems to be quite performant, even though the memory consumption is significant. (A matrix of rows and columns requires about (plus a constant) bytes, including the histograms.) Here is the header file, clusters.h, that implements all of the computational logic: Here is an example program, distribution.c, that collects cluster size statistics over a number of iterations, and outputs them in format suitable for plotting with for example Gnuplot. Run it without arguments to see usage and help. Here is a plot generated by running distribution.c with (cluster size distributions collected from hundred thousand 100x100 matrices, where the probability of a nonzero cell is 50%, and there is a 25% probability of nonzero cells connecting diagonally, zero cells never connecting diagonally, only horizontally and vertically): As you can see, because nonzero clusters can sometimes connect diagonally too, there are more larger nonzero clusters than zero clusters. The computation took about 37 seconds on an i5-7200U laptop. Because the Xorshift64* seed is given explicitly, this is a repeatable test. change selected element onMouseEnter- React I'm having a trouble with changing the selected element on the onMouseEnter event. I have two of the same elements and I want to change the style of the current one which I move the mouse onto. Project Location: https://github.com/docker/app Links: Making Compose Easier to Use with Application Packages Making Application Collaboration Easier with Docker utility to help make Compose files more reusable and sharable. You can have the className of each element set in state, then update the className via state changes for each element. In my example, I also assigned each element a name and targeted their names in the mouseEnter and mouseLeave functions. Example: It's not the best solution, I prefer to work with CSS classes (.item-visible for example). However I think that I can help you with this JSFiddle to help you understand how should work: https://jsfiddle.net/d9rfbu5n/ This is the code in the fiddle: This was fixed in version 1.0.0-rc.1. Use those new CDN links when importing materialize style and script. https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/materialize/1.0.0-rc.1/css/materialize.css https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/materialize/1.0.0-rc.1/js/materialize.js Open4 is a Ruby library for opening child processes, inspired by Open3 in the Ruby standard library. Links Ruby gem: Source code on GitHub: ahoward/open4 Open4 is a Ruby library for opening child processes, inspired by Open3 in the Ruby standard library. Use this tag for questions relating to the use of this library. Your question will probably need the [ruby] tag too. In case this might be helpful to someone else, this is how I eventually got it working: Spelling Note: The attribute is; the directive is; Both include the letter at the end. A special directive is necessary because we cannot use interpolation inside the disabled attribute. Erroneous Use instead: Resources AngularJS Developer Guide - Binding to boolean attributes AngularJS ng-disabled Directive API Reference MDN Web API Reference - HTMLSelectElement.disabled This directive sets the disabled attribute on the element if the expression inside ngDisabled evaluates to truthy. The attribute is `disabled` with a `d`. TinyTeX is a TeX distribution based on TeX Live. tinytex is an R package that helps to install TinyTeX. How to implement a Neural Network in C++ Original question I am working on a simple C++ library. I'm trying to implement a Neural Network. I've got two questions: Are there any tutorials which explain how they can be implemented? Do I really need to plot a graph when I implement the Neural Network? The code that I have written so far is: Edited and updated question Thanks to the help from the comments, I managed to implement the Neural Network. Now, I'm currently struggling with a performance issue. has actually started becoming unhelpful a bit... Are there better random functions? Sol is a lua binding library for C++. Use this tag for questions related to this library Use this tag for code that requires Rust 2018 to compile. Angularjs Click function not working inside youtube Iframe video but partially working with css I am trying to embed an angularjs click function inside youtube iframe so that when 1.) user clicks on the youtube video, it will alert for instance "you click me" and the video will start play immediately. 2.) when a user clicks on it to stop the video it will alert again and the video will stop playing as usual. here is the angularjs fuction if i add css and call it as in the code below. The click function will work but the video will not start playing or stop below is the entire code without css involvement There is way to detect the click on iframe inside angularjs context, since it is completely loading outside the app context. You might have to look at a jquery way of detecting click event on iframe, or just use video element with HTML5 to display the video. EmbedIO is a module based web server for.NET which is written in C#. Homogeneous units of data which have the same schema in Hive The LeMP Lexical Macro Processor is a general-purpose Lisp-style macro processor. Enhanced C#, a variant of the C# language Questions relating to the GNU 'complexity' tool, which measures the complexity of C code. Fork of libgit2sharp with SSH support try 'pcolormesh' instead, you can use it to plot 2D values without interpolation between them. 'pcolormesh'(from matplotlib documentation): Create a pseudocolor plot with a non-regular rectangular grid. code example: here you can see how to use 'pcolormesh' in a similar way to 'contourf' (there is also an example figure): https://matplotlib.org/examples/images_contours_and_fields/pcolormesh_levels.html After acceptance of PEP 572, python-3.8 introduced assignment expressions, which are a way to assign to variables within an expression using the notation. Assignment expressions (a:= b) are a new syntactic structure that were proposed in PEP 572 and introduced in Python 3.8 This is a prime example of why you shouldn't use the array index as a key when rendering a list of components. React can't properly detect changes. Use something unique about the item as the prop. If they don't have anything unique, generate a unique id and assign it to them first. You can do a bit of research about why using the index as a key causes the issues your seeing, if you're curious. Would probably be a good idea. I have the same problem when I want to automatically start ssh service. I found that append /etc/init.d/ssh start to ~/.bashrc can resolve it,but only you open it with bash will do. An Angular application consists largely of components and their HTML templates. Before the browser can render the application, the components and templates must be converted to executable JavaScript by an Angular compiler. Angular offers two ways to compile your application: Just-in-Time (JIT), which compiles your app in the browser at runtime Ahead-of-Time (AOT), which compiles your app at build time. JIT compilation is the default when you run the build-only or the build-and-serve-locally CLI commands: For AOT compilation, append the --aot flags to the build-only or the build-and-serve-locally CLI commands: For more information about Angular compilers read the official documentation Unlike a JIT-Compiler (Just in time) the AOT-Compiler (Ahead of time) compiles the source code before the code is executed. Open Json object в HTML by JQuery. Asp.Net Core First of all, I will show the early working version. And the code of frontend Everything is working. All posts from database writing on HTML. I decided to add photos and make return object such as one file JSON. The main code I will not show cuz I don't see the sense on it. The object I build from the class where are the three Properties. Code: Then I add all complete object of this class to the collection And convert to JSON And here I don't want to open on HTML my JSON object. I tried all cases and combinations. Maximum what it has it [object, object] on HTML. For Example, I tried such In VS on break point on "return result2" it shows normal JsonFile enter image description here I read that there is a $.parseJSON(d); How I can implement it on my page I maybe I do some wrong on HTML? Thanks Why is my tooltip not triggering? (general eventbinding functionality) I have a simple button element On this element I bind two events via the following functions: After this I bind a bootstrap tooltip event via: This does not work, unless I add "click" as parameter to the Off function or do not call bindButtonEvent at all. This seems logical to me if I bind the tooltip event first. But I bind this after calling off. So why does the tooltip still not work then? Edit: I Call the bind method (and the other one) onload: Here is the HTML button: This is the code of bindButtonEvent: (now with the "click" param) Documentation on Google Developers: https://developers.google.com/web/updates/2019/02/using-twa Announcement: https://blog.chromium.org/2019/02/introducing-trusted-web-activity-for.html Trusted Web Activities are a new way to integrate your web-app content such as your PWA with your Android app using a protocol based on Custom Tabs. How can I import data via ajax into a form in Symfony 4? list.html.twig: PagesController.php: By click on a I want to load the data from the database into the form. But it is not working, no data is loaded and the error is bootstrap website wont scoll down I am making a portfolio webpage on bootstrap. Everything was going fine until I uploaded my code onto bootstrap and my page has simply stopped scrolling and I can't find a solution/identity the piece of code that caused the page to stop scrolling. HERE IS MY CODE: change into and should ONLY include the form Find Security Bugs (or "find-sec-bugs") is a SpotBugs plugin for security audits of Java web applications. It provides additional detectors to SpotBugs which has only few detectors dedicated to security by default. It can detect many vulnerability types including command injection, XPath injection, SQL/HQL injection, cryptography weaknesses and many more. The software is licensed under LGPL just like spotbugs. For more information, visit the official website. Use the find-sec-bugs tag for questions specifically about the Find Security Bugs plugin for SpotBugs. Usage This tag is intended for questions which ask about Angular Material v6.x Please take note that you should use the angularjs-material tag for AngularJS 1.x Material questions instead of this tag. Goal Taken from the official repo: The goal is to build a set of high-quality UI components built with Angular and TypeScript, following the Material Design spec. These components will serve as an example of how to write Angular code following best practices. Asking a question Mention the versions of Angular and Angular Material you're using. Reduce your issue to a small example Post a reduced working code on plnkr.co or stackblitz.com If there's a bug (or some unintentional behavior), try to troubleshoot the problem. (If it's a bug report, please create a new issue at Angular Material's Github repository instead.) Learn more To learn more about Angular Material, visit the following resources to help you get started: Angular Material Docs Getting started with Angular Material Angular Material Stackblitz template Angular Material source code Official Gitter.im Angular Material community Official Google Groups Angular Material is an implementation of Material Design in Angular. This tag is for version 6.x of Angular Material for Angular 6. Do not use this tag for other versions or for AngularJS Material, the implementation of Material Design for the older AngularJS framework. EnjoyHint is a javascript plugin that adds simple hints that prompt users to navigate a website or an app intuitively and easily. Use this tag when you included the EnjoyHint.js plugin on your project and are creating instructions to users navigate through your application like a guided tutorial. A lesson in debugging (and persistence): generate lots of ideas and systematically test them. After looking in every possible corner of the application, I found the issue! The issue was in the presentation layer. react-transition-group didn't work as expected after refactoring. Removing TransitionGroup and CSSTransition fixed the issue. DO NOT USE. This tag is being burninated. See The [functionality] tag is in the process of being burninated DO NOT USE. This tag is being burninated. See https://meta.stackru.com/questions/338487/the-functionality-tag-is-in-the-process-of-being-burninated Claims were introduced in.NET4.5 to build Claims based authentication into the framework in the form of ClaimsIdentity and ClaimsPrincipal in the System.Security.Claims namespace. Claims were introduced in.NET4.5 to build Claims based authentication into the framework in the form of ClaimsIdentity and ClaimsPrincipal in the System.Security.Claims namespace. Use this tag in the cases where a parser cannot resolve an ambiguous grammar. For example, when a compiler cannot determine the right choice because an identifier can signify multiple different things. An Angular application consists largely of components and their HTML templates. Before the browser can render the application, the components and templates must be converted to executable JavaScript by an Angular compiler. Angular offers two ways to compile your application: Just-in-Time (JIT), which compiles your app in the browser at runtime Ahead-of-Time (AOT), which compiles your app at build time. JIT compilation is the default when you run the build-only or the build-and-serve-locally CLI commands: For AOT compilation, append the --aot flags to the build-only or the build-and-serve-locally CLI commands: For more information about Angular compilers read the official documentation A JIT-Compiler (Just in time) compiles the source code right when the code is executed. Unlike the AOT-Compiler (Ahead of time) which compiles before the code is executed. DGO is the official Dgraph Go client which communicates with the server using gRPC. Most dgraph operations are available through dgo and most operations provided by dgo are run through the transaction system. The dgo client allows connection to multiple Dgraph servers for distribution of workload dgo is the official Dgraph Go client which communicates with the server using gRPC. Use this tag only for dgraph DGO specific questions. TensorLayer is Deep Learning library built on top of Tensorflow providing ready-to-use best practices and state-of-the-art Layers / Optimizers / Metrics. Open Source Project: https://github.com/tensorlayer/tensorlayer Official documentation: https://tensorlayer.readthedocs.io/en/stable/ Questions regarding how to use the TensorLayer Library. AVD asked me to download system image even though it has been downloaded already You can see I've already downloaded and installed the system image yet AVD kept asking me to download it again. How do I fix this and if not how do I manually create devices without using AVD manager? THX. This way it is working with $.getJSON About Micrometer is a dimensional-first metrics collection facade whose aim is to allow you to time, count, and gauge your code with a vendor neutral API. Through classpath and configuration, you may select one or several monitoring systems to export your metrics data to. Think of it like SLF4J, but for metrics! Links Introduction blog Website Micrometer is the metrics collection facility included in Spring Boot 2’s Actuator. It has also been backported to Spring Boot 1.5, 1.4, and 1.3 with the addition of another dependency. DO NOT USE THE TAG. It is being burninated. See The [booking] tag is in the process of being burninated DO NOT USE THE TAG. It is being burninated. See https://meta.stackru.com/questions/361729/should-we-burninate-the-booking-tag?cb=1 The Dutch National Flag problem is a three-way partitioning programming problem described by Edsger Dijkstra. He used balls colored red, white and blue as an example, hence the name. Use this tag for questions about Dijkstra's method for three-way partitioning. LinkedIn Follow button plugin is opening a blank window Using LinkedIn's site that creates the scripts for plugins, I created the plugin with the following script: I tried different things; with the https, without it (as they posted), but whenever I click on the button, it just opens up a blank window. What am I doing wrong? The AWS SDK for Ruby is an official gem provided to facilitate interactions with numerous AWS services. For version 3, services have been modularized into individual gems that can be imported, such as or. Alternatively, the gem will import every available service gem. This tag can be used for questions regarding either the general gem, or any of its supported services gems. Resources: GitHub RubyGems API Reference AWS Developer Guide for the Ruby SDK AWS Developer Forum for Ruby AWS Developer Blog for Ruby AWS SDK for Ruby Code Examples The official AWS SDK for Ruby is a gem used to access many AWS services such as S3, EC2, DynamoDB, Glacier, SQS, SimpleDB, Elastic Beanstalk and more. querySelectorAll not selecting all the selected elements I'm creating a chrome extension and one of my first steps is to create an array of college professor names that are in a table which is listed on a website. Here is the JS and it works perfectly on the main page. However when I go on to a course which list's specific professor names, it wont work most of the time. It will still grab the professors that are in the main page all the time because it's all in the same document. Every so often when i keep refreshing the page it randomly grabs all the professors but most of the time it will not. So it looks like my selectors are working but why does it not work every time? Here is a snippet of the html on the main webpage (which is the same on all other course pages). The JS code above grabs the professor "Burgos" and lists it on to the log. Here is a snippet of the html on a certain course webpage and the JS code doesn't seem to grab the professor name(Wang, Jing) here. I've looked almost everywhere for a solution and cannot find anything. Edit: I've even right clicked and copied the selector on the element I need and the JS will still not grab the find the element You need to do to get content inside div. Starting in in node version 10+, this can be activated by using the commandline switch. All modules, supposed to be loaded as an ESM (ECMAScript-Module), must have the file extension. All will still be loaded as CommonJS-Module. BabelJS does support ESM as well and does not require the file extension. Scripts can be started with something similar to. Reference to the NodeJS-Docs is here. Node supports the new ECMAScript Modules, a simple module loading system that reduces complexity of applications and promotes code reusability. JuliaDB is a Julia-lang package for working with persistent data sets. https://juliadb.org/ JuliaDB is a Julia-lang package for working with persistent data sets. Regex to find html div class content and data-attr? (preg_match_all) With preg_match_all I want to get class and data-attributes in html. The example below works, but it only returns class names or only data-id content. I want the example pattern to find both class and data-id content. Which regex pattern should I use? Html contents: The regex that does not work as I want: Thanks in advance. Why not use a DOM parser instead? You could use an XPath expression like to locate the elements then extract their attribute values Demo ~ https://eval.in/1046227 I second Phil's answer, I think HTML parser is the way to go. It is safer and can handle much complicated things. Having said that, if you want to try regex in your example, it would be something like this: Example: https://regex101.com/r/Gb82lF/1/ InstantSearch.js is a JavaScript library that lets you create an instant search results experience using Algolia’s REST API. MS Android emulator can be used with Android Studio as well as Microsoft Visual Studio. It also works when Hyper-V is enabled on any Windows machine. An MS Android emulator is software created by Microsoft which simulates the functionality of an Android device running the Android OS. Emulator allows developers to develop and test applications without the need of various real devices with different configurations. GitHub repository (incl. documentation): https://github.com/oliverroick/Leaflet.Deflate leaflet plugin to deflate lines and polygons to a marker when their screen size becomes too small in lower zoom levels. Samsung Health is the Samsung app and platform for health applications development. It tracks health data such as physical activity, dietary intake, sleep, etc. The app is available on any Adroid device. The Samsung Health SDKs allow developers to build apps that exchange data with Samsung Health and with connected health devices. Management of user consent for data access is also included. Samsung Health is the Samsung app and platform for health applications development. A 64 bit integer can represent a range of numbers: A signed 64 bit integer can represent a range from to An unsigned 64 bit integer can represent a range from to Android 9.0 Pie is the ninth major update and the 16th version of the Android operating system. It was first announced by Google on March 7, 2018. Android "P" was officially released on August 6, 2018 under the name "Pie". Android P harnesses the power of machine learning to make phone smarter, simpler, and tailored. Summary of new features A smarter smartphone, with machine learning at the core Adaptive Battery Slices App Actions Text Classifier and Smart Linkify Neural Networks API 1.1 New system navigation Display cutout support Notifications and smart reply Text Magnifier Multi-camera API and other camera updates Wi-Fi RTT for indoor positioning Performance for apps You can find more info over here. Android 9 features and APIs: official documentation Behavior changes: official documentation Android 9.0 Pie (API level 28), formerly known as "Android P". You need to make sure that a) Redis is running b) that it is able to accept connections from remote hosts and c) if you have enabled password protection, provide a password in your code. To make sure that it can accept connections from remote hosts you have to look at the redis.conf file. Find the line with the binding addresses (it should look something like:) and either comment it out (so it can accept requests from all remote hosts - not recommended for production, but it's OK for testing), or add the remote IPs you want your Redis service to accept connections from. Generic Repository is generic variant of Repository Pattern repository-pattern. This can be implemented with any Object Oriented language. This can be implemented with any full ORM which supports generics. Even though considered an anti-pattern, this is useful in many cases. Many ORMs expose this out of the box. In many cases, this serves as base for concrete repositories. Generic Repository is generic variant of Repository Pattern. Do not use this tag for questions about specific repositories; use [tag:repository-pattern] instead. This tag is language agnostic. This tag is ORM agnostic. Add additional (language, ORM) tags as per need of question. The AWS CDK is an infrastructure modeling framework that allows you to define your cloud resources using an imperative programming interface. The AWS CDK is an infrastructure modeling framework that allows you to define your cloud resources using an imperative programming interface. The CDK is currently in developer preview. We look forward to community feedback and collaboration. Developers can use one of the supported programming languages to define reusable cloud components called Constructs, which are composed together into Stacks and Apps. The AWS CDK Toolkit is a command-line tool for interacting with CDK apps. It allows developers to synthesize artifacts such as AWS CloudFormation Templates, deploy stacks to development AWS accounts and “diff” against a deployed stack to understand the impact of a code change. The AWS Construct Library includes a module for each AWS service with constructs that offer rich APIs that encapsulate the details of how to use AWS. The AWS Construct Library aims to reduce the complexity and glue-logic required when integrating various AWS services to achieve your goals on AWS. The AWS CDK is an infrastructure modeling framework that allows you to define your cloud resources using an imperative programming interface. The pythonic way to parse a small html code with beautifulsoup? What's the best pythonic way to parse the html-code below using BeautifulSoup? I'm trying to get the output: I've tried with the following code but it doesn't quite get there. What you should be doing is using something like to emit an event when something meaningful happens. This could be a change in state of your value (although I'd argue that your method of continually polling for a changed relay state is an anti-pattern and you should be used event-based logic throughout). But in any case, assuming an event is raised you can capture that event and stop your running code: This will cancel at the next iteration, but if is in any way long-running, you should provision for stopping that midway too. The below code illustrates (with buttons in place of physical relays) how you can run the whole thing a series of events. Try: Output: May be this help you, jQuery: add a specific class to the last row of a grid of divs I am working on a small, responsive, blogging application. The posts are displayed as boxes. I would like to add, to all the posts on the last row, a class. I am using to find the items located the farthest from the top of their parent element: How could I "catch" all those items "located the farthest" and add each of them a class name? Of course, I want this collection of items to be updated at. You could do this as 2 steps Find the maximum top position filter the cells to find the ones with that maximum top position and apply whatever transformation you like (in my example just applies class) As an extra complexity of this method, you need to recalculate on resize. Considering your container's last elements' count will vary according to the window size (breakpoint), you should consider using a CSS approach. IMPORTANT: This will only work as long as you have a full last row. The AjaxTags JavaScript-JSP library provides a set of JSP tags to simplify the use of AJAX in JavaServer Pages. For questions about using the AjaxTags JavaScript-JSP library which provides a set of JSP tags to simplify the use of AJAX in JavaServer Pages. This is a neat and simple solution that worked well for me! Jetifier is an AndroidX migration tool included in Android Studio 3.2 since Canary 14. It scans project dependencies and replaces references to the old support library artifacts and class names with the AndroidX equivalents. Jetifier is an AndroidX migration tool included in Android Studio 3.2 since Canary 14. It scans project dependencies and replaces references to the old support library artifacts and class names with the AndroidX equivalents. preg_match - text between closing and opening tag I've very odd task to do. I need to grab text from html tags using preg_match() function in PHP. Problem is that text I need is between closing and opening html tags or this text with tags. Below is my html string: To be more specific: I need string " 1 category " between and tag. When i try to grab text between opening and closing tags - It's working fine and I'm using this function: I've tried many combinations to get text between closing and opening tags. None of them worked out. I've ended using function like this: With no results. The strange thins is that on online regex testers this function with above pattern with above function works sometimes. Do I have bad pattern? Am I missing some flags? Do you know what can be best way to get text in this way? Unfortunately I have to do with Regex approach, the solutions like XMLDomParser is not allowed in my case. Thanks a lot for help. Try this one. Live Demo Looks like something wrong with your php installation/configuration. Your code as it's. Output: Live demo Note: Since there is only one match of your pattern (between) you can access like or use. If you want all pieces of text between a closing and opening tag, you could use this code. Note that I changed your text so that the text between each set of closing/opening tags was different so that it was more obvious that the match was finding each value. Output: go-chi is a lightweight router for building HTTP services, and especially REST API servers, in Go. It uses the package introduced in Go 1.7 and aims at being fast, idiomatic and compatible with the standard Go library. This tag should be used on questions related to the go-chi HTTP router. Notification Channels introduced with Android 8.0 Oreo. Golang nested menu repeat I have problem with printing nested menu to template. This is what I get how look right now I just don't know how to skip duplicate, I try with every if condition what come to my mind but no success, function ima just return categories with parent id I pass this is function ima and this is function who render my template SignalR is an asynchronous library for.NET to help build real-time, multi-user interactive web applications. SignalR 2.0.3 was released in March 2014. SignalR 2 is the second major version of the library to add real-time web functionality in ASP.NET. Use with [signalr]. For the ASP.NET Core version, use [asp.net-core-signalr]. Integrations between Google Cloud Platform APIs and Spring. The Spring Cloud GCP project makes the Spring Framework a first-class citizen of Google Cloud Platform (GCP). Spring Cloud GCP lets you leverage the power and simplicity of the Spring Framework to: Publish and subscribe to Google Cloud Pub/Sub topics Configure Spring JDBC with a few properties to use Google Cloud SQL Map objects, relationships, and collections with Spring Data Cloud Spanner and Spring Data Cloud Datastore Write and read from Spring Resources backed up by Google Cloud Storage Exchange messages with Spring Integration using Google Cloud Pub/Sub on the background Trace the execution of your app with Spring Cloud Sleuth and Google Stackdriver Trace Configure your app with Spring Cloud Config, backed up by the Google Runtime Configuration API Consume and produce Google Cloud Storage data via Spring Integration GCS Channel Adapters Use Spring Security via Google Cloud IAP Analyze your images for text, objects, and other content with Google Cloud Vision Ask questions about the Spring Cloud GCP project. SVG transform: translate(-50% -50%) works differently in Chromium/Chrome/Firefox I am currently appending a number of s to an SVG and noticed that when applying transform: translate(-50% -50%) that in Chromium this means "-50% of the width and height of the object", but in Chrome/Firefox/Edge it means "-50% of the offset to window". I'm not sure which is right or wrong, but the desired functionality is Chromium's logic. How could I apply this to all the other browsers? The rendered object is: Please see the following jsfiddle, which pushes the translate box to the top left in chrome but works fine in edge: https://jsfiddle.net/c52bmxs9/6/ Javali is a simple language based on ideas found in languages like C++ or Java. Its purpose is to serve as the source language for a simple compiler project. The goal is to expose the student to the core problems that a compiler for an object-oriented language must address. public int color1 = Color.GetRed(); <- accessing static method from class Color. public int color1 = new Color().GetRed(); <- accessing instance method from instance of class Color. or and Cbc (Coin-or branch and cut) is an open-source mixed integer programming solver written in C++. It is a C++ library with a command line tool. It is part of the COIN-OR (Open Source for the Operations Research Community) project. Extension for editor Visual Studio Code to emulate vim. for questions related to the extension vscodevim for editor Visual Studio Code. For more info, see https://numenta.org/hierarchical-temporal-memory/. Hierarchical Temporal Memory (HTM) is a biologically-constrained theory of intelligence originally described in the book On Intelligence. Homepage - https://lit-html.polymer-project.org/ Use the lit-html tag to indicate the question is related to the lit-html opensource library which allows for creating Next-generation HTML Templates in JavaScript. IEPY is an open source tool used for Information Extraction focused on Relation Extraction. Should be used for questions related to the IEPY open source tool Python has an integrated Read–Eval–Print Loop interactive console, also known as a REPL. This tag is for questions specifically relating to the usage and operation of Python's REPL. libimobiledevice is a cross-platform open source software library that talks the protocols to support iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad and Apple TV devices. Unlike other projects, it does not depend on using any existing proprietary libraries and does not require jailbreaking. It allows other software to easily access the device's filesystem, retrieve information about the device and it's internals, backup/restore the device, manage SpringBoard icons, manage installed applications, retrieve addressbook/calendars/notes and bookmarks and (using libgpod) synchronize music and video to the device. The library is in development since August 2007 with the goal to bring support for these devices to the Linux Desktop. To install in your Mac Some major product using under the hood Flutter Web Deriver Agent iOS Webkit Debug Proxy and many more... Links Github Website A cross-platform software protocol library and tools to communicate with iOS devices natively. It does not depend on using any existing proprietary libraries and does not require jailbreaking react native is only view, but you can try to build your MVC Architecture. here is my model you can use it as a model for your mvc Architecture. react-native-model How can get Property and the Value in a generic Class? Here is where is call the function and create the object Maybe this way you can see what I'm trying to do This is where I'm trying to do using this class //This class is a generic where T is the type "Person" that was passed My concrete type using in my code Here you can see the interface I try now use like but still dont work I guess that is the solution for it Use the junit-jupiter tag for questions that are specific to JUnit Jupiter. Use the junit5 tag for all other questions related to features provided by JUnit 5 or migration to JUnit 5. JUnit 5 Resources Project Homepage User Guide Javadoc GitHub Repository for source code and issues JUnit 5 Gitter Channel JUnit Team on Twitter JUnit Jupiter is the combination of the new programming model and extension model for writing tests and extensions in JUnit 5. Toggle "more/less" text and show only clicked element I'm trying to select only the clicked element, but it doesn't work. How can I toggle class and text for the clicked element? Here is my fiddle. What should I change from the following code? So, since we have multiple div with class we are getting both of them toggled. To solve this. After the click happens, we select the button on which the click happened using, then get the correct div with class using the jquery method and execute the same logic! You can combine.prev() with.toggleClass(): Please try with different class names jQuery $('.click').click(function() { CSS HTML You don't have to use the loop: Can't select element on a webpage even though it is present I am trying to select an element on a table which is on a webpage. The inner text which is on the table is a name of a professor. I am using this line of code to grab the elements. And yes it works with the tables on the main webpage and grabs the elements I need. However when i try going on a different course page to grab the elements of another table it does not work even though all the tables have the same format. Its as if the tables are invisible to the code and only grabs the ones on the main webpage. However every so know and then it grabs all the elements I need on a different course page but on very rare occasions. The last line on the code below is the element I am trying to grab. Someone mentioned that it may be an ajax driven site and thats why its not grabbing all the elements all the time. Ive even tried getting the xpath of that element but it is still not being found. Why is this element invisible to my code? Autograd can automatically differentiate native Python and Numpy code and is also used by the deep learning framework PyTorch. It can handle a large subset of Python's features, including loops, ifs, recursion and closures, and it can also take derivatives of derivatives of derivatives. The main intended application of Autograd is gradient-based optimization. For more details see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/iot-hub/iot-hub-device-management-overview Crosh is the Chromium OS shell from Google. Tomcat released on 2018-06-25: The Apache Tomcat Project is proud to announce the release of version 8.5.32 of Apache Tomcat. Apache Tomcat 8.5.x is intended to replace 8.0.x and includes new features pulled forward from Tomcat 9.0.x. Release Notes: Tomcat 8.5 is designed to run on Java SE 7 and later. EOL: The Apache Tomcat team announces that support for Apache Tomcat 8.0.x will end on 30 June 2018. 8.5.x is not affected by this announcement. Version 8.5.x (June 2018 onwards) of the Apache Tomcat servlet container. Use only if your question is specifically related to features of this version. Nesting variables in a React JSX string I am modifying this code stanza to this, changing the string to a variable But this doesn't take any effect whatsoever. Neither does. Doing results in a error. What is the right way to next JSX variables in a string? Edit: The css object is defined as follows You don't need the JSX syntax once you're already inside of the template literal. You should be using something more along the lines of: The Booking.com API consists of three general endpoint classes: Availability: real-time pricing and availability which is constantly changing. It is not permissible to cache availability. Instead, request the data each time it is needed. Static data: property descriptions, facility information, city names, hotel types, and other data that changes less frequently in comparison to availability. It is recommended to cache this data. Booking endpoints: these are related to processing bookings via the API. For further informations see the booking.com documentation Booking.com has an API that allows you to get information through an programming interface in JSON or XML format. Use this tag if your question is about this specific API from Booking.com. You can put a scale animation on the button and touch gestures to detect the user's movements.. Checkout the sample here.. https://github.com/varunjohn/Audio-Recording-Animation This sample also has delete animation and lock feature similar to whatsapp.. Check Sample code here Shipping Methods are used in e-commerce. A "shipping method" has a basic specific shipping behavior and allow some specific settings related to naming, conditional rates and other additional settings. Then each "shipping method" has specific shipping rules and shipping pricing defined for each Shipping Zone. Additionally some Shipping methods handle Shipping classes that can be linked specifically to some products. This tag is used in e-commerce essentially. A "shipping method" define basic shipping behaviors and allow some specific settings related to naming, conditional rates (pricing), and other additional settings. Owl carousel Navigation is inverted It is a bit hard to explain what is happening. Basically, right now when I press the next button, it goes to the previous slide. If I press prev it goes to the next slide. I do have RTL enabled but is this how it is supposed to behave? I have made a small video for better understanding that can be found HERE Any idea what is going on? Here is my code: HTML: Is this the default behavior of RTL? Or is there an error within the code/html? React - Using Regex for highlighting text inside of dangerouslySetInnerHTML. Not working reliably The goal is to highlight text parts (strings) inside of a dangerouslySetInnerHTML. Therefore I try to match the desired text part inside of the html, and wrap it in a "span" with appropriate styling. I am using the following code that works for certain texts (html) flawlessy, but for certain texts not at all. Please find a working an a not working example below. Trying for hours to understand the difference, or why the regex does not work... but I can't figure it out. Banging my head agains the wall. My question is: Why is the regex failing in some cases and working in others? Even though in all cases the text ("quote") is there. Any ideas what I am missing? Thanks so much for your help!!! Highlighting Component JSX: Working example (console.log ('highlighted html') Quotes that are highlighted as expected: Failing example (console.log ('highlighted html') The quote that should be highlighted: Create new div for comment I'm getting stucked on the JavaScript here. I need to create new comment box and erase the old input. I can't figure out the JavaScript. Directions Create an tag and give it a class on Line 26 Create a click handler for button in JavaScript Select the 's class in the click handler, and then get the value using.val() Store the value in a variable so that you can use it later ex: You can also use to double check that everything is working properly! Append a new for each new comment HTML: JavaScript: CSS: To remove the value of an input, you can use the following: To create an additional input, which in your case is a text box, you can do the following: USB devices usually fall in to two categories: Hid, and USB. A USB device may or may not be a Hid device and vice versa. Hid is usually a little easier to work with than direct USB. Different platforms have different APIs for dealing with both USB and Hid. Here is documentation for UWP: USB: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-hardware/drivers/usbcon/how-to-connect-to-a-usb-device--uwp-app- Hid: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/uwp/api/windows.devices.humaninterfacedevice Here is the documentation for Android: https://developer.xamarin.com/api/namespace/Android.Hardware.Usb/ Here are two classes for dealing with USB/Hid at the raw Windows API level: https://github.com/MelbourneDeveloper/Device.Net/blob/master/src/Hid.Net/Windows/HidAPICalls.cs } https://github.com/MelbourneDeveloper/Device.Net/blob/master/src/Usb.Net/Windows/WinUsbApiCalls.cs With any of these solutions you will either need to poll for the device on an interval, or use one of the API's native device listening classes. However, this library puts a layer across Hid, and USB on all platforms so that you can detect connections and disconnections easily: https://github.com/MelbourneDeveloper/Device.Net/wiki/Device-Listener. This is how you would use it: The name VGG stands for Visual Geometry Group (Oxford University), authors of the original paper. The model consists of a convolutional part (several convolution and max- or avegare-pooling layers) and several fully-connected layers atop of it. Small (3x3) convolution filters are used. See visual representation below (taken from this answer): Model applications Image classifier (Tensorflow). Image segmentation (Keras). Image style transfer (Keras). A kind of convolutional neural network consisting of 16 or 19 layers, often used with weights pre-trained on ImageNet dataset. Whereas the the model was originally created for image classification, its convolutional part can be used for a variety of purposes. Use this tag for questions, specific for this CNN architecture. is a Java Platform, Standard Edition class for generating random numbers. Important points The class uses a 48-bit seed, which is modified using a linear congruential formula. The algorithms implemented by class Random use a protected utility method that on each invocation can supply up to 32 pseudorandomly generated bits. Instances of java.util.Random are threadsafe. However, the concurrent use of the same java.util.Random instance across threads may encounter contention and consequent poor performance. Instances of java.util.Random are not cryptographically secure. java.util.Random is a Java SE class for generating random numbers. An Apache 2.0 NLP research library, built on PyTorch, for developing state-of-the-art deep learning models on a wide variety of linguistic tasks. Quick Links Website Tutorial Forum Documentation (latest | stable | master) Contributing Guidelines Pretrained Models Continuous Build Nightly Releases Officially Supported Models An open-source NLP research library, built on PyTorch Zcash is a cryptocurrency which provides enhanced user privacy by using cryptography. Uppy is a file uploader API for web browsers. Poly is a function in R that generates a basis matrix of polynomial transformations. it is not good way to json_decode() and check every key it is to much lengthy and make execution speed low i got the right answer Docs https://material.angularjs.org/latest/api/service/$mdDialog Demo https://material.angularjs.org/latest/demo/dialog Syntax $mdDialog is a directive of AngularJS that opens a dialog over the app to inform users about critical information or require them to make decisions. There are two approaches for setup: a simple promise API and regular object syntax. Vue CLI, created and maintained by the Vue's core team, is the official tooling for bootstrapping and maintaining your Vue projects. Offering a feature rich and extensible platform for using (or developing your own) plugins and preset in zero-configuration and easily configurable fashion, as well as future-proofing the upgradebility of your project and tooling configurations. Vue CLI ecosystem currently offers these Core Plugins: @vue/cli-plugin-babel @vue/cli-plugin-typescript @vue/cli-plugin-eslint @vue/cli-plugin-pwa @vue/cli-plugin-unit-jest @vue/cli-plugin-unit-mocha @vue/cli-plugin-e2e-cypress @vue/cli-plugin-e2e-nightwatch There's a community site Awesome Vue CLI packages for browsing all the plugins and presets available. Use this tag for questions specific to version 3. Vue-CLI provides the vue command in your terminal. It provides the ability to quickly scaffold a new project via vue create, or instantly prototype new ideas via vue serve. Use this tag for questions specific to version 3. "hard-delete" is to delete irreversibly. The reason for the failing regex matches were html entities. Some of the parsed texts inside of the dangerouslySetInnerHTML used entity references. In the failing example above the quote includes a "—" character that in the html is decoded as. In order to get rid of the html entities I used the "he" library https://github.com/mathiasbynens/he a robust HTML entity encoder/decoder written in JavaScript. How to get data from Firebase on document ready I have devloped these firebase script, and I want some help to get like count from firebase data when document ready. Second qousttion,How to make the button (like/dislike) can click once(want the user can only trigger it only once)? Html Are there anyways to do it? https://jsfiddle.net/vj8regwy/ Tomcat Database Connection Pool (DBCP) aka Tomcat JDBC Connection Pool is a replacement or an alternative to the Apache Commons DBCP connection pool EDIT (added code for disabling the buttons client-side): You should get the idea and can finish it on your own About Firebase In-app Messaging Firebase In-app Messaging is a component of the Firebase suite of tools for cross-platform application development. Firebase In-App Messaging helps you engage your app's active users by sending them targeted, contextual messages that encourage them to use key app features. For example, you could send an In-App Messaging to get users to subscribe, watch a video, complete a level, or buy an item. You can customize messages as banners, modals, or images, and set up triggers so that they appear exactly when they'd benefit your users most. Use Firebase In-App Messaging to encourage exploration and discovery: highlight a sale or coupon in your ecommerce app, give clues or tips in your game, or prompt a like or share in your social media app. Key capabilities Send relevant, engaging messages Firebase In-App Messaging sends messages when they're most needed: while users are actually in your app. Promote your big sale when users visit your in-app store, not while they're in line at the grocery store. Highlight that cool, new level when users play your game, not when they're sitting down to watch the big game. Target messages by audience or behavior Firebase In-App Messaging works with Analytics and Predictions to give you tools to deliver messages to the users you'd most like to reach. Send messages based on users' demographics, past behavior, or even predictions of their future behavior. Create flexible, custom alerts With the ability to customize your messages' style, appearance, display triggers, and content all in a few clicks, Firebase In-App Messaging helps you do everything from sending promotional offers to getting users to update to a new version of your app. Related tags firebase firebase-cloud-messaging firebase-predictions firebase-analytics Firebase In-App Messaging helps you engage your app's active users by sending them targeted, contextual messages that encourage them to use key app features. Build automation system based on C# AJAX call from on-click fails I have a bizarre error where ajax call in a on('click') listener executed from an external trigger('click') call will fail, but execute correctly if the on('click') listener is called via a regular user mouse-click. HTML: JS: Scenario #1: If I add the postal-code in (#nbpc) first (without hitting Enter) and then select a graph (say Graph 2), the ajax call goes thru and executes perfectly. Scenario #2: If I add the postal-code in (#nbpc) and then hit Enter, which defaults to Graph 2 and then executes the $('#d2').trigger('click'); via the $('#nbpc') keyup listener, then the ajax call will fail with no error message. What is interesting are the node.js console lines. In Scenario #1, the console log lines are perfect: In Scenario #2 (error), the console log lines are very strange: So in Scenario #2, an extra GET /? is generated for some unknown-to-me reason, and the /climG call quickly returns a failure, yet the actual /climG server-side function continues to execute (evidenced by the console log lines after the POST message). I have no clue what's happening. Thx. How to post the values into database when at least one check box is checked My view with checkbox validation script. I want that when I select one checkbox the data related to it should be stored. Controller Image: Tag questions related to ISPC - Intel SPMD Program Compiler. You can use attribute for this. for example and in you javascript: Hope it can be helpful. render different html based on even/odd in foreach (php) Hello I want to render different html based on odd or even post in. I have this code by now: I want when is odd to render first which is empty and when is even this div to be after second Please help me I can't figure it out. If you want to know if a post is even or odd in your list of posts, you can track the loop index as you loop through the posts. In the following sample, is increased each time the loop is executed. By checking if is divisible by 2, you know that it's even and render the required content: Angular's date pipe that transforms a date into various formats. Resources AngularJS $compile Service API Reference - Life-Cycle Hooks AngularJS Developer Guide - Component-based application architecture Questions about the AngularJS life-cycle and life-cycle hooks, $ngInit, $onDestroy, etc. i do not know the rationale for using id property over value, but if that is what you want to do, all you need to do is to update your js to read id property instead of value property. https://codepen.io/anon/pen/XBvYoL HTML: JS: the element will default to as its action - if you are not using the form to submit your data, you can safely remove this tag. It's likely being triggered by pressing the enter key - before you even get a chance to execute the JS. In other words, change to As everybody can see the resetting admin password via SQL execution is very hard for the most of users and they make mistakes when performing this task and do not understanding what they doing. So, if there no way to recover a password by default recovery form the easiest way is to recover password by this free tool for PrestaShop, because, no knowledge is required about database and programming. Required the access to a site folder, for example, FTP access or the web access to an admin panel with file manager. How to use. Download zip-archive with the last stable release of the script (mirror). Unpack the archive and copy file to the root of your PrestaShop installation directory. Run the tool by URL, for example,, where is your site domain. You will see the form to input your admin e-mail and a new password. Submit the password recovery form. After recovery, delete the file of the script. This tool is also compatible with ThirtyBees (the fork of PrestaShop). Django 2.1 works with Python 3.5, 3.6, and 3.7. Django 2.0 is thus the last version that worked with Python 3.4. release notes Django 2.1 is a version of the Django framework, released August 2018. Please only use this tag if your question relates specifically to this version. Third party official Woocommerce Bookings plugin. This powerful extension allows you to sell time or date-based bookings, adding a new product type to your WooCommerce site. Perfect for those wanting to offer appointments, services or rentals. WooCommerce Bookings documentation WooCommerce Bookings Developer Docs To be used for Woocommerce Bookings plugin related questions Third party official Woocommerce Subscriptions plugin. This powerful extension allows you to create and manage products with recurring payments — payments that will give you residual revenue you can track and count on. WooCommerce Subscriptions allows you to introduce a variety of subscriptions for physical or virtual products and services. Create product of the month clubs, weekly service subscriptions or even yearly software billing packages. Add sign-up fees, offer free trials or set expiration periods. WooCommerce Subscriptions documentation WooCommerce Subscriptions Developer Docs To be used for Woocommerce Subscriptions plugin related questions only DO NOT USE, this is being removed. Tag your question with the version of ASP that you're actually asking about (classic, web forms, MVC...). The main API for dates, times, instants, and durations. The classes defined here represent the principle date-time concepts, including instants, durations, dates, times, time-zones and periods. They are based on the ISO calendar system, which is the de facto world calendar following the proleptic Gregorian rules. All the classes are immutable and thread-safe. Each date time instance is composed of fields that are conveniently made available by the APIs. For lower level access to the fields refer to the java.time.temporal package. Each class includes support for printing and parsing all manner of date and time. Refer to the java.time.format package for customization options. java.time is the main API for dates, times, instants, and durations. From Java 8 it is available built-in in the package `java.time` with subpackages, hence the name. A backport for Java 6 and 7 is available, the ThreeTen Backport, where the package name is `org.threeten.bp`. java.time was first specified in JSR 310 (Java Specification Request 310) and is also known under this name (see also the `jsr310` tag). How to link a subdomain in Plesk to an Elastic IP in AWS? I'm building a project in AWS. But the subdomain is in Plesk. And I don't want to move the whole domain from Plesk to AWS. The situation: example.com - this is in Plesk one.example.com - this is also in Plesk two.example.com - I just want this subdomain to be linked to AWS elatic IP Any ideas? OpenLayers v5 is the latest release of the OpenLayers mapping library. From https://openlayers.org/: OpenLayers makes it easy to put a dynamic map in any web page. It can display map tiles, vector data and markers loaded from any source. OpenLayers has been developed to further the use of geographic information of all kinds. It is completely free, Open Source JavaScript, released under the 2-clause BSD License (also known as the FreeBSD). v5 reworked the library as a set of ES Modules, and improved compatibility with mainstream module bundlers. v5 specific questions on the OpenLayers mapping library FSFS (pronounced as eff-ess-eff-ess) is the name of a subversion default filesystem implementation. It stores data in ordinary flat files, using a custom format. FSFS is a Subversion default filesystem implementation. The 68HC08 (HC08 for short) is an 8-bit microcontroller (µC) family introduced by Freescale Semiconductors (formerly Motorola Semiconductors), HC08's are fully code-compatible with their predecessors 68HC05. On February 14, 2018, Ember.js version 3.0 was released. As always, since this is a major version of Ember, 3.0 did not add any features, but instead removed long-deprecated APIs and support for legacy platforms Ember Changelog Deprecation Guide For issues relating to development with version 3.x.x of Ember.js DotRas is a framework for.Net that allow working with remote access services. It provides components to simplify the process of working with VPN entries. berrybrew is a perl version manager, which can download, install, remove and manage multiple concurrent versions of Strawberry Perl for Windows. A Drawable that manages an array of other Drawables. These are drawn in array order, so the element with the largest index is be drawn on top. Creates a LayerDrawable. https://developer.android.com/guide/topics/resources/drawable-resource#LayerList A Drawable that manages an array of other Drawables. These are drawn in array order, so the element with the largest index is be drawn on top. Creates a LayerDrawable. A key path is a representation of a sequence of key names specifying a path to a nested value. For example, a path to a value in a JSON document could be specified as an array of strings. If you don't already have one you should add a subdomain to Plesk then set it's DNS configuration to AWS nameserver (add domain in AWS) or directly to your server IP. See: AWS Organizations documentation AWS Organizations is an account management service that consolidates multiple AWS accounts into an organization that can be centrally managed. With AWS Organizations, you can create member accounts and invite existing accounts to join your organization. You can organize those accounts into groups and attach policy-based controls. Euler Math Toolbox (EMT) provides an easy access to numerical and symbolic tools. It is a free and open-source (but not compatible) substitute to MATLAB developed by René Grothmann. Useful Links Introductory Video on YouTube: "Euler Math Toolbox Overview" Tutorial: "A Crash Course for EMT". Documentation. Discussion Forum. Compatibility Windows 7, 8 or 10 32-bit (supported only at a very special request) or 64-bit. Windows 8 or newer with 64-bit is recommended. Euler Math Toolbox (EMT) offers free access to numerical and symbolic tools. table length attribute converted to string returns nothing I've been trying to figure out this bug for a little while now and I cannot find anything about it online. What I expect to happen: When the create row button is pressed is that a new row is created at the bottom of the table. The row has three cells. The first is the index, the second is " New 1 " and the third is " New 2 ". What is happening: That I do not want to happen is that the first cell in new rows appears empty. Inspecting it shows that it actually has no content. Saving the string to a variable then adding it to the inner html of a cell does not work either. However if I log that variable to the console it does print the correct index. I'm sure I'm doing something wrong that I'm just not seeing. If anyone could help shed light on my issue that would be wonderful. Thank you in advance. As simply as that You are not setting any value to. In fact your problem is that you are inserting the index in the instead of, so is always empty. Just change this line: To: Demo: You never set the of the first inserted cell. You must have forgotten to set the of the first cell and instead set the of the second cell twice. Change To New features include /, which can be used with a generator or a promise. Questions about new/changed features in version 8 of the ECMAScript specification officially known as ECMAScript 2017. I had other ideas without using data attributes, but i think it's a correct way. Probably code can looks like that: Deno is a simple, modern and secure runtime for JavaScript and TypeScript that uses V8 and is built in Rust. Secure by default. No file, network, or environment access, unless explicitly enabled. Supports TypeScript out of the box. Ships only a single executable file. Has built-in utilities like a dependency inspector (deno info) and a code formatter (deno fmt). Has a set of reviewed (audited) standard modules that are guaranteed to work with Deno deno.land/std A secure runtime for JavaScript and TypeScript. Founded by Ryan Dahl - the author of Node.js Apply where the subject matter is the single most frequently occurring value in a collection of values. There are separate tags: [average], [mean] and [median]. Packing class or struct to place its members directly after each other in memory, which can mean that some or all members can be aligned on a boundary smaller than the default alignment the target architecture The goal of any in-app navigation should be to provide a consistent and predictable experience to users. To meet this goal, the Navigation Architecture Component helps you build an app that adheres to each of the navigation principles below. Learn more: https://developer.android.com/topic/libraries/architecture/navigation/navigation-principles The Navigation Architecture Component simplifies the implementation of navigation in an Android app. Bundles are a group of resources. Here I created demo for you. Make changes according to code snippet below Edit: First make sure you have disable while initializing as mentioned in above code snippet. Try to implement above function in your code. The below code is only sample to where you have to put this. If you got any error like then you can replace above function with this Following code work for me: call this function after prepare your HTML table. This tag refers to the Samsung Galaxy range of phones. Several models have fingerprint readers for example. Here is an abbreviated hardware spec for the Samsung Galaxy S5 - GPS, Glonass, Beidou, Gesture Sensor, Fingerprint Sensor, HR Sensor, Hall Sensor, Accelerometer, Geomagnetic Sensor, Gyro Sensor, Light Sensor, Barometer, Proximity Sensor, Samsung Gear Manager, Samsung Voice. The phone runs android but posts should refer to a hardware feature. FaunaDB is a strongly consistent database capable of global horizontal scale with a focus on operational simplicity. FaunaDB supports relational, graph, document and time series data models. Links Website Documentation For questions related to FaunaDB, a strongly consistent multi-model database capable of global horizontal scale with a focus on operational simplicity. HyperGraphDB is a general purpose, open-source data storage mechanism based on a powerful knowledge management formalism known as directed hypergraphs. For questions related to HyperGraphDB, a general purpose, open-source data storage mechanism based on a powerful knowledge management formalism known as directed hypergraphs. Artillery is a load testing and functional testing toolkit which allows you to test HTTP, Socket.io, WebSockets, and AWS Kinesis. Resources Official Documentation Artillery is a load testing and functional testing toolkit, which allows you to test HTTP, Socket.io, WebSockets, and AWS Kinesis. Add style if there are more than one image I'm using a text editor for posts that creates for each part of the content. Sometimes the content contains 1 image or more and sometimes no images. So If there are two images, I want each one to take of the width. I can set the width of the second image: But how to select the first one? Here is a live fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/zjwhgq81/14/ I need a x-browser compatible solution that is supported in most of the browsers on different browsers. Please don't suggest adding a class or an id to the, As I mention I'm using a text editor. TransmogrifAI is an AutoML library for building modular, reusable, strongly typed machine learning workflows on Spark with minimal hand tuning Try this: Select post with one child Select post with more child or when there is only one image the first and last is the same so you can set that to either 100% or anything you want. The SPECjbb®2015 benchmark has been developed from the ground up to measure performance based on the latest Java application features. It is relevant to all audiences who are interested in Java server performance, including JVM vendors, hardware developers, Java application developers, researchers and members of the academic community. Questions relating to Saba software Mt.exe is a tool that generates signed files and catalogs. It is available in the Microsoft Windows Software Development Kit (SDK). The version of Mt.exe provided in recent versions of the Windows SDK can also be used to generate manifests for managed assemblies and unmanaged side-by-side assemblies. Mt.exe generates hashes using the CryptoAPI implementation of the Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA-1). Mt.exe uses Makecat.exe to generate catalog files (.cat) from catalog definition files (.cdf). This tool fills out a standard template CDF with the name and location of your manifest. You can use this with Makecat.exe to generate the assembly catalog. https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/desktop/sbscs/mt-exe Mt.exe as provided in recent versions of the Windows SDK can also be used to generate manifests for managed assemblies and unmanaged side-by-side assemblies. See [mt] which should be a synonym of this tag. enter code hereYou can use Jquery to determinate the width of each img. For me, the easiest way to do it would be like this: Proposed payment system leveraging payment channels which allow re-negotiation of balances that finally get executed on the Bitcoin blockchain. Adding and removing div in jquery not working I am trying to add question box as shown below, the first remove button works fine. But when I dynamically add the div and then try to remove it does not work. I tried to alert on deleting question it still does not work. Can anyone help me on this? JS HTML Code Driven Configuration Configure your entire Nova dashboard with simple PHP code. None of your Nova configuration is stored in the database. Painless to configure. Painless to deploy. Keeps Your Application Pure It’s a breeze to add a Nova administration panel to an existing Laravel application without touching your Eloquent models. After configuring a Nova resource for each model, you’re ready for lift off. Laravel + Vue.js = ❤️ Nova is a sleek, single-page application built with Laravel and Vue.js. It's as smooth as silk and writing custom components is a cinch. Feature Overview Resource Management Actions Filters Lenses Metrics Custom Tools Authorization Custom Fields Scout Search Integration Resources Laravel Nova Website Documentation Nova is an administration panel for Laravel, made by the creators of Laravel I made a Snippet for you. The problem was that you can't bind events to dynamic objects. $(document).on is needed. Plus, I used clone() and added a "renameQuestions" function, just to give you a better way to approach what you want. Jira has the function which returns a list of all fields that are visible to the account you are using. is now a dict in the format of Refers to a spaces where variables and other items may be accessed from any scope. The [toolbars] tag is for issues relating to the configuration, design, and use of toolbars. Value converters are culture-aware. Both the Convert and ConvertBack methods have a culture parameter that indicates the cultural information. Ref: IValueConverter Converters can change data from one type to another, translate data based on cultural information, or modify other aspects of presentation. PRE tag ignoring newlines I have a textarea where the user enters input: It is then saved, and sent to our backend in SALESFORCE. The dialog box the textarea is in closes, and the user sees his saved input. For some reason, if he enters any linebreaks originally, it saves and displays correctly. But on edit, it removes linebreaks. The backend does seem to be saving the line breaks, and whitespace is showing. Additionally, there is an extra tab on the line displayed. Original input: Edit: Display: Introduction Microsoft SEAL is an easy-to-use homomorphic encryption library, developed by researchers in the Cryptography Research Group at Microsoft Research. Microsoft SEAL is written in standard C++ and has no external dependencies, making it is easy to compile in many different environments. The current version includes.NET Standard wrappers for the public API. The first version of Microsoft SEAL was released at the end of 2015 and the library has since then been in constant development with several major releases per year. Microsoft SEAL is licensed under the MIT license and can be downloaded at https://github.com/Microsoft/SEAL. Homomorphic Encryption Homomorphic encryption refers to a new type of encryption scheme that allows computations to be directly on encrypted data without requiring decryption first. The result of such encrypted computations remains encrypted and can thus only be interpreted the owner of a secret key (in most cases the data owner). Such functionality can for example enable a cryptographically private cloud storage and computation service. In particular, Microsoft SEAL implements the BFV scheme for encrypted modular arithmetic, and the CKKS scheme for encrypted approximate fixed-precision arithmetic. Both the BFV and the CKKS scheme are highly performant post-quantum secure RLWE-based homomorphic encryption schemes. Such encryption schemes are currently not standardized by any major standards organization, but a recently launched effort by the HomomorphicEncryption.org group attempts to instead create a consortium standard describing secure parameters, a standard API, and a programming model for several schemes, including the BFV and the CKKS schemes. Microsoft SEAL implements the secure parameters recommended by the standard. Documentation and Questions The GitHub repository front page provides a detailed installation guide for multiple platforms. For a hands-on learning experience, Microsoft SEAL contains extensively commented example projects demonstrating core concepts of the library. In addition, the header files contain detailed comments for the public API. When asking questions it is important to know the specific version of Microsoft SEAL that is being used, as well as seeing the complete code producing the issue. In particular, the values set in the encryption parameters (class) are critical to know, as the behavior of the encryption scheme depends totally on these parameters. Before asking your question please look at the highest voted questions under this tag, as these tend to address many of the common issues, misunderstandings, and fundamental challenges in using Microsoft SEAL. Microsoft SEAL is a fast and user-friendly homomorphic encryption library created by Microsoft Research. It is written in C++ and works on Windows, Linux, and macOS. The most recent version of Microsoft SEAL is publicly available at https://github.com/Microsoft/SEAL. The GPIO pin control for the Raspberry Pi. This is the 40 pins located on the Raspberry Pi 2 and above. I am trying to add GitHub authentication for Jenkins but got struck with an error while adding groups to Assign Roles in Jenkins I had created new OAuth app under GitHub and added the client ID and client screte to Jenkins. Now I am trying to add the GitHub user groups to jenkins Assign Roles to give access to users but i am getting the fallowing error test*developers java.lang.ClassCastException: org.acegisecurity.providers.UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken cannot be cast to org.jenkinsci.plugins.GithubAuthenticationToken at org.jenkinsci.plugins.GithubSecurityRealm.loadGroupByGroupname(GithubSecurityRealm.java:730) at org.jenkinsci.plugins.matrixauth.AuthorizationContainerDescriptor.doCheckName_(AuthorizationContainerDescriptor.java:156) at hudson.security.GlobalMatrixAuthorizationStrategy$DescriptorImpl.doCheckName(GlobalMatrixAuthorizationStrategy.java:222) at java.lang.invoke.MethodHandle.invokeWithArguments(MethodHandle.java:625) at org.kohsuke.stapler.Function$MethodFunction.invoke(Function.java:343) at org.kohsuke.stapler.Function.bindAndInvoke(Function.java:184) at org.kohsuke.stapler.Function.bindAndInvokeAndServeResponse(Function.java:117) at org.kohsuke.stapler.MetaClass$1.doDispatch(MetaClass.java:129) at org.kohsuke.stapler.NameBasedDispatcher.dispatch(NameBasedDispatcher.java:58) at org.kohsuke.stapler.Stapler.tryInvoke(Stapler.java:734) at org.kohsuke.stapler.Stapler.invoke(Stapler.java:864) at org.kohsuke.stapler.MetaClass$10.dispatch(MetaClass.java:374) at org.kohsuke.stapler.Stapler.tryInvoke(Stapler.java:734) at org.kohsuke.stapler.Stapler.invoke(Stapler.java:864) at org.kohsuke.stapler.MetaClass$3.doDispatch(MetaClass.java:209) at org.kohsuke.stapler.NameBasedDispatcher.dispatch(NameBasedDispatcher.java:58) at org.kohsuke.stapler.Stapler.tryInvoke(Stapler.java:734) at org.kohsuke.stapler.Stapler.invoke(Stapler.java:864) at org.kohsuke.stapler.Stapler.invoke(Stapler.java:668) at org.kohsuke.stapler.Stapler.service(Stapler.java:238) at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:790) at org.eclipse.jetty.servlet.ServletHolder.handle(ServletHolder.java:860) at org.eclipse.jetty.servlet.ServletHandler$CachedChain.doFilter(ServletHandler.java:1650) at hudson.util.PluginServletFilter$1.doFilter(PluginServletFilter.java:154) at org.jenkinsci.plugins.ssegateway.Endpoint$SSEListenChannelFilter.doFilter(Endpoint.java:225) at hudson.util.PluginServletFilter$1.doFilter(PluginServletFilter.java:151) at io.jenkins.blueocean.ResourceCacheControl.doFilter(ResourceCacheControl.java:134) at hudson.util.PluginServletFilter$1.doFilter(PluginServletFilter.java:151) at io.jenkins.blueocean.auth.jwt.impl.JwtAuthenticationFilter.doFilter(JwtAuthenticationFilter.java:61) at hudson.util.PluginServletFilter$1.doFilter(PluginServletFilter.java:151) at hudson.plugins.greenballs.GreenBallFilter.doFilter(GreenBallFilter.java:59) at hudson.util.PluginServletFilter$1.doFilter(PluginServletFilter.java:151) at hudson.util.PluginServletFilter.doFilter(PluginServletFilter.java:157) at org.eclipse.jetty.servlet.ServletHandler$CachedChain.doFilter(ServletHandler.java:1637) at hudson.security.csrf.CrumbFilter.doFilter(CrumbFilter.java:105) at org.eclipse.jetty.servlet.ServletHandler$CachedChain.doFilter(ServletHandler.java:1637) at hudson.security.ChainedServletFilter$1.doFilter(ChainedServletFilter.java:84) at hudson.security.UnwrapSecurityExceptionFilter.doFilter(UnwrapSecurityExceptionFilter.java:51) at hudson.security.ChainedServletFilter$1.doFilter(ChainedServletFilter.java:87) at jenkins.security.ExceptionTranslationFilter.doFilter(ExceptionTranslationFilter.java:117) at hudson.security.ChainedServletFilter$1.doFilter(ChainedServletFilter.java:87) at org.acegisecurity.providers.anonymous.AnonymousProcessingFilter.doFilter(AnonymousProcessingFilter.java:125) at hudson.security.ChainedServletFilter$1.doFilter(ChainedServletFilter.java:87) at org.acegisecurity.ui.rememberme.RememberMeProcessingFilter.doFilter(RememberMeProcessingFilter.java:142) at hudson.security.ChainedServletFilter$1.doFilter(ChainedServletFilter.java:87) at org.acegisecurity.ui.AbstractProcessingFilter.doFilter(AbstractProcessingFilter.java:271) at hudson.security.ChainedServletFilter$1.doFilter(ChainedServletFilter.java:87) at jenkins.security.BasicHeaderProcessor.doFilter(BasicHeaderProcessor.java:93) at hudson.security.ChainedServletFilter$1.doFilter(ChainedServletFilter.java:87) at org.acegisecurity.context.HttpSessionContextIntegrationFilter.doFilter(HttpSessionContextIntegrationFilter.java:249) at hudson.security.HttpSessionContextIntegrationFilter2.doFilter(HttpSessionContextIntegrationFilter2.java:67) at hudson.security.ChainedServletFilter$1.doFilter(ChainedServletFilter.java:87) at hudson.security.ChainedServletFilter.doFilter(ChainedServletFilter.java:90) at hudson.security.HudsonFilter.doFilter(HudsonFilter.java:171) at org.eclipse.jetty.servlet.ServletHandler$CachedChain.doFilter(ServletHandler.java:1637) at org.kohsuke.stapler.compression.CompressionFilter.doFilter(CompressionFilter.java:49) at org.eclipse.jetty.servlet.ServletHandler$CachedChain.doFilter(ServletHandler.java:1637) at hudson.util.CharacterEncodingFilter.doFilter(CharacterEncodingFilter.java:82) at org.eclipse.jetty.servlet.ServletHandler$CachedChain.doFilter(ServletHandler.java:1637) at org.kohsuke.stapler.DiagnosticThreadNameFilter.doFilter(DiagnosticThreadNameFilter.java:30) at org.eclipse.jetty.servlet.ServletHandler$CachedChain.doFilter(ServletHandler.java:1637) at org.eclipse.jetty.servlet.ServletHandler.doHandle(ServletHandler.java:533) at org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.ScopedHandler.handle(ScopedHandler.java:143) at org.eclipse.jetty.security.SecurityHandler.handle(SecurityHandler.java:524) at org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.HandlerWrapper.handle(HandlerWrapper.java:132) at org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.ScopedHandler.nextHandle(ScopedHandler.java:190) at org.eclipse.jetty.server.session.SessionHandler.doHandle(SessionHandler.java:1595) at org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.ScopedHandler.nextHandle(ScopedHandler.java:188) at org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.ContextHandler.doHandle(ContextHandler.java:1253) at org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.ScopedHandler.nextScope(ScopedHandler.java:168) at org.eclipse.jetty.servlet.ServletHandler.doScope(ServletHandler.java:473) at org.eclipse.jetty.server.session.SessionHandler.doScope(SessionHandler.java:1564) at org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.ScopedHandler.nextScope(ScopedHandler.java:166) at org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.ContextHandler.doScope(ContextHandler.java:1155) at org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.ScopedHandler.handle(ScopedHandler.java:141) at org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.HandlerWrapper.handle(HandlerWrapper.java:132) at org.eclipse.jetty.server.Server.handle(Server.java:530) at org.eclipse.jetty.server.HttpChannel.handle(HttpChannel.java:347) at org.eclipse.jetty.server.HttpConnection.onFillable(HttpConnection.java:256) at org.eclipse.jetty.io.AbstractConnection$ReadCallback.succeeded(AbstractConnection.java:279) at org.eclipse.jetty.io.FillInterest.fillable(FillInterest.java:102) at org.eclipse.jetty.io.ChannelEndPoint$2.run(ChannelEndPoint.java:124) at org.eclipse.jetty.util.thread.strategy.EatWhatYouKill.doProduce(EatWhatYouKill.java:247) at org.eclipse.jetty.util.thread.strategy.EatWhatYouKill.produce(EatWhatYouKill.java:140) at org.eclipse.jetty.util.thread.strategy.EatWhatYouKill.run(EatWhatYouKill.java:131) at org.eclipse.jetty.util.thread.ReservedThreadExecutor$ReservedThread.run(ReservedThreadExecutor.java:382) at winstone.BoundedExecutorService$1.run(BoundedExecutorService.java:77) at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1142) at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:617) at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:745) InstallShield Express is a software tool for creating installers or software packages for Microsoft Windows. Installshield Express is the entry-level deployment products from Flexera, makers of the full-featured Installshield software which is currently in its 2018 edition. Use when dealing with memory moving in native code. Questions about memcpy, memmove, realloc, etc. can go here. So can higher-level API design questions where realloc is in play, or use of pointer to pointer to permit reallocating the underlying memory buffer. Groupify is a Rails Model Engine which adds group and membership functionality to the model. Use this tag for questions regarding Groupify. This seems linked to Jenkins Security Advisory 2016-05-11, and reported in JENKINS-34775. A plugin like jenkinsci/ghprb-plugin (github pull requests builder plugin for Jenkins) fixed that in ghprb-plugin PR 344. In the meantime, just for testing, try running Jenkins with to see if the error persists, just to confirm this is related to that security policy. Lightweight, feature rich, highly configurable, UI framework agnostic, full responsive Angular data table with minimal dependencies. Features of the data table: Client side data binding support Server side data binding support Realtime data source support with observables Single and multi column sorting Single and multi value filtering Custom layout templating support Data table state persistence with session/local storage modes Client and server side pagination Single, multi and single toggle row selection modes UI theme support Column filter support Detail row expand support Experimental column resizing Experimental row grouping support Translation support and much more Global configuration overriding capability Useful Links: Official website Github Repo Official Logo: Questions about ornamentum library. Use this tag only for tagging questions which are related to ornamentum grid or ornamentum dropdown. Imposition is about how to glue pages of the document together in order to print them more effectively. For example, when you want to print two-sided A4 booklet on the A3 paper. Then you need to place your pages in the following order:, then. Use this tag when you are talking about gluing pages together in some certain order for the purpose of more effective printing. Server Message Block (SMB) is a network protocol for file, print and other services in computer networks. The SMBJ is the Java implementation of this network protocol. Use this tag if your question is related to Server Message Block (SMB2, SMB3) implementation in Java. Basic Excel R Toolkit (BERT) is a toolkit to use R functions from Excel spreadsheet cells. Use this tag if question is related to Basic Excel R Toolkit, calling R functions from Excel. Also add the excel and R tag for a broader audience. Do note: That the bert-rpc tag is another library that normally is not related, hence do not include it. Permission Error on using firebase Above is the snapshot of the error I am getting while I am trying to insert data into the firebase db. Above is the react code using which I am adding notes into the db, i am making a todo list, addNote() will add a new note on keypress ENTER. Please help me with this, I am using firebase for the first time, are there any proxy issues that might be causing this? The problem was resolved, I just that to set true for the read/ write rules in the data base, firebase actually has two types of dbs Cloud firestore & realtime database.. I actually set true for the cloud db thinking I set it true for the realtime db. The dbatools module is a PowerShell module that started out as just, the brainchild of PowerShell MVP, Chrissy LeMaire. It has since grown into the SQL Server DBA's best friend. The module is comprised of hundreds of commands that make the day-to-day task of being a SQL Server DBA easier, and more efficient. The current list of commands can be found on the module's site here. Requirements PowerShell 3.0 or higher SQL Server SMO (installed via SSMS generally works). The majority of the migration commands (Copy-Dbaxxx) are supported against SQL Server 200. Other commands validate the version of SQL Server and will output if you are connecting to an unsupported version of the command. Getting Started This module is hosted both in the Microsoft's PSGallery and on GitHub under the SQL Server Community Collaborative project. The PSGallery will contain the latest "master" version which is fully tested. You can install that version by simply running: You can also hit the GitHub repository and run the install.ps1. This method will download the module and install it. Not using the GitHub method will not support utilizing the PackageManagement module to update the module (e.g.). You will have to run the command within dbatools. This tag should be used specifically for questions related to the PowerShell toolkit/scripts known as "dbatools" The JavaFX platform enables developers to create client applications based on JavaSE that behave consistently across multiple platforms. Built on Java technology since JavaFX 2.0, it was part of the default JDK since JDK 1.8, but starting Java 11, JavaFX is offered as a component separate from the core JDK. JavaFX has been moved to OpenJDK under the OpenJFX project, and a mirror of the OpenJFX repository has been created on GitHub. OpenJFX is free software, licensed under the GPL with the class path exception, just as OpenJDK. Anybody is welcome to contribute to this project. JavaFX 11 GA was released on September 18th, 2018, a week before the release of Java 11. A new OpenJFX community site was launched at the same time at http://openjfx.io/. Getting Started Using an early access of Java 11, JavaFX 11 can be added to the project via: Downloading JavaFX 11 for the specific machine, and including the jars and native libraries in the project. Retrieving JavaFX 11, that can be either downloaded from openjfx.io or by accessing any of the javafx modules from maven central from Maven Central, and including them as dependency to Maven or Gradle projects. For a Maven project: And for Gradle: See this guide for running a Hello World sample. For JavaDoc see this link. The JavaFX platform enables developers to create client applications based on JavaSE that behave consistently across multiple platforms. Built on Java technology since JavaFX 2.0, it was part of the default JDK since JDK 1.8, but starting Java 11, JavaFX is offered as a component separate from the core JDK. Refers to the dotnet tool cli commands used with a.NET Core Global Tool Docker Flow Proxy provides easy way to reconfigure proxy every time a new service is deployed, or when a service is scaled. It does not try to "reinvent the wheel", but to leverage the existing leaders and combine them through an easy to use integration. It uses HAProxy as a proxy and adds custom logic that allows on-demand reconfiguration. https://proxy.dockerflow.com Docker Flow Proxy is a reverse proxy for Docker containers. Uncaught SyntaxError: Invalid or unexpected token spring boot Hi I have spring boot web app and I'm trying to add really simple script to my that redirects to another html on button click. This is my index.html: And this is my javascript file: editPost.js: I keep getting this error:: Invalid or unexpected token I'm pretty sure that it's some weird bug (coughs JavaScript coughs) and not actual syntax error since I saw similar posts that had weird issues like cashing of index.html or something like that. Can anyone help me figure this out since I'm not really in good terms with JavaScript errors or debugging JavaScript or anything related to JavaScript I'm aware that this might be something dealing with Spring Boot configuration or something other than JavaScript so I'm leaving tags... ​ I think you missing after your script code like below:- Adding an event handler directly to a button is not best practice. Leave the button as is: Your document ready could then add the event handler to the button like so since you are already using jQuery: Jimdo: Stop animation when SoundCloud-Player song is over With some help, I managed to create an animation for a SoundCloud player. When the play button is pressed a spinning disk animation starts. This works as expected. Also, when I press the stop button, the animation stops. When a song is already playing and play is pressed on another player, the other player animation and sound is stopped and the clicked player in set to play mode with the animation. All of this is working properly. What I would like to have is, how can I stop the animation when the song is over? My JavaScript knowledge is limited and I don't know how to do this and there are multiple players on my page. Here's my code until now. The widget in your JavaScript code is linked to the iFrame player using the SoundCloud Widget API. So then, to answer your question you'll need to check their docs and see if there is an event you can use that 'fires' once the song has finished. To make this work we have to combine two events. The first one is the event and the second the one. We can only register the finish event once the widget is fully initialised for this to work properly. If you skip this it won't work. Here's how the two work together. Once the song has finished, it will call. Here’s a working example based on your code. Example on JSFiddle Shields.io is a service for concise, consistent, and legible badges in SVG and raster format, which can easily be included in GitHub readmes or any other web page. The service supports dozens of continuous integration services, package registries, distributions, app stores, social networks, code coverage services, and code analysis services. Every month it serves over 470 million images. By default the provided badges look look similar to the following: The project is open-source and is hosted on GitHub. Shields.io is a service for concise, consistent, and legible badges in SVG and raster format, which can easily be included in GitHub readmes or any other web page. Use this tag to ask questions about how to use the service or customise the badges in a specific way. Javascript issue on switching html tabs, content is dissapear I have EmojioneArea plugin for inserting emojys in but when i switch my html tabs the emoji plugin is gone.. I don't know why.. I write the issue to the plugin developers and they sayed that the plugin works ok and the proble is on the javascript tabs. Some help needed thanks! Html: Javascript script for tabs: Alright. here is a working fiddle. I'm not even sure how to explain exactly what was wrong, but I want to give some feedback. First off: I suspect your somewhat new at this, so good on ya for learning. Your HTML markup was problematic You had multiple uses of the same ID on different elements. That's a no-no. ID's can only be used once per page. tags cannot be used inside tags, and tags cannot be direct children of other tags. You seemed to have multiple instances of elements that weren't actually doing anything. You had way too many unnecessary identifiers. If selectors aren't being used for something, get rid of them. It makes code harder to work with and more difficult to fix when it breaks. You had a lot of repetition in your javascript. There were things that were being added and removed and added back and being done multiple times. This is what I finally got it pared down to after I figured it out: That basically the long and the short of it. I would advise you to always keep your indentation and alignment on point. It is very difficult to debug code that is not easy to read. Good luck. eXide is a free, open source, web-based XQuery IDE for eXist-db. It is installed by default with every copy of eXist. Its major features are: Edit, validate, and run XQuery in a web-based code editor, with syntax highlighting, inline function documentation lookup, code templates, and code completion Browse database collections and resources, change permissions, and upload/download resources Execute XQSuite unit tests Create eXist applications from several pre-defined templates eXide can be accessed on standard desktop eXist installations from the eXist task bar, or directly at http://localhost:8080/exist/apps/eXide. For convenience, users can try a live demo version of eXide via the exist-db.org website at https://exist-db.org/exist/apps/eXide, although the functions there are limited to guest-level permissions. Thus, you cannot save data to the database or perform other administrator user-only functions from this demo instance of eXide. The source code and community issue tracker for the project can be found at https://github.com/eXist-db/eXide. Questions about using eXide, web-based XQuery IDE for eXist-db. Indicates the eXide environment was used in the question and that this may be an important factor in the answer. Questions related to SAPUI5 One-Page Acceptance tests. WS-ReliableMessaging is an extension to SOAP that allows messages to be reliably delivered to web-services between distributed applications. It is part of the Web service specifications (WS-*). WS-ReliableMessaging is an extension to SOAP that allows messages to be reliably delivered to web-services between distributed applications. WS-Eventing is a W3C standard protocol allows Web services to subscribe to or accept subscriptions for event notification messages. It is part of the Web service specifications (WS-*). WS-Eventing is a W3C standard protocol allows Web services to subscribe to or accept subscriptions for event notification messages. WS-Notification is a collection of specifications from the Web service specifications (WS-*) framework for event-driven programming support. It enables web services to use the publish and subscribe messaging pattern. WS-Notification is a collection of specifications from the Web service specifications (WS-*) framework for event-driven programming support. It enables web services to use the publish and subscribe messaging pattern. FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL is a PHP validation filter used to validate email addresses. It should not be used for general-purpose email validation; instead, use [email-validation]. Links https://www.dwd.de/DE/leistungen/radolan/radolan.html OpenData https://opendata.dwd.de/weather/radar/radolan/ daily sum - in hour steps for the previous 48 hours radolan/rw hourly sum - in hour steps for the previous 48 hours radolan/ry - in 5 minute steps for the previous 24 hours History ftp://ftp-cdc.dwd.de/pub/CDC/grids_germany/daily/radolan recent daily historical Questions about the german rain radar service RADOLAN and it's open data. Mark questions specific to sbt-scalaxb — the scalaxb sbt plugin. The session state in a World Map includes awareness of the physical space the user moves the iOS or Android device in (which arkit or arcore frameworks use to determine the device's position and orientation), as well as many Anchor objects added to the session (which can represent detected real-world features or virtual content placed by your app). World Map is useful for Multiuser AR experiences and Persistent AR experiences for arkit or arcore frameworks. World Map is the space-mapping state and set of anchors from a world-tracking Augmented Reality session for ARKit and ARCore frameworks. The package pca3d quickly generates 2D and 3D graphics of PCA. The focus is on showing how samples are assigned to different groups or categories. Furthermore, a 2D counterpart facilitates producing publication-quality figures. These principles are what make amethyst unique and competitive in the world of game engines. Massively parallel architecture. Powered by a correct Entity Component System model. Rapid prototyping with RON files for prefabs and an abstract scripting API. Strong focus on encouraging reusability and clean interfaces. For questions about the amethyst game engine for the rust programming language. Reference assemblies are [tag:.net-core] assemblies that don't run. There will always be a reference assembly to build against and one or more runtime assemblies that provide the reference assembly's exports at runtime for a given target architecture (referred to by RuntimeIdentifier or rid). Questions involving dealing with multiple build architectures and the neutral build architecture belong here. GROQ - Graph Oriented Query Language GROQ is developed by SANITY.io as is used to query data either hosted with SANITY or self-hosted. You usually write the queries in Content Studio and display the data in your front-end (vue.js, react, angular etc.). Join together information from several sets of documents. Stitch together a very specific response the exact fields you need. Follow references Relational joins on key-value data Get exactly the data structures you need by reprojecting attributes Bundle multiple queries in the same request and get it all cached. Query on structured block text Everything: Movies released after 1979 … ordered by release year and only certain fields Get actors and join in arrays of the titles of the movies they played in GROQ - Graph Oriented Query Language, is a general purpose query language and can query any collection of unstructured JSON-documents without any up-front configuration. A menu item is a child element of a menu that provides the user a means to view and execute a specific application operation. A menu item may have an accelerator key which provides the user a quick way to execute the menu item operation. A menu item in turn can consist of other child menu items. A menu item is a child element of a menu that provides the user a means to view and execute a specific application operation. NaN stands for "Not a Number" so a NaN return seems right to me. SonicMQ is a commercial JMS based message queueing system. Originally build by the company named Sonic it was owned and developed by Progress Software and now by Aurea. Above standard JMS it offers reliability features like failover and clustering. SonicMQ is a message queueing system based on JMS. When looping with PHP, you should NEVER use any on elements. Use classes instead... Or some data attributes. You were using unique ids by adding a number to them... Fine. But a class is more useful since you can add one event handler to a class... Instead of event handlers for element created by the PHP iterations. So it avoid useless code duplication and just make sens. That is what I suggest you now. Modify your PHP loop so it will create that HTML:    (I removed all that seemed useless) See the? That is where you will have your form number using the PHP iteration counter. Now here is the client-side script to use once (do not loop that): So on or button click, the URL to use with the Ajax request is changed accordingly. (I don't know the use of the third button) Then the form submits. And from, which is the, you can find all the related elements you need. Notice that the form number that is submitting is added to the formData. You'll retreive it with. date-fns provides a comprehensive, simple and consistent toolset for manipulating JavaScript dates in a browser and Node.js. date-fns supports both Flow and TypeScript and it works well with module bundlers such as webpack, Browserify, or Rollup and also supports tree-shaking. Features: date-fns helps: showing JavaScript dates in a given checking if a date or another adding or removing units of time (,,, etc) and it offers other functionalities listed in the documentation. Example: Represent a given date in middle-endian format: Resources: Homepage Documentation GitHub project Support at Gitter Twitter: @date_fns date-fns provides a comprehensive, simple and consistent toolset for manipulating JavaScript dates in a browser and Node.js. uft14 should be considered a synonym for hp-uft, although this software is no longer owned by Hewlett Packard (HP), hence the potential reason for the use of this separate tag. Unified Functional Testing (UFT) is a commercial software test automation tool owned by Micro Focus, formerly owned by Hewlett Packard (HP) and Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE). This tag specifically refers to version 14 of this software. How can I get the Price, Title, and the Link from this element tag? This is the exported element tags of the searched item in Craigslist. I'm using BeautifulSoup and Python. How can I get the 3 items hidden below? 1.) 2 BED/1 BATH CONDO UNIT WITH FANTASTIC LAYOUT 2.) https://vancouver.craigslist.ca/rch/apa/d/2-bed-1-bath-condo-unit-with/6682563732.html 3.) $1400 You can find the elements with the desired class names: Output: Serialization is the process of converting a snapshot of an object or a data structure into a binary format which can later be deserialized to produce a duplicate the original object or data structure, often in another environment. Serializing and deserializing is very similar (often synonymous) with marshalling and unmarshalling. For use when serializing and deserializing objects - usually to transmit to an application/database/server. Gulp version 4 gulp is a toolkit that helps you automate painful or time-consuming tasks in your development workflow. Github project: https://github.com/gulpjs/gulp/tree/4.0 Upgrade instructions: https://codeburst.io/switching-to-gulp-4-0-271ae63530c0 Guide to Upgrading to Gulp 4: https://www.joezimjs.com/javascript/complete-guide-upgrading-gulp-4/ use this tag for specific issues about Gulp version 4 or upgrading to version 4, use [tag:gulp] for general gulp issues Semicolon-inference is the ability of a programming language to work without semicolon. That means the compiler can decide by itself if a statement is complete or not. A line ending is treated as a semicolon unless one of the following conditions are true: The line ends in a word that would not be legal as the end of a statement The next line begins with a word that cannot start a statement The line ends while inside parentheses(...) or brackets[...] Use this tag for questions about semicolon-inference in programming languages, which determines if semicolon are necessary or not. Just plain JavaScript and SVG. The code is released under the MIT license, so commercial use is totally fine. Reference https://www.graphdracula.net/ Dracula.js is a set of tools to display and layout interactive connected graphs and networks, along with various related algorithms from the field of graph theory. How to increment the name attribute array using javascript function I want to increment the value of the name attribute whenever the function is called. Below I have added all the code through which I add new text boxes using jQuery clone function. Hope now everything is clear. I want to increment the value quiz[0], whenever the add-question button is clicked, I tried using PHP adding a PHP variable in the JS function. But then I got to know it will not work because one is server side and other is client side scripting. Demo: http://jsfiddle.net/GCu2D/5163/ JS: This should solve your issue. Koin is a pragmatic lightweight open-source dependency injection framework for Kotlin developers. Links: Koin website: https://insert-koin.io/ Repository on Github: https://github.com/InsertKoinIO/koin Koin is a Dependency Injection framework for Kotlin developers. ngx-clipboard is a native clipboard directive ported from clipboard.js. It was formerly known as angular2-clipboard. It works with Angular version 2.0.0 and up. Starting with version 6.0.0, there is no other JS dependency anymore, just Angular. You should read the documentation before asking questions here. ngx-clipboard is a native clipboard directive ported from clipboard.js. Apple file system. Designed for solid state storage devices. Used on MacOS, iOS, tvOS and watchOS. The project https://github.com/weswilliams/GivWenZen has a number of examples. Here's one: 1) Start with an example fixture actual class found in the givwenzen_test.jar. 2) In a FitNesse table it could look like this. import and start should go in SetUp or SuiteSetUp this is your test 3) The following is an example step class and test step method === The read-only XMLHttpRequest property responseText returns the text received from a server following a request being sent. Amio.io is a conversational platform that unifies messengers under one API and simplifies bot development. Amio.io is a conversational platform that unifies messengers under one API and simplifies bot development. Jquery dependent dropdown clone not working I have a dynamic dependent dropdown of Country state and city.When it is not cloned working fine but when clone not working. I'm working on dependent dropdown list of country state and city and making clone of it.But on add everytime I click on first select box it clear the content of all previous one.Please help me on correcting this code. You can add an EventListener to all buttons and run the function inside it with a number you get from a data attribute: This way you can still control the ID from PHP, but are not assigning listeners as attributes. The buttons can also have multiple attributes: When you build and install Python packages from source you will find the installed modules in a folder named site-packages by default. The standard installation location can be found here (see also installation documentation): Unix (pure): Unix (non-pure): Windows: When you run Python, the module search path usually includes a directory whose path ends in "site-packages". This directory is intended to hold locally-installed packages available to all users using a machine or a particular site installation. See PEP-370 for more information about "Per user site-packages directory", and this tutorial about virtual environments to see that the installation location can be different (isolated in that case). site-packages is the target directory of manually built Python packages (where Python installs its modules). Not possible at the moment. But the Angular team has this feature on backlog. You can follow progress at https://github.com/angular/angular/issues/8785 mariadb innodb engine full text search problem int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, col1 varchar(250), col2 text DEFAULT NULL, col3 varchar(250), FULLTEXT KEY (,,), PRIMARY KEY ()) engine=innodb DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; i do full text search col1col2col3 result is 1 hasan-new test hasan uçak 2 hasan-new hasan uçak 3 hasan-new11 test hasan uçak no problem. i recreate full text index alter table test_fts drop index keyword_full_text; alter table test_fts add FULLTEXT INDEX keyword_full_text(,,); 1 hasan-new test hasan uçak 3 hasan-new11 test hasan uçak one row was lost why? when i using null value instead empty string, no problem when anyone value of columns is empty string in index fields, i could get this row. Mysql can't push columns which after empty string column, value to index data is it? html-react-parser is npm library which helps in converting HTML string into reactjs element. npm library for reactjs, which parse HTML string to React Element(s) Then Django CMS side frame has been replaced with an overlay mechanism. The API still refers to the side frame, because it is invoked in the same way, and what has changed is merely the behavior in the user’s browser. In other words, side frame and the overlay refer to different versions of the same thing. There are two ways to control what gets shown in the toolbar. One is the CMS_TOOLBARS. This gives you full control over which classes are loaded but requires that you specify them all manually. The other is to provide cms_toolbars.py files in your apps, which will be automatically loaded as long CMS_TOOLBARS is not set (or is set to None). If you use the automated way, your cms_toolbars.py file should contain classes that extend cms.toolbar_base.CMSToolbar and are registered using register(). The register function can be used as a decorator. Sourceource Ref - ToolBars Editor Addons are written in Google-apps-script and may be published to the Chrome webstore. They are used to enhance the functionality of Google drive editor applications: Google sheets, docs, slides and forms. Use for questions regarding editor-addons. Use in addition to any of the editors tags like [google-spreadsheet], [google-docs], slides or form. Do NOT use for gmail-addons(use [gmail-addon] instead). Wherescape Red is a development environment for RDBMS's that helps automate and manage ETL, Tables, Views, Procedures, Source System Host Scripts (Linux shell, windows powershell), and database schema. Wherescape Red handles automated documentation, version control, deployments, and other aspects of database and ETL development. Wherescape Red tag should be included with your question when the question is about development of your database objects, ETL, Host Scripts, and Templates are built in Wherescape Red. See the CEP GitHub org to learn more: Getting Started guides Sample extensions papaja is an R package in the making including a R Markdown template that can be used with (or without) RStudio to produce documents, which conform to the American Psychological Association (APA) manuscript guidelines (6th Edition). The package uses the LaTeX document class apa6 and a.docx-reference file, so you can create PDF documents, or Word documents if you have to. Moreover, papaja supplies R-functions that facilitate reporting results of your analyses in accordance with APA guidelines. The papaja tag should be used for questions concerning the usage of the papaja R package. The package provides an R Markdown template that can be used with (or without) RStudio to produce documents which conform to the American Psychological Association (APA) manuscript guidelines. Go Present is a tool for including and marking up Go code as part of a web-based presentation. It is documented here: https://godoc.org/golang.org/x/tools/cmd/present A tool for excerpting and presenting Go code. Use this tag when posting concerning the feature of ClockKit complications that allows users to scroll forwards/backwards in time. Stryker is a mutation testing framework for JavaScript and.NET. Stryker is a mutation testing framework for JavaScript and.NET. This works for me: Works under plain no specific routing configured. I feel this will be a popular question... Thanks to Mike Bring, he show me a path. P.S. If you have Pages folder - all rules will be changed once more. That is the way how "Razor Pages" try to run out from "MVC magic" Firefox saves your personal information such as bookmarks, passwords, and user preferences in a set of files called your profile, which is stored in a separate location from the Firefox program files. You can have multiple Firefox profiles, each containing a separate set of user information. The Profile Manager allows you to create, remove, rename, and switch profiles. Reference: Use the Profile Manager to create and remove Firefox profiles Firefox saves your personal information such as bookmarks, passwords, and user preferences in a set of files called your profile, which is stored in a separate location from the Firefox program files. You can have multiple Firefox profiles, each containing a separate set of user information. The Profile Manager allows you to create, remove, rename, and switch profiles. With Chrome Profiles, you can keep all your Chrome info separate, like bookmarks, history, passwords, and other settings. Profiles are ideal for Sharing a computer with multiple people. Keeping your different accounts, like work and personal, separate. Reference: Share Chrome with others With Chrome Profiles, you can keep all your Chrome info separate, like bookmarks, history, passwords, and other settings. Micorsoft multi-threaded JavaScript runtime distributed as a Node.js module. Provides API for objects sharing and synchronization across JavaScript threads. https://github.com/Microsoft/napajs OSSEC is a full platform to monitor and control your systems. It mixes together all the aspects of HIDS (host-based intrusion detection), log monitoring and SIM/SIEM together in a simple, powerful and open source solution. Visit our website for the latest information. ossec.github.io OSSEC is an Open Source Host-based Intrusion Detection System that performs log analysis, file integrity checking, policy monitoring, rootkit detection, real-time alerting and active response. Microsoft Azure operated by 21Vianet (Azure China 21Vianet) is a physically separated instance of cloud services located in mainland China. Bunifu is a UI framework for Windows Forms development. Use this tag if your question concerns usage, implementation, errors, or otherwise, questions, regarding the Bunifu User Interface Framework. Nexus 2.x - Release Notes Nexus is a Repository Manager for Maven, NuGet, Docker registries and other binary artifact repositories. Repository managers serve two purposes: they act as highly configurable proxies between your organization and the public repositories and they also provide an organization with a deployment destination for your internally generated artifacts. Sonatype Nexus Repository Manager 2.x Distributions. There are several Nexus distributions published by Sonatype. Nexus OSS: This version contains basic features and is based on our Open Source Software (OSS) code. Some features distributed with this bundle are not open source, but are offered by Sonatype for free use under our license terms. Nexus Pro: This is our flagship repository manager distribution with all of our advanced features. A valid license is required to use advanced features. Nexus Pro Trial: This distribution is delivered as a platform specific executable file and uses a different install process than regular Nexus Professional bundles. It does not include all pro features and is optimized to introduce Nexus to first time users and for trialling key professional features. More information is available about the differences. Nexus is an open source repository manager for Maven and other repository formats like P2, NuGet, static sites, RPM/YUM, NPM, NuGet, RubyGems and more. Repository managers serve two purposes: they act as highly configurable proxies between your organization and the public repositories and they provide an organization with a deployment destination for your internally generated artifacts. Olive is a framework built top of.NET for more productive cross platform software development in.NET solutions. It provides a whole set of productivity tools to make.NET development easier, cleaner and more expressive. It's available under the GPLv3 license. Olive is a.NET Standard 2.0 library and so compatible with.NET Framework 4.6.1,.NET Core 2.0, Mono 5.4, Xamarin.iOS 10.14, Xamarin.Mac 3.8, Xamarin.Android 7.5 and UWP. https://geeksltd.github.io/Olive https://github.com/Geeksltd/Olive Olive is a framework built top of.NET for more productive cross platform software development in.NET solutions. It provides a whole set of productivity tools to make.NET development easier, cleaner and more expressive. Definition: According to the Official Documentation: Isparta is a code coverage tool for ES6 using babel. Its intention is to be used with karma and karma-coverage, which provides code coverage reports using istanbul. In other words, Isparta is a npm package which acts as a code coverage tool for ES6. Installation: Example Usage: The following command would allow you to run a coverage over mocha tests: Important Links: isparta - npm isparta - GitHub Repository Related Tags: istanbul karma-runner karma-coverage code-coverage Isparta is a npm package which acts as a code coverage tool for ES6 using babel. You can try connecting via mshell, I had this similar problem while connecting using mongoose even when I had given it database user name and it's correct password. just type following command in the terminal mongo ds239412.mlab.com:39412/videoplayer11 -u dbuser -p dbpassword (command will be different for you, see here). and remove the code in your model file where you were connecting via mongoose. Worked for me. Happy faces. Access Multiple Elements Data Attributes with JQuery On Change Event I'm attempting to create a way to re-arrange menu items. I am using this Github library: https://github.com/ShinDarth/Nestable I added two data attributes and to my. I am attempting to update those attributes when an item is re-arranged. So if an item is placed as a child, its data attribute,, would be the of its parent. Expanding on that, the parent's own would become true or, meaning it has sub-items. Un-parenting a child, would set both the parent and the child's and to 0. Since neither are have sub-objects or parents. Example: Take these two items. Notice that and are both set to zero. Using the Nestable library to move as a child of would result in the below. In the above code, MenuName1 - (Since it has a child) MenuName2 - (The 1, is the of the parent, in this case 1) I thought the event would be a good place to update. But I can't seem to access any of the data elements. How can I access the data attributes of the parent and the child to manipulate them? It means modifying your HTML, but I'd recommend using data attributes: And when the button is clicked you pick up this attribute: You could start counting characters and splitting strings on 'button', but it's a bit hacky and this method is a common approach to storing and picking up arbitrary values from the DOM. https://api.jquery.com/data/#data-html5 According to the github website example you should use Might this be your solution? Apps Script Error - Time Off Request Form I'm getting the error message below when trying to use a Time Off Request Form solution created by Google. TypeError: Cannot call method "match" of undefined. (line 287, file "Code") line 287 is and the Regular Expression is defined previously as if I delete the match method from line 287, so that it reads I get the following error Invalid email: undefined (line 298, file "Code") line 298 is Can anyone suggest a fix? Structured Logging for Python Documentation PyPI Use the structlog tag for the Python package structlog, which provides structured logging for Python applications. How can I calculate the number of objects that heap memory will hold? I want to code/design an algorithm in java in which i started with an input of create or start again with var i in new memory location set value again to 1; loop to assign value 1 to var and jump to next memory location. until heap memory full then Calculate total variables created and exist in memory, by using loop Can i done this in Java? i have done with "how much time to create fixed variable count in java" Krypton (A.K.A Krypton XNA) is a 2d light engine for XNA 4.0. Krypton allows users of the XNA framework to easily add 2D lighting to their games. Krypton utilizes the GPU and uses a vertex shader to compute 2D shadows, relieving additional stress from the CPU to compute more game-like tasks. Official website (now archived): https://archive.codeplex.com/?p=krypton Do not use this tag for questions about the WinForms UI controls suite called "Krypton Suite". For these questions, use the krypton-toolkit tag. Krypton (A.K.A Krypton XNA) is a 2d light engine for XNA 4.0. Krypton allows users of the XNA framework to easily add 2D lighting to their games. Questions concerning the Krypton Suite of WinForms controls should NOT use this tag - use the tag [krypton-toolkit] instead. If I get you right, you want to fill the heap memory. I guess creating String literals in a loop will do that; will create 1000 string literals in the constant string pool. These literals will not be canditates to be garbage collected for some time -enough for filling the memory- for purposes of reuse. So they will fill up the memory eventually. If you increase value 1000, you'll get more literals. For further reading, here's a blog post Plexe is an extension of the popular Veins vehicular network simulator which permits the realistic simulation of platooning (i.e., automated car-following) systems. It features realistic vehicle dynamics and several cruise control models, permitting the analysis of control systems, large-scale and mixed scenario, as well as networking protocols and cooperative maneuvers. It is free to download and easy to extend. Plexe is an extension of the popular Veins vehicular network simulator which permits the realistic simulation of platooning (i.e., automated car-following) systems. Shopify Buy Button lets merchants generate an embeddable product card and checkout that can be placed on any type of website. https://www.shopify.com/buy-button Shopify Buy Button lets merchants generate an embeddable product card and checkout that can be placed on any type of website. Replace with: This performs the stream copy correctly. SES does not provide this natively. What I've done is to create a queue to process the emails plus schedule them within my limits. Here's the psuedocode: You can also check out huhumails.com Disclaimer: I'm the author of the service and I made it to make it easier for people to worry less about this issue. HuhuMails acts as the middle-man between you and Amazon SES to take care of email scheduling and make sure your emails are sent within your rate limit. It also accepts date and timezone parameters if you want to send your email in the future. I'm currently using this for my other websites as well. Hope you and other people find it useful. Let me know if you have any questions. Questions regarding the dataset and its application, for example in statistics and machine learning, are appropriate for this tag. Relates to the Iris flower dataset published by Ronald Fisher's 1936 paper "The use of multiple measurements in taxonomic problems". Parametized getter in Vuex - trigger udpate My Vuex store has a collection of data, say 1,000 records. There is a getter with a parameter, getItem, taking an ID and returning the correct record. I need components accessing that getter to know when the data is ready (when the asynchronous fetching of all the records is done). However since it's a parametized getter, Vue isn't watching the state it depends on to know when to update it. What should I do? I keep wanting to revert to a BehaviorSubject pattern I used in Angular a lot, but Vuex + rxJS seems heavy for this, right? I feel I need to somehow emit a trigger for the getter to recalculate. store.js Post.vue As it stands, it shows the "post not found" message because when it accesses the getter, the data isn't ready yet. If a post isn't found, I need to distinguish between (a) the data is loaded and there isn't a post that matches, and (b) the data isn't loaded so wait Try to remove self, you have local variable authUI in function. Reorder list according to the order of the given array elements I want to reorder the given HTML with the following code Questions about `r` package `tidyselect` used in many functions from the `tidyverse` packages First, make sure you call the function somewhere. For example by adding this code after your last element. Next, your code work as expected but: -It find "Apparel" and append it. -It doesn't find "gift card" because you search for when it's written in the html (no "/" at the beginning) -It doesn't find "look books" for the same "/" at the beginning (vs) -It find "Sale" and append it. Just delete those unneeded "/" (or add them in the href) and you're good to go! @Nomis mentioned all the crucial points. I simply converted them into this fiddle. This works: If the number, type and order of columns are exactly the same, you can use the (or in some DBMS) operator to remove all rows from the first table, that match a row from the second table (by every column). (Use, if you don't want or need duplicate elimination. If you want also the result when the operands are interchanged, you can use (or to union the results of a second operation. In doubt use parenthesis to prioritize the operations as needed.) Try moving where you declared and returned it, to as shown bellow. I changed the part where you declare the grid views data source. You should be able to just declare the datasets datasource as the method itself. Have a look at this thread on dataset vs datatable Datatable vs Dataset A DataSet can hold multiple tables. However if you're just returning a single results set a DataTable rather than a DataSet would probably make more sense. Just change the Methods type to a DataTable. Declare it's source the same way as shown bellow. One final thing when using SQL in c# I tend to use the statement. It makes the code a lot cleaner and handles the disposing of resources for you see When should I use the using Statement?. Your code would look like this if you choose to use it: Matching regular expression at the end of the string with Python 2.7.13 I have the following string: And I only want to get. When I try: I get: I though the symbol will make the search stop at the first, but the pattern gives me the same result. Which is the correct regular expression for getting? can be,, etc. And always have the format: The alternation between (can be empty) and (not empty) can be in any amount. I could find regular expressions to extract these values, but not the desired string at the end. I could use an algorithm using and looking for the last character, but I want to try regular expressions for learning purposes. Use instead: where means 0 or more any character that is not Output: Z axis of Plotly 3D surface not matching I am trying to understand the underlying structure of the dataframe that been used to plot the 3D surfaces in plotly The following code is used to plot the 3D surfaces This gives the following output: Here the z-axis value is 189, but when I try it gives me 168. So I am trying to understand from where the 189 in the picture come from? Cuckoo Sandbox Cuckoo is an open source automated malware analysis system. You can throw any suspicious file at it and in a matter of minutes Cuckoo will provide a detailed report outlining the behavior of the file when executed inside a realistic but isolated environment. Cuckoo Sandbox is free software that automated the task of analyzing any malicious file under Windows, OS X, Linux, and Android. What can it do? Cuckoo is an advanced, extremely modular, and 100% open source automated malware analysis system with infinite application opportunities. By default it is able to: Analyze many different malicious files (executables, office documents, pdf files, emails, etc) as well as malicious websites under Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, and Android virtualized environments. Trace API calls and general behavior of the file and distill this into high level information and signatures comprehensible by anyone. Dump and analyze network traffic, even when encrypted with SSL/TLS. With native network routing support to drop all traffic or route it through InetSIM, a network interface, or a VPN. Perform advanced memory analysis of the infected virtualized system through Volatility as well as on a process memory granularity using YARA. Due to Cuckoo's open source nature and extensive modular design one may customize any aspect of the analysis environment, analysis results processing, and reporting stage. Cuckoo provides you all the requirements to easily integrate the sandbox into your existing framework and backend in the way you want, with the format you want, and all of that without licensing requirements. References Official site - https://cuckoosandbox.org/ Cuckoo Sandbox is an open source automated malware analysis system Replace tag in Apache velocity in java Haven't used, but in current project, we use this library to populate data into templates. would like to ask if it is possible to replace tag inside template, using? I have such template: and using such code: I am replacing only: placeholders. But is there any possibility to replace the whole SPAN for example based on I have 1-hour experience with, so would appreciate help with code. To replace the entire tag you would need to use the Velocity if condition (more info at this page) based on a parameter that you insert in the model. That parameter can then be based on a condition in the backend. For example, if you want to have two versions of the span tag based on a boolean "foo" variable use the following code: This tag regards answer linked to google compile testing, a Java library very useful to test compile and annotation processors. The source code repository is https://github.com/google/compile-testing This tag regards answer linked to google compile testing, a Java library very useful to test compile and annotation processors. Feature engineering is the process of using domain knowledge of the data to create features that make machine learning algorithms work Sorry I can't use code to illustrate my idea as there isn't a running code snippet for now. I think what you need to do is that: Access the vuex store using in computed property, which you already did in. Watch the mapped getters property inside your component, in your case there would be a watcher function about or, whatever you care about its value changes. You may need or property as well, check API. Trigger mutations to the vuex store through actions, and thus would change the store's value which your getters will get. After the watched property value changes, the corresponding watch function would be fired with old and new value and you can complete your logic there. This also works if there is always 3 characters preceding dot. match=re.search('>(.{3}\.pdf)',fo) You can also do something like this, if you are using eloquent relationship. And this is inverse relationship. A QuickWin application can take two visual forms. The typical case displays a normal Windows application frame with simple menus and an output window that can contain text and graphics. The alternate mode "Standard Graphics" displays just the output window in the manner of a DOS application. A standard Fortran console application can be given a Windows GUI simply by rebuilding it as a QuickWin application. An extensive library allows the programmer to enhance the application, customizing menus, adding dialog boxes and additional windows. Because QuickWin requires a Fortran main program, QuickWin applications can be built only as standard executables, not as libraries. QuickWin is a feature of Intel Visual Fortran for Windows (and its predecessors Compaq Visual Fortran and Digital Visual Fortran) that provides a simple framework for adding a Windows GUI to a Fortran application. Use this tag if your question specifically applies to programming using QuickWin. svgSalamander is a Java-based toolkit for manipulating SVG How to display Windows Authentication on webpage with asp.net/C#? enter image description hereI'm new to programming so any help would be much appreciated on that note. Here is my issue I'm using windows authentication to validate users and I want to display that users name on my web page. EX: "Hi Timmy" whenever they come to my web page. I added system.directoryservices.accountmanagement, but honestly not sure if that is the right path if i'm just not using it correctly with UserPrincipal.DisplayName. Committed out is just some other ideas that I have tried. For windows authentication make sure your IIS is properly set up.It should show windows authentication dialog in browsers(except IE where integrated windows authentication maybe on). Now Since you have Create an ASP.NET Web Application named ASPNETWinAuth. By default, theWebForm1.aspx file appears. In the HTML view of WebForm1.aspx, replace the existing code with the following sample code: Click Start, point to Programs, point to Administrative tools, and then click Internet Information Services. The Internet Information Services MMC appears. Expand Computer, and then expand a Web site that uses Windows authentication. Click the ASPNETWinAuth Web site application. On the Action menu, click Properties. In Properties, click the Directory Security tab. Under Anonymous access and authentication control, click Edit. In Authentication Methods, click to select Integrated Windows authentication. Click to clear all other check boxes. After you configure the IIS Web site for Integrated Windows Authentication, you must configure the ASP.NET application to recognize authenticated users. To do this, you must change the Web.config file. In the Web.config file, locate the tag, and then set the mode attribute to Windows, as in the following example: Click OK. In Properties, click OK. The ASPNETWinAuth Web application is now configured to accept valid user accounts. rxjs-marbles is an RxJS marble testing library that should be compatible with any test framework. It wraps the RxJS TestScheduler and provides methods similar to the helper methods used the TestScheduler API. Use this tag for questions related to InfluxQL, an SQL-like query language for interacting with data in InfluxDB. How to send text to the textarea as per the html through Selenium and Python I want to click and send text within a textbox but not able to find the element. This is the html I want to click and send text- My code:- I can click but cant type text on it. What am i doing wrong? You're trying to click and send text to the itself, not to textarea. Here how you can locate textarea and button inside. If you want to type text on Text Area, You need to locate text area: As per the HTML you have shared the desired element is a React element so you have to induce WebDriverWait for the element to be clickable and you can use either of the following solutions::: Note: You have to add the following imports: LibShortText is an open source library for short-text classification. In your php, you return a valid response of - but you don't check for this in your jquery/ajax. So it's probably failing in the php. It is failing in the php because you're not passing an. In your event wire up, you have: so clicking is the same as calling: yet your function signature is: so it's expecting an, eg: the is then "passed" to the php, but because it's not passed to the javascript, php doesn't get it so falls over. How do you fix this? You need to pass an to or retrieve the within, eg: then Provides Reactive extensions on top of Dart streams. Similar to RXjs https://pub.dartlang.org/packages/rxdart Reactive extensions on top of Dart streams. Android Studio 3.1.4: missing classes and uncorrect Blueprint displaying I use Android Studio 3.1.4 on Ubuntu 18.04.1. I wanted to quickly create the UI of the main (default) activity so I opened the Layout Editor. Some errors have occurred. Then I tried to add a button: it doesn't seem to be displayed in the Blueprint (and the is weirdly displayed too). Similar Stackru questions - Android support library Similar questions have been asked in Stackru. The answers were to use a different version of the Android support library. Currently, I'm using this version: (file:). Indeed, even if Android Studio recommended me to use, I don't see it in this list: https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/com.android.support/design?repo=google. By the way, I encountered all of the mentionned bugs with too. In résumé, I encounter all of these bugs with (currently used) and. I didn't try other versions for the moment. Using With, all the problems are solved. However: It's not the last version (https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/com.android.support/design?repo=google indicates the last version is:, Android Studio indicates it's - both bug) Android studio underlines in red my instruction as follows: Errors opening the Layout Editor Render problem Failed to load AppCompat ActionBar with unknown error. The following classes could not be instantiated - android.support.v7.widget.ActionBarContainer (Open Class, Show Exception, Clear Cache) - android.support.v7.widget.ActionBarContextView (Open Class, Show Exception, Clear Cache) - android.support.v7.app.WindowDecorActionBar (Open Class, Show Exception, Clear Cache) Exception Details: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: android.view.View$OnUnhandledKeyEventListener at org.jetbrains.android.uipreview.ModuleClassLoader.load(ModuleClassLoader.java:180) at com.android.tools.idea.rendering.RenderClassLoader.findClass(RenderClassLoader.java:61) at org.jetbrains.android.uipreview.ModuleClassLoader.findClass(ModuleClassLoader.java:118) at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:424) at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:357) at org.jetbrains.android.uipreview.ModuleClassLoader.loadClass(ModuleClassLoader.java:213) at android.support.v7.widget.ActionBarContainer.(ActionBarContainer.java:62) at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method) at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.java:62) at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.java:45) at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(Constructor.java:423) at org.jetbrains.android.uipreview.ViewLoader.createNewInstance(ViewLoader.java:481) at org.jetbrains.android.uipreview.ViewLoader.loadClass(ViewLoader.java:264) at org.jetbrains.android.uipreview.ViewLoader.loadView(ViewLoader.java:222) at com.android.tools.idea.rendering.LayoutlibCallbackImpl.loadView(LayoutlibCallbackImpl.java:209) at android.view.BridgeInflater.loadCustomView(BridgeInflater.java:337) at android.view.BridgeInflater.loadCustomView(BridgeInflater.java:348) at android.view.BridgeInflater.createViewFromTag(BridgeInflater.java:248) at android.view.LayoutInflater.createViewFromTag(LayoutInflater.java:730) at android.view.LayoutInflater.rInflate_Original(LayoutInflater.java:863) at android.view.LayoutInflater_Delegate.rInflate(LayoutInflater_Delegate.java:72) at android.view.LayoutInflater.rInflate(LayoutInflater.java:837) at android.view.LayoutInflater.rInflateChildren(LayoutInflater.java:824) at android.view.LayoutInflater.inflate(LayoutInflater.java:515) at android.view.LayoutInflater.inflate(LayoutInflater.java:423) at com.android.layoutlib.bridge.bars.BridgeActionBar.(BridgeActionBar.java:89) at com.android.layoutlib.bridge.bars.AppCompatActionBar.(AppCompatActionBar.java:68) at com.android.layoutlib.bridge.impl.Layout.createActionBar(Layout.java:277) at com.android.layoutlib.bridge.impl.Layout.(Layout.java:161) at com.android.layoutlib.bridge.impl.RenderSessionImpl.inflate(RenderSessionImpl.java:288) at com.android.layoutlib.bridge.Bridge.createSession(Bridge.java:384) at com.android.tools.idea.layoutlib.LayoutLibrary.createSession(LayoutLibrary.java:193) at com.android.tools.idea.rendering.RenderTask.createRenderSession(RenderTask.java:544) at com.android.tools.idea.rendering.RenderTask.lambda$inflate$3(RenderTask.java:678) at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:266) at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1142) at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:617) at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:745) Blueprint problems - What is in my UI? For the moment, nothing apart the root component (a instance), as you can see (note that the seems to be represented as a very little square in the Blueprint - that's a Blueprint problem, no?): If I drag'n drop a button with the text "TEST TEST TEST" in the Blueprint, I get this (note that the button... doesn't really appear, only a weird thing is displayed inside the square): I clicked several time on this square with a weird thing inside. I got this new exception: Missing Constraints in ConstraintLayout This view is not constrained vertically: at runtime it will jump to the top unless you add a vertical constraint The layout editor allows you to place widgets anywhere on the canvas, and it records the current position with designtime attributes (such as layout_editor_absoluteX). These attributes are not applied at runtime, so if you push your layout on a device, the widgets may appear in a different location than shown in the editor. To fix this, make sure a widget has both horizontal and vertical constraints by dragging from the edge connections. My question I'm a little lost in the middle of all these mistakes and exceptions. What am I supposed to do? I'm reading again the documentation (https://developer.android.com/training/basics/firstapp/building-ui) but they don't seem to have this weird behavior (I'm talking about problems displaying my button in the Blueprint and the exceptions I copied/pasted in this question). Important edit Which version of Android Support Library should I use? In particular: what should I do to use the latest version? (either, or - Android Studio recommends the but this one doesn't appear in https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/com.android.support/design?repo=google) I had the same problem with the blueprints, my solution was to select preview and blueprint at the same time. Also try to add the button with xml text and add some constraints: should do. Topics related to Android custom ROM development. For topics related to Android app development, use the Android tag <script src="/static/js/vendor/modernizr-3.6.0.min.js"></script> <script src="/static/js/vendor/jquery-3.3.1.min.js"></script> <script src="/static/js/plugins.js"></script> <script src="/static/js/main.js"></script> <script>_addload(function(){_setupIW('com');_csi('en','ru','/so/post_batch/4647');});</script><script type="text/javascript">function gtElInit() {var lib = new google.translate.TranslateService();lib.translatePage('en', 'ru', function () {});}</script><script src="https://translate.google.com/translate_a/element.js?cb=gtElInit&client=wt" type="text/javascript"></script></select>