Описание тега android-actionbar

The ActionBar is Android's window feature that identifies the application and user location, and provides user actions and navigation modes.

The action bar is a window feature at the top of the activity that may display the activity title, navigation modes, and other interactive items.

You should use the action bar in most activities that need to prominently present user actions or global navigation, because the action bar offers users a consistent interface across applications and the system gracefully adapts the action bar's appearance for different screen configurations. You can control the behaviors and visibility of the action bar with the ActionBar APIs, which were added in Android 3.0 (API level 11) but support library as well as various independent libraries provide the ActionBar for lower API versions.

With android 5.0, a new design, called Material Design, replace the ActionBar by a new element, Toolbar.


  1. UI guide for ActionBar
  2. ActionBar patterns
  3. Class APIs - ActionBar
  4. Support Library
  5. Class APIs - Support Library Action Bar
  6. Toolbar replace the ActionBar