Описание тега android-junit

Android testing is based on JUnit. In general, a JUnit test is a method whose statements test a part of the application under test.


For a history of JUnit, visit this Wikipedia page.

About Androids JUnit:

Android's build and test tools assume that test projects are organized into a standard structure of tests, test case classes, test packages, and test projects.

Android testing is based on JUnit. In general, a JUnit test is a method whose statements test a part of the application under test. You organize test methods into classes called test cases (or test suites). Each test is an isolated test of an individual module in the application under test. Each class is a container for related test methods, although it often provides helper methods as well.

In JUnit, you build one or more test source files into a class file. Similarly, in Android you use the SDK's build tools to build one or more test source files into class files in an Android test package. In JUnit, you use a test runner to execute test classes. In Android, you use test tools to load the test package and the application under test, and the tools then execute an Android-specific test runner.

Reference: https://developer.android.com/tools/testing/testing_android.html

Example Questions:
