Описание тега android-vision

The vision package (com.google.android.gms.vision) provides common functionality for working with visual object detectors. Face Detection in Google Play services 7.8, includes vision API for optical character recognition, detecting faces, and reading barcodes.

The vision package (com.google.android.gms.vision) provides common functionality for working with visual object detectors.

It's new Face Detection in Google Play services, includes vision API for detecting faces and barcodes.

With the release of Google Play services 7.8, we announced the addition of new Mobile Vision APIs, which includes a new Face API that finds human faces in images and video better and faster than before. This API is also smarter at distinguishing faces at different orientations and with different facial features facial expressions.

We need Android Google Play Services SDK level 25 or greater(Google Play services 7.8)

Note: Face Detection is a leap forward from the previous Android FaceDetector.Face API

Fore more info Face Detection in Google Play services